Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1343 Great Escape

Pandan Sharjah can only separate some people to enter the third underground floor.

She is very busy, but Katerina is worried because the children have problems.

"Katrina, I...I'm so cold and scared! My body is trembling!" Erhe was the first to speak.

"So are we, it's been a few minutes, my body is numb, and my limbs are weak!" Da Feng, Sanchuan, Xiangming, Yana said together.

Catalina's nervous body trembled, and her eyes were blood red. What's wrong, the five children were in trouble together, and they were still in such a crisis.

She naturally didn't understand what was going on, but Qin An, who was fighting with the curse in the fifth underground floor, did.

Sword God warning!

The five children with the blood of the Sword God turned on the Sword God warning just like themselves. Does this mean that the real crisis is coming?

So is the so-called crisis the situation that everyone is facing now?

One hundred thousand immune zombies from the ground, and the main god of the black armored dragon beast curse from the ground!

Oh shit!

Qin An was angry, thinking about Wuxin, he must immediately resolve the curse, and then return to the children!

The hardest problem now is not the curse, but how to escape from this underground building that is about to collapse.

Thinking of this, Qin An returned to the Necrotic Space, seized the life force of Zi Zi, and let his own ability Ascension be the sword god level.

After returning to reality, Qin An began to use the incantation cards regardless of the cost.

What a one-spirit escape curse, two-spirit power attack curse, two-spirit blood explosion curse, three-spirit armor piercing curse and so on!

Suddenly, the cursed sword god was attacked by Qin An's strongest state, and his soul body was almost broken, completely bewildered.

This...what the hell is this?

Why is Qin An so tough? The own Sword God-level Sword Spiritual Qi's attack is invalid, but now Qin An's attack can already break the defense against himself? How is this possible? Even if it's just the soul body, then he is also the ninth main god! The strength is stronger than that of the lower-ranked Sword God, how come now that he is beaten without the power to fight back, he can only run away blindly?

In fact, I understand the spell, mainly because of those spell cards!

Even the main god's halo can't be completely immune to the attack of the spell card, these things belong to the weapons on the Sword Spirit Star.

So the question is, where did Qin An get so many spell cards? There are defensive and offensive ones! There are even some spell cards that have not even been seen before. Although they are not high-level, they are all one-spirit and two-spirit spell cards, but they can still make the spell only evade, unable to launch an attack on Qin An.At the moment when the curse was extremely depressed, Qin An's several teleports had once again broken through all the defenses and reached Caitlin's side. After that, he shot without hesitation and cut off Catlin's head! "Ah! Qin An, you broke my good deeds, I will make you better than death!"

After Catelyn died, the soul of the curse was completely separated from Catelyn's body, and the soul broke and turned into a puff of black smoke leaving the black top, soaring to the sky and about to return to his old nest, Crescent City.

Caitlin's body function is dead, but the soul is still there. After seeing her headless body lying on the ground for a while, she got up and picked up her head, which was installed on the neck and merged in a short while. The situation is very weird and terrible if the resurrection is successful.

At this time, the four-story building underneath the black top had been damaged and it was not what it looked like, and it began to gradually collapse, causing the upper five floors to also sink, and the walls of the compartments broke one after another.

Qin An was very upset that the curse ran away. Now that he is a soul body, he needs to be strengthened to enter the Sword God level to be able to fight. If he is resurrected, then I am afraid it will be really hard to deal with.


This was Qin An's first head-on fight against the nine main gods, which not only made him worried.

Forget it, in short, this time it is not defeated, and a certain victory has been achieved.

Looking at Caitlin who had just been resurrected, Qin An frowned. After thinking for half a second, he stepped forward and pulled her up, left the collapsing underground building, moved to the upper floor, and quickly merged with Katerina in the second underground. Floor.

"Qin An..."

The crowd is a bit chaotic. The humans here are originally problem children in the black spinning top, and Pandan Sharjah is not a good manager.

Catalina saw Qin An amidst the chaos, and found the backbone, and hurriedly shouted.

"The children's situation is not quite right!"

"Well, I know, don't worry about so much, I'll open the passage, let's go out first."

Putting Caitlin aside, picking up Xiao Menghuo, Qin An kissed her little cheek.

It's cold and cold, this must be the curse power of the Sword God's bloodline on crisis warning! The curse has already escaped, what kind of crisis will not come? By the way, that guy said he is the master of New Moon City, he is not throwing a super bomb, right?

Qin An couldn't calm down when he thought of this, it just happened that he still maintained the strength of the sword god level at this time, and the effect of the sword god skills was even stronger. So Qin An walked to the edge of the black top and destroyed the wall, then turned the side soil into a 4-meter cube for alchemy, and then transported it to an open place. Next, continue upward to make a four-meter rectangular cube of alchemy soil, and after transporting it away, it didn't take much time for a passage to the ground to be formed.

