Although the three younger ones are not the same age, they are one side tall and similar in age.

Compared with the quiet Qin Wenxin and the upright Qin Potian, they are well-known naughty boys in Tianju small town, and their personalities are particularly lively. Qin Jiusi was really a little worried because of the children's day secretly bringing them out, so They were specifically asked to walk in a straight line and line up for fear of losing one by accident.

Today's Kowloon Liancheng is really a huge interstellar science fiction city. Just as people could not imagine what the future would look like hundreds of years ago, people before the end of the world could not imagine why the world is like this today.

Because of the ultra-fast growth rate of the alien population, every inch of land in the city of Kowloon is already rich, and people are everywhere on the ground. The tall buildings in the city are taller than the other, and the three-dimensional traffic lines in the sky extend in all directions. There are twelve floors around the city. More than 600 loops flew around, causing many circle shadows to appear on the ground of the Kowloon City Link.


The youngest Qin Xiaotian pointed to the sky and shouted.

"Idiot, it's not an airplane, it's a car, a flying car!"

The friendly Qin Fangzheng pointed out the mistake of Little Brother.

Seven-year-old Qin Huxiao immediately planned to let his back grow wings and fly into the sky.

Qin Fang is the smartest and most sensible of the three.

He knew his Big Brother's temper well, so he hurriedly pressed Qin Huxiao's shoulder and whispered: "Huxiao, don't make it, Big Sister will be angry! I won't take us out to play in the future!"

When Qin Huxiao heard it, he immediately felt that it made sense, so he was honest, and continued to line up, following Qin Potian's eyes on the sidelines.

The child Wang Qin Jiusi was very pleased. The Little Brother and Little Sisters were so well-behaved the first time they came out. This is really a good start.

After eight years, this little nine sister has matured a lot. Although things in the emotional world are very disturbing now, it is still comfortable. Qin An's paternal love almost made Qin Jiusi almost have an Electra complex. .

Of course, she did not, because there has always been a winter student by her side.

Dongsheng is Qin Jiusi's first love, and the relationship between the two is a bit tangled, because Qin Jiusi is unrequited love, Dongsheng has always regarded her as a buddy, not a woman.

Now Dongsheng is also a Second Soul Sword Cultivator, and the people in Tianju are all Sword Cultivators, which is naturally the credit of Qin An.

As an ordinary person who was lucky enough to survive the northern decisive battle, Dongsheng was already very satisfied with the life he has today.

At that time, his grandfather died tragically, and it has always been a pain for him, especially since he had more contact with Qin An. He knew that Qin An had the ability to resurrect people who had just died, so he was even more entangled. The ability of sentient beings, how could Grandpa die?

Of course, he couldn't resent Qin An either, after all, the situation was urgent.

But if it is impossible for Dongsheng to mind at all, there is the feeling of loss in the corner of his heart.

Grandpa's necromancer has been brought into the Necromancer Space by Qin An, but it seems difficult to resurrect. Qin An has not been able to resurrect his good brother Vajra and others in recent years.

Therefore, what Dongsheng cares most about now is to collect the sword soul stone!

Qin An has promised him that if he collects enough sword soul stones, then grandpa will be able to survive!

So far, he has collected 12, but it is said that if he wants to resurrect his grandfather, there may be more than 10,000 sword soul stones. Isn't this a distant future?

The busy Dongsheng therefore has no time to consider personal issues. He is not a fool. He knows that Jiumei has developed feelings for him during the years of getting along, but he cannot accept this friendship because he is not ready to fall in love. one person.

Qin Jiusi didn't know Dongsheng's thoughts, and didn't understand why the two of them couldn't get closer and could only be buddies. Does this mean that they are not enough women? Can't attract Dongsheng's interest?

While thinking about it, while walking on the street, this is already the most luxurious commercial street in Xuanjian City, the Jiangnan town south of the Golden Square.

The architectural style here is very similar to the ancient Suzhou-Hangzhou garden house before the end of the world. In front of the house, there are rows of vendors selling things.

"Nine sisters!"

Suddenly, Qiu Jinse's figure appeared beside Qin Jiusi.This is not a supernatural power, but a multi-dimensional holographic image communication system built by the Maya system.

