Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1322 Legend Descends

Montgomery was once the capital of Alabama and the county seat of Montgomery County. It is also the second largest city in Alabama.

In the thirty-three years of the last days, it was named the capital of the Blue Tower by the Gul'dan people.

Gul'dan was a celebrity before the end of the world, and one of the important characters in the Magical Beasts series produced by Blizzard Entertainment.

In Draenor, the hometown of the orcs, Gul'dan was spurned by his tribe when he was young. But he was obsessed with power and secretly reached an agreement with a terrible dark force. This force called the Burning Legion is a destructive Devil army in the Universe. Gul'dan drank the blood of Devil, completely distorting the fate of the orcs, and his own face became ugly and terrible because of the erosion of Devil's energy. With the help of several henchmen, he formed the notorious Shadow Council and tried to corrupt the various orc clans of Draenor, making them the lackeys of the Burning Legion. But his plan failed, and a stranger from another time and space revealed his conspiracy to save the Iron Horde from the power of Devil. Gul'dan was branded as a traitor and became a prisoner, and was forced to help the orcs open the door of darkness. But when the Iron Horde was fighting with the heroes of Azeroth, he took the opportunity to escape imprisonment and continue to serve Devil. After his master's stronghold in Draenor was destroyed, he was guided to the Tomb of Sargeras, where he opened the gate of Azeroth for the Burning Legion.

Then the Gul'dan from the Star of Sword Spirit is not an orc, but an out-and-out human race.

As creatures whose appearance is exactly the same as that of humans on earth, they have a higher IQ and more advanced technology.

In the twenty-eight years of the last days, a war broke out between the Blue Tower Capital and Crescent City. The reason was that the garbage disposal plant in New Moon City was built on the south side of the Blue Tower Capital.

A large amount of waste piled up more and more, and the toxic gas confused the sky above the blue tower capital, making the Gul'dan intolerable.

As a high-level race, the Gul'dans have own helplessness. When they crossed over, they did not take away their own high-tech products. Then they lacked some basic technology on the earth, and it is difficult to produce a large number of them in a short period of time. Super weapon.

But the Gul'dan still fought back. When the spaceship of Crescent City came to drop the garbage, the Gul'dan fighter took off and sank it.

Since the outbreak of the war, the Gul'dan people were slaughtered in the early stage. About half a year ago, they became evenly matched with Crescent City after their sacred blue tower was planted.

In the next step, the goal of the Gul'dan is to build a spacecraft that can land on the moon. They are a race that does not cause trouble, but they are also a race that must be avenged.

The blue tower planted by the Gul'dan is actually their offspring.

This is also the biggest difference between the Gul'dan people and the people on earth. Their offspring give birth to huge eggs. After the eggs are planted into the ground, the blue tower will sprout.

These tower-like objects will grow up slowly. They can absorb solar energy to allow the Gul'dan people to gain magical abilities, and they can also provide energy for the whole clan. Gul assumes that they don’t need to eat if they get these energy, just like photosynthesis of plants. . The blue tower can also be used as a weapon to launch attacks similar to lasers.

The growth cycle of a blue tower is generally three years. After three years, the tower is 100 meters high, and then transforms into the offspring of Gul'dan, and becomes the shape of a baby, which belongs to the repellent body of sword spirit.

In other words, the Gul'dans cannot repair swords, their physical strength is similar to that of humans, and they all belong to the mortal state.

However, they are also abilities, they can use some attack and healing magic, and they can also control the blue tower belonging to their descendants.

In general, the Gul'dan people are of good character, so some people on the earth have been taken in. There are global villages in the Blue Tower, and hundreds of thousands of people on the earth live there.

The Gul'dan people hate the waste disposal behavior of Crescent City, but the people on the earth are happy because of it, because there are many items in the garbage discarded by the Crescent City, which can be picked up and used by the people on the earth.

There is really no way. Although the Gul'dan people despise the earthlings because of this, the earthlings can only do so.

The resources are too scarce. If you don't live like a cockroach, you can't live at all.

People on Earth are in very bad condition now, because the spacecraft in Crescent City hasn't arrived for more than half a year, and basically all the items that can be used in the garbage dump have been picked up.

But in fact, there is still an area that has not been stepped on because it has been covered with a mist of toxic gas.

These so-called toxic gas Gul'dans also collected specimens for research, thinking that they are a derivative of the sword Spiritual Qi. Unlike T virus, its chemical properties are very stable, and it can absorb other elements to form equally stable compounds. .

Once the organism inhales too much of these gases, the various elements in the body will be combined by it, and then form a stable substance that is not easy to split again, then the human body will eventually become stiff due to the loss of many elements and eventually die.

The Gul'dan believes that Crescent City should be studying a suppressive mass destruction weapon aimed at global supernaturalists.Its impact range should exceed the original bullet, and all creatures within the power range will immediately lose any abilities after the explosion.

So the toxic gas should be the chemical reaction gas waste produced when manufacturing this weapon, and the Gul'dan people named them black gas.

