Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1311 Eight Years Later

"When I was most helpless, your soul came through. I am very happy, thank you.

Later, my master died accidentally. I was regarded as a slave to the killer and entered the arena. You saved me again.

Hey, Qin An, our fate is really good.

I am actually Wang Fang back then, and Wang Fang is Yin Yao, the daughter of Yin Hanchao.

I am also the current Yin Shiyao, a clone of the subject Yin Yao.

The sword god in Yin Yao's body is Xiangying, and Xiangying is that beautiful woman. Her other identity is Xiangying, the sword god Yan Liuxiang!

Is it a bit confusing? You can get all the information from my subject in the future.

So now...Qin An, go, don't need to save me, because I'm just a shadow!

Before parting with you, I will give you two gifts!

That little nine sister, her name is Qin Jiusi, was the child that Wang Fang was pregnant with when he cheated on you to get the Sword God Gene in your body! In other words, Qin Jiusi is the daughter of you and Yin Yao ontology!

There is also a gift, I will bring back my love for you! Qin An, we will meet in another form in the future, let's be friends

Yin Shiyao seemed to have not finished speaking, her face turned pale, and blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth.

A bone spur shot into Yin Shiyao's back. It was an attack from the Horn of Death!

Death's horns have an average upgraded level of 27. They look like a cow and have ten horns on their heads. They are connected to a one-meter-long bone spur in the body, and they are shot like a spear.

Two Soul Sword Repair Realm, in addition to the bone spur attack, there is also a war roar, which can make nearby creatures go into a frenzied state.

Qin An was a little silly after listening to Yin Shiyao's words. He turned his head to look at the little girl over there. She was surrounded by a group of monsters. A clone of Yan Liuxiang was protecting her, but because there were too many monsters nearby, she would encounter them from time to time. Danger.

Oh my God, it's messed up, it's really messed up!

He had clearly recovered his memory, but he ignored that the woman was Yan Liuxiang? Sword God Yan Liu Xiang!

Also, Xiao Jiumei...how did she become own daughter? The child born to Wang Fang?

Qin An only felt his brain buzzing, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or excitement or entanglement.

The avatar Yin Yao in her arms turned into a colorful light when Qin An was startled, and finally returned to her body.

Qin An only felt that his arms had suddenly become empty, and he couldn't find anyone trying to use his ability to save all sentient beings.

A trace of regret suddenly rose in my heart.

Everything is clear and clear.

I really did not expect that the night Li Wenjie died, the woman who told a lot of sad past and had a one-night relationship with her drunk herself turned out to be Yin Yao, today's Xiangying Sword God!

Qin An could see that the woman who was more beautiful than Liu Ru had definitely reached the level of the Sword God. If she weren't there, I was afraid that Wang Hu, Dong Sheng and others would all have died, and even Song Dieyun would not survive.

Now is not the time to hesitate, Qin An teleported to Xiao Jiumei and saw that Dongsheng was crying in his arms behind Xiao Jiumei, and the old man was already dead.

Qin An made a decisive decision, picked up Xiao Jiumei in one hand, and handed over Wang Fu with the other, spreading his wings and flying.

On the other side, Lu Ya saw Qin An Feitian, and hurriedly pulled Wang Fu and Guan Xiaoshan into the sky!

Although Yin Yao couldn't fly, she was very physically strong. Seeing everyone retreating, she picked up Song Dieyun beside her and jumped and started to evacuate.

The red rain fell and the wind was raging.In the bloody wind, several people ran all the way and fled 200 kilometers away.

At the bottom of this place is the entrance of Wuma Siqi Tianju, which is already pressed down by a group of thick corpses.

Qin An controlled the alchemy wall to emerge from the ground, forming a ring and rising up to a height of two hundred meters. After that, he cleaned the corpses inside and finally returned to the Heavenly Residence!

On December 1, 2040, Jiulongshan issued an order from the chairman to report to the country.

Willing to accept all friendly races from other planets, provided that they must be disarmed! Then the city was established outside the Kowloon Link City, which was incorporated into the Kowloon Link City system, accepted human supervision, sought peaceful coexistence, and established good relations with each other, and the Star Alliance was formally established.

This is also a helpless move. The people on earth were really frightened. Suddenly so many aliens came. It is said that they are only biological species on a small continent in the Sword Spirit Star, and it looks like this on the Sword Spirit Star. There are as many as thousands on the mainland!

