Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1340 Destiny will always meet (2)

"I'm ashamed, but the truth is like this. She refused to follow me, but when the TC virus was weak, she was just a woman with little resistance. So from then on, I kept her under control and let her She has no power to resist me! She refused to tell me her real name, so her name was also given by me! Hey, this stubborn woman, I have fallen in love with her deeply since I saw her, we should have been There is a very happy Life, but she refuses to fulfill this wonderful cause!"

At this point, Kilnott sighed with regret.

Qin An looked at the woman in the glass cover, and said after a long time: "Hello, respectable Mrs. Vivienne, my name is Qin An, I am glad to meet you!"

When Qin An was talking to Kilnott, his eyes were always looking at the woman in the glass cover, and found that her eyes were still somewhat surprising, so he decided to talk to her directly.

"Your name is Qin An?"

The woman's eyes widened, her eyes full of shock.


Kilnott also grew his mouth awkwardly. His Vivienne hadn't spoken for more than three years. How could he suddenly speak?

"Well, my name is Qin An, you seem to be familiar with this name?"

The woman's face became a little blush, she looked at Qin An directly for a long time before saying:

"I have heard it from a few friends, but I don't know if you and that Qin An are the same person...I was not Vivian before I was arrested here, my real name is Benita."

Qin An's nerves seemed to be electrocuted, and his whole person was petrified.

Benita! This name is really familiar, because Qin An just heard it from Catalina a few days ago, and many years ago, when the fake foreign devil Jace followed Qin An to learn poetry from a teacher, he did it more than once. Mention of his beautiful ex-wife!

God, could it be said that the poor woman in front of him who had been imprisoned for many years was emotionally surging, Qin An suddenly moved forward, punched the glass cover, and then used the ability of Spatial Teleportation to remove the chain from Benita.

Benita has been fixed in this position for many years, and because the body has been in a silent state of TC disease virus, she has long been weak as a ball of cotton. After losing the traction of the chain, she immediately fell into it.

Qin An had already stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, and took out a sheet from the Interspatial Ring to wrap her naked body.

"Katrina, Jess, Liu Tian, ​​do you know all these people?"

Although Benita was full of expectations, after listening to Qin An's familiar names, she still couldn't believe the facts before her!

Oh my God, is this young and handsome Eastern guy really the Qin An in his imagination? It turned out to be true!

She originally thought she would spend her whole life in this glass cover, until Kilnott let her die after playing with her enough.

But is she actually going to be rescued now? She actually met Weng Lan’s husband during transmission, Qin Qicai’s relatives during transmission, Qin An that Jess often mentioned?

Can't believe it, or can't believe it, this should be a dream, right?

There were tears in Benita's eyes, thinking of her eight years of suffering.

At that time, the team migrating to Seven Swords City encountered great chaos. She followed Qin Qicai, Jace and others to fight on the front line. Later Jace was killed and she separated from the crowd in the chaos.

She killed the zombies for a long time, but there were too many zombies, she could only escape, and then attracted many flying zombies to chase her.

After several twists and turns, Benita finally killed all the zombies she was pursuing, but she was also bitten by a dozen and fell into a state of complete weakness. At this time, she was picked up by Kilnott passing by and brought back. The underground black spinning top became a tool for Kilnott to vent his desires in the glass cover. She also witnessed many of Kilnot’s crimes. He turned all living humans into strange shapes, sometimes Benita even felt that Kilnott was a devil, so in the absence of powers, not only her body was tortured and played, but her mind was also being poisoned, and she was dying.

At this moment when she was completely desperate, why did she come out of the glass cover? And the one who saved her turned out to be Qin An?

Seeing the tears and excited expression on the woman in his arms, Qin An has been able to confirm 100% that she is really Jace's woman.

This is really a drama. In the past ten years in United States, he didn't find any hair, but now he just went around and found so many people related to him.

Qin An burst into self-confidence, thinking that he would definitely see Weng Lan, and when they met...Qin An couldn't imagine the scene and own state of mind at that time.

