Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1309 The Birth Of The Death Lord

Liu Ru?

Qin An's body shook suddenly, and his eyes unconsciously looked at the woman's abdomen.


Why? Why do I feel that my heart beats faster and my mind is dizzy when I see her stomach?

Closed his eyes and shook his head, countless memories burst into his consciousness, the energy limit of the amnesia spell card was invalidated, and Qin An remembered the past.

Ah... the twenty years of his last days are really tortuous!

At this time, many sword soul stones had already turned into colored lightsabers, Spiritual Qi merged into Liu Ru's body.

Liu Ru was originally suspended in the air with her eyes closed tightly. Under the impact of the powerful sword Spiritual Qi energy, she finally slowly became awake and let out a soft moan from her mouth.

Qin An was startled, flashed past and hugged Liu Ru into his arms, and then his heart was shaken.

"You said this is the space of the dead? The dead will come in? How could it? How could Xiaoru die? How about my child?"

While speaking, Qin An remembered what Tiancai Lingnian had just said. In addition to Liu Ru, Wang Hui, Wu Ma Danxin, Guizi, Gong Xue also became a dead soul in this space? There are also Qi Yalu, Hua Xuelian...Qin An is very unfamiliar with their names, but still recognizes their identities from their looks. They were two of the seven sword spirit girls back then! Why are they here too?

"I don't know how these people died, but it is a fact that they have already died in real space! Qin An, unless you can cultivation to become a sword god one day, the passage from the realm of dead spirits to real space will never be opened. In the future, these women will wake up, and they will face endless loneliness, because they have been isolated from the world, and you are the only way for them to communicate with the outside world! So you will be busy in the future. Collect dead spirits to make the space become Lively is the best policy. This is your world, and you are Lord Death!

Remember, you can't die in real space, because once you die, they will disappear. Of course, what I mean by Death is a complete death.

Also, there are a lot of sword soul stones needed to resurrect the dead, and every time a dead soul is resurrected, more sword soul stones are needed next time, so I just want to resurrect all the remaining six dead souls in the space. It will take a few years..."

Tiancai Lingnian stopped talking, because Liu Ru had already opened her eyes at this time, and she came back to life.

"Child, my child!"

Before Liu Ru died, Mental Energy suffered a huge amount of damage, and the feeling of powerlessness in the face of Death made her almost crazy.

At that time, her body had been controlled by the super body, and Liu Ru had been patient in order to give birth to the child until the mother and child parted after death.

The pain at death is something no one can imagine. It will naturally continue the pain during birth, and then the pain will not want to live, and it will not make a sound.

"Don't be afraid of Xiaoru! I'm here, it's okay! Don't be afraid!"

Qin An's head hurts a bit, and he has some discomfort just after recovering his memory. He hugged Liu Ru's body and comforted him.

After a long time, Liu Ru's mood stabilized.

"Qin An? Are you Qin An? I...what's wrong with me? What is this place?"

Liu Ru's voice fell and looked around. It was a wild field with beautiful and picturesque scenery, but it was very strange.

Isn't he dead? She still remembers the moment when her soul was obliterated by the Super Body Sword God, but now...

Was it dreaming before?

Liu Ru raised her hand and touched her belly, flat!

Oh my god, is it a dream right now?

But does a dead person have a dream?

Liu Ru, who couldn't distinguish the illusory reality, cried again, and then hugged Qin An tightly.

Qin An could only gently stroke Liu Ru's smooth back with his hand, feeling a little depressed and full of doubts.

But now Liu Ru is emotionally unstable, and Qin An can only comfort her first.

I don't know how long it took, Liu Ru was too tired to cry and fell asleep.

She is now resurrected, but she is trapped in this dead spirit space. There is no sword soul stone in the ring of myriad thoughts, which means that if you want to resurrect the second person, you will have to wait to collect more sword soul stones. That's all right.

Squared Liu Ru on the grass, Qin An stood up and looked around.

I don't know how big this necromancy realm is. Now Qin An still has supernatural powers, but he can't see the boundary of space when he turns on his super vision. After communicating with Tiancai Lingnian, I realized that this place is infinite.

While Liu Ru was asleep, Qin An began to get busy, digging foundations, cutting wood, and then built a wooden house with alchemy ability, and made tables, chairs and beds.

In the future, Liu Ruke will live here. Fortunately, the dead can be brought in, so the construction of the Necromancy Realm can be done slowly in the future.

There is nothing, basic items such as quilts, food, etc. have to be prepared outside.

Hey, how could things become like this?

Qin An hugged Liu Ru into the built wooden house, put it on the bed, and sat in a daze on a chair.

He remembered the events before he lost his memory, the King Qin and the Second Sword God that the soul had seen out of his body, they were the creators of the Sword Spirit Star.

The chaotic energy formed the planet after gaining their vitality, and gave birth to the child in the womb.

