"It's really weird. Why is the Spiritual Qi of the Light Sword in his body? Could it be that the Spiritual Qi of the Otherworld sword is different from our Spiritual Qi? Although he has the breath of the Sword God, you can see the concentration and color of the Spiritual Qi sword. , But it should be just a two-spirit sword repairer." Jilan was following Qin An and Guli at this time, slower.

Red-haired D Lu and white-haired W Wei transform into a giant wolf at the same time.

"Dear King Kiran, please come up and let us take you and Master Caesar! Now the situation is chaotic, God of War's emotions are a bit agitated, let's solve the alien human soon, and think about what to do after revenge. , Look at the chaos all around!" W Wei turned into a giant wolf and said in a rough voice, and it sounded like a synthetic heavy metal sound, like a deformed Vajra.

Kieran was not welcome, and jumped onto the backs of two giant wolves at the same time as Caesar.

Behind them, many Celestial Orcs also turned into beasts one after another, and then the Luye Tribes followed Kiran and jumped onto the back of the Celestial Wolf.

A seven or eight hundred wolf riders began to gather, and then more people of the two clans from nearby swarmed here, killing the undead clans nearby at the same time.

"Well, he should indeed be a Second Soul Sword Cultivator, and his strength should be a bit stronger than an ordinary Second Soul Sword Cultivator. However, Master Gu Li should still be easy to kill him!" Caesar rode on D Lu and expressed his opinion.

"Master Gulistan's state of immortality has already been turned on. In fact, it is really unnecessary. After this skill is turned on, even if the enemy is killed, he will enter a state of weakness. It seems that Master Gulistan is really angry." D Lu sighed.

"No way, that's her destiny. The Green Field Nobles advocate pure love. As a Green Field aristocratic girl, Gu Li was told to find her destiny after she was born, but the man she had to marry ,...Now that she was trampled to death, how can she not get excited? Hey!" Kieran was hurt for Gulistan's injury.

The group of people cleared the road while sprinting, and soon chased behind Gu Li.

Ahead, Qin An finally accumulated all his strength, and Gu Li had already caught up with Qin An at this time.

Suddenly, a red flame burned on Qin An's body, and he slashed with a sword back!

When this sword was split, the color light sword Spiritual Qi rippled, like a solid gas mass diverging for kilometers, not only covering Guli in it, but also surrounding Kiran and others in the rear.

"This... a strong suppressing force!" D Lu and W Wei exclaimed at the same time.

As heavenly beasts, their bodies turn into phantoms when they run, and resistance can be ignored.

But after Qin An wielded the spirit of the sword, they immediately felt that their bodies were controlled, like a solid sword Spiritual Qi masses floating around, forming resistance, preventing them from moving fast.

Suppressive power is also a parameter to measure strength on Sword Spirit Star.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the suppressing power.

Sword God and human beings can often suppress the enemy with just suppressing force, making the opponent unable to move quickly, thus taking their lives as if they were trying to get something out of a bag.

In the eyes of Jilan and others, Qin An is just a two-spirit sword repairer, but the suppressing power can have an impact on them, how can this be unsurprising.

The sword of colored light ran across Gulistan's body.

This sword contains the power bonus of the Xuantian Sword God Xuantian Body, the strengthening state of the Yanhuo Sword God Yanhuo Transformation, the body skill bonus of the Nine Sons Sword God Fire Sea Heart, and the Super Body Sword God Power bonus, the magical power of the sword god extinguishing dust, the descending power of the army god of the breaking army sword god, the Mental Energy attack of the four sword gods of the wandering soul of the ghost land, the sword god of Wannian returning to the sect Power, the skill power of the sword god Yang, the double attack attribute bonus of the spiritual sword god’s self-replication, the blood bonus of the violent blood of the blood master sword god, and the power of the iron brave sword god!

All the attack attributes are merged into one sword, which is already Qin An's strongest attack state!

Qin An really felt that the sword of own could break the ground when he shot it.

The blade pushes the colored light sword Spiritual Qi blade forward. There is a faint red flame on the air blade, and the inner layer contains the power of breaking the army's golden armor, thunder sounds, and lightning flashes.

Gu Li didn't stop her body defense at all. She originally thought that she was in a state of no injury or death, and there should be no damage.

But she often didn't expect that not only would her own body be cut off by Qin An's divine sword, but after a quick self-recovery, her body was suddenly weakened a lot.

What's wrong?

Gu Li raised her hand and saw that the originally smooth skin on the back of her hand had wrinkled.

Ah... how could it be possible, is she dazzled?

Gu Li never dreamed that she had already hit Qin Anyang's fourth skill, Zhanyang Pass.

The defense against death and injury is very good, when the attack attribute of Zhanyangguan is aimed at lifespan.

Gu Li could live for 20,000 earth years, but now he has lived for less than 7,000 years. Qin An’s sword cut off Gu Li’s life span of 12,000 years, leaving her in an old state at once, no longer useful for hundreds of years. Will die in the year.

Hundreds of years may be very long for ordinary humans, but it cannot be shorter for a life form that can live for 20,000 years.

Of course Gulistan will be weak and of course old.

After the Divine Punishment Sword slid through Gu Li's body, the colored lightsaber Spiritual Qi blade continued to advance, and flew straight to Kiran and the others.

The king of the Lvye tribe, Kiran, the four soul sword repairer, possesses a divine sword named Shield Shou!

The four skills are the unity of the human shield, the shield breaks all directions, the punishment of the injury, the shield is natural!

The human shield is one, and Kiran can transform into a shield with strong protection.

With the shield broken in all directions, Kieran's body and shield have anti-injury capabilities, and those who attack him will receive a certain degree of backlash.

The injury of punishment, the backlash will be like poisoning, and the injury will get more and more serious, until Death.

The shield is Tiancheng, summoning heavy lifting, heaven, and the abyss. These three shields were originally five-spirit spell cards, which means that Kieran actually has the ability to refine spell cards, but his refinement The process is very complicated and locked. For so many years, it has only conquered three spell cards and then practiced three shields.

Since he was refining his sword with a shield, Kiran's defense was naturally strong.

Seeing Qin An's colored light sword Spiritual Qi blade flying over, Kiran quickly opened the human shield and turned into a huge golden shield, blocking the front of the wolf riding team behind him.

At the same time, Kiran summoned three major spirit shields.

The heavy lifting is a pure black circular shield with a diameter of ten meters, suspended in front of the golden shield after appearing. This shield weighs a hundred tons, which means that the density of the constituent material is extremely high.

The sky descends into a pentagonal blue shield with teleportation capabilities, allowing it to teleport freely in the surrounding space.

The abyss is also a circular shield, the whole body is gray, it has the function of absorbing and devouring Mental Energy's attack energy!

Then the four shields are arranged, and the battle between spears and shields is about to be revealed.

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