In fact, this is all the credit of Dabai, if there is no Dabai, Qin An would not have appeared next to the quadruplets. And being able to meet Benita is really fate!

Turning on the power, gave Benita the ability to coexist with lifelong life and selflessness. Benita immediately looked ten years younger and became a middle-aged beautiful woman with a hot body, and her body also had strength.

This made her cry more sadly and louder.

Qin An felt distressed, not only because Benita was the woman of her friend Jess, but also because she was the one who froze Weng Lan back then, otherwise she might not have four children who were as well-behaved and had not grown up.

Has she been stuck in this ghost place all the time, she must have been having a hard time, right? Life is better than death?

Over there, Kilnott finally reacted after a daze.

what! its not right!

How does his Vivian seem to know Qin An? It shouldn't be! Their age gap is so big, and Vivienne herself brought it back from the outside eight years ago. In theory, there should be no possibility of them knowing!

No, very wrong!

Kilnott's heartbeat started to speed up. He slowly backed away, planning to go out and find some people. It was late now, and there was no need to guard here, so most of the managers were sleeping with women in their arms. He needs to find some people to control the situation. That Qin An has actually pulled out the steel dagger on Benita’s back. Kilnot, thinking about running away, arrived in front of the door, but it was connected to the central computer system. Inside the door that can be opened with a switch, there is no response.

Qin An has already used Mental Energy to take over the main control center computer, and naturally the door cannot be opened.

Benita was still crying at this time. It was really not that she was weak, but that she had experienced too much pain.

"Jace, Jace is dead! I saw him killed by a woman with my own eyes! Qin An, are you Qin An? You want to avenge him! You want to avenge him!"

Qin An didn't expect that Benita's first sentence after crying turned out to be this.

After meeting Annie, Qin An has learned about Jace's death, and Liu Tian seems to have disappeared because of this.

And the culprit of all this seems to be a female Sword God host from New Moon City. Annie has investigated a lot but still can't be sure. After all, the person involved in this matter is too difficult to find, and can only be inferred through clues.

Fortunately, in some cities of the gang, there is a legend of Slia, that is a terrifying existence called the silver-haired enchantress!

I heard that she was extremely lewd, wicked, and willing to sleep with all men; I heard that she was extremely powerful, and any supernatural person could not survive a single encounter in front of her.

According to Annie's description, the silver-haired demon Slia is probably the master who killed Jace.

Hmph, Crescent City seems to be flexing muscles to the world, sending masters to move around, and now ruining another race with super weapons.

The era of eschatological hegemony has arrived, and Qin An heard its footsteps. Although the world is huge, there are more creatures from the Sword Spirit Star, so the battle for resources and other issues is naturally inevitable.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't care about Jace's affairs. He regards me as a friend, and I am naturally willing to be his brother! His hatred is resolved by me!"

"Well, Benita continues to cry.

The pain of these years can’t be told at all. The best memory of Benita’s life is her marriage to Jace. Therefore, after she was rescued, she also mentioned Jace directly. It was actually a very complicated emotion, right. The infinite mourning of the good life is a confession of the painful life of these years.

Qin An looked down at Benita, and also thought of regret.

He remembered that the night he left in Darklight City, he finally had to wait for someone to get married. He drank a lot of wine with Jace's two best men.

What a sunny man that was. After that year of separation, they had never seen it before, and they had never thought that they were already two lives apart.

Even though Qin An has the ability to reach the sky, he cannot bring back people who have been dead for so long. The realm of dead spirits can only recall people who have just died next to Qin An, or have had a relationship with Qin An and obtained the original genes of the sword god. woman.

So now, apart from regret, all that can be had is hatred!

His Qin An entered United States this time, not only to find Weng Lan, but also to resolve some hatreds. He has never been a Virgin, his inner heart is different from most people's outer senses!

People think he is a harmless dog, but they don't know that he is the most ferocious wolf. Only when he shows his teeth will people tremble at him!

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