Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1307 Weng Lan's Route Ends

In the dream space, the light of the dazzling sword Spiritual Qi flies away, and the super body and the purple figure are no longer visible.

The nightmare after the resurrection is Rose Purple, and Rose Purple becomes a nightmare after the memory is merged.

Even though the sword spirit has been summoned, the purple still has not reached the true god Realm.

As the super body of the true god, because the sword spirit is isolated from the fantasy space, it can't exert her strongest strength.

In the first five minutes, they really played a game against each other.

As time passed, the battle lasted for seven minutes.

Guizi's strength began to weaken, and the sword spirit summoned in the demigod state could not last long.

Super body is more and more courageous as you fight. Although there is no sword spirit, her strength as a true god is stable, and Guizi is about to lose!

Finally, the fight lasted for eight minutes, and the fantasy space broke under the impact of the super-powerful colored light sword Spiritual Qi energy. The super-body sword spirit suspended in the sky provided the super-body sword god with more energy, 72 The chromosphere rotates.

But the thirty-six-color light spheres behind the Nightmare Sword Spirit have extinguished three, which means that the purple will weaken faster.

The figure of Rose Purple and Super Body reappeared in the vision of other women.

As a result, Qin An's wives finally congealed a rope, and began to fight the super body.

Storms are surging in the celestial space, and the world of life and death opens up, with tragic and vigorous, and sighs.

United States, Nevada Basin.

Wu Niang Mi Lan Shan, the host of the Broken Army Sword God, Liu Niang Hua Xuelian, the host of the Dark Ghost Sword God, and Qi Yalu, the host of the Pudu Sword God, have officially joined forces with the army of Jusen City. The chaos has been settled for more than half a month. , Many zombies have been removed, and the city of giant forests has suffered heavy losses. The host of the Sword God of Fadu, Sanniang Tianlu, and the host of the Sword God of Extinction Siniang Yuhaiyuan, finally met the three sisters of own.

After the five girls got together, they found that Qin Qicai was nowhere to be found, and they didn't know where Weng Lan and the four twins were.

Since these people were not there, Tang Jiudie, Jax, Qi Rou, Catalina, Jess and Liu Tian's daughter Anne naturally also lost their tracks.

The city of Jusen and the City of Seven Swords have a population of nearly 20 million. Because of the death of the Jusen City Lord, the people of Jusen City split into several large forces and countless small forces.

Some of these people are willing to continue to implement the original goal and march towards Seven Swords City, but some simply leave the large forces and go to the nearby gang city. After all, there are many awakened people in the gang city, so even if the zombie comes Protect the city from being surrounded by zombies. They don't think it's necessary to stay close and seek further distance, don't they just live in another place? Although the city of gangsters is chaotic, it is also orderly after all.

The five women from Seven Swords City were so busy that they had to guide the forces willing to go to Seven Swords City towards the west coast, and they had to look for Qin Qicai and Weng Lan among the crowd. They were all anxious. After the fire, all eyes were red like rabbits.

When they were anxious to get angry, in the ruins west of the Great Salt Lake, Catalina, Jax, and Dabai had already met Qin Qicai and Tang Jiudie with the triplets. Qin Qicai was informed that Liu Tian was missing, and Weng Lan didn't know where she was. Little Annie went out at dawn to look for the result and she was in a group of corpses and she didn't know where she went.

Qin Qicai heard that Weng Lan was missing and her hair was standing up, so she asked Catalina to take the triplets to find the five mothers of Owner, while he and Tang Jiudie looked for clues and set off to look for Weng Lan. path of.

However, Katerina sister and brother failed to find the five sword spirit women. They encountered the violence of Jusen's two armies to snatch food and grass, and finally left Jusen's large army in order to avoid the flames of war. They were also robbed by gangsters. If you don't escape further, fortunately, there is a big white guarding them, otherwise they and the three little ones may have died long ago. However, doom seems to have entangled them. After temporarily avoiding the gang’s pursuit, they encountered a small group of corpses dozens of kilometers north of the migrating army. In order to avoid the gangster behind and the corpse group in front, they could only Going east, parallel to the migrating army, but still unable to go south to return to the team. From then on, the two brothers and sisters started a wandering life with three small and loyal dogs Dabai.

Liu Tian left and did not return that day. Annie left the shelter in order to find her mother, but she was surrounded by corpses. Relying on the ability of the upgraded person, Annie finally escaped, but lost her way in the chaos, but fortunately she took the wrong path and finally saw the crying kid Qin Sanshan in a small river. From then on, Annie and Qin Sanshan depended on each other for fate, looking for her own mother Liu Tian while wandering.

Qi Rou was also separated from everyone. She originally wanted to find other people, but the energy traction from the other side of the earth became stronger and stronger. In the end, Qi Rou started her journey to China. She didn't know where she was going, only that Mental Energy had locked a place. In fact, that is the True Fire Palace on Mount Everest, where the second sword god True Fire left a huge statue of the goddess!

