Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1294 Flesh Plateau

Flesh bomber!

Qin An couldn't help but think of this word in his heart.

Thousands of meters in the sky, countless life bodies fell. Although their bodies were stronger than ordinary human beings on the earth, they were still shattered after landing.

With a diameter of one thousand eight hundred kilometers, the dense living bodies flew in blood and flesh after the fall, causing the earth to tremble and the waves to roar even more.

The people standing in the universe hood were completely stupid. What they saw at first was a blood red, but then only dark in their eyes. The fallen object had formed a five-meter-thick blood accumulation layer on the surface of the ground, which covered the ground and also covered it. sky.

Naturally, Qin An could see farther, and alien creatures were still constantly flashing out of the sky in the sky.

Because it appeared too fast, much faster than the speed of falling, so there were far more creatures in the sky than falling creatures.

This makes the newest creatures come closer to the ground.

Because of the reduced height, some of the falling creatures can survive, but they will still be killed by subsequent falling creatures.

After dozens of seconds, the organisms that appeared from the sky were finally only about 300 meters away from the ground, and at this time, 30 meters of broken corpses had been piled up on the ground.

Falling organisms will no longer be smashed to death, and subsequent falling organisms will not smash to death those that have landed on the ground.

In this way, the living creatures continued to pile up, more and more, all the alien species were crowded together, the ground was completely covered, the corpse and the living body were intertwined together, the scene was too spectacular and frightening, as if for a moment The world has become The Underworld, 7 billion foreign races have piled up, casting a huge physical height!

"Dad... Uncle! I'm scared!"

Little Nine Sister was clinging to Qin An in the dark, her palms were already in cold sweat, and the Universe Cover was not soundproofed. The screams of screams were mixed together, and the suppressed death spirit spread in the corpse, let alone Xiao Nine, just Even Qin An felt his heart beating fast, as if a heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to the first word Xiao Jiumei said, but he suddenly grabbed her own hand and squeezed her tightly to show comfort.

Inside the Universe Hood, there were about three to four hundred people trapped at this time, and a 60-meter corpse layer and a forty-meter living body layer had formed outside the Universe Hood.

Under the pressure of a hundred meters thick meat, Qin An never thought that he would experience such a strange thing, and most of the other people still didn't know what happened.

"Qin An, what should I do?"

Yin Yao was also a little dizzy at this time, even if she was a sword god, she didn't know what to do in the chaos at this time.

Lu Ya, Xiao Jiumei, Yin Yao, Yin Shiyao, Song Dieyun, Dong Sheng, Zhang Kaiyang, Guan Xiaoshan, Wang Fu, and Yuan Jie all gathered around Qin An, and other ordinary people gathered around.

Qin An had been looking at the situation outside with his perspective eyes. At this moment, he heard Yin Yao asking, frowning and thinking for a while before he said solemnly:

"The falling of the organisms outside has stopped, and the situation is very bad. The average height of the uppermost layer is more than 100 meters from the ground. These Otherworld creatures are obviously not in the same camp. They will fight with the aliens around them. The chaos is unimaginable. We must find a way to escape here, because the living aliens above are constantly moving, making the corpses below become more and more solid. The air channel is being compressed, I think it won’t take a long time for this side to become an oxygen-deficient zone. We will all suffocate and die. And my protective shield doesn't seem to be able to open for too long... You must escape, and you must escape to the top of the living alien layer to have any vitality!"

After listening to Qin An's words, Yin Yao nodded quickly.

Qin An raised his head and opened the perspective eyes to take a look, frowning tighter, it seems very difficult to escape, because there seem to be many monsters in the living organism layer, these monsters are strong and powerful, and they are ripping away randomly. Biting and devouring everything around him.

After watching for a while, Qin An sighed slightly. Now that there are hundreds of people trapped here, it seems impossible to escape all of them.

"Li Qiang! Li Qiang! Child, my child!"

A scream came from a few tens of meters away. Qin An subconsciously looked over and saw that the woman named Chen Yuelang was crying with her own child, and two cute little Loli were crying at the same time. One has fainted.

The child named Li Qiang was trampled to death by the crowd when he was crowded before. One eyeball fell out. The situation is very sad.

Qin An concentrated on Mental Energy to let the soul consciousness enter the boy's brain, and finally sighed slightly, he was completely dead, even if he could not resurrect him.

"Mom, mom, Little Sister, Little Sister!"

The two-year-old Loli couldn't see anything in the dark. She was holding her own twin Little Sister in one hand, crying while holding her mother's clothes with the other.

Chen Yuelang was already crying so hard. Hearing her daughter's cry, she suddenly woke up and fumbled around like crazy, let go of her breathless son, and hugged the two daughters tightly into her arms.

"Li Ying! My little Li Ying, don't be afraid, mom is here! Li Hui, wake up, Big sis is calling you, don't scare mom!"

Li Ying?

In an instant, Qin An's mind was dizzy, and some of the missing memories poured in like a torrent of monsters.

He thought of his childhood, his name, his life in the army, his experience of working in Hangzhou, the talent market, and the woman named Li Ying he met in the talent market. I remembered the sweet sorrows of their seven-year marriage.

Suddenly, all the memories before the end of the world were restored, until the end of the world broke out, Li Ying left him a lot of food and then left.

Ah, a tear came out unconsciously, Qin An raised his hand differently and wiped it away.

what happened to him? Why do you feel so sad all of a sudden, why do you suddenly shed such a drop of tears?

After a long pause, Qin Ancai subconsciously raised his hand, sending a white light to the little Loli named Li Ying.

The little girl who had suffered internal injuries because of being trampled on was as good as before, and she woke up and called her mother.

Chen Yuelang was so sad that she was crying, but now she was crying with joy, and she remembered that her son had died tragically. Her mood was complicated for a while, she felt as if the whole world had collapsed, and she had become a walking corpse. The two surviving daughters survived. Qin An stood there for a long time, and finally said five words softly: "You must escape!"

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