The light sword Spiritual Qi, born out of the strongest sword, directly shreds it when it comes into contact with the shield of the abyss, like a broken bamboo.

When the shield was broken, Qin An only felt dizzy in his mind, and his body immediately ached, as if someone was pulling his muscles, as if a mysterious force was pulling his bones and blood away from his body!

After Qin An was taken aback, he hurriedly started the rumor, and the backlash attack he suffered did not get any better.

In desperation, Qin An could only activate the immortality ability to save sentient beings, and entered a state of rapid repair.

Caesar, D Lu, and W Wei walked around to the side of the four shields and saw that the shield of the abyss was cut off by the light sword Spiritual Qi. They all opened their mouths in shock.

Jiran is a Four Soul Sword cultivator, and his strength is not weak compared to that of Great Sword Saint Gulistan, and he can also enter the top 1,000 of the Alpha Continent masters list. How can he be directly destroyed by the enemy's seemingly simple sword now? One-quarter defense? Is this casually hacked sword also a sword god skill? What is it?

Everyone was too late to think about it, because something more shocking appeared before them. When the Spiritual Qi blade of the color light sword came into contact with the second of the four shields, the air blade quickly cut into the surface of the shield. In order to relieve the strength, the sky shield teleported back one meter, but the Spiritual Qi blade of the colored lightsaber teleported forward one meter. And The next moment is like cutting cabbage, the shield of heaven was also cut open and dropped on both sides.

This...what the hell is this!

Kasa and others were all dumbfounded, and even the speed of breaking two shields was not reduced at all. How powerful is the enemy's sword?

Qin An had already used the Immortal Body skill to repair his own damage, but once the second shield was broken, the feeling that his body was about to be torn hit again, and it was stronger than the first time. The ability of the Immortal Body was even Qin An's body. It can be self-repair after being chopped into several paragraphs, but it seems to be invalid now!

Is this anti-injury? The stronger the attack, the more damage I will suffer?

Qin An wanted to understand a bit, but couldn't take back his own strongest sword!


The third shield collided with the colored lightsaber Spiritual Qi, making a loud noise. After that, sparks filled the sky. The heavy lifting shield, weighing a hundred tons and having an ultra-high density, was not cut open, but it was broken into several pieces. When it landed, it also made a heavy muffled sound. When the dust was flying, a bright light sword blade pierced through the mist and continued to attack Kieran's fourth body shield, but the speed at this time was a bit fuller than before.

Qin An's body was directly shocked and flew more than ten meters away.

At the moment when he was suspended in the air, Qin An only felt that his own internal organs were tumbling, as if his brains were shaking.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth, the ability of the immortal body had been completely invalidated, and the repair effect disappeared.

When the spirit was about to die, Qin An concentrated all his spiritual thoughts, activated the sword soul poison curse, and entered another state of immortality.

It is a pity that the healing state of Purdue Sword God cannot be activated at this time. Although the damage caused by the sword spirit poison curse to Qin An is immediately repaired, when the power of the backlash of the skill itself makes him painful, he only feels the blood in his body. It seems to be burning, and every corner of his body is burnt in the flow.

Qi Blade finally advanced to the fourth sword.

After being shocked, W Wei suddenly awakened, and shouted at the Heavenly Beast Wolf Knight who was still marching behind Kieran's body shield: "Quickly, get away! All flashed to the sides!"

As soon as his voice fell, the air blade had already contacted Kieran's body shield, and after a burst of sparks released from the gold shield surface, it was also cut by the air blade, and blue blood had flowed out of the incision!

OMG, Kiran's body shield can't resist the opponent's Sword Qi blade!

At this time, Gu Li finally arrived from there, and seeing the Qi Blade breaking the three shields, she calmed down with a little excitement. Instead of attacking Qin An, she went to the base of Kieran's body shield, and then took the base. The blue body shield was pushed open, and then stretched out and pushed it flat, the blue light flashed on the palm of the hand, after the skill blue shield was turned on, it was formed by the blue energy air shield transformed by the combination of the spiritual Qi in the body and the blood.


The light sword Spiritual Qi blade cut across the blue shield and cut into Gu Li's palm. Her arms were divided into two halves. Then she passed through, flying for a kilometer, cutting off 24 of the six heavenly beasts along the way. Legs, and killed more than three hundred alien creatures in a straight line before disappearing!

Caesar and others looked stupid.

Use Sword Qi to break through the abyss, fall from the sky, heavy lift, body, and five blue shields!

This is too exaggerated! This attack power has definitely reached the Sword God level! It means that even in the face of the true sword god, Qin An's shocking sword can break his defense!

Once the defense is broken, it is possible to kill the opponent, which is so fierce that Caesar and others are not shocked.

"kill him!"

Caesar was the first to react. It was not the time to be in a daze. Facing an enemy with the ability to kill the sword god, there were only two choices. One was to kill him, and the other was to turn around and escape.

After judging the form of the scene, Caesar's first reaction was that he could not run, because at this time Qin An had fallen after being shaken by the power of backlash, and the nearby undead puppets and humanoid creatures like zombies all rushed towards him. Biting his body.

