Qin An left Qin Lan City, and there will be no Guo Shuai and his wife in the world.

Since Guo Shuai had already foreseen that he would die, he had made adequate arrangements before saying goodbye to his family and trained some good city managers for Qin An.

Qin An walked lonely in the cold wind in the wild. Looking back on these years, he was really tired.

Killing monsters all the time, this seems to be an endless game.

Standing on the high ground, Qin An looked down at the surrounding area.

The Jiulong City Link System has been very complete, and all kinds of weapons are fully equipped. It is a city and a huge murder weapon!

Guo Sihai commented that this is a real apocalyptic city, and Qin An and Cheng Gang's evaluation of Guo Sihai is pure nonsense.

Of course, this is said in private. Guo Sihai is already the head of state after all, and the respect he deserves is always necessary.

It is the 33rd year of the last days, and Qin An is over 60 years old.

Looking back on Own's life, it seems that there is no great achievement. The only thing he can be proud of is having a few women he likes and cute children.

Qin An raised his hand, and a glass of red wine was sent from the Interspatial Ring.

Guo Shuai is dead, but the Ring of Ten Thousand Thoughts has not disappeared.

After drinking a glass of wine, Qin An opened the realm of dead spirits and entered it.

In eight years, the realm of the dead has become very different.

Near a castle that is not too big, there are fertile fields all around.

These are all planted by the five women Liu Ru, Wu Ma Danxin, Wang Hui, Gong Xue, and Guizi.

Their life is really boring. The five women accompany each other. Although Qin An enters the space, the outside time axis will stop, but this state cannot last long. If Qin An stays in the space for more than three days, then the outside space The world will accelerate development.

It can only be said that the realm of the dead is a very peculiar place.

Qin An walked on the small road in the middle of a large cornfield, turned on Spiritual Sense, and quickly found the directions of the five women.

Wu Ma Danxin and Wang Hui are cooking in the castle. Gong Xue is controlling the clone to build a garden behind the castle. The purple is clearing the weeds in the vegetable field. The closest to Qin An is Liu Ru. Because at this time Liu Ru is in the center of the cornfield.

Qin An became playful, and quietly fumbled to the place where Liu Ru was.

Here is a big empty circle, the corn has been cut off, the corn stalks are piled up, Liu Ru is lying on the raw surface and basking in the sun, his whole body looks lazy.

Qin An tiptoed up the corn stalk and reached Liu Ru's side.

Women are still so beautiful.

As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.

Qin An originally didn't have much affection for Liu Ru, but after Liu Ru died, she entered the state of the dead, and she was alone in the early stage. Qin An sees Liu Ru being lonely and pitiful, so naturally he often goes to accompany her.

Liu Ru felt that she was reborn as a human, and she had nothing to do with Lan Yue, so she completely opened her heart to Qin An. It was a coaxing person, and it made Qin An love her, and her feelings became deeper and deeper.

Seeing a large piece of white meat leaking from Liu Ru's chest and the deep ditch, Qin An smiled bitterly.

Really unscrupulous and frantic!

Knowing that there will be no outsider Liu Ru wearing such an exposure, hey, it can be regarded as a free and easy life.

Quietly let a leg cross Liu Ru's body, Qin An slammed on Liu Ru's body, and then kissed her intensely.

Liu Ru had already fallen asleep. At this time, Qin An was awakened by Qin An's mouth. He was not surprised at all. He turned around Qin An's body like an octopus. In the end, the two people performed Zhou Gong's gift on the corn stalk.After the end, a pair of men and women hugged tightly, Qin An was a little bit emotional, Liu Ru's face blushed.

"You little old lady, you look pretty!"

"Have you ever seen such a young and beautiful little old lady? And, you were the first to provoke me!"

"Cut, your man just needs a place to vent?"



Qin An's tone was as usual, and his expression remained unchanged, but Liu Ru felt Qin An's mood.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Ru asked gently, her fingers circling Qin An's chest back and forth.