If they can't be eliminated and annexed, then we can only seek common development.

The decisive battle in the Northern Plains lasted for a whole year and was not over yet.

On December 1, 2041, Jiulong Mountain has accepted a total of 300 million people from humans, orcs, and other alien minorities.

The physical plateau gradually disintegrated, and the Moling Sect and the Destiny Sect officially merged. The mysterious Moling Sect Queen led a billion undead creatures into the vast empty territory of Russia, established the Black Gold Empire, and became the headquarters of the undead.

The king of Oz, Kiran, gathered a billion people of Oz. The Celestial Orcs seized the territory that originally belonged to the Mo Ling sect, which was the area of ​​North Korea and South Korea before the end of the world, and established the Naar Empire.

In this battle, almost all of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who left Shanhaiguan and fought north in Jiulongshan died, and they were all killed by foreigners.

Among them, Li Ziyuan, Gu Lanfei, Ye Siya, Feng Xiaozheng, Liu Yuanchao, Vajra, Wu Yan, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen were not spared.

Later, Qin An found their necromantic energy, and then went to the necromantic space to wait for the resurrection.

Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai had good luck. They were also travellers from the north, but they just survived and successfully returned to the Shanhaiguan underground base.

In August 2042, Guo Sihai became the head of the Star Alliance and officially ascended the throne.

The eldest princess Adanaren, the representative of the human race of the Eastern Continent, is the deputy head of the alliance.

In September of the same year, Guo Sihai and Adanaren married, and the intermarriage mode between the earthlings and the alien race was officially opened.

Qin An finally returned to the Great City of Sword's Front from the northern battlefield to personally deal with the establishment of the Kowloon City Link System. Of course, the so-called personally was just a name, and the work was Ling'er and her god-given girls.

In October of the same year, the gate of time and space showed a blowout, appearing in different corners of the world.

Suddenly the earth became messy and many small nations formed, and then started a global melee for resources, beliefs, hatred, sword soul stones, and spell cards.

In March 2044, India's Tianyin Sect unified most of the domestic forces and formed the Tianyin Dynasty. The power rose and frightened the Quartet.

A stable pattern in Asia is formed. The Heavenly Seal Dynasty, the Star Alliance, the Black Gold Empire, and the Gnar Empire divide the world, and there are many small alien races among the four countries.

In May of the same year, Ling'er's outer space resource development plan was successful. A large amount of resources were collected from the outer planets, and the construction system of Jiulong Liancheng reached a new level.

Australia was also invaded by aliens, and after years of chaos, a whole new country was formed.

At this time, Europe, America was completely in a state of chaos. The clouds of the last days made people struggling in misery. It was difficult for people on earth or alien races to escape their fate.

In a blink of an eye, in 2048, three years have passed since Qin An’s five-year agreement with the Lord of Tianyin. Tianyin Sect Leader did not lead an army of zombies to encircle Jiulong Mountain, because today’s world pattern is completely different. People's imagination.

Everyone is adapting to this change, including the Heavenly Seal Sect!

The nine Sect forces have not died out, but have become more powerful, because the Sword God race from the Star of Sword Spirit has been integrated into the Nine Sect!

So is this end of the world over?

of course not!

Qin An has been forgotten by people now. There has been almost no news about him in the past eight years. Everyone only knows that Qin An is the commander-in-chief of the city's defense force in the city of Kowloon. The person in charge of the city defense army now is Cheng Gang, the golden king of the wing.

The reason why the last days are not over is because the city wall is still there, and it is stronger than it was eight years ago. Ordinary people are still trapped in the city, not daring to walk around in the wild.

Although zombies are rare in the wild today, alien bandits are everywhere.

So for the Interstellar Alliance, whether it is the Black Gold Empire or the Heavenly Seal Dynasty, they are all enemies.

Wars on both sides of the border happen from time to time. Although there have been no large-scale battles, Guo Sihai understands that the initiative is not in the hands of the owner. Whenever they are fought, it depends on when the two sides are ready to do it. Once the end-time war breaks out, That will flow blood into a river!

On June 1, 2048, the sky over Xuanjian City was cloudless, and the weather was exceptionally bright.

A glamorous big girl led a bunch of villains walking down the street.

This big girl is not someone else, but Qin Jiusi.