The creator of the spell card system trapped in the Heavenly Punishment Space is the inherent soul of the chaotic energy, so who is the child that was conceived? The third sword god Tiange?

And is he the child left on earth by King Qin and True Fire?

The countless years on the Sword Spirit Star are actually just a few decades on Earth.

The imbalance of the timeline allowed me to re-encounter my biological parents who were old and could not grow old when I was not old.

For them, the long life has made them loveless and hateless. They are immortal gods, and they are also immortal ghosts!

So why did the forty-nine sword god come to earth?

Now, judging from all the signs, it may be because of myself.

Everything has Karma. If oneself is the cause, then what is the effect?

What is the use of their own body for them?

The beginning of genes, resurrected?

Perhaps the fall of the sword spirit star was not due to the departure of the first and second sword gods.

It had already entered a period of energy exhaustion, and the life of the Sword Spirit Star was tied to King Qin and True Fire.

When the sword spirit star collapses, the first and second sword gods will also die.

Could it be said that the reason why King Qin returned to earth was for immortality? Like what he dreamed of back then? And he is the root of his immortality?

After Qin An recovered his memory, he quickly synthesized what he knew to make random guesses.

At this moment, Liu Ru who was in a coma finally regained consciousness.

Qin An hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, hushing cold and warm comfort.

After sleeping for a while, Liu Ru was already awake a lot. Knowing that everything was not a dream, she told the story of her death after being controlled by the Super Body Sword God a few days before the birth.

Qin An frowned when he heard it.

It turned out that Xuantian also deceived own back then. When the bond between the sword god and the host reached 100%, then the soul of the sword god could kill the host's soul and seize the body.

The reason why I didn't face this situation was because True Fire Sword God helped me thoroughly integrate the thought of Xuantian!

Ah, I didn't expect it!

In other words, after Liu Ru's death, Guizi, who happened to be here, had a battle with the Super Body Sword God with his other wives.

As a result, Wu Ma Danxin, Wang Hui, Gong Xue, and Guizi all died, but was the resurrected Super Body Sword God also killed by them?

Qin An was a little unsure, so he was anxious, and wanted to return to the heaven immediately. Qin An could feel that the entrance to the heaven he had summoned was about two hundred kilometers away, which means that he should have also fallen into the plateau of the body. It’s just that its entrance is in the middle of Wuma Siqi’s sky, and the latter’s entrance is invisible.

This happened a few days ago, so what happened to Curie today?

Seeing Qin An's eyebrows furrowed, Liu Ru bit her lip, and finally asked her own question, where are she and Qin An now?

When Qin An told Liu Ruzhi about the situation in the realm of dead spirits, Liu Ru was completely stupid, and then started crying again.

What can I do? She is really dead, isn't her child a motherless child?

Qin An was also very entangled with this issue, and suggested that he should kill the newly born kid Qin Potian and enter the space as a dead spirit.

Liu Ru was anxious when he heard it.

She is the only living person in this space. I don’t know how many years it will take to bring more people back to life. Liu Ru doesn’t want the own child to grow up in loneliness. The child was originally the mother’s creditor, and was the owner of the previous generation. I owe it so I can become a mother and child in my entire life.

Although Liu Ru was so sad, he could only hope that his own child could grow up normally in the crowd, so that his character would be good in the future, and he would not be withdrawn because of the lack of communication with outsiders since he was a child.

Fortunately, if Qin An becomes a sword god, the passage from the realm of dead spirits to the real world will be opened. Although the two lives are separated now, there is still a chance of resurrection.

The couple hugged each other and comforted each other for a while, sharing the joy of Xia Qin'an being a father, and the sorrow of Liu Ru's loss of his beloved son.

In the end, Qin An told Liu Ru that he had to return her to a deadly state again.

Because now in the real world outside, he has been seriously injured, the ability of the double immortality cannot be activated, and he will be swallowed by the monsters of the undead.

Therefore, Qin An wants to use Liu Ru's vitality to regain his vitality.

Although Liu Ru was a little bit reluctant, he still felt that this was actually a good thing.

When she becomes a necroman, she loses consciousness, so she won't be lonely because Qin An leaves. In other words, when Qin An resurrects her next time, it will be nothing more than a matter of closing her eyes and opening her eyes.

Qin An promised Liu Ru that next time Liu Ru was resurrected, he would definitely see a more beautiful world.

Qin An will personally build a house in the undead space to make it more livable, and strive to bring more undead back to life with Liu Ru, and then build the Life community in the undead space!

After the two Yiyi bid farewell to each other, Qin An used his mind to let the Heaven Punishment Spiritual Mind consume Liu Ru's vitality.

Liu Ru died again and turned into a dead soul and space.

Qin An left the realm of dead spirits and resurrected with full blood, and had a true god state for more than ten minutes!

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