"I killed Guo Shuai, and Lu Xiaocha..."

Knowing the ins and outs of this incident, Liu Ru hurriedly comforted: "Husband, you have tried your best. Who would have thought that the soul spell card is so hard to find? And he was killed by you, so he should definitely become a dead soul. ?"

"Well, I have already put them into space and wait for their resurrection! I just don't know how long to wait, the progress is too slow! During this time, I plan to go to the Black Gold Empire. The undead also have sword soul fragments in their bodies. Go and kill them. Anyway, it's all a scourge! Now that several major forces have taken shape, if you want to mobilize troops, your life will be destroyed, so I don't mind moving Tianju to Black Gold. Is it time for the sword repairmen in Tianju to come out to fight?"

Liu Ru opened her mouth when she heard it. She couldn't get out, so she couldn't participate in what happened outside.

Eight years have passed in reality, but Qin An is equivalent to twenty years, and the time in the realm of dead spirits does not coincide with the real time. In other words, he and Liu Ru are already a couple of twelve years. Naturally know her very well.

Seeing Liu Ru's depressed mood, Qin An smiled and changed the subject.

"I think they are cooking? Did you know that I was coming? Let's go? Let's eat! Grandpa, I'm already hungry."

"Hey, do you think we are Jingyi and Cian? Still grandfather, don't the five of us treat you as an uncle, you better be good?"

"Why? What are you planning to let me die?"

"Then what?"

"Just fine..."

"Ah! I hate it! Xiao An, I find that you are getting more and more not wanting face!"

The husband and wife quarreled, and they returned to the castle where they lived again after being tired, and had a party with other women.

After eating, Qin An began to hold a family meeting. Now the sword soul stone he collected can almost revive a person, so the content of the meeting is to study and discuss who is to be resurrected.

Qin An's proposal was Vajra. The five women disagreed. The reason is simple. Qin An is not always in the space. If Vajra is resurrected, one of the five women is obviously inappropriate.

Qin An didn't expect his wives to be quite feudal, but he didn't insist either.

But if Vajra is not resurrected, who will be resurrected?

After discussing for a while, everyone resurrected one of the two of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls.

With a plan, he can feel relieved. Qin Anji plans to go out to the nearby wild in the past few days, and only continue to collect a hundred sword soul stones, which is probably enough.

Qin An remained the same, staying in the realm of dead spirits for three days, then left and returned to the real world to connect with the previous point in time.

After comforting Liu Ru and the others, Qin An himself was comforted, no longer entangled in Guo Shuai's death, and immediately ran back to Tianju to comfort his other wives.

Today's Tianju is very lively. The most important thing here is acquaintances. After Qin An came back and entered the outer city, everyone greeted him enthusiastically.

Qin An quickly ran into the inner city, which was the center of the sky that he opened himself.

Now Qin An’s upgraded level has reached the fifty sixth-level, because he has swallowed a lot of sword soul stones. Although he failed to comprehend the skills of the third sword god, his strength has far surpassed the ordinary two soul sword repair. The person.

Therefore, the Tianju opened by Qin An has a large space, and it is a veritable big city!

The city is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are full of flowers of various colors, which is very beautiful.

Qin An spread his wings and flew over the city, crossing the river, and there was a castle in Taoyuan called Taoyuanju.

So this is Qin An's home.

This castle has six floors, dozens of rooms, complete facilities, and the Mayan system is also connected to this side through Mental Energy.

Qin An landed on the top platform and saw Qiu Jinse and Jingyi looking at the children together.

Qin Tianbao and Qin Bu gave birth to a three-year-old and a two-year-old when they were naughty.

The dumbest of Qin Busheng’s five sons, Qiu Jinse, because he still can’t speak, the only two words he can say now are "beat!"

He called everybody to beat, and he didn't know what he meant to express.