Qin Jiusi was followed by eight-year-old Qin Wenxin.

Qin Wenxin was followed by Qin Potian, a fat boy of the same age.

The next three little boys are called Qin Xiaotian, Qin Fangzheng, and Qin Huxiao!

These three guys are four, six, and seven years old this year. They are all children of Qin An and Qiu Jinse.

In fact, the two have two sons, one is called Qin Tianbao and the other is called Qin Busheng!

This is really not intentional, Qin An and Qiu Jinse are really very careful, but as long as one of them is not properly protected, Qiu Jinse will be pregnant immediately.

If today is in the middle, Li Na, Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Rong Rong, Wuma Siqi, Wuma Dan Tienan, and Wang Yunzhi are all present.

In the realm of dead souls, Liu Ru, Wu Ma Danxin, Wang Hui, Gong Xue, and Guizi have all resurrected.

But among so many women, no one has been pregnant in the past eight years. Only Qiu Jinse caught fire when touched, like gasoline!

Qin An actually had a guilty conscience and felt that it was her own problem. The reason why Qiu Jinse loves to be pregnant is because she was used a multi-subsect card at that time, so she could naturally become pregnant with a child. Then, I take care of other women on weekdays, so why haven’t I been quiet? This is not an own problem or whose?

Qiu Jinse was also ashamed. Now in the women's circle, she has no place to be excluded. Even the generous Rong Rong is not pleasing to her eyes. No way, who made her so capable? Everything really made Qin Wenxin, who had returned from Traversal, got it right!

In the past eight years, Qin An's life has actually been very simple, with only three things.

The first is to go out to kill monsters to collect sword soul stones and spell cards, the second is to engage in construction in the necro space and the sky, and the third is to accompany the wife.

There are too many wives to accompany him. At this time, I finally see the advantages of the little man. Boss Qin has put a lot of effort in order to make the women happy physically and mentally. If he is a big man, he may not consume all the experience. On the woman's body.

Qin An didn't open the harem again, even Tang Yu, who had been staying in the sky, didn't go any further with her.

Although the two now have a very good relationship, they are already confidantes!

Tang Yu did not tell Qin An that Beichenxing was actually Qin An’s child, because Tang Yu learned a secret one day while drinking with Qin An, that is, Li Ying’s soul did not die, but was parasitic in Shangguan Feiyan’s body. This made Tang Yu hesitate, because she knew that Beichenxing's biological mother was Li Ying, and Tang Yu didn't know how to talk to Qin An!

At this time, Tianju Town has begun to take shape.

Today’s Tianju Town is divided into three parts. The outer city is the space of Wuma Siqi. There are not many permanent residents inside. The streets are filled with a dazzling array of goods. Several women have always dreamed of traveling around the world in the future, and then they are fine to invite Some old hats went to visit the outer city of Tianju to buy something and consume to satisfy their vanity.

Inner City Tianju is Qin An's summoning space, and now there are almost 20,000 people living in it, like Guo Shuai, Guo Xiaomei, Ba Tian, ​​Weng Die and others all have fixed houses here.

And those more than 20,000 people were all those whom Qin An carefully selected and felt trustworthy.

Outsiders will not know that more than 20,000 people have actually absorbed the Sword Soul Stone, and they have all become the supernatural powers of Realm!

Speaking of the sword soul stone, this thing is the most popular item in the last days, and it is a common currency circulating in all corners of the world.

It is necessary to know that after the sword soul fragments are merged into the sword soul stone, a sword repairer can be created, and it is a sword repairer who has reached the super body Realm.

Qin An is a rich man in this respect. When ordinary people get the Sword Soul Fragment, they have to take it to the Divine Machine Clan girl to use the machine to synthesize it. It consumes a lot of money. Generally, one hundred fragments can be used to synthesize a complete Sword Soul Stone. It is almost impossible to synthesize the sword Spirit Stones, because there are too many sword spirit stones that need to be consumed.Sword Spirit Stones are also excellent things for the race of the sword spirit planet.

Then Qin An can not only use a few pieces of sword spirit fragments to synthesize sword spirit stones, but also use a few sword spirit stones to synthesize sword spirit stones! So it is natural to be rich.

Sword Spirit Stones are absorbed by ordinary people, and they may directly become the supernatural ability of the two soul sword repair state. Of course, the two soul sword repair state mentioned here is only the physical skill state. If you want to understand the ability of the sword god, you must have a sword training tool.

