Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1315 Dark Beast Jungle

"Breaking the sky, chase it!"

Qin Jiusi shouted anxiously.

Qin Potian was actually a little anxious when he saw that beautiful little Big sis was taken away.

At this time, Big Sister gave the order, and he didn't hesitate.

Lifting the arm, the colored lightsaber Spiritual Qi emerged from the small fist, and after a punch was thrown out, Nedes’ escape void was shattered, the air in front of Qin Potian fluctuated, a black hole vortex appeared, and Qin Potian was inhaled. disappear.

It is not easy to forcibly break into the void opened by others.

Except for Qin Potian, Qin Wenxin and Qin Jiusi couldn't enter, because their physical defenses were not enough, and entering the void would likely be torn apart by energy that was at odds with their own attributes.

Qin Potian's powerful force opened the barrier, causing him to travel through the void and appear outside Xuanjian City, behind Nedes!

Nedes was shocked. He didn't expect that someone would be able to chase out through the own escape void. It was too late to see who it was. Nedes turned on the power, and the Ada Suri she was holding disappeared.

At this time Demar had already reached the other side outside Xuanjian City.

The two brothers will not only escape in the void, but also have the ability to transfer objects between them at will.

So Ada Suli appeared directly in Demar's hands after she disappeared, and Demar led them to continue running.

Adama Suri naturally wanted to resist, but Demar was a Three Soul Sword repairer, and she was very powerful. He grabbed Adama Suri and quickly injected her with a power inhibitor, making her an ordinary person temporarily.

Qin Potian watched Ada Suli disappear in front of his eyes, and became angry at once, rushing forward with one foot like a bullet.

And where he was stepping on, a cyclone had already risen, and the powerful force caused the surface to collapse, which suddenly solidified and then split! No one can measure how much strength he has in this step!

Neddes turned around and saw that it was a child who was chasing him out, a little dumbfounded.

Qin An's children have always been in Tianju, and Tianju is an absolutely safe place, so Neddes does not have any information about Qin Potian.

Before he could think about it, Qin Potian had already arrived in front of Nedes.

Nedes activated the divine light ability, forming a Sacred shield in front of him.

Qin Potian shouted angrily and punched the golden transparent Sacred shield.


With a loud noise, the Sacred shield was directly shattered, and chaotic energy surged everywhere, blasting Nedus who was hiding behind the shield!


Neddes only felt the blood surge in his body, and he suffered some injuries but it was not too serious, but his heart was beaten wildly by the shock.

How much strength is this!

Neddes can't feel the other party's burst of energy, which means that his attack is still a power attribute!

It's terrible. The own Sacred shield is very strong. It won't be broken even if you fight against a sword repairer of the same level. Why can't it stop the opponent's punch attack?

The thoughts in his heart turned sharply, and Nedez was still floating in the air between thoughts, and was pushed back by the blasting force of the Sacred shield.

The corner of his eyes swept a black shadow beneath his body.

not good!

How could this kid be so fast, as if he could teleport, he reached under him.

Nedes is still unable to activate the ability to escape from the void, so he can only activate the Sacred shield again to protect himself.

What Qin Potian used was not the ability to teleport. He just had too much strength. Even if he just stepped on the void, the reaction force from the air could make him as fast as lightning, let alone down to the ground.

"Go to hell!"

Qin Potian raised both hands, and simultaneously struck Nedes' Sacred shield with both fists.This time his fist strength was several times stronger than just now.

After the Sacred shield was broken, Qin Potian's fist wind had not been offset by the blasting energy of the Sacred shield, and they all hit Neddes directly.

Nedes only felt that two holes had been poked out of his back, his internal organs were all shifted, his body flew directly upwards, and it stopped at a height of fifty meters!

The force of the fist wind was too great, and it drove the nearby air to form a tornado around Nedes' body. His clothes were torn apart, and blood was vomited into his mouth as he fell.

