Soraka, the daughter of the former city lord of Darklight, is also a good sister of Weng Die.

Qin An met Soraka when he entered Darklight City to look for Wengdie. Soraka spent eight years in Xuanjian City, and finally grew back and became what he is now.

"I know you and have heard your story! One of the thirteen wolf riders beside Qin An, Northern Dipper?

Accompanied in life in the last days,

After death, the sorrowful sky is destroyed.

Fall in love without regrets,

The tears of the grave are all sentimental!

Ha ha, life and death depend on each other! You are the man whose poem was written by our boss Qin, come here, I want to hear your story in person, I want to know how you cut meat in the mine to feed your friends, and also want to know the love between you and your dead wife! "

Northern Dipper is still that tall and tall, and people are as mature as before.

He slightly frowned when Soraka mentioned the past of own. Although he was in Xuanjian City before, and now he is in the sky, Northern Dipper and Soraka are not familiar.

"your Chinese is not bad."

"Of course, I am a Chinese woman now!"

"Are you naked? I'm a man."

"Wow, what a coincidence! I am particularly interested in men!" Soraka straightened her chest and made a charming gesture.

Northern Dipper is a little angry, is he being molested? Is he despised?

When he walked to the hot spring, Northern Dipper quickly stripped himself, showing his strong muscles, and then entered the hot spring.

Soraka's fair skin had become flushed, not knowing whether it was because of the hot spring water, or he was shy.

"Come down, don't you want to hear the story?"

Soraka looked at the brawny man who was already sitting firmly in the hot spring, smiled even more, walked into the hot spring and lay directly into the embrace of Northern Dipper.

"I changed my attention. It is meaningless to listen to the story, so let's be the creator of the story!"

"What kind of story do you want?"

"It's not easy? Be frank and tolerant of each other!"

Northern Dipper's alcohol was rising, breathing heavily, and began their interpretation with Soraka!

This is really a different kind of wedding. It is too lively, conveying happiness and spreading love.

Not everyone left at the wedding banquet.

The three brothers from Darklight City, Mozai, Zhou Jiawei and Hu Wenwu are arguing. To be precise, both Zhou Jiawei and Hu Wenwu want to marry Mozai. It's a pity that Mozai has only one daughter, and Zhou Jiawei and Hu Wenwu together have two sons. How can one daughter marry two husbands?

The three of them kept arguing like this, and finally quarreled with Qin Anli, adding a touch of color to the lively wedding.

In addition to such a wedding, Qin An did a major event before his death.

That is, he and Yin Yao worked together to calculate his own daughter Qin Wenxin and the silly boy Dongsheng.

As biological parents, Qin An and Yin Yao certainly knew that Qin Wenxin was in love with Dongsheng, but it was a pity that this kid chose to use his baby girl as a buddy, which naturally made people entangled.

On a night when they couldn't see their fingers, the innocent parents got their two children drunk and injected them with powerful aphrodisiac drugs.

So, the next day, the two people who had been tossing crazily all night went crazy...Qin Wenxin almost cut off to kiss his parents, which is really annoying!

In the thirty-three years of the last days, everyone in Life in the middle of the sky is happy.

This is an absolutely safe space, there is no urgency like a dangerous city in the last days, and some are just comfortable and happy.

This year, many apocalyptic children were born, and they will hear stories about the pre-apocalyptic era in the mouth of their grandparents.

Vajra's two sons, Jin Bao and Jin Dou, are also in the middle of the sky. They and Liu Gang's two daughters have a happier life after their marriage.

In the four-person world, they love each other and become moms and dads, and they have three cute little babies.

This year, some people returned to Liancheng, Kowloon, but did not meet Qin An.

The daughter of Ba Tian and Guo Xiaomei, Shi Lida, has been wandering around. For several years, she has been searching for the meaning of her life, but in the end she found nothing.

When she stood on the street in Tangdu and bought an old popsicle for a dollar, the sky began to drizzle.

The little girl became a young woman, and she already had a beauty that was not inferior to Liu Ru or even Yin Yao.

Looking up at the blue sky, watching the falling rain, Shi Lida smiled.

The reason why she came back this time is because she heard some news, it seems that Guo Xiaomei is pregnant and she is about to have a Little Brother or Little Sister!

In the rain, a twenty-four-year-old woman wore a white dress. The dimensions of the upper body were very proud, and the pair of smooth and white thighs made people's heart beating.

Pedestrians passing by on the street are attracted by the beautiful figure. Many men with umbrellas in hand want to go up and shield women from the rain, but they are afraid of abruptly ruining a scene of Xia Yu's beauty!

However, not all men are so amorous, a tall figure appeared behind the woman in white.

His figure is slender and straight, and his features are profound and clear.

Raising his hand, an umbrella was hidden above the two of them. The man was smiling and talking, his voice seemed to have magical magnetism.

"It's raining, does the girl want to get wet?"