Some alien aliens will refine these so-called sword training tools, but they also need to buy them with sword soul fragments if they want to get them.

Qin An is a big money, and bought all the swordsmanship tools for the people in his space, so that they can finally refine the divine sword, and then move on to the road of real swordsmanship.

In eight years, Qin An also collected a lot of Heaven Punishment Curse cards.

He must make himself stronger continuously. The five-year agreement has passed. If it hadn't been for Qiu Jinse to always give birth to children, and Qin An could not feel at ease, he would have gone to the sword gods himself!

In these days, there are naturally many soul-combining spell cards in the punishment spell cards, which Qin An uses for the own women, so that they can eliminate the soul of the sword god in their bodies and prevent the super-body events from repeating.

When Qin An returned to Tianju, he was really scared to learn about the wives fighting the Super Body Sword God. If he hadn't comprehended the Necrospace by himself, it would be a tragedy!

When Qin An returned, several women cried into tears in the sky. It was not easy to kill the Super Body Sword God. Thanks to Gui Zi's super level performance at the last moment, she used the nightmare to attack Super Body Mental Energy. , Weakened her defensive sword Spiritual Qi, which allowed Rongrong's Wannian Guizong attack to succeed, and finally killed her.

After that, Qin An's will was depressed for two years, and he also lived in the physical plateau for two years. What he did every day was to go out and kill monsters frantically.

Then the third part of Tianju Town is the realm of the dead.

Qin An can fix the realm of dead souls in the sky. Although the women inside can't get out, they can use Mental Energy to create spatial fluctuations, and then see each other like a video call.

Therefore, although life and death are separated, everyone can often meet and chat, which is okay.

What's more, Liu Ru and the others also have something to do. Several women have become master architects. Many of the buildings in the realm of the dead were created by them.

They only hope that Qin An can get back more sword soul stones, and then bring more people back to life, but Qin An's speed is not so fast.

This is the status quo of everyone, not very good, but it is also considered comfortable and stable, comfortable and happy.

Qin An may be an older person, maybe someone who can't get on the stage at first, so he likes to be a hand shopkeeper more and more, with no ambition at all. It seems his greatest desire to be with his wife and children.

Cheng Gang always asks him to complain, but Qin An smiles and refuses to answer.

The women need to know Qin An better. They all know that Qin An is actually very tired. Every day, they go out to kill foreign races to collect the sword soul fragments and sword soul stones in their bodies, and then they have to look for spell cards.

The purpose of this is actually just to accumulate strength.

One day, when Qin An felt that his strength was almost accumulated, he would definitely go to those self-righteous sword gods!

Hearing from foreigners, forty-nine sword gods have dominated the tens of thousands of years of chaos in the sword spirit star, and Qin An did not want them to mess up the earth again.

Moreover, Qin An looked loyal, but he was definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing. Except for the second sword god, none of the forty-nine sword gods seemed to be a good thing, and they all had some purposes for Qin An. Qin An vowed that he would definitely go if he wanted to take the initiative to find their troubles, he was just waiting for an opportunity!

"One, two, one! One, two, one! They are all lined up, if anyone walks in disorder, they will never take you out again!"

Qin Jiusi has the style of Big Sister, controlling his own Little Brother Little Sisters to walk straight!

The little girl Qin Wenxin has a very quiet character. She is also the smarter among all Qin An's children. She doesn't like talking on weekdays, but she likes to think.

This was the first time Big Sister took them out to stroll outside the Tianju. Qin Wenxin didn't pay attention to Qin Jiusi's thoughts at all, because the dazzling array of items on the street dazzled her.

The silly boy Qin Potian kept curling his mouth. This guy has a very real personality. To put it bluntly, he is a little lacking in heart, completely inconsistent with his appearance.

At a young age, Qin Potian was already handsome and weeping, and walking on the street attracted countless lights.

Qin Potian looked at the front without squinting his eyes, so he should not meet those little girls. The male husband must set a good example for the Little Brothers. Otherwise, if the Little Brothers like to play with little girls, they will get a lot of powder. Breath, isn't the owner's fault?

Why does Qin Potian think that playing with a little girl will make him gouache? This is because now Qin Wenxin already knows how to make up!

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