Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1320 Qin Le's Big Wedding

He Kelausu was thinking about the same thing as Qin Xiaoyan at this time.

"Hey, it would be great if the old man Liu Yuanchao could also come to my wedding!"

"Don't worry, when we go out and travel the world this time, we will also collect a lot of sword soul fragments. We will accumulate them at that time. When we come back to find your brother-in-law in a few years, let him all fuse into the sword soul stone, and then let him die. All people in the spiritual space are resurrected."

"Big sis, how many years are you going to be separated from your brother-in-law?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. Just take a vacation for your brother-in-law. The old wife and old wife don't think so much! He and Weng Lan have been separated for more than 30 years, and they should be allowed to live in a two-person world. Don’t worry, I won’t give up your brother-in-law because of any woman. When we get tired from playing, I must get your brother-in-law’s true love and get pregnant with his child! So, Big sis is going to practice, Refining yourself for your lover, and when I return, it will be a good sunny day! Everything will disappear. If your brother-in-law can't give me a child at that time, I will definitely cut off his ****!"

"Big sis! Are you willing?"

"Reluctant, cut it down and give it to you!"

"Ahhhhh! Rogue! People have own****, so I don't want my brother-in-law!"

"Haha, you are a hooligan!"

The two sisters laughed together, and finally hugged each other tightly.

The wedding was very lively. There were so many guests who entered Tianju to participate in the wedding. There were more than 600 tables in the square outside the city.

The relatives of Qin An's side are busy, so hard.

Qin An's good brother, Gu Changqing, stood in front of the rostrum and was busy directing... his wives.

Yes, plural, wives.

Gu Changqing has many wives, more than 300 women! These are all the oiran he has collected in the fireworks and willow alleys all over the years, and they are all sword repairers.

"Hey, hello, Xiaojia, go and ask Luyi, why the fruit plate hasn't been served yet? The wedding ceremony begins immediately, why hasn't even the fruit plate been served yet?"

Everyone in Tianju knows Qin'an's secret, that is, those who believe in Qin'an don't get old.

Therefore, the prostitute Xiaojia, who was brought back by Gu Changqing in the city of Liuhai, still looks very young, because she believes in the Dage of her own man, Qin An.

"I'll take a look, don't you shout!"

Everyone is very busy, only Gu Changqing is the idler, but he talks the most, and he treats his women like bulls and horses.

Xiao Jia was very upset, she and Gu Changqing were not newly married, and her temper became more and more fierce.

The green dress is the queen of the tree elves and the eldest wife of Gu Changqing.

Xiaojia has been very close to Luyi recently because they are planning something.

There are so many women in Gu Changqing, and Gu Changqing doesn't have the time and effort to take care of them.

Therefore, Luyi decided to take out the value of his eldest wife to help Gu Changqing take a batch.

Those who Gu Changqing doesn't like, and those who want to cheat, let them leave Tianju.

Where is there no grass on the horizon? There are so many two-legged men. If there is not so much love, why bother to tie them together?

Gu Changqing has been tired from playing in the past few years, and basically hides in Tianju to watch the children. It seems that there will be no new people laughing in the future.

In that case, the old people who have been crying for a few years should also stand up and call the shots!

So apart from Gu Changqing, Qin An's other friends have also come to the wedding, and these people are now living in Tianju.

"Baby, baby! Go slowly, don't fall!"

Tyrant Biao followed Guo Xiaomei whirringly, shocked and nervous.

"Are you sick, the child is only four months old, and the stomach is not up. Do you need to be so careful? Qin An is your colleague before the end of the world. Shouldn't we be more active when he gets married with Little Brother?"

Tyrant's smirk, not angry because of Guo Xiaomei's unreasonableness, pregnant women, a little bit normal.

Guo Xiaomei was finally pregnant for the second time, which kept Ba Tian excited.

There are happy fathers, and naturally there are depressed fathers.

Tyrant’s Little Sister Shi Jing had already sat down at the banquet with her husband Zhao Junyu, and was waiting to eat. There were busy people everywhere. They felt that sitting honestly at this time without making trouble was the greatest help to the scene.

Zhao Junyu looked at the three four-year-old cute boys in front of him with a serious face, very tangled.

"Dad! Guess who I am!"

"Dad, see if I am Zhao Haitang!"

"She is not Zhao Haitang, I am! I am!"

Zhao Junyu's three daughters are called Zhao Haitang, Zhao Lihua, and Zhao Yuehua. They are three sons, identical triplets, they look exactly the same, very cute.

They don't know when they fell in love with this game, and that is to let Zhao Junyu guess who they are.

Zhao Junyu is also stupid enough to never guess, because in his eyes his daughter is exactly the same cute.

Shi Jing leaned on Zhao Junyu's shoulder, smiling like a flower.

"Hey, the surname is Zhao, you really can't guess which of the girls is which?"

The anger on Zhao Junyu's face was even greater, and he slammed his head to kiss Shi Jing's mouth. Shi Jing resisted slightly, and then gave in and was kissed.

It took a full minute for Zhao Junyu to let go of Shi Jing and turn his head to look at the three small ones. They were covering their mouths and laughing, and occasionally covering their eyes. They were obviously all villains.

