Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1316 This kid is a bit silly

Ada Suli was really unlucky. It was the first time that she had left the protection. She walked around by herself, but she was caught out of the Kowloon City Link before her expectation.

As an alien, Ada Suri has no alien consciousness at all.

She also came to earth eight years ago, when she was just a baby born six earth years old.

The guards desperately took her out of the monster tunnel and almost died. The only one who survived was also seriously injured and eventually died.

An investigation team of Dong Junwei's troops passed by and happened to see the crying Ada Suli, so she took her back to the Shanhaiguan base.

People thought she was a human child. A kind female soldier adopted her. Two years later, Guo Sihai finally found Ada Suli and took her back to the alien father-in-law Ada Khan.

The former female soldier also became Ada Suri's adoptive mother and stayed with her all the time.

Therefore, Ada Suri was actually raised by the people of the earth, her temperament is closer to the people of the earth, and her knowledge is similar to that of the people of the earth.

So when she woke up and saw a circle of black people around, she was trembling all over, not knowing what they were.

These so-called blacks are different from the blacks on earth.

They look darker and stronger, with an average adult height of more than 2.5 meters, and their eyes and teeth are blood red, just like demons.

"No, don't come over, who are you?"

Ada Suri screamed, but only in exchange for the other's god-tier ridicule.

The language used by the dark beast blacks is the Sword Spirit Star Common Language. This language is different from Chinese, but half of the pronunciation is the same as Chinese.

Ada Suri has come into contact with two languages, one is Chinese and the other is the lingua franca, so Ada Suri can understand what the Dark Beast Negro says.

"Little girl of the human race, don't be afraid, we are the dark orc race, good people! Do you understand?"

Dark Orcs?

Ada Suri has never heard of it.

But at this time she had calmed down a bit and moved her eyes to look around.

Oh my God, this is a large savage tribe at all.

Totem, animal bones, bonfire, wooden cage, rattan tent.

What worries Ada Suli the most is the dead bodies hanging in front of their tents. There are various species, including humans.

Ada Suri is now fourteen years old. She is not a fool, so she judged that the dark beast black man in front of her must not be a good person, so she became more afraid and didn't know how to do it well, so she could only report her own background.

"You let me go, I am Little Sister of the second head of the alliance Adanaren! You send me back to Jiulong Mountain, she will definitely give you many sword soul stones!"

The only currency commonly used on earth today is the Soul Sword Stone, because this thing is useful for almost all races.

The Earth's sword Spiritual Qi body is much thinner than that of the sword spirit star. The creatures of various races want to become stronger and sword repairers cannot do without the sword soul stone.

The conditions proposed by Ada Suri did not arouse much interest from the nearby dark orcs.

One of the dark orcs suddenly bent down, grabbed Ada Suri by the collar of her clothes and lifted her up directly.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

Ada Suri struggled hard, but she had no abilities, and her strength was naturally much smaller.

The dark orc carried Ada Suri out of a few hundred meters to the mouth of a cellar, and then threw it into it at once.

Ada Suli fell three meters, then fell into the water, sinking for a meter and a half, and then slowly floating upwards.

She only found it difficult to breathe after she came out of the water, because the turbid and foul-smelling gas was everywhere around her.

This cellar is very big, it is a square with a side of ten meters, its overall depth is more than ten meters, there is stinky water below, and only three meters above can reach the entrance of the cellar. Ada Suri swims to the side and wants to climb up. It is impossible to climb up.Suddenly, the smelly water set off splashes, and Ada Suli could feel that something under the water was stirring the smelly water back and forth.

Her heart touched her throat, she was already so scared to death!

Suddenly the water waves rolled, and a big meat ball got out of the water!

It was really a ball of flesh, with the body of a snake attached to it, because there was no skin, and the muscles looked scarlet and eye-catching.


Ada Suri was so scared that she screamed, the meatball had already opened a mouthful of blood, and Ada Suri wanted to dodge but there was nowhere to escape.

With a buzzing, her eyes went dark, and Ada Suri fainted, her body floating in the water.

at this time,

Qin Potian had sneaked into the camp of the Dark Orcs and found the location of Ada Suli.

He was already short and Movement Technique was very agile, so he sneaked into the camp and was not found.

Qin Potian also got a piece of information about the Dark Orcs from Lulu just now.

They are super omnivorous carnivores, which means they eat all kinds of meat.

But they don't eat living things, but like to eat dead ones.

And their methods of killing the prey are also very special. They don't use a knife to see the blood directly, but will scare the prey to death!

This sounds weird, but the dark black people have always done this. They have all kinds of scaring methods. No matter any species, as long as they are spiritual, they will have a fear gene in their personality elements.

Therefore, all creatures with fear genes will be scared to death.

Dark orcs like to eat creatures that are scared to death. This is their tradition! I don't know how many years it has been circulating.

