Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1341 Encountering the Lord God

Picking up Benita, Qin An walked to the door, Kilnott was already scared and ran to the other corner of the room.

He is just an ordinary old man with no abilities. He originally thought that the person walking out of the elevator was absolutely trustworthy, but the situation at the moment was obviously out of control.

"What does he do?" Qin An asked softly.

"If you are as powerful as the legend, help me kill him, okay?"

"Ready to serve!"

Qin An didn't say any more nonsense, waved and shot out hundreds of red leaves, which flew together to form three long red energy spears.

Kilnott exclaimed when he saw it, trying to dodge, but how could he escape the attack that had locked him.


The first long red spear thrust into Kilnott's forehead, and then flew up with his body. The red spear pierced through the forehead, pierced the wall behind, and hung Kilnott's body on it.

The second red spear arrived and pierced his nose, also piercing his brain bone into the wall. Then the third spear arrived and pierced his heart!

Qin An killed Kilnott with just one red leaf. The reason why he worked so hard was of course to express his anger in his chest.

After the murder, Qin An took Benita out of the fifth basement level. When Benita and Annie and Katerina met, the three women naturally cried.

They were all old deceased people who had separated during the great migration eight years ago, and failed to reach the Seven Sword City, the Sword God Empire nowadays, and then suffered their own sufferings.

Qin An didn't want to see the sensation after the three women met. He returned to the fifth floor and started a massacre. For all the damn people on the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth floors, Qin An won't leave them for another moment.

This night Qin An became an executioner again, and the black top changed hands from then on, leaving only a group of poor people who left nightmares in this building.

Qin An used the sword god ability to save sentient beings for those who were enslaved, so that their physical damage disappeared.

It is a pity that the damage to their hearts cannot be cured, and Qin An handed them all of their brains to Disana to deal with.

He himself was tired and tired.

When he raised his head and opened his perspective eyes to see that there was so much sunlight rising in the east, Qin An finally returned to his own room.

Hey, now that the energy is haggard and too many people have been killed, Mental Energy has been affected by the backlash of the killing aura, and because of the influence of the sword god's warning curse, he can't get himself up even if he uses the universal life.

So Qin An asked the children and 24 girls to study by themselves, and then go to rest on their own.

It seems that we need to find some special tutors for the children. Perhaps Benita and Catalina can help. Catalina is okay, but it takes some time for Benita to release her sadness in her heart to be suitable for this kind of work. .

Qin An asked Catalina, who had brought him breakfast, to arrange the children’s self-study. After that, she slept right away. He slept directly until the next morning. A full twenty-four hours of sleep made Qin’s Mental Energy finally. Many replies.

Opening his eyes, Qin An saw five neatly dressed children lining up under the bed.

After a few seconds, Qin An smiled and said:

"I ran into my bed again yesterday to sleep?"

"Well, grandpa, is it weird? We don't sleep with you, we will have nightmares at night!"

Little Menghuo's eyes never blink when she lies.

"This is real!"Xiangming obviously felt that his father was not easy to deceive, so he helped his niece to play cover.

"Haha, then I will sleep with me every day. What time is it?"

"It's almost seven o'clock, Dad! You have slept for a long time!"

The children have watches on their hands. The Kowloon City high-tech product has a weak current alarm function. The watch will discharge at a predetermined time, so that the whole body will be numb, and it will stop only after maintaining the combat power for ten seconds. It is waterproof and heat resistant, and it also has a mid-range intercom function.

Qin An gave them naturally in the hope that they can have the concept of time, so as to save time.

The children treasure the watch so much. This is the first gift in their life. Of course, apart from Qin Yana, her first gift in life is a spoon for eating.

"Well, it's good, it's worthy of praise. I got up so early to prepare for class. Let's go. Today I will teach you literacy first. You still have to study other courses by yourself, because I still have a lot to do. Remember not to be lazy. Xiangming, you can be a temporary monitor and supervise everyone's learning and cultivation!"

"Well, good dad! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Of course Qin Xiangming is happy to be an official.

Qin An saw a few children with tiger heads and brains getting close to him, and he became more and more open in front of him. He couldn't help but feel delighted. In the end, it was the affection of blood thicker than water. The children seemed to be much more cheerful than when he was a child. .

I got up and took the children to the training ground. Twenty-four girls had already arrived, and they had run a dozen laps around the training ground.

Now Girl 4 is their captain because she is the smartest.

Qin An didn't give them another name, the name was just a code name, they already had it.

"Meet the master!"

Twenty-four girls bowed to Qin An together.

This is the etiquette and address that Qin An can accept.

Girls need a god, otherwise they will have six gods and no masters. This is the character that Kisen cultivated for the girls.

Qin An is unwilling to be a god, but he has to be the spiritual sustenance of the girls. It will take some time to completely change their thinking mode.

