Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1308 Walking Yin & Yang

Jilan was severely injured by Qin An, and Qin An was also killed by the shocking force of a sword.

At the moment he fell to the ground, countless undead monsters rushed to surround him, trying to kill Qin An's Gu Li, D Lu, and W Wei.

Qin An felt that he didn't have a trace of strength, and his whole body was hurt. That kind of pain could touch his soul and made him rather die immediately.

Suddenly, there was silence around him, all the pain disappeared, and Qin An opened his eyes and saw a fairy tale-like world.

What a nice view!

Picturesque beauty!

Green and yellow meadows, distant mountains, Akita, lakes, valleys, blue sky!

Where is this... on earth?

Qin An felt relaxed, as if he had never been hurt, stepped on the grass and walked forward in confusion.

"This is the Necro Realm system, and your second Sword God skill after obtaining the Heavenly Punishment Curse System!

This space is formed by the fusion of countless spell card energy, law behemoth energy, sword spirit ancestor beast energy, and many dead Spiritual Qi breaths in the Tianhuan Mountain. It is really rare.

You couldn't survive when you were in energy at that time, and the five spirit spell card appeared again. Even the nine main gods could not survive in such a complicated energy magnetic field.

However, you have obtained and activated the more rare Five Spirit Spell Magic Bones, so you can survive.

Then this space contains the energy of the law behemoth's time blade, and when you enter the realm of dead spirits, the time and space outside will also be static.

Since this belongs to your sword god skills, it naturally blends into your consciousness. You have always wanted to build a peaceful and quiet world, so the space system also appeared in accordance with this tone.

There are currently seven dead souls in the space. They are Liu Ru, Wang Hui, Wu Ma Danxin, Guizi, Gong Xue, Qi Yalu, and Hua Xuelian!

The seven undead have all received your genetic energy, so they can enter the space directly after death.

This is a constructive space system, so you can't summon them out yet, because your construction energy is zero.

However, you seemed to have collected a lot of Soul Sword Stones in Tianhuan Mountain at that time. They could provide construction energy for the space. Judging from the current number of Soul Sword Stones, you might be able to summon a dead spirit.

Among the seven dead spirits, Qi Yalu and Hua Xuelian are more likely to be resurrected because they have been used to transform ghosts before they die, but because your energy draws them, they did not enter the ghost realm, but Come to your space and become a dead soul.

But you may not resurrect them first, because the other five dead souls seem to have a better relationship with you before they are alive.

What use are these dead spirits?

For example, if you resurrect Liu Ru, then consume her vitality and make her a dead spirit again, and you will restore all vitality! And it can stimulate Liu Ru's state of the dead, and within a certain period of time, obtain the energy bonus of the strongest state of the dead.

There is a super body sword god in Liu Ru itself, so once you absorb her life force, you can enter the super body true god Realm within ten minutes.

Of course, this space is not only open to the Sword God Host or Sword God, but also to ordinary abilities or ordinary people.

For example, after the death of a fourth-level upgraded person, you can also actively turn on the skills to make him become a dead spirit and enter the space. Then use the sword soul stone to Ascension the architectural energy of the space, thereby resurrecting the undead.

When you consume the vitality of this fourth-level upgraded person, your physical strength can be fully recovered, but the temporary bonus ability you get is only in the fourth-level upgraded state, because there is no stronger parasite in his body, his most The strong state is the ontology.

In other words, it is easy to fill the space with dead spirits. After all, people are dead at all times in this world, but it takes some effort to bring them back to life.

Currently you can freely enter and exit the space of the dead, but other living creatures cannot.

If you want to connect the undead space with the real space, I am afraid that you will have to wait until you become the Sword God of Heaven's Punishment, right?

At that time, this space will become the world of necromancers, and you are the lord of necromancers, the king of heavenly punishment, and you can walk with Yin & Yang. People you know will have no life or death, only Yin & Yang will be separated!

Hey, as a hint of spiritual thought, I am actually your sword spirit in the future. I do not have a subjective meaning, but exist to become the strongest sword spirit creature. This is a biological characteristic of me.

But being with you, it feels a little different. My emotions seem to be richer than other divine sword spiritual thoughts, so I can have some insights.

Speaking of which, I can be regarded as a creature of the Sword Spirit Star, and among the many sword repairmen of the Sword Spirit Star, I have never heard of such a strange sword god ability.

On the first day of the penalty system, you can easily obtain the Heaven's Punishment Spell Card. If you have accumulated enough spell cards, it is probably easy to kill the Four Soul Sword Cultivator in a second. If you can accumulate a few powerful attack powers The five spirits spell card, I am afraid that the sword god will run away when he sees you.

Now your second sword god ability is even more peculiar, you may not feel it, but in the future, when there are more people alive in this undead space, you will understand that you are almost equivalent to having inexhaustible physical strength. Sword God skills can be unlocked infinitely, then you can really become a god! As long as there are resurrected people in the space, you can continue to consume these living people and then use the dead Spirit Power to restore full physical strength! How abnormal this is!

Oh, by the way, these seven dead spirits all have the Sword God parasitic in their bodies. The Super Body Sword God was killed just after being resurrected, so the soul has not yet fully adapted to the body, which means that the dead spirit is still Liu Ru, and Not a super body.

So if you bring them all back to life, you will be able to unleash the ultimate skill of becoming true gods seven times while recovering full blood seven times...

Okay, do you understand what I said? "

The voice that appeared in Qin An's heart was the Heaven's Punishment Lingnian, explaining in detail the role of the Necromancy Realm for Qin An.

Qin An didn't know that there was still a soul in his body. At first he was startled when he heard what he said. After listening for a while, he said in a daze:

"Who are you? I don't understand what you are saying!"

"Well, let's do it temporarily. There are many sword soul stones in your Interspatial Ring. You can send them out."

Interspatial Ring? Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and a large number of sword soul stones of various colors suddenly appeared and piled up in front of him.

At the same time, colorful lights flashed in the void, and a woman without clothes appeared in front of Qin An's eyes, standing in the air.

She has a very good figure, her skin is like fat, and she has a graceful and graceful posture.

Qin An thought she looked familiar, but didn't know that it was Liu Ru.

"You have not fully recovered your memory now, and you may not remember that she is one of your wives.

Her name is Liu Ru.

Now we can use these sword soul stones to resurrect her, and then make her an existence that will never dissipate in this undead space, until you need to consume her vitality, just like now. Then she will become a dead spirit again, waiting for the next resurrection.

And after you leave the Necro Space, you will be restored to the strongest state of your body, and you will receive the bonus of the Super Body Sword God, temporarily possessing the strength of the True God! "

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