Two giant wolves measuring five meters in length, one white and the other red, looked extremely mighty.

The silver-haired, blue-eyed men and women above jumped down and the giant wolves turned into humanoids. They were also a man and a woman. They looked very similar to Asians. They also had yellow skin, except that one of their hair was white and the other was red. Yes, there was a faint orange light in their eyes, but their eyes were a little black.

These two are God of War of the Orcs tribe, the red-haired woman is named D Lu, and the white-haired man is named W Wei!

The language used by the Celestial Orcs is also very similar to that of the earth, but their names are rather strange to the earth people. The surnames are generally larger like English letters, and the names are single characters.

On the Sword Spirit Star Alpha Continent, among the three major races, the Greens and the Celestials have a good relationship, and there are even intermarries between the two races among the folks, which means that their cultures and economies are interlinked.

In these two races, the meaning of God of War is a bit like the General Marshal of Soldiers and Horses, as humans call it. He must be a Four Soul Sword Cultivator and possess certain leadership skills.

Then Gulistan's position is the Great God of War, and he assumes the responsibility to manage many God of Wars, and is the highest manager under the king, which can be regarded as one person and ten thousand people.

Before D Lu, W Wei also ran from a distance after seeing Nanshan appear, just in time to catch up with Kiran, Gu Li, and Caesar were chasing Qin An, and they turned into wolves to chase them all the way.

Their avatars are creatures that look like wolves, and they are named Heavenly Beasts on the Star of Sword Spirit.

The speed of the Heavenly Beast is extremely fast, stepping into the void is a phantom, and resistance is non-existent to them, so even though Qin An is already fast, he still can’t get faster than the Heavenly Beast. He is eventually overtaken and then by Kiran. Gu Li, Caesar, D Lu, W Wei surrounded by five four soul sword repairers, and the situation was critical for a while.

Frowning slightly, Qin An pushed away some other alien lifeforms nearby, focused on the five people who surrounded him, and whispered:

"I hear you talking similar to me, idiots, how did you come to the plane of this planet? You actually teleported so many at once?"

After Qin An said these words, he was stunned, dumb...Does it mean an alien? How could he say that? Did he study the language of aliens before?

Kiran was a little shocked when he heard Qin An's words.

He naturally knew that he was sent to Otherworld. He didn't expect that the black-haired man in front of him was from Otherworld, and he knew the same language as himself, which was really strange.

Gulistan didn't care about such details.

The Lvye people have a history of millions of earth years, and like many biological races on the Sword Spirit Star, they all have a long life span.

From birth to death, a Lvye tribe can live as long as 20,000 earth years.

When Gu Li was three thousand years old, the body finally entered into a mature body, and the organs in the body similar to the womb of a human woman were formed, which means that she had the ability to give birth to children.

The pure Lvye people are nobles. Unlike ordinary Lvye people, they will not intermarry with foreigners.

As a nobleman, Gulistan's love process is also very complicated.

The Lvye tribe belongs to the branch of the nine god-tier tribes. The main god is the fifth among the nine main gods, the sword god of the gods.

In the history of the Star of Sword Spirit, God's Domain was cultivated on the Alpha Continent to become a god, and after the sword spirit was summoned, it became a god.

The place where he became a god is called the altar, where a huge and majestic palace of the gods was built.

Every aristocratic young girl of the Luye tribe with pure blood will go to the Palace of Gods to pray for blessings after the birth organs have matured.

After a long wait of a thousand earth years, and a life like a nun with a pure heart, will the God’s Domain Palace turn on the light of blessing, and then reveal the appearance of the partner hit by the supplicant in the form of light energy projection. The supplicant must remember the appearance of this projection.

The supplicant, that is, the aristocratic girl of the Lvye tribe, left the Palace of Gods, wandering around the entire Alpha Continent, and finally found the own hit and brought it back to the imperial capital.

Yes, every pure-blooded young girl from the Green Field tribe was born after the birth of the Green Field tribe’s imperial capital, while the male aristocrats of the Green Field tribe would be sent away after birth and handed over to the Ronin to take them to the Alpha Continent. The place.

The aristocracy of the Luye people admired this kind of love that was finally reunited after all the hard work. This is a kind of faith, and it is more of a tradition. There are also some poignant beauty in it.

Some young girls from the Lvye tribe knew who their own hit was, but they traveled all over the Alpha Continent, but in the end they couldn't find that person, so they were lonely for a lifetime and grew old regrettably until Death.

The Sword Spirit Star is very large, and the Alpha Continent is also very large. Its land area is twice as large as the stretched area of ​​the Earth, and some green-field noble men will choose other destinies and leave the Alpha Continent to the Sword Spirit Star. Go wandering in other places and become a ronin.

Once they leave Alpha, then their hitman, the Green Noble Girl, will never be able to find them again.

