"Big sis! I want to buy this!"

Qin Wenxin's eyes beamed, and she stood in front of a booth and took Qin Jiusi's hand.

Qin Jiusi turned his head and saw that Little Sister was staring at a beautiful hairpin.

"Ah, ask Xin, you will be stinky?"

"Big sis, this card is really good-looking! Come over and pick it!"

The relationship between the two sisters is very good. Qin Jiusi already knew that the little girl I met at the Wonton shop was the future Qin Wenxin.

No one had ever told Qin Jiusi about this, just because Qin Wenxin had looked more and more like the little girl in his memory.

Today's Qin Wenxin will not suddenly disappear and replace himself with the future.

Her ability is also very strong. She was born as a Xiantian sword repairer, and her ability to carry is the shadow of time and space.

The so-called shadow of time and space is a kind of ability to control the fluctuation of time and space.

Qin Wenxin was able to know what happened to her side in a few seconds, and she could teleport back to the middle of a few seconds.

Take an example.

Started with Qin Wenxin and punched it. Qin Wenxin's ability to activate the shadow of time and space suddenly disappeared, and the puncher would find that his own arm had been broken, because Qin Wenxin had already cut off the puncher’s fist a few seconds ago. In that space, the body of the puncher is still!

This move is very abnormal, but it also has certain limitations, that is, Qin Wenxin cannot kill the enemy when he goes back to the past, and can only kill in real space.

The main reason why Qin An did not let a few children go out to play was that the children's abilities were too strong, but their age was too young to be sensible, and Qin An was very afraid that they would hurt people by playing with others outside.

Girls look at the card, and boys naturally have nothing to do.

Qin Potian's eyes were round, his eyes straightened as he watched the pedestrians coming and going on the street.

This is a very prosperous commercial street, not far from the Golden Square, and less than three kilometers from the Golden Tower. The entrance of Wuma Siqi's Tianju is on the top of the Golden Tower.

The width of the street is about eight meters, which is considered as a complete pedestrian street, and the only means of transportation is a suspended flying board.

This kind of thing is a bit similar to a bicycle before the end of the world. A flat plate is connected to a long armrest. People step on the flat plate and hold the armrest with their hands. Then they connect to the Maya system to control its hovering flight. It is four meters above the ground. .

Therefore, this prosperous commercial street actually has two levels of people flow, so in conjunction with the car loop in the sky, it will give people a very shocking visual effect. You can't see such a landscape in the small city of Tianju.

"Hey, fool, make way!"

Little Princess Ada Suli, an oriental tribe, is fourteen years old. According to the algorithm of the earth, she was born only fourteen natural years on the earth.

The Shulu clan is the most powerful tribe in the Eastern Continent.

The Sword Spirit Star race that is closest to humans on Earth today is the Eastern Continent Human Race, because the physical characteristics of the two races are the most similar, and there is almost no difference.

After the eldest princess Adanaren and Guo Sihai got married, they have now given birth to a pair of children. The life of the couple is pretty good.

Therefore, the population of nearly 100 million people in the Eastern tribe now lives in the south of Jianzhifeng Dacheng, that is, on the southern plain of Jiulong Mountain. There are seven big cities, which belong to the peripheral system of Jiulongliancheng.

Ada Suri lives in one of the big cities. She has never been out before. She ran out secretly a few days ago, planning to visit nearby places.

Her first stop was Sword's Edge, so Xuanjian City was her second stop.

Ada Suri is also a small superpower, seventh-level upgraded, with milk ball parasites in her body!

The so-called milk ball beast is an upgraded species of the sword spirit star. It looks like a hairy football. It is very cute. It has the ability to restore human damage. It can regenerate dead cells and accelerate the division of living cells. Realize rapid self-repair of human organs.

Then this parasitic beast gave Ada Suli many special abilities.

For example, the regeneration of brain cells can give Ada Suri a certain ability to control objects, as well as very intelligent instantaneous intelligence.