So far, Qin An's children have supernatural powers, among which Qin Potian is the strongest.

Because Qin Potian not only acquired the genes of his parents, but also the product of the super-body's fourth sword god ability, his power was bright and Qin An felt terrible, and that could no longer be described by physical parameters.

The strong power attribute can break through the interlayer of space, can dispel poisonous clouds, can cut off river water and quicksand, can block direct light!

In the Universe, there are no creatures to explain the concept of defining power, and the definition of human beings on the earth is narrow.

People think that the scale of action is power, and in the universe, the destructive power of a kind of energy on the energy of the same attribute or the energy of different attributes is strength!

That is to say, true strength can not only destroy matter on the same plane, but even things on different planes cannot escape the powerful destruction.

The boundary between the plane and the plane is nothing more than a kind of energy, so if there is another kind of energy that can destroy it, the destructive force produced is power!

This kid Qin Potian has this kind of power.

In addition, he also inherited Qin An's many abilities, such as Spatial Teleportation, control ability, super powerful self-healing ability and so on.

What's more frightening is that this kid's physical strength is Realm since he was born.

When he was six years old, there were already more than 10,000 people in Tianjui, and most of them were sword repairers, but basically no one could beat him when he fought with Qin Potian.

In other words, in Tianju, apart from Qin An, Qin Potian has no opponents!

The child who has been pregnant by Liu Ru for more than 20 years is quite extraordinary.

When Qiu Jinse saw Qin An coming back, he was taken aback for a moment, and then stood there with a smile on his face, waiting for Qin An to come up and give her a warm hug.

Qin Wenxin, who came back from the future, was right. She is now happy because of Qin An.

This man is a very gentle and emotional bad guy.

When Qiu Jinse was first with Qin An, she thought it was the row of destiny. Now that she has been together for eight years in the life of the husband and wife, she has fallen in love with own destiny.

Qin An's feelings for Qiu Jinse are also special. He always thinks that his own heart is dead early, and he can't fall in love with other women.

But now he is not sure, because he feels that he loves his wives and every one of them, of which Qiu Jinse is the most.

Love is too complicated and often entangled, so Qin An actually didn't spend much time with Qiu Jinse in the past few years, because he felt ashamed of Lan Yue Li Na and others.

Qiu Jinse didn't complain because of the little gathering and separation with Qin An, because she knew Qin An and understood his heart. This is just a kind of deep love.

Your heart is like my heart!

Wanting to step forward and hug Qiu Jinse into his arms, the two little ones came to make trouble and rushed to save Qin An's thigh.

"Dad, Dad!" Qin Tianbao spoke clearly, and he looked cute and cute, and he was very cute to please.

"Beat!" Qin Busheng had some big tongues, which may be the reason why he was one year younger. In short, he couldn't speak clearly.After Qiu Jinse gave birth to his fifth child, Qin An named him no longer!

It's really because Qiu Jinse is so capable of giving birth, even if Qin An pays attention to everything, as long as one is not careful, Qiu Jinse will become pregnant!

Qin An is not afraid of having many children, but that other wives will be sad. Qiu Jinse has given birth to five. Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Rong Rong, Wuma Second Sister, Third Sister, Wang Yunzhi and Lu Ya are still a little bit moving. No, this is really uneven between rich and poor!

So although the wives did not ask Qin An for anything, Qin An still swears in front of them that he must take safety measures to prevent Qiu Jinse from giving birth.

This attitude is very important because Qin An understands the hearts of women. They are afraid that they will have too many children. When it is their turn to have children, they will lose their freshness and love for their fathers.

It's a pity that things in bed are sometimes uncontrollable. When the passion comes, every man thinks about breaking the barriers, that is the transparency and refreshment.

That's why Qiu Jinse gave birth to five children, which made her a target of public criticism. Women stopped playing with her, so Jingyi and Ci'an didn't dislike her.