Shi Dali turned her head to look at the man's face, and after a dozen seconds of stunned her heart began to speed up, so handsome!

At this time, a woman in red appeared beside the two like a ghost, pouting unhappy and said:

"Young Master, do you want to be so cheap, come pick a girl if you don't see you at first sight!"

The man called Young Master ignored the woman in red, but continued to talk to Shi Lida.

"There is a Sichuan-flavored restaurant in the Tang Dynasty. The grilled fish in his family is said to have the same taste as the pre-apocalyptic era. Is the girl hungry? Would you like to let me go and invite you to have a big meal?"

"I'm not hungry, because I just finished eating." Shi Lida's eyes flashed like stars, and the man's face on the opposite side was ascending with a trace of loneliness.

"However, I am willing to eat that grilled fish with you, because I want to taste the taste before the end of the world, whether it is as beautiful and delicious as you!"

Be seduced! !

The man was stunned for a while, then stretched out his hand in surprise.

Shi Lida smiled sweetly, her face blushing and holding hands with the man, then the two held their umbrellas and walked away, leaving only the woman in red in the rain shouting curses.

"Beichenxing! couple of dogs! Hmph, don't want to leave me Zhong Xiaocui, my old lady has been your maid for so long, do you still want to hug other women? No!"

When the words fell, Xiao Cui began to chase the two in front of him, and a not-so-complicated but lingering love triangle began.

This year, many things have happened in the area of ​​Jiulong Liancheng, but they have nothing to do with Qin An's family.

Wu Ma Siqi put Tianju away and set off with Yin Yao.

The first stop for everyone is to go to Europe.

Qin An’s women were the majority in the pre-apocalyptic era. At that time, they had fantasized about traveling to Europe, but they never had the opportunity.

After the end of the world, he was also busy and wasted his years.

Now, they are about to realize their childhood dreams.

Although the world is already messy, it really has nothing to do with them.

They are going to look at the world, as they think about the plan.

Naturally, Qin An didn't follow. He had no worries and was alone. This was the best gift Xiaoyan and others gave him.

He finally returns to United States to meet the woman he once loved the most!

Climb to the highest peak of the Jiulong Mountains, Dayu Mountain in the northwest of Qinjuncheng.

It is two thousand three hundred meters above sea level.

Looking around, the traces of Jiulong Mountain are no longer there, and there are large and small cities everywhere.

The plan of Kowloon Link City is to use the city as a tool. This is not only a home for people to live in, but also a weapon for killing.

Qin An closed his eyes, and seemed to think of many fighting sounds in his ears.

He seems to be able to feel the existence of this huge city, and he can also see the future of this dangerous city in the last days.

How long can a city in the last days live in peace?

Qin An has already walked through many cities after the eruption of the last days. In the end, these cities all fell in the wind and rain of the last days and became clouds in memory.

So, can Kowloon Link City stand up to wind and rain?

Qin An is a little ashamed, because he knows that Jiulong Liancheng is not his own responsibility, but Guo Sihai's.

In the past few years, Guo Sihai has been very busy, constantly meeting with many foreign leaders of the Sword Spirit Star, establishing alliances with them, and reaching agreements to deal with various complex situations.

Qin An knew that he should take on more responsibilities. This was also Guo Sihai's most grievous request when facing Qin An.

However, Qin An did not do what Guo Sihai had hoped. It was not that he blindly greeted his wife and children, but that he positioned himself differently.

Qin An's target is those bosses hiding behind various races, including the sword god and the nine main gods.

Now, let him be capricious one last time.

Now that we know the news of Weng Lan, let him go to the woman and get her back!

Qin An thinks a lot. I haven't seen each other in more than 30 years. Weng Lan hasn't grown old. She is probably already married, and she probably has other people's children.

Thinking of this, Qin An's heart would feel pain for no apparent reason.

But even so, Qin An didn't care, he wanted to find Weng Lan, and then snatch her over without hesitation!

If Weng Lan no longer loves him and falls in love with other men, he must also take Weng Lan to himself and the man she falls in love with.

Now Qin An doesn't want anything else, but just wants Weng Lan to be happy in her future life, always happy, and no more suffering!

He couldn't understand his feelings for Weng Lan.

I haven't seen each other for more than 30 years. It stands to reason that love should have been wiped out long ago, and he doesn't think he still loves Weng Lan... But "Hey!"

A sigh, full of sadness, a lot of sadness in my heart.

Qin An raised his pistol at his temple and turned off all abilities.


The gunshot, Qin An only thought it was ridiculous.

He is known as a strongman, but he can still be killed by a small bullet, which is ironic!

In an instant, Qin An lost consciousness, and his body turned into nothingness. An old man in white appeared to replace the phantom. A blood hole appeared on his temple. A few seconds later, he turned into energy and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

On the way home, the body of Qin An's deity has reached the other side of the ocean!

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