Leaving the realm of dead spirits, the roar of the undead monsters immediately rang in his ears.

Qin An's physical condition was restored to its best state, and his mental state was even better.

After turning on the golden armor, the surrounding monsters could not break through his defenses.

At this time, the scene became extremely chaotic. The alien race under the physical plateau was trying hard to climb up, causing the monster above to roll, and the entire map was like a rough sea of ​​flesh, even Qin An could hardly stand firm.

Turning on the super body vision in a hurry and looking out, a woman named Gu Li is running towards this side, but there are too many aliens around her and it is difficult to move forward.

Moreover, there are people of the same race among these alien races, and Gulistan can't break the blood path by killing them.

At this time Qin An's memory was restored, and he also remembered the two races of Luye and Heavenly Beast.

Generally speaking, they should be considered peace-loving, so the reason why Gulistan pursued herself is probably because he accidentally hurt her lover.

The poignant love story of the Lvye girls was spread to all continents by the ronin on the Star of Sword Spirit, and many people have heard of it.

The boyfriends of Lvye girls are their destiny.

So, did he accidentally seize the fate of this green wild girl? No wonder she was so angry.

Qin An was a little embarrassed after trying to understand the joints.

Forget it, although they almost killed themselves just now, they finally didn't succeed.

Qin An didn't plan to pay attention to it anymore, not to mention he had more important things to do.

Turning on the teleportation ability, Qin An’s body appeared one kilometer away. With the support of the necromantic vitality, Qin An’s strength is now at the true god level, and the teleportation distance can actually reach dozens of kilometers, but Qin An naturally does not need to teleport that far. He was just going to kill the undead Tathagata of the other two teleportation lines, otherwise Yin Yao would never be able to clear the enemy from the top of the mountain.

Qin An, who possesses the power of a true god, wants to kill two immortal Tathagatas naturally easily.

After the spike, Qin An quickly went up the mountain, the rain of red leaves turned on, and the tens of thousands of undead monsters on Nanshan were all shot through the body. Close to Nanshan!

Qin An's movements were completed in one go, but in the end he was frightened by the ability of the rain of red leaves.

It's too exaggerated. These undead creatures are all powerful Realm. The Rain of Red Leaves opened under the strength of the Sword God not only has no limit on the number, but also attacked with the extremely powerful sword Spiritual Qi, unexpectedly killing them all in a second!

This is not surprising. The Red Leaf Sword God used this trick to kill tens of millions of wild beasts in the Sword Spirit Wilderness, and then it has achieved the ability of the heart of the wild beast.

Now Qin An only killed tens of thousands of undead monsters in a second, and it was still a level different from the Rain of Red Leaves that could be turned on after the sword spirit was summoned.

Qin An's supernatural powers not only frightened the undead, but also frightened the seriously injured Kiran and the angry Gu Li.

Guli originally wanted Qin An to avenge her, but after rushing into the undead monster, she found that there was no trace of Qin An. At this time, the rain of red leaves broke out on the Nanshan Mountain, flying into the world.

The Red Leaf Sword God has never been to Alpha Continent, so although Kiran had heard of the name of the Red Leaf Sword God, he didn't know the Red Leaf Sword God's abilities.

Now I found that on the mountain not far away, there was suddenly a 10,000-point red light with the colored light sword Spiritual Qi, which seemed extremely powerful, and I didn't know what it was.

Caesar first put forward the idea of ​​retreat. Now the situation is unknown. The people around him are dying. It is impossible for Kieran as the king to ignore the people in order to kill one person.

And Kieran himself was injured, so although Gulistan was reluctant, she could only retreat with Caesar and Kieran, gathering the two races of the green field and the sky beast, while fighting with the nearby alien races.

It was quiet on the Nanshan Mountain, but this quiet was only maintained for a few minutes.

To the south, a group of black and overwhelming flying undead monsters attacked. They are named Death Wings. They look like bats. They like to suck blood. They are very murderous. They are not high in IQ. They have an average upgraded level of about 25. They are generally two soul sword repairers. Reloading, the skills are mainly sonic attack and bloodthirsty, and the sword artifact is sharp claws!

This is no ordinary monster. In addition to Yin Yao and Qin An, Qin An can't deal with even one.

The battle lasted for ten minutes, and Qin An's mighty sword god's power exploded, and the monster on one side was killed.

And Qin An finally lost the blessing of the light of life of the dead, and restored the normal realm of the two souls.

After a significant drop in strength, Qin An could only deal with a few Death Wings at the same time. Fortunately, Yin Yao was still mighty.

The battle continued, and when it arrived in the middle of the night, Wings of the Undead was almost killed. Except for a few people around Qin An, most of the civilians were dead.

Yin Yao actually said a lot. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for ordinary people to survive, and what Qin An can do is just ask for peace of mind.

At dawn, Nanshan fell, and a new monster appeared nearby. It was a group of small bugs ten meters below.

This is the undead corpse of the undead!

Level 30 upgraded, Realm of the Three Souls Sword Repair, the skill attribute is defense, self-detonation splash, venom corrosion!

Without the protection of the highlands of Nanshan, everyone could only flee desperately.

This is an endless battle.

While walking, Dongsheng's grandfather was swallowed, and Qin An didn't have time to rescue him, because he was rescuing Yin Shiyao who was a few hundred meters away.

Yin Shiyao had no fear at all. She really couldn't run. There was no flat ground under her feet. There were muddy flesh and corpse viscera, and another world creature that suddenly emerged.

After falling behind, a group of ordinary undead creatures like zombies pounced on her, tearing her body, Yin Shiyao originally thought that she would definitely die.

Qin An found that Yin Shiyao had fallen behind and ran back desperately, picked up her body, and then activated the power of Pudu Sword God to restore her damage.

A group of undead corpses attacked, and it would be difficult for Qin An to defeat them if he did not activate the ability of the Shocking Sword, but the Shocking Sword extremely consumes the spirit of the sword, and there are no living bodies in Qin An's Necrotic Space. Once the ability is exhausted, Unable to refill the blood to full.

Qin An was also trapped for a while.

Yin Shiyao lay in Qin An's arms, not caring about the countless crises around him, staring gently at Qin An's face, feeling his smelly sweat, and listening to his fast beating heart.

I don’t know how long it took, Yin Shiyao suddenly touched Qin An’s neck with both hands, and put his legs on Qin An’s waist, and then said in a light and quick voice:

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