Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1317 News of Weng Lan

Ada Suri cried anxiously.

This kid is too stupid. Didn't he just say that there are all those dark beast monsters outside, why run out?

Even if he is Qin An's son, even if he is a bit bullish, is he still looking for death in the face of so many monsters? Isn’t there a proverb on the earth that two fists are hard to beat four hands? Doesn't Qin Potian as an earth child know these words?

No matter how anxious Ada Suli was, it was already too late, because the nearby Dark Orcs found Qin Potian and rushed towards it.

Qin Potian was still a little nervous. Although his strength was very strong, he had never killed anyone.

In his mind, the scene of the dialogue with Qin An flashed quickly.

"You guy is so strong, you are not allowed to fight casually.

Oh, dad, someone hit me first?

Then we have to deal with it in two situations. If the other party is a friend and has some small conflicts and hits you, just ignore them. You have to be broad-minded, you know?

Well, what if it is the enemy?

If it's the enemy, you don't have to be polite, you must use your best when you shoot! Run if you can't beat, kill if you can't beat! "


At that time, Qin Potian didn't know the meaning of this word, so he asked Maya specifically.

Maya's explanation is also only four words: kill all!

The two Dark Orcs arrived first, they were both strong bodies, Realm's strength, and the sword soul had not yet been condensed in their bodies, so there was no excalibur protection.

Qin Potian's speed was extremely fast, and he slapped a fist at the closest person, a powerful burst of power, which was transformed into energy and merged into the enemy's body.

If ordinary power is strong, the opponent may also be beaten directly into the air.

But Qin Potian's power was already extremely powerful, and even Qin An and Qin Potian couldn't take advantage of the fist.

Therefore, the Dark Orc was not beaten into the air, and his fist power was integrated into every cell of him, which eventually caused his body to burst and turn into a blood mist.

However, the energy released by Qin Potian's punch has not been offset at all, blending into the blood mist and pushing forward, blowing through another nearby Dark Orc.

The wind of blood mist is like a knife, piercing the body and removing the flesh and bones.

The group of guys outside were all scared to death, and hurriedly stopped and dared not move forward, because one of their two clansmen turned into a blood mist, and the other had turned into a skeleton. This is simply terrifying!

Who is the kid of this human race? The punch he threw could not feel any complex attributes, it seemed that it was completely the energy transformed because of the burst of power.

But, who can have such great power?

In the Dark Orcs family, I'm afraid that I can't find a master with such a powerful force, right?

Just when they hesitated, Qin Potian had already carried Ada Suli by 10 meters, escaping the encirclement circle over 30 meters, and ran in a random direction.

His speed is very fast, and the most important thing is that he is invincible.

Any dark orcs who approached would almost be smashed by his punch, it was really unstoppable.

Nearby, a tribal leader received news that a foreign enemy had invaded.

He himself was a two soul sword repairer, and immediately summoned tribal warriors to come and surround Qin Potian.

A group of people whispered and shouted, and the messenger told the enemy's appearance, saying it was a human child.

After hearing this, the boss laughed, and couldn't believe what the other party said.

"How is it possible that most human races are sword Spiritual Qi Houtian cultivaters, how powerful can a child be?"

While talking, a group of people had reached the front of the chaotic zone.

The boss squinted his scarlet bloody eyes and saw a small figure rushing from the opposite side. Any clansmen who approached him would be smashed by a punch, some were directly turned into blood mist, and some were turned into stumps and flesh. .

Ah? Is this guy really fierce?

Before he could think too much, the boss had already rushed to stop Qin Potian.Qin Potian took Ada Suli and rushed seven or eight kilometers away. He had been using physical attack power. This attack power of its own nature could not consume much of the sword, Spiritual Qi, and there was no skill cooling time.

Qin Potian was a little anxious, because the people around him got more and more together. At this time, he didn't have the time to think about more things. He just wanted to rush forward.