This multi-dimensional image is very real and looks like a real person, but she is just an image, made of light.

When the three youngest saw their mothers appear, they immediately hid behind Qin Potian.

Qin Potian, Qin Wenxin stuck out his tongue at the same time, and then greeted with a grin, "Hello, mom!"

Qiu Jinse is now the mother of five children, with an unusually plump body, and still looks like a twenty-year-old, but with the kind of maturity on her body, she is not comparable to an ordinary young man.

Qin Jiusi and Qiu Jinse are actually about the same age, but their seniority is a bit shorter.

So seeing Qiu Jinse's holographic image suddenly appeared, she was also a little embarrassed.

"Aunt Qiu, hey, isn't it Children's Day today? I'll take the Little Brothers out for a walk, don't worry, we won't go far, it's near the Golden Plaza! They have never left Tianju, and have begged me It's been a long time!"

"Mother, don't be nervous, we won't be bullied when we come out!" On weekdays, Qiu Jinse loves Qin Wenxin the most, and has surpassed her five children, so Qin Wenxin sees Qiu Jin's face Without a smile, he stood up and spoke to Big sis.

Sure enough, after Qiu Jinse and Qin Wenxin looked at each other, they finally lost the battle, smiled bitterly and shook their head, and then said: "Well, then don't go far. I'm not afraid of you being bullied, I'm afraid you will be bullied. That's it!...asked, where is Li Watermelon? Why didn't he go shopping with you?"

Li Watermelon is twelve years old this year, and it is Qiu Jinse's husband for Qin Wenxin, who was picked up since childhood.

But what made Qiu Jin depressed was that although the two children were close, there seemed to be no ambiguous atmosphere, and there was no way of seeing how they could become a couple in the future.

"It seems to have gone to Shanyu Terran City. He doesn't like shopping the most."

Qiu Jin's complexion became a little worse.

Hey, it's really worrying. The temperaments of the two children are so different, and they don't have any hobbies in common. What can I do in the future?

"Forget it, Jiumei, you are optimistic about them. Your father went to see Guo Shuai, and he might be back at night, so you'd better take a few small strollers and go back to Tianju, although he is the most precious to you , But I don’t spoil you the Little Brothers. If you let him know that the Little Brothers sneaked out with you, they would probably be punished to copy books!"

When they heard that they were going to copy the book, all the three little ones lowered their heads in depression.

I really don't like learning, but the old man has a fancy to their studies.

Hey, my mother is also true, why did you bring up this matter and affect your mood.

In fact, the three boys still have not finished their homework, and Qin An recently asked them to copy out the teacher list.

Qin Wenxin saw that the Little Brothers were upset, and hurriedly hurried to tell Qiu Jinse that he would take care of the Little Brothers with Big sis, and then go home on time. Let Qiu Jinse leave as soon as possible.

Qiu Jinse really spoiled Qin Wenxin. Now that the little girl had spoken, Qiu Jinse naturally wanted to give some Face, so he made the holographic image disappear after a few more words.

The children looked at each other and made a grimace together, and then they all laughed out loud and began to line up to go shopping.

On the top platform of the black and white tower of Qin Lan City, Qin An and Guo Shuai are sitting opposite each other, while Lu Xiaocha is accompanying.

The years did not leave any marks on the faces of the three of them, and it was all the credit of Qin An.

Lu Xiaocha is much more dignified now, but she is still very clingy to Guo Shuai.

The husband and wife have respected each other for so many years, and the affection is as good as the first time they saw each other.

A servant brought boiled water, and Lu Xiaocha took over and filled the water glasses in front of the two men. After sitting on the sofa, his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and his face was full of worry.

Guo Shuai took a sip from the water glass, broke the silence and smiled:

"Dage, my combination with the Apocalypse Sword God is about to break through 100% now.

In the last three years, Tianqi has not opened any prophecies to me, that is, I have never communicated with him.

I thought... maybe I should die! Apocalypse belongs to the third camp Tiange Sword God, I am afraid that he will eventually seize my soul and control my body!