The classification of muscle cells can make Ada Suri change from a little girl to a muscular girl!In short, she is not very strong, but she also has some strength, at least a little stronger than ordinary people on earth today.

In the thirty-three years of the last days, although the number of people with supernatural powers on Earth has increased a lot, ordinary people still accounted for more.

From this point of view, the Earth human race is not as good as the Sword Spirit Star Eastern Mainland human race, so Guo Sihai promoted the system of intermarriage between the two races to transform the aliens into the earth, and then let the earth people have stronger offspring.

Ada Suli came to this commercial street and was walking around, and she saw a kid who was a little shorter than herself standing stupidly in front of own.

In fact, Qin Potian is not short, he is already 1-3 meters tall, we must know that he was less than nine years old in a few years.

On the contrary, Ada Suri is not tall, only a little more than fourteen meters at the age of fourteen.

But in any case, the fact is that Ada Suli is really half a head taller than Qin Potian.

Ada Suli bites Little Princess, who is respected in the family on weekdays, and naturally a little arrogant.

Seeing the little dwarf standing in front of him stupidly, he didn't know how to give way, so he spoke.

Qin Potian was taken aback, because Ada Suli's voice was close at hand.

Someone called himself a fool?

Qin Potian was a little surprised.

Li Na's mother often calls her own father a idiot, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this word, nor did he expect it to be a curse.

Looking sideways, Qin Potian was taken aback.

Fourteen-year-old Ada Suri is already an out-and-out beauty. Although she is not tall, she has a well-developed proportion, and her small breasts have become two small peaks.

Qin Potian is only nine years old now, and his emotional intelligence is relatively low. Naturally, he doesn't pay attention to this. He just thinks that the little girl in front of him is very beautiful, and he wants to see it.

Ada Suri found that the little dwarf looked at her eyes straight, and her heart felt suffocated.

She was fourteen years old, and she had the idea that men and women were different, and she was a girl with a relatively high EQ, so she thought a little bit more.

"Go away! Pervert, isn't there an old saying on earth? A good dog doesn't stand in the way!"


Qin Potian, who was pushed away by Ada Suli, was a little dumbfounded.

The temper of this little Big sis is too hot, right? Why do you say he is a wolf for a while, and a dog for a while? Is he a good person?

The upright Qin Potian didn't feel angry at all. It wasn't because he had a good temper, but he didn't think that other girls were bullying him.

Ada Suli pushed Qin Potian away and walked past him with her head high.

This was originally an unexpected encounter. If Qin Potian hadn't turned his head to take a look, there would be no future story.

In the past eight years, countless doors of time and space have been opened, making the earth very different.

Then, besides many alien intelligent creatures, there are naturally many animals as well!

The phantom caterpillar, a bug that can teleport invisibly, is generally more than ten centimeters long, with a relatively large head, and looks ugly and ugly.

Qin Potian had never seen such a bug, so when he turned his head and saw the phantom caterpillar on Ada Suli's ass, he was shocked to grow his mouth.

What made him even more frightening was that the caterpillar was considered to be a relatively large head with a relatively large mouth. At this time, it was opening as if it wanted to bite the little Big sis's ass.

Full of justice, Qin Potian, who is most similar to Qin An, likes to help others.

Ever since, he didn't even think about raising his palm to pat the caterpillar.

Qin Potian also knew that he was strong, so he wouldn't turn on his own power state casually on weekdays, and the slap shot was not too hard.

Just when Qin Potian shot and hit the Phantom Caterpillar, the Phantom Caterpillar disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know where the teleportation went.

Qin Potian didn't hold his palm, only heard a slap, a palm print appeared on Ada Suli's tight white pants, and Ada Suli ran forward six or seven steps and finally fell. Here comes a dog to eat shit!

Qin Potian stood on the spot with his palms up, dumbfounded, his little heart beat secretly, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't mean it!

"You! You little dwarf!"