Forget it, it seems that I need to use weapons. Although I haven't comprehended the skills of the sword god, I can still be regarded as a sword repairer.

A bright light suddenly rose, dazzling Ada Suri's eyes.

When she finally got used to it and looked intently, all the emotions in her heart disappeared, leaving only surprise.

A huge sword appeared in the hands of the kid.

This sword is really too big!

Its sword is ten meters in length, one meter in width, and the whole body is silver.

It was already night, and the sword burst into light, illuminating the vicinity like daylight.

Oh my God, how heavy is it for such a big sword? Can the little kid be moved?

Ada Suli was wrapped in Qin Potian like rice dumplings. At this time, there was no bit of resentment in her heart, because she had already seen the power of Xiao Pohai, and he was pleasing to his eyes a lot.

Qin Potian's divine sword is called Bawang!

This sword weighs 7,800 jins and is made of heavy metal from the sword spirit star transmitted from the gate of time and space.

Except for Qin Potian, Qin An, and Yin Yao in the Tianju space who can dance with this epee for so many laps, the others are all in vain, even if they can be picked up, they cannot be used.

After the overlord appeared, Qin Potian turned the wheel around, and the silver sword Spiritual Qi shot out. The powerful power attribute was transformed into energy. The strong wind and the sword Spiritual Qi merged together, and all the dark orcs within 500 meters of square yuan instantly Was entangled and dismembered by the powerful power, only the leader of the Second Soul Realm relied on his own powerful ability to avoid the vital point, but was cut off by an arm.

He was completely stupid, and backed out of a kilometer, not knowing where the human little killer god came out from.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and report to the patriarch. This kid is difficult to deal with. The law guard of the clan must come!"

The so-called guardian within the clan is actually just a sword repairer with the strength of two souls and three souls.

But because the sword god skills understood by different sword repairers are different, the strengths of sword repairers at the same level are naturally different.

After all, not all sword god skills have offensive attributes.

Qin Potian had already rushed forward two kilometers when the boss shouted.

The Overlord's epee was dragged on the ground by him, releasing sparks. Once there were too many people around, he swept out the Sword Qi blade with his sword, and the ordinary people of the nearby Dark Beast couldn't resist his attack at all.

In this way, Qin Potian continued to charge, but he actually killed him all the way and escaped from the dark beast jungle!

In fact, the reason why it can go so smoothly is because Qin An has already arrived!

In the center of the dark beast tribe's territory, the dark beast patriarch is inviting a woman named Kennedy Oran to dinner. Nedes and Demar, the god of two shadows; Hanno, the god of black wings, and Carlton, the god of whirlwind, are all accompanying them.

Then Oran is the host of the Asian Demon Sword God ranked seventeenth on the Sword God List.

Qin An knew that his son had succeeded and successfully rescued Ada Suli.

It's just that this kid is a little stupid. At this time, he completely ran in the wrong direction and was heading south. The south is now a bit chaotic. Human forces, alien forces, and sea beast forces often break out chaotic wars.

Qin An did not chase.

Qin Potian is eight years old, and he is the strongest among all Qin An's children.

For eight years, Qin An has been protecting him under his own wings, and maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity to let him go for a while.

Of course Qin An is not so open-minded, so he has let Rongrong follow Qin Potian quietly, turning into an object to follow Qin Potian.

Own was not as strong as this kid back then. Rong Rong was able to wander the world with her for more than 20 years. I believe that with her, she can protect Qin Potian from roaming around for a while and successfully return to Tianju, right?

So letting go of Qin Potian's affairs, Qin An certainly wants to find the culprit of this incident.

He has endured for eight full years, and perhaps it is time to go out and find the hosts of those sword gods!

Don't they want to resurrect on their own? Qin An did not intend to do what they wanted!

Today, Qin An, even though there is not much breakthrough on Realm, he is still a two soul sword repairer, but his strength has already advanced by leaps and bounds.

Not to mention the host of the little sword god, even if the true sword god is in front of him, he is not afraid, because he has accumulated thousands of spell cards.