This is definitely an accident. Nedes is a Three Soul Sword repairer, and Qin Potian now only has the Soul of the Sword and the Excalibur in his body, but he has not yet realized the skill of a Sword God.

Moreover, his current upgraded level has only reached ten second-level!

Qin Potian's ability comes from the power of blood, but some of his genes have been mutated, making it impossible to measure his strength.

Those with the same level of upgraded ability were simply vulnerable in front of him, even those with the upgraded level of Nedes who had actually reached the twenty-eighth-level ability could not resist Qin Potian's attack!

This kid is the first person in Qin'an! In other words, even Yin Yao, who is in a demigod state, might not be able to fight Qin Potian! How brave it is!

Demar and Nedes are twin brothers, known as the gods of double shadows, so they have long-distance telepathy.

He took Ada Suli, who had been knocked out by him, swiftly running through the wilderness between Jiulong Mountain City and the city.

Some rice cooker robots flew over to stop him.

Suddenly, two flying birdmen fell from the sky.

They are Hanno, the god of black wings, Carlton, the god of whirlwind!

Hanno's low-altitude flight took Demar into his arms and flew up.

Demar put his palm on Hanno's body and activated the ability of Void Teleportation.

"Go save my Big Brother!"

Hanno went into the void and disappeared. Carlton flew over and hugged Demar again, and then took him to a higher place!

His flying speed surpassed the rice cooker robot, and after a while he rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then left Jiulongshan Realm.

Hannuo was teleported to Neddes after disappearing, and Nedes was hit by Qin Potian's fist to the highest point in the sky.

Hanno hugged Neddes and flew high into the sky, and escaped.

Qin Potian blushed at the sight of his anger, but he did not inherit Qin An's ability to fly.

However, he inherited the Spiritual Sense and teleportation ability of Peeping Sky. Therefore, Hanno and Nedes flew in the sky, and he started chasing on the ground, vowing to snatch back the beautiful little Big sis!

At this time, Qin An had already met his children.

When Qin Fangzheng's three younger brothers saw that the old man was coming, they immediately hid behind Big Sister.

Although Qin An loves his son, he is also strict.

Boy, he is naughty at first, so he must be disciplined strictly.

So Qin An treats his two daughters very much.

Qin Wen's mental arithmetic was the first daughter that Qin An came into contact with, and Qin Jiusi had been wandering outside for more than 20 years before he met his father and daughter, which is a natural treasure.

Back then, Qin An fled back to Tianju with a group of people. He remembered what Yin Shiyao had said and learned that Xiao Jiumei was actually own's biological daughter. It was exciting for several months.

Although he and Yin Yao have not established a relationship so far, and they communicate very little, they have not affected his love for his biological daughter in the slightest.

So the kids born later, after making mistakes, will seek protection from Big sis, they already know how to deal with the patriarchal father.

Sure enough, Qin An, who had a pale face, saw the three boys hiding behind his daughter, and his attitude eased.

Dog legs generally smiled at his daughter, and then slightly frowned and asked Qin Potian where he had gone.

Qin An came a little late, and Qin Potian had been chasing the enemy for ten minutes.

The Maya system did not report the situation to Qin An. The enemy had already escaped from the Jiulong Mountain range, and Maya was organizing robotic forces to pursue outward pursuits.

Qin Jiusi didn't hide it either, and quickly reported the incident to Qin An.

Qin An didn't worry too much when he heard that his son Qin Potian chased him out. Qin An was absolutely relieved of the strength of that kid.

However, Qin Potian was a little silly, and Qin An was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with the enemy and could not rescue Guo Sihai's sister-in-law.

Therefore, Qin An asked Qin Jiusi to take Little Brother Little Sister back to Tianju quickly, turn on the wings of the wind and fly to the sky, contacted the Maya system to check the enemy's location and quickly pursued it.

How could the people of God's Domain suddenly appear in Jiulong Mountain?