Ada Suli turned around and found that it was Qin Potian who had beaten her own. She yelled angrily. She stood up but couldn't immediately rush to Qin Potian, because her normal buttocks were numb, and she only felt that her legs were numb. It is soft, and walking is not very smooth.

Moreover, he was spanked!

Oh my God, after living for so long, even my father Ada Khan and my Big sis Adana Ren never beat her!

And the little girl is fourteen years old and her body is well developed. Her little butt is already very strong and plump, and it can be regarded as her more sensitive place. Now she was touched by a stupid little dwarf, which is really unacceptable. !

The three brothers of the Qin family, Qin Xiaotian, Qin Fangzheng, and Qin Huxiao are a small group of mischief.

Qin Fangzheng is the smartest, and he is generally responsible for making plans and taking the lead in doing bad things.

Qin Xiaotian was the youngest but the loudest, and was responsible for shouting.

Qin Huxiao is the oldest and has a relatively loyal personality. He is considered a firm supporter of the two Little Brothers.

The three guys witnessed the appearance of Ada Suli, pushed Qin Potian away, and was spanked by Qin Potian.

Qin Fangzheng rolled his eyes and thought it was very interesting, so he jumped and clapped his hands in applause.

"Oh oh oh! Dage is amazing! Hit people's ass!"

Qin Xiaotian's eyes were moving back and forth between Dage and the girl. When he heard the third brother yelling, he immediately let go of his loud voice, and even changed his concept without authorization.

"Oh! Dage touched his ass! Touched his ass!"

When hitting... becomes touching, the nature is completely different. Qin Xiaotian didn't know that he had framed Dage as a wretched kid.

The second child, Qin Huxiao, heard the shouts of the two Little Brothers. He was in a daze. He immediately felt that he should say something to support the Little Brothers' point of view.

From his point of view, he could just see Adama Suri's ass.

The little girl develops well, she is very upright.

Some two.B Qin Huxiao felt that his butt was too upright. Could it be that Dage hit him?

The little guy immediately felt that Dage was really capable, so he shouted.

"Oh oh oh oh! Dage swollen his ass! Dage is amazing!"

It didn't matter what the three boys shouted. Ada Suli, who was blushing because of his anger, immediately became a monkey's butt, red scary.

She felt that she had been greatly wronged and humiliated, and she hated the kid opposite and the three boys standing next to him!

"I...I want to kill you!"

Ada Suri roared and activated her abilities while raising her arms. Because of the continuous division of muscle cells, her arms became extremely strong at once, and the damage on her buttocks was healed.

Qin Jiusi was looking at the hairpin, and the two sisters Qin Wenxin heard the chaos behind them, looked back in surprise, and found that an angry little girl had come in front of Little Brother and threw a punch.

Qin Jiusi's face paled at the sight of it!

Of course she was not worried about Little Brother, but about the little girl who didn't know where she came from!

She knows how strong Little Brother's body is. Qin Jiusi is really afraid that she will be broken by the back-shocked arm with such a powerful punch from the little girl!

At the moment when Qin Wenxin made a move, his body suddenly disappeared, and he reappeared behind Ada Suli.

Ada Suri paused for 0.1 second, then turned into a phantom within 0.1 second, and retreated to a distance of 5 meters.

Everyone didn't see exactly what happened, only Qin Wenxin knew that after returning to a few seconds ago, he punched Ada Suli in the stomach.

Ada Suli was in pain, so after a few seconds, she could not rush forward. Instead, she sat down in pain. The space-time magnetic field was changed. Qin Wenxin and Qin Jiumei were about the same strength. It was simply vulnerable in front of him.

Qin Jiusi felt a bit upset when he saw Little Sister's shot hurting someone.Hey, in today's era, children's fights can also kill people!

Qin Jiusi took a foot and planned to step forward to check the little girl's injuries.

At this time, many pedestrians were onlookers nearby.

Before Qin Jiusi walked over, two blond white people walked out of the crowd.