I died in your hands, maybe this is also a good ending, when the time comes to enter the realm of the dead, it will be fine if you are resurrecting me. "

Qin An frowned and shook his head, and sighed:

"Difficult! Too difficult! I want to resurrect Vajra now, but it is estimated that I need almost 100,000 Soul Sword Stones! Hey, the Undead Realm is infinite, but as the number of people resurrected increases, the Sword Soul Stones are also needed. The more. So once you die, I don’t know when I will make you come alive, and

Speaking of this, Qin An turned his head to look at Lu Xiaocha.

Lu Xiaocha frowned and stretched out, smiled at Qin An, and said:

"Dage, I am willing to die with Guo Shuai, because I can't live alone!"

Guo Shuai was not too shocked, but Lu Xiaocha said affectionately:

"My dear, my husband is willing to let you stay with me, because I can't die alone either!"

Qin An saw that the two looked at each other affectionately, and only felt that the goose bumps had risen.

People say the seven-year itch, Guo Shuai and Lu Xiaocha have been married for ten years, right? How can it be as good as a person?

In terms of infatuation, it seems that he is still a few ranks worse than Guo Shuai!

"Hey, it's a pity that although I have 8,000 spells, there is no card of Harmony. Or I will go to the north side recently. I heard that a group of heroic academy boys are going to practice killing monsters in the monster tunnel. I think I see if I can find the Harmony Conjuration Card."

"Dage, time is running out. Although Apocalypse didn't prophesy for me, I am the host of Apocalypse after all. With such a high degree of integration with him, I can proactively activate the ability to predict and know some algorithms. I don't have much time."

"Well, Yaoyao and I mentioned the Sword God of Heavenly Enlightenment, and she is very sincere to Tiange. If he is resurrected, he will inevitably seize your body and look for the Sword God of Heavenly Song."

After hearing this, Guo Shuai nodded slightly and thought about it before saying:

"Dage, has Yin Yao ever said why the Forty-Nine Sword God came to Earth?"

"She can't say it clearly. The First Sword God activated a five-spirit spell card when he was near the earth, which changed their memory. But after studying with her, I can understand it.

At that time, King Qin and a woman named Qi Rou arrived at the Chaos Energy Group, and finally bloomed with life force to create the Sword Spirit Star.

From then on, King Qin was the first sword god, Qi Rou was the second sword god, and their children were the third sword god.

Like Nuwa in the ancient legends of the earth, Qi and King Qin used the powerful Spiritual Qi to create a lot of life, and the sword spirit ball began to become alive.

The five major skills can be said that the gods should be caused by the rules of the sword spirit star.

The behemoth of the law is the product of the energy of the law.

As time goes by, there are more and more creatures that were originally in human form, and various upgrades have been produced because of the different places of Life, so there are millions of species of Sword Spirit Star.

Although King Qin, Qi Rou, and Tiange were the ancestors of the sword spirit, they could not completely control the energy and laws of the sword spirit star.

Moreover, Tiange has always held a grudge against King Qin and Qi Rou. This is the emotional root of Tiancai's spiritual thoughts.

Tiange always wanted to destroy, Qi Rou wanted to create, and King Qin wanted only those two words, eternal life!

Time continued to pass, and many creatures on the Sword Spirit Star lived longer and longer.

In such a long time, King Qin and Qi Rou have lost their humanity, and they hardly know why they want to live.

King Qin became tyrannical. He acted arbitrarily and killed wanton, just like The Underworld Devil.

Qi Rou kept a trace of kind thoughts, not wanting to see King Qin doing evil, so she parted ways with him.

Tiange has been accumulating strength, preparing to kill King Qin and Qi Rou, but he finally punishes Lingnian's wish.

Finally, one day, Tiange started to fight with the respective forces of King Qin and Qi Rou, the global war broke out, and the star of sword spirit started a troubled world.

There were also various contradictions and misunderstandings between Qi Rou and King Qin, which later turned into hatred, so the chaotic world became the end of the world, where there are killings everywhere, and there is no place without bones!

At this time, the energy matter of the Sword Spirit Star was exhausted, and a big explosion was about to happen.Both King Qin and Qi Rou weakened with the exhaustion of the sword spirit star's energy, and they both knew that the sword spirit star would not survive if they died.