Qin Potian's ability to understand things is not strong, so he really doesn't understand the behavior of the Dark Orcs, but he just feels a little strange.

Moreover, Qin Potian didn't know why some creatures were scared to death, but he didn't know what fear was since he was a child!

Passing through behind the tents, Qin Potian finally reached a place not far from Ada Suli.

At this time, the beautiful little Big sis was so scared that she fainted, and the Dark Orcs were pulling her out of the cellar full of water.

"Ah, how come you are so scared, you are too courageous, right?"

"It's okay, we are sending her to other places, so I can't believe it and scare her!"

"Let's put her in custody first. Didn't the patriarch say that she still needs to be used as a hostage?"

"What more hostages, just scare them to death! Anyway, this person is already here, then people who want to save her will naturally come, no one cares whether the hostages are alive or dead!"

While talking, the dark orc carrying Ada Suri had already walked to a big wooden house, then opened the door and threw it in.

"Haha, it won't take long for this little human woman to be scared to death! Think about it for a while, should we cut the meat and eat it raw or roast it on fire? Poached!"

Several dark orcs laughed, and then walked away, no matter what happened in the wooden house.

Qin Potian crept through the tents, and finally turned on the teleportation into the wooden house, hiding in a corner and looking around.

There is no furniture in this wooden house, it is very simple, and a few braziers hung on the ceiling to release dim lights.

With the help of lights, Qin Potian saw more than a dozen zombies with ropes tied to their necks. They did not have fingers or teeth, which meant that they could not transmit T virus, but they were still aggressive and food-loving, so Ada Suli was thrown away. After entering, a dozen zombies immediately rushed forward, ripped her clothes apart, and then bit her meat.

It's a pity that they have no teeth, and some bones have been removed from their faces, so the bite is weak, and they can't cause damage to Ada Suli, but they woke her up from a coma!

The zombie's face is terrifying, there is no skin on it, the muscles are all black and gray, and they are all in a rotten state, with fleshy worms crawling back and forth.

After Ada Suri woke up, she began to bark and tears came out.

She is the charming Little Princess. How can she ever see such a horrible scene?

Just when Ada Suri was about to faint from fear again, her small hand suddenly grabbed her arm, and then dragged it to the corner of the wall.

A small figure flickered back and forth, and a dozen zombies in the room were immediately killed.

"Little Big sis, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

Qin Potian was not afraid at all. As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but he is a fresh and tender little calf.

Ada Suri didn't expect to save her when she was most helpless. Her heart was still uneasy. After a long time, her emotions stabilized, only to realize that she was guarding her by the little boy, little dwarf!

My heart was blank, I was in a daze, I saw the little dwarf spinning around in the room, and then returned to his side again depressed.

"Little Big sis, what can I do? Your clothes were all torn apart by those zombies just now. I looked for it. There is nothing for you to wear. Are you cold?"


Ada Suli was shocked, looked down and found that she was naked. She hurriedly hugged her swollen chest with her hands. Her face was originally pale, but at this time she was completely bloodless.

Eight-year-old Qin Potian curled his lips, disapproving of Ada Suli's behavior.

He hadn't seen the woman's body before. Qin Potian's biological mother was Liu Ru, but Liu Ru is now in the Necrotic Space. Although the mother and son can make a video call, they can't meet each other.

Therefore, Qin An’s wife is Qin Potian’s mother, who has taken good care of Qin Potian. In the past two years, a group of women often took Xiao Potian to take a bath, so this kid didn’t think there was anything strange about women’s nakedness. I don't think that Ada Suri's body is very good, because in his eyes, Dad's streamlined and muscular body is perfect! It is also the goal he strives for! Dad said that as long as he exercises his body well, he can also have muscles! He didn't want to grow into the type of mothers, with bulging, soft and ugly breasts!

Ada Suli didn't even know the ideals and thoughts of Daoist family Qin Potian. At the age of fourteen, she already had different ideas between men and women, so she was naturally ashamed. After all, the little dwarf is also a man!

But Ada Suri was a little grateful to the little dwarf at this time.

In such an unfamiliar environment, it is so reassuring to see an "acquaintance"?

More importantly, this acquaintance seems to be a fellow with good ability.

Those zombies that seem to make people feel terrible, aren't they killed by him in an instant?

Who is he?

The tangled Ada Suli sat up, curled her body in the corner, and then raised a trembling hand to wipe the tears from her face.

"We...where are we?"

"In a place called the Dark Beast Jungle, it seems to have run far! The outside is all bad guys, little Big sis, I want to rescue you out, but there are too many people outside! Although I am not afraid of them, but I'm afraid I can't take care of you when I fight with them! Hey, what should I do if you give me an idea?"

Ada Suli was taken aback for a moment, and she began to admire the little kid in front of her.

He obviously came to save own, but in turn asked how he should escape. This is really speechless!

Perhaps because of Qin Potian's stupid and silly look, Ada Suli finally calmed down completely, without so much fear.