Obviously, the other party is already injured. Isn't it necessary to wait until next year if you don't want to kill him at this time?

As soon as Caesar roared, D Lu and W Wei acted at the same time, and the three and four soul sword repairers pounced on Qin An together.

Kieran has returned to his true body state, his stomach is full of blue blood, and his face is extremely pale.

Gu Li supported Kieran and said eagerly:

"King Kieran, how are you?"

"Gu Li, this person is weird. Since he has already had a vengeance, he can't stay for's wrong with you?"

Weak Kieran's eyes were round, and she looked at Gu Li in a daze.

At this time, Gulistan's silver hair had turned dark gray.

The Lvye tribe's hair turned gray only when they were about to die.

Moreover, Gulistan, whose skin was smooth and beautiful, has now become an old woman, her eyes are collapsed, her face is full of wrinkles, the muscles under her skin seem to have been lost, and the wrinkled skin sticking to the bones makes her look a little weird.

Raising his hand, the palm is already shaking.

"Gu Li, you... are you getting old?"

Gu Li closed her eyes slightly and said nothing.

This is when other Luye people come forward.

Gu Li pushed the seriously injured Kieran into the arms of a green wild tribe, then turned and ran towards Qin An's position. The blue light in her eyes was even more dazzling, which was already dazzling.

What else to say?

Everything is in vain, and Gu Li has only one thing to do now, and that is to kill Qin An and never stop dying!

Qin An was lying on the ground, feeling the pain from his body, those undead puppet zombies were tearing his flesh.

Oh my god, it hurts, how many years have you not felt such pain?

The Shocking One Sword is very powerful and has reached the Sword God level, so Qin An's backlash power has almost reached the Sword God level.

However, with all Qin An's skill status now, the attack strength that he wants to resist the power of the demigod is waste power, let alone the sword god level?

The energy of the sword spirit in the body is exhausted, and the reloading of the dual immortality ability is about to lose its effect due to the lack of the energy of the sword spirit.

Qin An suddenly felt regretful when his whole body was in pain. Would he just die like this? Not reconciled! He is still in a state of semi-amnesia, he hasn't even found himself!

Suddenly, a trace of spiritual thought wandered through his body, Qin An's side suddenly became pitch black, everything disappeared, and the second skill of Heaven's Punishment he had understood, the realm of dead spirits automatically opened!

Five days ago, Ling'er took Yu'er, Dummy Guayan Liuxiang to find Tianju, and wanted to tell the woman in Tianju about Qin An's disappearance.

After arriving there, she did not find the entrance to Tianju, but ran into Qin Le and Tassel in the Yahoo team camp.

It turned out that the women of Tianju already knew the news of Qin An's disappearance, so Wuma Siqi appeared to put Tianju away, and had already walked north to find Qin An.

Linger hesitated when she heard it, and finally bid farewell to Qin Le and headed north. Naturally, she couldn't rest assured Qin An.

There are many people in the middle of the sky,

Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia, Lan Yue, Li Na and the little cute child Qin Wenxin.

Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Liu Ru, Gong Xue's four daughters,

Wuma Danxin, Wuma Siqi, the three sisters of Wuma Iron Man,

The little maid Jingyi, the servant of the empress dowager Ci'an,

Shangguan Feiyan, Cheng Jiayao, He Tianyu, Lu Lu, Ye Lingxuan, five little beauties,

Tang Yu, who became Hongluan, has now recovered his real body.

Qiu Jinse, a dumb girl officially incorporated into the army of Qin An’s wife, but not yet recognized by Qin An,

And Weng Die who just arrived here to travel.

As the saying goes, there are three women in a play, if so many women live in the living space today, it is naturally very lively.

Liu Yuanchao, Vajra felt that all the people living here were Qin An’s wives and little lovers. It would be a bit embarrassing for Qin An to not get along with them, so he took Wu Yan, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen to leave to join Dong Junwei’s army and the zombies in the Ten Route Army battle. .

And Cheng Gang, the Tianyi Golden King, is also on the front line of fighting against zombies. He has never returned. The five little beauties actually want to go to the front line, but they are suppressed by Cheng Gang. He is unwilling to let his daughter take risks. After all, how many of them are. This young man is now weak in strength except for He Tianyu who has obtained the sword soul to become a sword repairer.

At this time, the sky abode was already a double-layer sky abode, the outer layer was opened by Wuma Siqi, and the inner layer was Qin An's.

Qin Xiaoyan and others plan to build a small city of heaven in the last days. After Qin An left, while taking the children, they naturally focused on this.

First of all, we must outline some areas in Tianju, that is to say, we need to get the design first, and then wait for Qin An to come back and let him turn on the construction ability of Tianju skills, the small town will also have an early stage shape, and then let Linger help Just install the software and hardware.

Women don't know how to get along, so they usually don't get together, mostly three or four living together, and then try to communicate with each other, making irresponsible remarks. People can't be in harmony with each other, so women who are the same man, even if they don't fight hard, how can they still get along as well as a person.

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