Zhao Junyu smiled, looking at his own wife, the blushing was like a ripe peach.

Hey, there are wives and daughters like this, so what can the husband ask for?

Zhao Junyu remembered the scene in Ruyan City back then. If he hadn't been able to set foot on the ship in West Tibet, maybe he would have died long ago?

In fact, human destiny can be very exciting, the key is to see at a certain point in time, when a turning point strikes, whether people can catch it!

In the hectic, the wedding began, Qin An hid in the corner with Guo Sihai, Cheng Gang drank a lot of wine!

There are many types of buddies' feelings. Some make Qin An feel that he needs to be taken care of, while others have an equal relationship with Qin An.

Then Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang are just such buddies.

Qin An and Cheng Gang originally wanted to work together to get Guo Sihai drunk, and then asked Guo Sihai about the mysterious, the only sword god ability that is claimed to be a state secret.

But in the end the plan of the two of them failed. The drinking capacity of all three of them was so good that they couldn't be described appropriately without being drunk.

In the end, everyone can only talk about the wine and laugh out loud.

Not everyone has a good drink for three people, so many people drink too much.

The scenery of Tianju is very beautiful. After half of the banquet, some people left the venue and began to shuttle between the bamboo forest and the sea of ​​flowers.

Yun Duo, Wengdie's agent before the end of the world, became one of the thirteen wolf riders after the battle in Shanlan City in the end of the world.

When wandering in South Korea, she was married and had children, but her husband and children died in the war with the Mo Ling sect. In that chaos, only Yun Duo, Qin Bing, Wang Fang, Shi Jing, and Zhao Junyu escaped. After they came out, they organized forces to fight with the Moling Sect, and turned around to reunite with Weng Die.

Looking at the pink sky in the western blue sky, the cloud raised the wine glass in his hand and drank the red wine inside.

When the red wine was in her mouth, her mouth would be blocked by someone before she swallowed it, and then the red wine in her mouth would be snatched by someone.

"You...you hate it!"

Pushing Qin Bing away, Yun Duo was a little shy.

Hey, people always forget about the past and restart Life.

In the past few years living in Tianju, Yunduo and Qin Bing have developed a different kind of relationship, and now they have become lovers.

"The coquettish woman is the most beautiful! Honey, shall we have a wedding too?"

Qin Bing has a dream because of Little Sister He Ke Liusu's big wedding.

"Do you want to do it? What a shame!"

"Shame? You're afraid of Northern Dipper, Sister Fang is laughing at them?"

"Yeah...were we not friends originally?"

"What's wrong with my friend? Can't go to bed?" Qin Bing was a little angry.

"You... don't bother to talk to you!"

Yunduo ran away with a smile. After running for more than ten meters, he realized that Qin Bing had not caught up, and he was still standing where he was sulking.

"Hey, won't you come after me?"

Qin Bing froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Hey, I have known Yunduo for decades. He thought he knew enough about this woman, but he didn't expect to understand it.

"Oh, wait for me, I will chase you!"

Qin Bing pretended to trot weakly, and Yun Duo was jogging in front of him. In the end, Qin Bing caught up with Yun Duo, and it was inevitable that the two of them hugged each other and became affectionate.

A few tens of meters away, Wang Fang looked at such a young couple with a smile, with a sincere smile on his face.

Fang Lei accompanied Wang Fang.

"Son, I have already told Qin An, you will come to live in the middle of the sky in the future."

Fang Lei looked like he was in his thirties. He was finally affected by Qin An's selfless symbiosis, and he had begun to grow backwards.

Fang Lei was a little excited when he heard his mother's words, but tears loomed in his eyes.

"Don't blame Qin An. After all, you have thoughts of rebelling against him. But you can't be blamed. Qin An has been away for so many years. Who wants to give up in the face of power? Now, the situation in Jiulongliancheng has stabilized, and so are you. It’s time to retire. Isn’t your wife pregnant again? My old lady is holding her grandson again, don’t cry, this is a happy thing!"

Fang Lei looked at his mother, Wang Fang now looks like a 20-year-old girl, her breasts are a little bit more bullish than his own wife, no way she looks like an old woman.

"Mom, my son is wrong! Thank you Dage for helping me, thank him for letting me come to Tianju to stay with you!"

"Hey, why do you thank the brothers? Don't worry, Qin An is a generous person, at least he is magnanimous to friends. Let's go, go back to see your wife and tell her the good news. My grandson will be Born in Tianju, this can be regarded as a super green card in the last days. Tianju will be a safe city in the last days, and it will become a happy fairyland!"

While talking, the mother and son left the standing bamboo forest and walked to the banquet square.

"Hey, don't go!"

This is a hot spring, Northern Dipper just came out looking for a good brother Qin Bing passing by, but he didn't expect to see a hot spring coming out of the spring water.

She is a foreigner, looks less than thirty years old, has a curvaceous figure, naked and Northern Dipper does not feel embarrassed at all.

Northern Dipper blushed a little, and after a few glances, he recognized that this woman seemed to be next to Weng Die, called Soraka!

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