Qin An didn't need to think about it and knew that their goal was himself!

Over the years, almost all the hosts of the Sword God who have not shown up before have appeared. They are all women, and their purpose is to have sex with themselves, and then obtain their own genes. Only in this way can the Sword God be resurrected.

So, now that the power of the God's Domain has appeared, it is by no means accidental that Guo Sihai's sister-in-law is taken away. They may have been planning for a long time. Taking her away is nothing more than taking her as a hostage, and then letting themselves go! Because besides that, they really couldn't help but hide themselves in the heavenly residence, because they couldn't find the heavenly residence entrance at all, and they didn't know how to break the sealed energy of the heavenly residence.

On the other side, Qin Potian had lost his way.

He didn't chase Neddes, he just didn't know where he went.

He has never left Tianju, let alone Jiulong Mountain.

The wild is full of crises, because today the wild is full of all kinds of alien beasts, as well as dangerous tribes, most of which come from the Star of Sword Spirit!

Human beings simply cannot survive in the wild, even if they are alive, they have become slaves or toys of alien races.

After Hanno took Nedes out of the Jiulongshan area, he flew southward, 500 kilometers without stopping!

They understand the strength of Jiulong Mountain, and it is not easy to successfully catch Ada Suli.

To this end, they have made a lot of preparations and locked several targets.

In the end, they attacked Ada Suli, because Hanging Sword City was originally on the edge of the Kowloon City Link, so it was easier to escape.

And when they started, there were actually a few masters from God's Domain destroying the city's defense system.

They played a role, hindering the Mayan system from pursuing the enemy, but they couldn't escape, and they were eventually killed by the Jiulong City Defense System.

The defense system of Jiulong Liancheng is aimed at the group, so facing the three soul sword repairmen like Nedes, it is also very difficult to prevent him from escaping, especially they have flying companions.

When dusk arrived, Hanno and Nedes finally stopped and flew into the dark beast jungle!

Dark beast jungle,

Before the end of the world, this was the southern part of Xijiang Province, but now it is overgrown with trees of the dark night.

The Dark Night Tree is an out-and-out sword spirit star species.

They have the appearance of plants and the biological circulation system, but they have a relatively high IQ, so from the concept of the earth, they cannot be distinguished by type.

The Dark Night Tree tribe is actually more gentle, and it is also a peace-loving race.

It's a pity that their biological characteristics are closer to those of trees, relying on seeds to spread their offspring, and they will not be able to move for a lifetime after they land on the ground and take root.

They also have a special feature, that is, the sword Spiritual Qi that can release the dark attribute, and this kind of sword Spiritual Qi is the favorite of the dark beasts.

Dark beast, humanoid alien.

Their skin is dark, and their eyes and teeth are blood red.

Has a high IQ, but is an ancient and traditional race.

The dark orcs are not in contact with foreigners, they stay in the dark night woods and live their own life.

Qin Potian didn't know what dark beast jungle, he just knew that Neddes and Hannu had escaped into this black forest, so he chased it in regardless.

Just a few steps into the woods, dozens of branches fell on the big tree next to him, and Qin Potian was tied up and wrapped into a ball.

Qin Potian was startled, and just about to resist, a gentle female voice sounded in his heart.

This is exactly the way the Dark Night Tree human race communicates. It touches the body of others through branches, and then communicates with the soul, without ethnic language barriers."Hey, the little boy of the human race, I am Lulu. Hey, in fact, all of our tribes are called Lulu, but our tone and syllable are different. It is difficult for foreigners to distinguish. Let’s talk about it, how did you run into the dark The beast jungle is here? The dark orcs are here in Life, they are all despicable and nasty guys, but unfortunately we can’t refuse them in our territory, because they have to live by absorbing our excretion gas! Hey, you are still fast Leave, the dark orcs are very evil, they don't accept foreigners, you will be tortured to death by them when you enter!"