King Qin naturally didn't want to die, because his purpose in life was to pursue immortality.

Therefore, he intends to find the original blood of own, which is me, and then occupy my soul to be reborn.

When he left the sword spirit star, other sword gods came to inquire.

If before, no one dared to challenge King Qin, but then King Qin had already weakened.

Forty-nine sword gods all have god-tier skills, and each has accumulated countless spell cards. They fought in the Universe for a long time. The weak King Qin was injured and released a super virus before escaping into the earth. The sword god, including himself, has become anaerobic, so the forty-nine sword god will be weak and unable to live alone after entering the earth, and can only find a human host.

They actually didn't know why King Qin came to the earth at the beginning, because their memory had been tampered with.

But after all, the other sword gods among the nine main gods are also very strong. After a few earth years, they broke the seal of memory. Among the nine main gods in the last five years, in addition to King Qin and Qi Rou, the other seven main gods have already Recovering a certain godhead, he began to control the changes in the earth's magnetic field, resulting in the formation of zombie territories, and the laws of the Milky Way began to slowly change.

So after I wandered for more than 20 years, King Qin, the first lord god, finally developed a body and gained the godhead.

The zombies became turbulent again, because the creatures like zombies were originally made by King Qin, he himself was a person who had died and resurrected, and the walking corpse virus was regarded as his own attribute.

So at this moment, he has two choices, one is me, and the other is the fit monster!

In the past few years, I have occasionally heard news about body monsters. He is collecting blood vessels, and the owners of these blood vessels are actually the descendants of King Qin left on earth.

Of course, it is not to say that all people related to the descendants of King Qin have blood that can resurrect King Qin. This is very random, and only a combined monster can distinguish it.

So whether it is me or a combined monster, my body is not strong enough now. Although King Qin is already weak, he must be fused with the chaotic and infinite energy of the Sword Spirit Star, so King Qin wants to parasite our body to resurrect within a limited time. I'm afraid it can't be done yet! "

Qin An's tone was flat, and his face was very calm.

Guo Shuai looked at Qin An for a while, then whispered, "Do you have feelings?"

Qin An quickly understood what Guo Shuai meant and smiled and shook his head:

"No, I am now a person with a wife and children, and I can't have an accident. Therefore, I won't let anyone take my life, and neither will my biological father. Besides, he has been alive for so long, so why bother to cling. And continue to live?"

Guo Shuai laughed and finally let go, he was really afraid that Qin An couldn't think about it, these things were really a bit weird.

"Yeah, why bother to be persistent and continue to live? Dage, Xiaocha and I have no children so far, so there is nothing to worry about, so you can do it. Since the prophecy back then said that I would definitely die in your hands. , I believe there must be Karma. It’s meaningless to continue to wait. Xiaocha is timid, you can also send her after I die, our husband and wife really can’t be separated.”

Qin An sighed long and looked at Guo Shuai and Guo Xiaocha who had decided.

Do you really want to do this?

The ability to summon necromancers into the necromancer realm is not unconditionally activated. Only necromancers who have just died can be summoned, or women who have had a relationship with Qin An can actively enter the necromancer space after death.

In any case, Guo Shuai seemed to be right. Since he could not obliterate the Sword God Spiritual Mind in his body, then the best way was to let him enter the realm of dead spirits, which was regarded as another form of fusion of the soul.

Destiny is really unpredictable.

Qin An gave all the spell cards he collected before to the women around him so that they would no longer be violated by the soul consciousness of the sword god. He originally wanted to get one for Guo Shuai, but it was two years ago. Find a Heshun spell card, this is fate!

Closed eyes, thought, frowned, then smiled.

Qin An opened his eyes again and looked at Guo Shuai!

"Brother, I still remember how fat you were when you were a kid, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome nowadays!"

Guo Shuai closed his eyes, and Lu Xiaocha on the side of the sword pulled into his arms.

"Dage, thank you for the faith you have given me so many years! You are my faith!"

Qin An's nose was sour, but the tears didn't fall, and they all flowed into his heart.

Death does not mean the end.

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