Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1306 The Third Resurrected Sword God

Super body doesn’t need any moves at all, and all the attack power can’t hurt her, but as long as she is wiped by her air fist, she will lose half of her life. If she is directly hit by her fist, it is estimated that the whole body Will it explode? No one can judge how powerful the super body is!

Moreover, the super body at this time is only the power of the mother. If she is converted to the power of the child, it is estimated that there will be no one in terms of speed. If it enters the mother-child concentric state, then the combination of power and speed is still unbeatable. .

How to do? Can it last for ten minutes?

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, the super body who planned to punch Rongrong again disappeared out of thin air!

Ah? The women were all dizzy, wondering how Super Body still has this kind of invisibility ability.

In the end, Linger spoke out.

"It's a Nightmare! Has the host of the Nightmare Sword God come? I feel the power of the Nightmare Sword God!"

Host of the Nightmare Sword God?

"Gui Zi...I heard Qin An mentioned her."

Lan Yue spoke softly, tears in her eyes.

After a daze for a while, she suddenly ran to Ling'er, took Ling'er's arm and shouted:

"Ling'er, tell me what the hell is going on? What happened to my mother? Has she become a super-body sword god? What about my mother, where is my mother?"

At this moment, Lanyue's feelings were plunged into fierce waves, and her mood was hard to calm down.

In the dream space, among the mountains and rivers, Guizi sat on the Rosy clouds with a leisurely look, but her heart was a little nervous.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Chao Ti looked up at Gui Zi, his expression of surprise on his face became calm.

"It turns out to be the host of the Nightmare Sword God, Guizi, I didn't expect you to come!"

"Well, I originally wandered around for a while, and when I felt bored, I ran back to look for Qin An. I didn't expect to encounter the resurrection of the Super Body Sword God. What a surprise! Oh... now your deity has entered my dream space, It seems that the sword spirit that provides you with infinite energy is still out there? That is to say, your fifth skill can't be activated, so I don't know if I am qualified to fight you?"

Guizi sneaked in when Ling'er and the others entered the celestial space, incarnate in a dreamlike body of nothingness. Originally, she heard from the conversation between Ling'er and Wu Ma Siqi that this was Qin An’s home, and she wanted to surprise Qin An. Unexpectedly, they encountered such a thing, but the protagonist Qin An was not there.

Guizi doesn't know whether his own luck is good or bad.

Just before she wanted to do it, the Nightmare Sword God had awakened and told her that it was best not to provoke a true god.

Even if Nightmare is ranked tenth in the Sword God List, as a parasite now, he still has no confidence in the face of the super body deity.

However, Guizi saw that Qin An's wife was facing danger, and finally shot, unlocking the ability to let the super body enter the own dream space, in exchange for the nightmare Sword God sighed in her heart.

Nightmare knew that Guizi had abandoned him for the man named Qin An in the end.

Superbody belongs to the third sword god Tiange camp, and Nightmare belongs to the first main divine emperor camp. Their relationship was not very good at first, and they had moved their hands several times for their respective positions before. Now Superbody meets the nightmare host, Naturally, there will be no good mood.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a super decent smile: "Gui Zi, don't think that Nightmare will really help you. He is a very evil sword god on the sword spirit planet, and he has done countless bad things. If you If the combination reaches 100%, he will kill your soul mercilessly, and then occupy your body, so you'd better not mind your business, hurry up and solve the problem of the sword god in your body!"

The corners of Guizi's mouth rose, and he smiled, did not speak, concentrated on Mental Energy and summoned a spell card from his body.

Super body's expression changed a little at a glance.

"Three spirits combined soul?"

"Well, Super Body Sword God has good eyesight. This is exactly the three-spirit soul spell card, which I obtained in the monster channel that just appeared not long ago!"

After listening to these words, after pondering for a long time, Super Body finally spoke again.

"Why, he actually helped you get the Soul Conjuration Card?"

The super body voice fell, and a huge black figure appeared above Guizi's head, which was the soul energy body of the Nightmare Sword God.

"Superbody, as the divine machine said just now, we have all lived too long!

You say that I do a lot of evil. Just think of the forty-nine sword gods on the star of the sword spirit. Which one does not treat life like grass?

During these times with Guizi, although I have been sleeping, but I also know what happened outside. I think it is actually quite good to be an ordinary human being.

Joy, excitement, unforgettable, gratitude, sadness, sadness, resentment and other emotions make me feel at ease!

When I was a sword god, I didn't seem to have any of these emotions, so self-respect was my only spiritual thought!

So now I plan to put it down.

As the nightmare sword god, I often bring nightmare to the victim, but I don’t know that my own nightmare is heavier than others!

The big dream has awakened, everything was empty!

Since you know the Heshun spell card, naturally you should also know its usefulness, my dear woman, do it! From then on, you and I will truly merge, regardless of each other! "

When the Nightmare Soul was speaking, Gui Zi looked at the flame of hatred in Chao's eyes, and then said every word:

"The three spirits unite the soul, so that all the parasitic objects in the body can be completely integrated with the host, and they can't be separated!"

Super body frowned and said anxiously:

"Gui Zi, do you really dare to use this spell card? You are not afraid that the nightmare is lying to you? You are not afraid that it is your own soul that disappears after the spell card is used?"

"Hmph, you cold creature, how can you know how valuable the word trust is!"

While speaking, Zi Zi smashed the spell card, and the black shadow turned into by the soul of the nightmare immediately turned into a cloud of smoke and merged into Zi Zi's body.

The combination of Zi Zi and Nightmare originally reached 60%. After the power of the combined soul spell card was activated, the energy of the combination immediately exploded, and the soul power of the nightmare and the soul power of Zi Zi were completely integrated.

Guizi has evolved from a seventh-level mortal body to a sixth-level upgraded from a seventh-level mortal body to a sixth-level upgraded, breakthrough strong body to the peak of the super body, which has stronger physical parameters than ordinary four-soul sword repairers.

The Nightmare Sword God gave up his own subjective consciousness, just like the Xiangying Sword God, let the Nightmare merge into the body of Rose Purple and resurrected!

Xiangying gave up her godhead for her daughter, and Nightmare gave up because of love.

Having been parasitic in Guizi's body for so many years, he has actually fallen in love with this woman as an alien.

However, although their souls are in the same body, they are like heaven, earth, sun and moon, unable to meet.

Until this moment, Nightmare finally gave up on herself and let them become one!

The colorful sword Spiritual Qi flew, and on top of the purple head, a monster with a sphinx tail and Qilin claws appeared.

It is ten meters long, has auspicious clouds on its feet, and has thirty-two colored orbs behind it, with black energy in its mouth constantly spitting out around it, this is the nightmare sword spirit!

Guizi instantly moved from the super body to the peak of the spiritual body. In just ten minutes, her strength was close to the true god!

Tears fell in Gui Zi's eyes, which was a farewell feeling to the Sword God of Nightmare.

She looked at Superbody coldly, and whispered: "What about now? Now I am qualified to fight with you!?"

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