Because the Sword Spirit Star is really too big, a mere 20,000 years of life is not enough for them to travel all corners of the planet.

In other words, for Gu Li, her fiancé Su Ke is very important. After three thousand years of maturity, one thousand years of guardianship and two thousand years of searching, Gu Li finally found Su Ke and brought him back to the imperial capital. The two used decades of time to establish a pure spiritual relationship. Originally, if the storm swallowing the mainland did not happen, they could get married.

It is a pity that now Gu Li actually saw the fate of her life and was trampled to death by a strange alien human in front of her. How could that mood be described?

The emotions of the Lvye people will make the eyes and hair gleam. At this time, Gulistan is very angry, like a lioness. There are two exaggerated blue lights in her beautiful and mysterious eyes, and the hair is also shining with dark blue. color.

"I am going to kill you!"

This kind of moment does not need to say too much for Gu Li, her destiny is dead, she will be alone for a lifetime, and she wants to come to Qin An to be the culprit, she naturally wants him to die!

There are 3 billion people on the Elfa continent, and the Lvya people have established a unified country.

As the God of War, Gulistan, the strength of the entire Alpha Continent can also be ranked in the top 1,000, and he is a well-deserved powerhouse.

Thirty second-level upgraded physique, the name of the sword is Lan Nian, the four skills are blue shields, blue eyes floating, racial blood thinking, and deep blue blooming!

The Lvye people are actually blue snowmen, and their blood is the source of energy in their bodies, which can absorb and store the energy of sword spirits and change the strength of their bodies.

The reason why Gu Li's sword god is called Lan Nian is because it has something to do with the power of blood.

The blue shield has both offensive and defensive capabilities. The Blue Blood Qi shield is said to be able to withstand the attack strength of the sword god. It is also invincible with the overflow of blue blood, and the attack power is unstoppable.

The blue eyes can control everything, as long as the dead thing seen by Gulistan blue eyes can be turned into an attack weapon, which is a long-range group attack ability.

The blood of the race is crazy, and the physical skills are strengthened. Once the blue blood in the body burns and the flame overflows out of the body, Gulistan will enter the limit state of death and injury, and will not end until the physical strength is exhausted.

The dark blue bloomed out of the cocoon and turned into a butterfly. Gulistan could still be resurrected after she died completely. After that, her physical strength entered the spirit body and her strength reached the sword god level, but after a moment of beauty, she would eventually die.

With the heart to kill Qin An, Gu Li’s body has reached Qin An’s side, Lan Nian’s sword looks like a giant sickle, with a long handle in his hand, and when it is swung out, Gu Li’s body glows with blue light, the spirit of the sword. The mighty ones have directly killed many undead creatures nearby and under their feet.

Qin An is surrounded by five people, but he has the ability to teleport. Naturally, the hero will teleport away without taking immediate losses.

However, Qin An's mood was also very depressed at this time.

He knew that Yin Yao on Nanshan was still fighting fiercely. Although she was strong and easy to kill, there were too many monsters on Nanshan, and there were also strong men who could break through Yin Yao's clone to Nanshan Pavilion.

Xiao Jiumei, Qi Lu, Song Dieyun, Yuan Jie and others naturally all shot, but their strength is really many grades inferior to the demigod Yin Yao.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to work with the undead monsters who broke through. Some civilians were affected to death, and Nanshan Pavilion was almost destroyed several times.

Nanshan Pavilion is the energy gathering point of Nanshan, once Nanshan is destroyed, Nanshan will disappear.

And at the foot of Nanshan Mountain on the other side, there are still two undead Tathagata on the line of sending monster soldiers, endless sources.

Some real fire rose in Qin An's heart. Who did he provoke? It is simply unreasonable for this group of people to target him in this way.

Qin An also reacted at this time. He must have killed some blue-eyed silver-haired people just now, so they angered them.

But he did it to protect himself, and he didn't want to kill anyone!


Qin An suddenly turned his head to look back, and was surprised to find that Gu Li had chased up without a mount. Her body was burning with blue flames, her silver hair was floating, blue eyes and red lips, and she was holding a sickle sword in her hand. , Really like the god of death running out of The Underworld.

In order to kill Qin An, Gu Li turned on the racial blood mind directly. She has entered the physical limit state of death and injury. There are only two ways to close this state, either by her or exhausting all of her. strength.

Seeing the ferocious look of the silver-haired woman, Qin An's heart also rose up, his right hand was holding the Heaven's Punishment Divine Sword, and his left hand started Wannian's ability to change.

Twenty-fourth-level skills have been used very quickly. The left hand turns into an imaginary miniature version of many characters, and then gathering their strength together will unlock the power of returning to the ancestors. In conjunction with his other attack types, blessings. Skill, what Qin An wants to use is his strongest attack technique.

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