Qin Potian was a little nervous, why did Da Shu speak in his heart?

"I want to save the beautiful Big sis!"

Qin Potian didn't conceal his own thoughts and spoke directly.

"Beautiful Big sis.

Lulu talked halfway, and paused.

At this time, Carlton and Demar also flew into the middle of the woods with Ada Suli, and went to round with Neddes and Hanno.

The Dark Night Tree people spread the news through Mental Energy, so at this time Lulu, who was at the edge of the woods, had guessed who Qin Potian said that the beautiful Big sis was.

"Hey, little boy! You better go, this is not where you should be. The group of people is also a foreign race, but they were accepted by the Dark Orcs. That's because Yamo’s host came, and Yamo was originally dark. The main god of the beast clan."

"What the hell is Yamo?"

"Ah? You don't even know the Yamo? Are you an earth human race?"

"Yes, I am an earthling!"

"No wonder, it turns out that you are a child of the earth human race. Hey, this Yamo is a very famous guy, and he is not a ghost, but a sword god! The sword god who ranks seventeenth on the sword god list is also a heaven. Singer God’s most evil killer! In many continents of the Sword Spirit Star, there are legends about the sub-shen. The sub-shen is a more terrifying existence than many sword gods ranked higher than him. You should go quickly. Come, don't let him find you!"

Qin Potian’s character is the most similar to Qin An, and Qin An has been a silly and daring person since he was a child, and seems to be an honest person, but he is bolder than anyone else, but even a meaty caterpillar dare to be half-baked. Eat it!

Therefore, Qin Potian was also very courageous. He didn't care about the Dark Orcs, the Demon Sword God.

Of course, the eight-year-old Qin Potian also inherited Qin An's cleverness.

Qin An is still not a smart person in the eyes of outsiders, but people who have been in contact with him for a long time will find that Qin An is actually very smart, and is a somewhat stale type.

Qin Potian was not stupid either. After entering the Dark Night Woods and being caught by Lulu, he did not immediately resist. After feeling that Lulu was not hostile, he began to inquire about intelligence.

"Big sis, if I have to go in, will they find me right away?"

"That's not true. The Spiritual Sense ability of the Dark Orcs is similar to that of ordinary Earthlings, and Yamo is not that kind of Spiritual Sense."

"Oh, that's easy! Big sis, I must go into the jungle. You can't stop me. If you can hide for me, I will repay you well! Do you know the Jiulong Mountain in the north? There is the territory of the human race. If you help me, I will let my father take you to Life over there, okay? He is a high official!"

Qin Potian actually didn't know what his father's position was, he was just talking nonsense.

However, his nonsense saying so moved Lulu's heart.

Although the Dark Night Trees cannot actively move the roots in the soil, they can still be transplanted if someone helps them.

So the main race in the Kowloon Link City is the human race, and the green and green people have heard some news.

Human races are mostly individuals with relatively mild personalities. If they can be with Human Race Life, it is really good.

"But, is it really too dangerous here?"

Lulu still has some doubts.

Qin Potian felt that he had almost communicated with Lulu, his Spiritual Sense could only lock the voice within ten kilometers, and found that his own target was about to leave the own tracking range and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

So, he turned on the teleportation ability and left the green branches, and while running inside, he whispered: "I'm not so easy to deal with! Green sister, please help me! As long as they don't find me, I will definitely Can rescue the beautiful little Big sis!"

While talking, Qin Potian disappeared in the dense forest.

The news was passed quickly between Lulu and Lulu, and what Qin Potian said was made public.

When everyone heard that they had the opportunity to leave Dark Orc Life, they were all very happy!

They hate this race too much, because they are too evil.

In the heart of the dark beast jungle, the dark beast tribe was established here, their population is more than 100,000, not too much but not too small.

Qin Potian ran all the way, and there were guards from the dark orcs on the road, but under the cover of the greens, he was really not found, and kept sneaking in.

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