The black energy is already very harmful to living organisms, so the weapons made by Crescent City should be even more terrifying, and this only worries the Gul'dan people.

The four children were tangled at the edge of the dark area in the garbage dump.

"Auntie! Should we go in? At that time, I really saw a lot of useful objects being thrown down! We got them on the market and sold them, and we would definitely be able to get some money back."

Qin Yana is also eight years old this year, and her mixed-race lineage makes her extraordinarily sweet and cute.

Qin Xiangming has pure oriental ancestry, but his small appearance is even more beautiful than Qin Yana.

She was sitting on a big rock, frowning slightly, like a little adult.

"Yana, you are also stupid enough. I heard that your father has many abilities? Why didn't you inherit it?"

"I...I also have a power!" Qin Yana blushed, but she still argued unconvincingly.

"Oh, you will have the ability to become a little red leaf floating around!"

Qin Yana was completely ashamed, lowered her head and said nothing.

She was the child of Katerina. Even Katerina herself didn't know that she was pregnant after being separated from Qin Qicai, so the child was naturally Qin Qicai's.

This is a gift from God, and it is also a tribulation.

In the last days, it is hard for ordinary people to live. Catalina has to take care of four children. It is naturally harder to live.

And her Little Brother Jax is no longer alive. He died of wandering and turned into a zombie to continue his wandering alone." Little Sister, let me go! Or our family has no money to pay the rent this month, and my sister-in-law wants Go dancing with others and be touched by others!" Xiaozheng Tai Qin Dafeng looked angry.

"Dage, they said that if you enter the dead air, you will really die, and your body will turn into a stone. Don't go, I'm afraid!" Xiaozheng Tai Qin Erhe pulled Qin Dafeng's clothes.

"I wrapped myself in plastic sheeting. I must take the risk and try it!" Qin Dafeng was very responsible.

"How do you breathe when you wrap it all up? And you are so young, no one helps you how to move the contents out?"

Qin Xiangming blinked his eyes and asked his own question.

Qin Dafeng stood there blankly, without uttering a word for a long time.

Little Sister has always been the smartest, and Qin Dafeng couldn't find anything to refute her.

The three siblings, two males and one female, actually look the same. Qin Xiangming is more beautiful. Qin Dafeng and Qin Erhe are also beautiful, but although they are only nine years old, they are quite strong and look better than Qin Xiangming. More masculine. After the perfect combination of softness and steel, they have a charm that is different from the pure beauty of Qin Xiangming.

Qin Xiangming sighed faintly, and then said sadly: "Gao Feng, what we have to do now is not to think about how to get in, but how to disperse the black gas! This kind of gas is really weird, it has been together for so long. It does not disperse, it seems to be frozen! You are called Gale, but unfortunately you are not a Gale, or you can blow away the haze! Hey, I don’t know where Dabai went. I haven’t seen him for two days. He has been running around indiscriminately lately, which makes people worry!"

Qin Xiangming actually understood very well that without Da Bai's protection over the years, it would be impossible to raise her four children with his sister-in-law Katerina alone. If Da Bai is really gone, it will be their end of the world.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiangming's forehead was wrinkled into a Chuan shape, extremely tangled.

"Yo-yo-yo, isn't this Katerina's kid? Haha, what are you doing here?"

Three seventeen or eighteen-year-old Caucasian youths appeared. The name of the speaker was Brandno, and the two people who followed were named Tom and Alandan.

They all carried long ropes on their bodies, with iron hooks on one end of the ropes.

Qin Xiangming jumped up from the ground, Gale Erhe bravely stood in front of Little Sister, and the timid Qin Yana ran behind Qin Xiangming.

Their family is neighbors with the Brandnor family, and they are always bullied by Brandnor, who is many years older than them. It's good to say in the city, but now it's extremely dangerous to encounter them in the wild. Children who grew up in the last days, although only eight or nine years old, are not less alert than adults.


Qin Xiangming gave the order softly. She is the backbone of the four children and knows what to do at this time.

Qin Yana, the only person with supernatural powers, immediately changed her body after hearing the orders from her little aunt, and even her clothes changed into a small red leaf.

The red leaf seemed to be able to escape the gravity of the earth, fly continuously to the sky, and then hover around dozens of meters above Qin Xiangming's heads.

Qin Xiangming turned his head and ran, and the two brothers Dafeng Erhe looked back as they ran.

"Hahaha! I want to run, what a dream! Chase!"

Brandno gave an order, and Tom and Alandan stepped on their long legs to chase forward.

How can a few children run past them? Within a short time, Gale Erhe was brought back to Brand by the strong Alandan, one by one, and Tom also grabbed the tea.

In the sky, Yana, who turned into leaves, still has Spiritual Sense. Seeing that her little aunt and two little Uncles were all caught, she was extremely anxious, but there was nothing she could do. As Qin Xiangming said, she could not only change into leaves but also There really is no other ability, at least he has never awakened. As the inheritor of the three generations of the Sword God Body, poor Yana failed to gain too much power.

"Why, what about your loyal dog? Didn't follow by? Haha!"