Qin An asked the children and girls to sit down and left after teaching 20 Chinese-English bilingual words.

Most of the remaining living people in the nine-story underground building are mentally unsound and unsound in mind. It is a simple business to make them accept the new world in front of them.

Qin An didn't want to do too meticulous work, so he handed over most of the women to Dishana's management and asked her to choose the mother among them.

Qin An also arranged Katerina to work. She is now a supernatural person, and Qin An felt that she should be asked to do more.

In a group, individuals want to survive in a healthy way by integrating into the group and gaining respect and collective status. So whether it is for Catalina or Annie and Benita, they ultimately need to become the organization and management of the new group. For them, this is the best way to treat pain.

After busying for about three days, the number of people who survived in the black top is almost 4000. These people are problem children. Their lives are not healthy. They need Dishana and Catalina to devote their efforts to teach, Li Chenxian, Li Chenfei , Carter, Annie, and even Benita are also involved in the psychological counseling of problem children. This is a bit embarrassing for Benita. She was imprisoned for eight years, and she originally had a psychological shadow. Fortunately, Annie helped her a lot, and Benita also liked staying with Annie, because Annie is Jace Daughter.

Qin An was also a little awkward, not because of the trivial things in front of him, but because of the curse power that the Sword God had warned... hasn't disappeared yet?

This simply makes Qin An unacceptable, how many days have it been? What kind of crisis needs the Sword God bloodline to start warning so many days in advance? When the physical plateau appeared, it was only an early warning for a while!

So what kind of crisis is the ten-day warning? This is beyond Qin An’s imagination. Disana also confirmed that Qin An’s physical condition is not abnormal. As a spirit-level magister, she also counts that something bad will happen, but she can’t know the specific situation. Not as strong as Qin An felt.

Could it be those zombies?

At this time, the 100,000 people who were originally in the global village of the blue tower have been transformed into immune zombies by poison.

The so-called immune zombies are similar in appearance to ordinary zombies, but have very strong defenses.

First of all, they are immune to the sword god skills, just like the red leaf attack released by Qin An, or other long-range sword Spiritual Qi attack methods, they will not have any effect on these zombies.

In other words, to kill them, you must use a melee weapon attack or a power attribute attack.

Qin An went out and tried. In recent days, immune zombies have moved to the entrance of the black top, and some have fallen into the passage from the open entrance. Qin An will clean up in order to prevent the passage from being blocked, so he understands the attributes of these zombies.

The first thing you have to experience if you want to take people away from the black top is the group of immune zombies surrounding it.

There is a danger from them, but it is not a big crisis. After all, Qin An himself is a powerful supernatural being, and Tisana and Pandan Sharjah are both very powerful magicians. Their abilities are not great. It is not the Spiritual Qi attribute of the sword, and it has stronger lethality against immune zombies. Therefore, even if the number of immune zombies is 100,000, they can be destroyed by relying on the black top base. Qin An even plans to use Black Shedding as an underground base for Katerina and the children to recuperate here, and then go to the city of black blood to pick up Weng Lan.

In other words, immunity to zombies cannot be a threat.

So... Could it be the girl from the 9th floor underground?

Qin An has intruded into the black top underground main control computer center, has also checked a lot of information and surveillance videos, and knows what happened in the nine underground floors a few years ago.

That girl actually killed everyone like a beast, and the soldiers couldn’t shoot her. She would hover in the space around her. In other words, this girl should have supernatural powers, and it seems that she is not in good spirits. Too normal.

After adjusting the information, Qin An also determined that this girl should be called Caitlin. Since she is of the descent of the human race on Earth, she should have no abilities after being locked up for so many years. Qin An has figured it out after guessing for a long time. One conclusion is that this girl is likely to be controlled by some powerful ability.

And besides the nine main gods who can remotely control ordinary humans to become supernatural beings, who else is there?

Qin An had thought about this issue a long time ago, so in fact, he had been observing the girls on the ninth floor these days, trying to find a clue, but did not get any results.

The nine god-tier tribe should have come to the earth in these years, but they have been hiding in the corner and have not appeared. Before the emergence of many portals, the believers chosen by the nine main gods on the earth rarely walked around, hiding in the corner and wondering what is brewing, which is very worrying.

In particular, the five-year agreement with the Sect Leader of Heavenly Seal did not come. Of course, this was due to the emergence of time-space gates, the arrival of alien races on the earth, and the redistribution of many great forces.

But Qin An actually understood very well that behind the Tianyin Sect was the eighth main god, Yaotian, and the boss of Yaotian was the first main god, the emperor.

The emperor has always wanted to occupy his body and resurrect, so the five-year covenant has not come, it can only show that he has found another body that can resurrect him, if the First Sword God is successfully resurrected, it will be really annoying!