At this time, Weng Lan had been escorted to New York with Ives and Juliet.

If this were a novel, readers would not have guessed what the characters in these stories will experience in the future.

Because often the author writes a little and then thinks a little.

However, in this apocalypse, there are some more powerful characters. They are given some special abilities by the author, that is, to see the future.

For example, the Master Yan Liuxiang, who came from the Star of Sword Spirit, predicted the death of Liu Niang Hua Xuelian and Qi Niang Qi Yalu.

Among the piles of corpses, Qi Yalu, a plump figure, walked slowly, her face extremely gloomy.

This area was once a battlefield three days ago, Seven Sword City, where the Jusen City coalition forces drove all the zombies together and concentrated their firepower to annihilate them.

Qi Yalu has the best mother-child relationship with Qin Qicai, so when Qin Qicai can't be found everywhere, she arrived here after handling the official business, and she didn't know what she was going to do.

Of course Qi Yalu didn't believe that Qin Qicai would be killed, but now he has been searching for several days without any results. The so-called concern is chaos.

Looking at the piles of corpses that were being piled up by the soldiers of Jusen City and preparing to ignite, Qi Yalu felt a little sick, but her heart was full of worries.

Walking among the corpses, Liu Niang Hua Xuelian came over.

"Ah? Six sisters, why are you here?" Qi Yalu looked surprised.

Hua Xuelian has waist-long hair and a slender figure. She looks very delicate.

"I just met Third Sister and Fourth Sister, they are going to discuss things with some big guys in Jusen City. Now that there is no leader in Jusen City, this is very worrying. The third sister said that they saw you walking here. Let me follow up and see, the fifth sister is now busy collecting supplies. Jusen City has limited supplies, and we don’t bring much from Seven Sword City. Therefore, we must gather the supplies and distribute them in a unified manner to ensure this. Everyone can get food while on the move, and no one will starve to death. This is more troublesome, and it takes the third and fourth sisters to reach a certain agreement with the giants of Jusen City to achieve it. I don’t bother to care about it. many."

I see.

Qi Yalu nodded slightly, then raised her head suddenly, and saw a woman standing on the pile of corpses.

Qi Yalu and Hua Xuelian naturally didn't know this person, she was the 13th host of the dead sword god on the list of sword gods, the French woman Silia!

The Dead Sword God was originally from the First Sword God camp, but now he is working for New Moon City, and the owner of New Moon City is actually the Third Sword God Tiange!

The post-earth era of the end of the earth's battle for hegemony is coming, and the sword gods are also accumulating their own power.

Silia had already taken back the evil king sword god of the Tiange camp and the singularity sword god of the emperor camp.

Now I am looking for the sword gods of the ghost ghost and the sword god Pudu of the second camp. This means that the sword gods of the three camps of Tiange, True Fire, and Emperor are re-aligning. Next, how to obtain the original genes of the main god, and then let yourself The resurrection of the sword god on one side will be the most important thing for all forces, and the mysterious fiftyth sword god is from the undead, and is also the only sword god to appear in the undead on the star of the sword spirit, the undead. The appearance of has inextricably linked with the first sword god, but it has been out of the control of the first sword god.

An invisible web quietly opened, covering the entire earth!

At the pile of corpses, many soldiers were still dealing with the corpses, and no one noticed that the woman named Silia had easily killed Sword Spirit Liuniang and Qiniang.

After the deaths of the two women, their bodies disappeared at the same time, and Silia's purpose of retrieving the two divine swords fell to no avail, standing in place for a long time not knowing what happened.


Country Z, the Northern Plains.

This decisive battle recorded in the annals of history has become a turning point in history, and a new end-time era has kicked off.

When the reconnaissance plane transmitted the screens on the battlefield back to the base for Dong Junwei to see, Dong Junwei was already stupid.

On the land of 1,800 kilometers, half of the seven billion alien races were beaten to death, but there are still close to 35 memories alive. They are already mixed with zombies. Humans have sent many troops to the north without knowing the life or death. The East City and Hellfire Fortress did not exist anymore.

At the end of November, Dong Junwei issued a chairman's order to formally establish an underground base in Shanhaiguan in the Hebei Plain. The Alien Liaison Bureau was formally established and began to take in foreigners who could cooperate.

After that, relying on the Shanhaiguan base to fight with the army of undead creatures.

The development of the situation is out of everyone's control.

The order was issued the next day. It was cloudy and the sky was full of black clouds. There were too many dead creatures. After their blood volatilized, a rain of blood was formed. Many meteorologists in Jiulong Mountain in West Tibet could not believe it.

The old man Dong Junwei stood on the hill and looked at the physical plateau in the north for a long time before speaking softly:

"Heaven's blood...Blood allure..."

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