Brandno laughed wildly. Ever since he found a few children in the neighbor's house, he always wanted to pretend to be Dage in front of them, but he was beaten away every time. Now he still has a big arm on his arm. A scar, that was the scar left after being bitten by Da Bai.

Therefore, Brandno hated Qin Xiangming and the others, and always wanted to find opportunities to deal with them, but never had a chance.

Today is really lucky, Brandno really did not expect to encounter four small children in the garbage dump five kilometers away from the city.

By this time Tom had tied the three siblings to a firm with ropes.

Brandno raised his head and looked at the little red leaves flying in the sky, and shouted: "Yana, come down, or I will kill your aunt and Uncle!"

"Yana! Don't listen to him, go back to the city! Go to your mother, let her go to Atomi, if we die you will be the only witness, and you want to avenge us!"

Atomi is an earthling leader in the global village of the blue tower. He is not a good person, but he is not a bad person.

The most important thing is that he has promulgated some laws to manage the humans in the global village.

One of the most important is that the murderer pays for his life, which reduces the occurrence of many violent incidents.

Brandno's face became gloomy when he heard Xiangming's call. This little girl was the smartest. In the past few years, he has never taken advantage of it.

Hmph, now that it falls into own hands, even if she doesn't kill her, she will not be able to survive, but not to die!

"Haha! Don't worry, it's boring to kill you! I don't know how to kill kids. But I can tie you up with rope and let you stay here. If you are passed by beasts, ghosts or something Eat it, it has nothing to do with us!"

By Brandno's side, Tom was looking at the three brothers and sisters with a lewd face and a smile.

"Hey! Brandno, before they are eaten, can I refresh myself?"

"Be refreshed? Are you going to engage in Qin Xiangming?"

"No, no, I'm interested in all three of them!""Cut, damn fetishism! Pediatrics! Disgusting! But it's okay, let them experience more things before they know how painful it is to live. You can go and play behind the ruins over there. Daddy looks disgusting!"

Tom nodded sharply, then grabbed the three children and walked over there.

Brandnold and Alandan looked at each other and smiled. They are not interested in children, although they are very beautiful.

"Okay, well, let's get to work, too."

Brannold removed the rope from his shoulders while speaking, and walked to the vicinity of the black mist.

The so-called black air mist is translucent, and you can see something from the outside with a line of sight of several tens of meters.

Brannold observed for a while and finally found an abandoned giant TV.

He turned the rope and threw the hook ten meters away into the black air mist, hung the TV accurately, and then dragged it out of the black air mist.

This is a scientific and technological product of Crescent City. Although it is abandoned, there are still many parts in it. I believe it can be exchanged for some food on the global village black market.

Generally speaking, the people on earth in the global village are very poor, both good and evil, and everyone is busy looking for resources just to survive.

When Brandno and Tom started to work, Tom had moved the three little guys behind the huge abandoned garbage dump, out of the sight of the two of Brandnord.

Yana's changing little Hongye naturally followed, still floating in the sky and spinning. I didn't know how to do it well, and they were already crying desperately!

There are people with facial features and facial features on the little red leaves, and the drops of tears are very insignificant.

Seeing Tom in front of him, the three brothers and sisters were also full of fear. Even Qin Xiangming, the first familiar one in the week, trembled. They only felt that the pores all over his body seemed to be open, and they were extremely nervous.

"Hey, three little babies, Big Brother will let you fly to the sky in a while!"

While talking, Tom began to undress in a hurry.

The three little guys who had just celebrated their ninth birthday turned blue.

Qin Erhe finally cried out with a wow, the boss shook his small body trying to break the rope, and the youngest Qin Xiangming's body trembled more severely.

The saddest thing is not the tragedy that children are about to experience, but that they all know what they are going to experience!

In the last days, if they didn't understand the world so well and human nature so well, they wouldn't be able to live so long.

They were supposed to be Biao Huhu, Qin Xiangming bit her lip, and finally shedding tears, she called in her heart, mother! where are you? Come and save me! Save your poor, sad little daughter!

This can’t really be blamed on Qin Xiangming, because even Catalina has never met her husband, and she has not formally established a marriage relationship with Qin Qicai, so the most talked about in front of her children is Weng Lan, which leads to her children. There is no concept of father in our hearts.

Although they would occasionally ask Catalina curiously why other people's children have fathers, but they only have a missing mother.

Catalina, who knew nothing about Qin An, could only tell the truth, because their father had never appeared before, just a legend.

Not far from here, an Oriental man just walked over.

He is naturally Qin An!

Da Bai didn't run too far. Recently, he just felt that another familiar blood force seemed to linger in the nearby area, so he left the triplets in a free state.

Just before he confirmed the location of the familiar bloodline power, Qin An died on the far shore of the ocean. The ability to return home was activated and the great white disappeared. It would take at least one earth year before he could be activated. Qin An's deity came to this place. land.

After walking aimlessly for a few kilometers, he finally wants to see the three children and his youngest granddaughter Yana, but Qin An still doesn't know their existence.

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