Yeah, what should I do?

She had seen it just now. There were all dark beasts and black people nearby. She should have been brought in by birdmen who could fly. It would be very difficult to escape if she could not fly.

Hey, Ada Suli's eyes drifted to Qin Potian, and she couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

In the story of the earthlings, the princess is caught by Devil, and there will always be a prince charming to rescue her.

I was in distress today, how could it be a kid who saved her?

And this little kid obviously doesn't understand the ass! I'm naked now, why is he... why doesn't he feel at all?

In fact, I really can't blame Qin Potian, because he is really a kid!

In his eyes, naked women are not as fun as clay figurines.

A group of little clay figures can be placed on the sand table to play a game of war between the two armies. What is the use of a naked woman? Qin Potian couldn't think of it.

"What is your name?...How did you get in? Are you really trying to save me? Why?"

Ada Suri felt that she should still get to know this little kid, after all, he was her only hope now.

"My name is Qin Potian! Little Big sis, of course I want to save you! I've always liked helping others since I was a kid. When I saw a stray dog ​​on the street, I would run home and give him a Steamed bun to eat. !"Ada Suli swears that if this is in the city of Kowloon, she will immediately jump over and strangle the dead child to death, but unfortunately now she can only think about it, smile on her face, and dare not offend the kid.

"Furthermore, Maya appeared when you were taken away, and I realized that you turned out to be a relative of My Sihai Uncle! My father Qin An and Sihai Uncle are good friends! They often drink in Tianju!"

"Ah? You are Qin An's son?"

Ada Suri was shocked.

"Yeah, haha, Little Big sis, you have never played at my house before. When I look back, I will invite you to Tianju. Tianju is fun and there is also a playground! It’s just that the Little Brothers are a little bit naughty, But don’t be afraid to have Big sis in charge. Don’t worry, as long as you go, I will treat you well!"

The upright Qin Potian didn't think this was a dangerous place. Not only did he chat about the daily routine in front of Ada Suli, he also invited others to visit Tianju as a guest.

Ada Suri felt energized after a while.

She is not unfamiliar with the name Qin An. I heard her brother-in-law say that she is a guy with super powerful abilities, so his son should have inherited relatively good abilities, right?

Yes, it must be!

Otherwise, how could he follow the captured self, and sneak into the enemy's camp to his side?

Although this kid is not Prince Charming, he should be considered a kid? If I can't do it, I can really save myself.

And since Maya already knows that she has been arrested, her brother-in-law will receive news from Big sis soon, and they will definitely send someone to save Own.

The Maya system is a super cow's artificial intelligence system. Even if she leaves the Jiulongshan area, she should be able to track own location!

So as long as you continue to wait, rescue will come in a few minutes.

If this is the case, then the kid doesn’t have to do anything at all, as long as he protects himself in this closed wooden house!

Haha, really smart, I figured out a way so quickly.

Ada Suli felt a little pride in her heart.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Ada Suli, the kid opened the door of the room and walked out, and stood at the door.

Ada Suli's face turned green, and she didn't care that she wasn't wearing clothes or the disgusting zombie corpses on the ground. She stood up and ran to the door, and said hurriedly and softly: "Hey! Little... .Little boy, what are you doing? Come back soon!"

With a smile on his face, Qin Potian turned his head and glanced at Ada Suli, then said:

"The reason why I sneaked in just now was mainly because I was afraid that the enemy would find me and hide you, so that I would not find you. Little Big sis, now that I am by your side, I don’t actually need to be there. I'm scrupulous. I was a little timid just now, this is really not right, sorry for the little Big sis!

Dad taught me that I must be responsible, and since I plan to save you, I can't shrink back.

Dad also said that being a man must be brave and confident, isn't it just a group of monsters? I can’t teleport with you, so it’s impossible to sneak out, so let’s kill it!

By the way, Dad also said that boys should be bold and thin-skinned! "


Stupid, Ada Suli was completely stupid, and she couldn't understand how Qin Potian's legendary father educates her children.

And what the hell is this kid Qin Potian?

How can you be smart and stupid?

When Ada Suli was in a daze, Qin Potian had already ran out and got a lot of tiger skins and a few beef tendons back.

In fact, he doesn't know nothing, at least he can distinguish between inside and outside.

The mothers didn't wear clothes only in front of their father, and even they didn't wear open crotch pants anymore, so Qin Potian felt that Ada Suli should also be put on at this time.

When he reached Ada Suli, Qin Potian wrapped the beautiful little Big sis with tiger skin.

Although he is small, when Lida is infinite, Ada Suri is like a rag doll in his hands, and it will be tightly wrapped in a short while.

After that, Qin Potian tied the beef tendon to the tiger skin, and then put Ada Suli in his hand and walked out.

"Little Big sis, watch me save you out!"

"Ah, you idiot, put me down!"

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