This is a chaotic world.

In Fantasy novels, the male protagonist Flying Sword kills thousands of people at every turn.

Qin An used to see such plots and felt very silly. How could a person become a cold-blooded animal and kill innocent people? Such a person can still be written by the author as the protagonist?

Now, he has experienced the end times. Looking around, when the world is full of all kinds of alien races, and there are all kinds of life forms everywhere, he realizes that life is so insignificant. He doesn't want to kill people, but these life forms do All kinds of different purposes, but always come to let him kill.

Just as he told his son Qin Potian back then, either he didn't do it, or he had to do it all. This is the way to survive in this world!

In the southern June of the thirty-three years of the last days, the weather was neither hot nor cold, and the air was exceptionally good.

So the patriarch of the Dark Orcs invited guests in the wild.

For the main god host, the dark beast patriarch is full of respect.

Oran’s father is British and his mother is French.

She has long golden hair and profound features. She is not a beauty, but she is not ugly.

She grew up next to the Fifth Sword God Realm, and knew her own destiny since she was a child, that is, one day her soul will merge with Yamo, and then become Yamo Sword God.

In fact, her soul will be swallowed by the soul power of the Yamo Sword God.

Belief has always been blind obedience. She feels that Death means rebirth, and when Death comes, she will be reborn too.

Playing with the knife in his hand, Oran sat at the wine table, looking up at the Eastern man falling from the sky, with a faint, sweet smile on his face.

"Qin An? We finally met. You are a little more handsome than in the picture. Ha ha, I took great pains for you!"

"So you arrested Ada Suri because you wanted to attract me? It's just that the little girl seems to have been rescued now. If you want to blackmail me, is there a trick?"

The other party speaks English, and Qin An naturally also speaks English. He speaks all languages ​​in the world, because his soul has traveled all over the world and has memories of different races.

Oran frowned slightly. At this time, dark orc soldiers ran from one side and reported to their clan chief that Qin Potian had rescued the hostages.

Qin An walked slowly to the big round table, and then sat down leisurely.

Looked at the five Oran, and then looked at the patriarch of the dark orc clan.

These so-called dark orcs almost all look the same, and even if Qin An uses super vision to see it, they can't see that there is much difference between them.

Although he has many memories of Sword Spirit Stars, Qin An still doesn't know much about this race, because the Dark Beast Clan is considered to be a small number of individual races, and it is not prominent on the Sword Spirit Stars, and there is nothing more famous in this race. Master.

Looking at the food placed on the table, most of the grilled meat is cut into small pieces. This is also prepared to welcome the five people of Oran, right? I just don't know what kind of meat these meats belong to.

Oran sighed slightly after getting confirmation from the dark beast patriarch's nod.

"Really! I'll just say that the plan of taking hostages and threatening you seems inappropriate... I originally wanted to go to you directly. Qin An, let's not make it so complicated, okay? I'm the same. A nice woman, right? Let’s sleep for a night, and I can give you a thousand sword soul stones, and you can get my sword god ability, why not do it?"

While speaking, Olan straightened out her proud chest.

Qin An raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


For so many years after the end of the world, the one he lacks most is probably a woman.

As for the sword soul stone, one thousand? Hmph, this is a huge wealth for the subject, but it is not worth mentioning for him. There are tens of thousands of sword soul stones in his Interspatial Ring, and hundreds of sword Spirit Stones.

Therefore, he will not be tempted!

This apocalypse has nothing to do with him. He is not the protagonist in the story, nor is he a passerby, just a vast number of sentient beings.

"what's your name?"

"Kennedy Oran."

"Oh, the host of the Seventeenth Sword God. The four great sword god skills of Yamo: Devil Body, Devil Dao Without Borders, Devil's Lock, Devil's Graveyard, right?"

Qin An has been in contact with Yin Yao for a long time, and has a deeper understanding of the Forty-Nine Sword God. He had already learned the identity of this woman through super hearing before he came here.