They are twins, estimated to be around the age of twenty, and they are considered handsome, but their eyes are abnormal, and they seem to make people feel heart trembling.

Qin Jiusi frowned slightly, then beckoned the Little Brother and Little Sisters to come to him, waiting for the further development of the matter.

Ada Suli was not seriously injured. Although Qin Wenxin's punch was not weak, it only made her feel uncomfortable for a while.

The reason why I can't get up while sitting on the ground is because of my heartache. Has Ada Suri ever been bullied like this?

"Hi, Little Sister, what's wrong with you? It seems that you are not in a good mood? Can I help you up?"

A gentle male voice rang in Adamsuri's ears, and Adamsuri turned her head to see that handsome face.

"What...what are you doing?"

Being stared at by those sullen handsome and somewhat evil eyes, many emotions in Ada Suli's heart slowly cooled, and she felt a little uncomfortable. This man puts a lot of pressure on people.

"Of course I want to help you! We are Roger Brothers from Ireland. My name is Neddes. He is my Little Brother Demar! Little Sister, I think you have been bullied, so I took the initiative to help. You have a fight!"

From Ireland?

Europe is controlled by the Fifth Sword God Realm. Could it be that these two people are the whispers of God?

Qin Jiusi frowned slightly, wondering why the Divine Whisperer appeared in Xuanjian City, and appeared so close to the Golden Fortress!

Just thinking about it, a nearby light suddenly fell, and then Maya's multidimensional holographic image appeared.

"Neddes, DeMar! There is a problem with your identity verification. Please go north for a kilometer and turn left to see a foreign population statistics office! I need to confirm your identity and the purpose of entering the Hanging Sword City. , And personal ability level! Please cooperate with my work, otherwise you will be marked as a dangerous person, you will be monitored by the whole city within 24 hours, and you must leave within 24 hours!"

The Roger brothers were taken aback for a moment. They did sneak into the Kowloon Link City secretly. The procedures used came from the black market. They had been very low-key and cautious before. They didn't expect to be discovered by the Kowloon Link City intelligent system as soon as they appeared.

I have to say that the artificial intelligence system of Jiulongliancheng is already the most advanced in the world, because it incorporates the power of the god machine sword god.

Neddes was depressed, facing Ada Suli helplessly, who was still in a daze.

"Hey baby! I wanted to help you fight, but now it seems I can't fight! But you are so beautiful, it makes me feel so hard to give up, if you are so, take you away and protect you! Lest you continue to be bullied! "

While Nedes was talking, Demar had already started to run, and the speed was extremely fast, like a phantom, flashing to a kilometer away in an instant.

Maya System frowned slightly and her face changed a lot, and she said to the nine sisters:

"No! I just looked up the information. They should be famous whispers in the European Disciples Association! Three Souls Sword Repair, the God of Two Shadows!

The gods of double shadows are twin upgraded, and each other is the parasitic beast of the other side!

Hurry up and protect Ada Suri! "

"Ada Suli?" Qin Jiusi repeated suspiciously.

"Yeah! She is the little sister of the current deputy leader Adanaren

Before Maya's voice fell, Nedes had already started, placing his palm on Adamsuri's body, and then Adamsuri disappeared out of thin air and appeared in the hands of Demar, who had run for several kilometers.

This is a kind of alien guided teleportation technique, and it is also a powerful energy for the two brothers.

Maya immediately activated the alarm and locked Nedez and Demar.

After Nedus teleported Ada Suli away, he activated the ability to fluctuate the energy in the space around him, then entered the void, turned his body into invisible, and appeared again outside the Xuanjian City! This ultra-long-distance long-distance space-time transmission ability is simply many times better than Qin An's transmission ability.

After leaving the city wall, there are mountains and woods. Although they have not escaped from the Jiulong Mountain boundary, the two brothers are not in a hurry, because they came to Jiulong Mountain in an organized way this time, but they have an important purpose! It was definitely not to catch a little human girl.

The two brothers never thought about who they could catch up with those who are very good at escaping!

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