Of course, Tang Yu, who lives in the middle of Taoyuan, treats Qiu Jinse very kindly, and has become Qiu Jinse's current best friend.

Weng Lan is now the lord of Tianju Outer City, responsible for Tianju's business and procurement. Tang Yu is now the lord of the inner city, responsible for the military and administration.

Qin An's wives are too emperors, and occasionally gesticulate in front of two smart women, always thinking that they are the masters of Tianju.

But in their hearts, they all understand.

As there are more and more people living today, it is really difficult to close everything with their abilities.

Qin An picked up the two children one by one, and kissed each of them on their cheeks.

"Where are the other boys?"

Qin An asked casually.

Qiu Jinse secretly stuck out his tongue, and then did not hide it.

"Your two baby girls took four kids out to play. I talked with them before and said they were walking around the Golden Plaza. Those little ones have never left Tianju, begging Jiumei to come. ."

Qin An frowned slightly.

Own son himself knows very well that Qin Xiaotian, Qin Tianzheng, and Qin Huxiao all love to cause trouble.

Although Qin Potian is relatively simple and honest, when his personality is too straightforward, he is considered to be the most like himself, and he has a set of outlook on life in his heart.

If the Little Brothers are bullied, his temper will become hot. Once Qin Potian gets angry, it is not a joke.

And the three small ones are very cunning. Knowing that the Big Brother is the backbone, they will run behind Qin Potian if they are bullied.

"This group of naughty guys, then I will go out and have a look and bring them back. In recent years, our family has rarely appeared in the public. The population of Hanging Sword City now has several million, and there are some Sword Spirit Stars. To settle down, the boy Guo Sihai is currently pursuing a mixed settlement policy in order for the earthlings and the Sword Spirit Star race to live in peace."

"Hehe, the four seas are really capable! After the Battle of the Northern Great Plains, the form of the earth took a turn for the worse. I was still worried about the future, but I didn’t expect that in the past few years, Guo Sihai would actually merge aliens and people on earth. His universal education is also quite good. All alien races will receive a unified education. After twenty years, aliens will also be terrestrial people. Consciousness decides everything. It’s just that some alien races are more special and seem to be It needs to be treated in other ways. Husband, you and Sihai are buddies. Did he tell you his only sword god skill?"

"It is highly classified. Back then, I almost got it out of that weird woman Wu Xiaoxiao, but now I ask her again, but I can't tell her. If you ask in a hurry, you will only tell me three words, highly classified! You know Wu Xiaoxiao too! It's crazy, I don't want to talk to her, to be precise, I want to stay away from her!"

"I'm so curious! I really want to know!" Liu Ru smiled as he spoke.

Of course she knows this Wu Xiaoxiao, and now they are considered acquaintances. Wu Xiaoxiao often visits Tianju as a guest. She knows everyone's secrets, and sometimes her behavior is very abnormal. Once, she rushed into her and Qin An’s boudoir. At that time they were doing things between husband and wife. Wu Xiaoxiao even took a photo of the two naked people with a camera, and Qiu Jinse was so scared that Qiu Jinse almost didn’t wet the bed. So scared that Qin An almost didn't have an eunuch!

"Wait, I'm looking for a chance to have a drink with him and Cheng Gang, and I'm investigating. Cheng Gang is also busy now. The training of the Kowloon Liancheng Army is on the agenda. It seems that there are changes in the south and north. The war may It's coming again!"

While talking, Qin An had coaxed the two children away and told them to play, and then turned on the wings of the wind and left.

Qiu Jinse pulled the two little ones to her side, with a motherly smile on her face, and whispered:

"Guess, will the Big Brothers get big ass?"

Qin Tianbao didn't speak, he looked like a little adult thoughtfully, as if he was thinking about his mother's question, and his small eyes rolled around.

Qin Busheng laughed loudly, yelling: "Beat! Beat!"

When Qiu Jinse and Jingyi heard Qin Busheng's shout, they all bent over with a smile.

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