"Yes, you are so clear? It's not a loss that you have the blood of the ancestor of the sword god."

"Tell me, what do these abilities do? Let me see if they can arouse my interest.""The magical body is vertical and horizontal, and the physical skills can make me transformed into a magical body, flying to the sky and omnipotent.

Devil Dao is boundless, group control-like supernatural ability, I can make all the people on the earth into a demonized state, bloodthirsty! I have never activated this ability. I know that you are a kind man, so I am also a woman with a good heart. Otherwise, if I activate the power of Devil Dao Wujiang, this apocalypse will be even more chaotic! Because even zombies will be affected by my abilities, when they all become demonized zombies, they will be more violent and bloody. Although this ability can only last for one hour at a time, after which all creatures will return to normal, but you have to know that one hour of demonization is enough to kill a large number of creatures in this world!

The lock of the Demon Abyss, the group summoning ability, I can open the passage of the Demon Realm and summon monsters into the world. The so-called Devildom Channel is connected to the monster world, and the creatures there are very bloodthirsty.

In the Maura Cemetery, I can resurrect the creatures killed by the monsters and demonize them again, and then become my summoned creatures and continue to kill the enemy.

How about it? Are you interested in my sword god ability? "

Qin An frowned and shook his head.

"It's really scary! No wonder the legendary Asian Demon is a more terrifying existence than some of the higher-ranked sword gods on the sword god list. The ability to demonize global creatures...this is too abnormal. It seems that I am going to take back the Parasitic Sword God in your body. You are now 100% connected with the Excalibur, right? The condition for the Sword God to be resurrected is to be a man and woman with me? What a pity, I treat you. No interest at all!"

In the end, Qin An's tone turned cold, and the sword spirit in his body slowly overflowed, slowing down the air flow nearby, and everyone felt tremendous pressure.

Oran was a little nervous, and said:

"Qin An, if I were you, I would not do it easily! Since I dare to come to you, I must be fully prepared! Before I came here, I just came back from United States. I have news that you will definitely be interested in. Don't you want to know?"

United States?

Qin An was taken aback for a moment.

In such a remote place, can there be any news of interest to you?

Weng Lan?

Qin An's heart beat suddenly.

He hardly remembered this name for eight years.

There are really too many people and things around him, and Qin An's age is also old, so he doesn't have any extra thoughts to think about such amorous things.

For eight years, Qin An killed foreign races on the northern physical plateau in the first two years. In recent years, when he returned to Xuanjian City, he also went around killing monsters and collecting sword soul stones and spell cards.

He is mature enough, and the more mature a person is, the less desire.

Slightly squinting, Qin An looked at Oran and said softly:

"Let me go to bed with you before you tell the so-called news?"

Oran nodded.

"Well, a reasonable exchange! It's really good for you. I have all your information. You wandered in United States for so many years, wasn't it just to find someone? I have news about her, don't you want to know?"

Don't care, Qin An said in his own heart.

But his body was still shaking slowly.

I was not sure just now, but now Qin An couldn't help being excited after hearing Olan's words.

There really is news about Weng Lan?

is it possible?

Many people know this experience of own, will the other party lie to him?

"I am not interested in your news, and I also doubt the accuracy of your news. Maybe you are lying to me!"

"Lie? I'm not naive enough to think you are a naive person!"

While talking, Oran took a photo from her pocket and threw it to Qin An.

Qin An stretched out his hand to catch it, and slowly opened his eyes, staring round!

In the photo, an oriental woman with long hair reaching her waist, wearing shabby clothes.

There was a red palm print on her pale face, and blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth.

A small, plump Western woman stood in front of her, with a smile on her face.

Opposite these two women, a tall black man was pointing his finger at the eastern woman, his mouth opened, as if yelling!

Qin An abruptly sat up from the seat, his hand holding the photo was already trembling as if he had been electrocuted!

"Where did you get this picture? Where is Weng Lan now?"

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