Qin Anzao regarded those sword gods as his own imaginary enemies, because they have caused himself more or less a lot of trouble over the years.

India’s Tianyin Dynasty, Russia’s Black Gold Empire, and the Moon’s Crescent City base are all destined to become enemies, and the road to the end of the world is not so easy to follow.

It may take hundreds of years to bring in eternal peace!

Hey, let's take Weng Lan back first.

Qin An thought about what was in his mind, and had already left the training ground. He activated the teleportation ability and quickly entered the ninth underground floor.

If you want to use the black top as an underground base, then naturally you have to solve all the hidden dangers. The girl on the ninth floor is going to meet.

This floor was very dim, and Qin An quickly found the big room where the girl was. It was brightly lit. The room was filled with many flowers, plants, and grasses, all of which were exotic species, and could bloom without sunlight.

As soon as Caitlin watered the flowers, Qin An appeared behind her.

So when Caitlin turned around, their eyes met at each other.

This was the first time that Qin An looked at each other, and Qin An was slightly stunned.

With a pair of spiritual eyes, how could the owner of such a pair of eyes be mentally abnormal?

So in the profile video, why would she kill everyone like a beast?

Caitlin stared at Qin An for a while, then she smiled slightly, her smile very sweet.

"Are you afraid of him? I felt your soul fluctuate! Haha, it's funny, you are afraid of a human?"

Huh?Are you talking to yourself? No, is there another soul in this girl's body?

Qin An didn't speak, looked around the room, and finally went to the sofa and sat down. He didn't know how to communicate with this girl, and he didn't know what to do.

Caitlin frowned, then put down the bottle for watering the flowers, walked to the sofa opposite Qin An and sat down, and said softly, "Who are you?"

"I...a passerby, come and see you."

"Oh... Then maybe you have the ability to kill me?"

"Kill you? Why?"

"Because there is a nasty ghost in my body, if you can kill me, he will leave my body!"

"But you won't die like that?"

"It seems not, because I have an immortal body, and I will be resurrected. My Mental Energy is very powerful. Although there are no other offensive abilities, it will not die! As long as any of my cells are still alive, I will Can reorganize own body."


Qin An was dumbfounded, and didn't quite understand what Caitlin meant.

This girl who has been kept here for so many years will have an immortal body?

Caitlin actually knew that she had this ability when she was very young. When she was seven or eight years old, she tried suicide, but whether it was hitting a wall or cutting her wrist, she didn't die!

After that, she wanted to understand that it was because her own brain was special. Her brain, Mental Energy, was able to exist without the substance of the physical body. Even if the physical body was completely destroyed, she would not die. Of course, this is also a kind of upgrade. If the previous earth environment could not have made her so strong, it's just that a lot of changes have taken place in the gas composition of the earth today. Even the most ordinary people on Earth will not get sick and can live longer, let alone this girl with abnormal brain.

She is the only genetic mutation in the five million years of human history on the earth.

So Caitlin is really different. She will become a treasure of mankind. Even a person with such rich experience like Qin An will be shocked when he discovers what is special about Katlin.

The room was quiet for a while, and then some hoarse and low words came from Caitlin's mouth.

"Did you know that this person will come?"

"I don't know, I'm not really a god!"

"Huh, the deity only told you a little bit, you can learn human language and understand the dynamics of the world by yourself. The deity really can’t believe your humility. Fortunately, you are only strong Mental Energy. If your body is also strong Ability attribute, the deity really doesn't have the confidence to control you, but do you think that this person can kill the deity? What a dream!"

"Oh? Why are you so nervous? You don't usually communicate with me, but you will wake up and talk today? Haha, I think he should be your nemesis, and I can't be wrong!"

Qin An frowned and looked at Katlin.

She was talking to herself in two voices at this time, or the two souls in her body were talking to each other.


This title is a bit familiar, it seems that the nine main gods all call own like this!

Could it be that

Qin An figured it out!

"Is this self-proclaimed deity in your body one of the nine main gods?"

right! That must be the case, so that means that the reason why I have been trapped in the cursed energy of the Sword God bloodline warning is because of this main god?

But is his power really so powerful? Even a few days ago, the Sword God bloodline started to warn, hasn't it been over until now?

"Huh, yes! I can tell you directly that this deity is the ninth main god curse, and now the master of New Moon City! And you...is Qin An? Many years ago, this deity sent a spiritual mirror, Tatian, Gu Array, seven kill the four sword god hosts and go to your side. The purpose is naturally not to kill you, but the four human beings no longer need to continue to have the sword god. I just send the four god swords to you. Then let you give it to the woman around you, but unfortunately you are so incomprehensible that you did not take the initiative to obtain their sword god ability, resulting in so many years that the four sword gods have not been resurrected! Haha, now you are by the deity's side, so too Okay, let the deity take action to deal with you!"

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