"Katrina, take the children and 24 girls to climb up first, and I'll be there soon!"

"How to climb so high?"

"You are a supernatural person, you can jump easily at a height of four meters, and so can children!"

Qin An's words were over. The four guards had already flew up to the first ladder of the passage, and then jumped four meters up to the second ladder, and began to climb upwards. A few days of training has already paid off.

The 24 women hurriedly followed. They were like a piece of white paper. The idea that Qin An instilled in them during this time was to protect a few children and stay with them at all times. Therefore, at this time, they were acting almost as a conditioned reflex.

Catalina finally woke up and quickly followed.

Qin An hugged Xiao Menghuo to Di Di Shana who had just come down from the stairs, and before she could speak Di Shana spoke:

"It seems to be collapsing here! I feel the ground is shaking! The black top entrance and the first floor have been taken by zombies. The people on the second floor are now moving to the third floor. What should I do now?"

"I have opened up the passage, but the stairs are too high, non-powers can't climb up, and of course zombies can't get up! Are you not good at wind magic? Your people do it yourself!"

While talking, Qin An called Benita, Annie, and Li's brothers and sisters go first.

It’s not that he has no sense of responsibility and refuses to help people nearby. It’s just that the situation is too chaotic now, and Qin An can’t just put his own children in danger, so he can only shrink his attention and focus on protecting the children. Body.

This was a great escape. Qin An quickly caught up with Catalina and the quadruplets, and then continued upwards, and finally approached the ground. The exit of the passage had not been opened yet because there were also immune zombies outside, and Qin An planned to wait for the people behind. .

It took a full seventeen or eight minutes before Benita got almost 3000 people into the passage. By this time, the entire underground building had collapsed, and zombies were piled up everywhere. The hundreds of people who could not enter the passage. Die.

"Let's go!"

Feeling that the timing was about the same, Qin An opened the exit of the passage, and everyone crawled out of the ground, immediately attracted the attention of the nearby zombies, and they quickly gathered around.

Qin An turned on the strongest attack state, turned into hundreds of phantoms, and instantly killed more than a thousand zombies nearby. Fortunately, the poison in the air had been decomposed, so everyone who killed nearby zombies would have a foothold.

But before Qin An's heart fell, his face turned pale.

"Damn! Earthquake!"

Qin An heard the terrifying underground sound of vibration, which stimulated his eardrums and made him suffer from a splitting headache!

How to do? Open the dream space to escape?

Qin An always felt that the timing was wrong, but if he didn't do anything at this time, then people in the tunnel would definitely die!

In desperation, Qin An could only open the dream space on the ground. Once this space was opened, it would be fixed on the space point and could not move.

After that, Qin An put all the living people into the dream space.

The next moment, the shaking of the earthquake mountain, unexpectedly lasted for a whole day, and when the energy of the dream space reached its limit, the earthquake had not disappeared, and the whole earth had boiled like that boiling water.

Qin An and Disana could only use their respective abilities to protect the civilians from running eastward, flying or walking. They drove continuously through the night until the sun rose eastward the next day. They found an open place to rest, and this place was already there. Columbia, on the Pacific Coastal Plain, is less than a thousand kilometers away from the Black Blood City to the north, and only 300 kilometers away from the territory of the Qingjian tribe.

After the turnaround, the number of survivors who eventually escaped from the black top turned out to be less than a thousand.

In other words, Qin An and Di Shana are already considered as powerful as non-human beings, otherwise it would be impossible to escape from such a dangerous situation and have run so far!

Fortunately, Qin An felt that the super weapon of New Moon City was not projected. Perhaps it was just a test product, and it was not in stock yet, so it was impossible to launch one and want to launch it again. Or maybe it was that the curse didn't intend to harm the physical body Caitlin he was fond of, and was ready to find an opportunity to attack again.

Caitlin is really a strange guy, because Qin An discovered that she has no powers at all except for having an immortal body. She is just an ordinary little girl, who is not as good as a child to breathe when she starts, and it is even more pitiful if she has little strength!

In other words, she has no ability to protect herself when she encounters danger. I really don't know how such a person would be attracted by the curse, and why would she have an immortal body?

Qin An didn't have time to pay attention to Caitlin at first, because he had more troubles.A temporary camp was established in the open space between the ruins. In fact, everyone sat in a circle on the ground to rest, so that their tired bodies and nerves could be recovered. After Qin An surrounded the five children of own from time to time, they were all busy. To be precise, it was because the curse power of the Sword God's bloodline warning was too strong, leaving them all deprived of energy, and even their minds fell into a semi-conscious state.

And Qin An's own situation is not good. The use of his Sword God ability has been obviously restricted, and it is no longer possible to open up mental energy-consuming skills such as Dream Space.

This is the Sword God's warning for eleven days!

He has experienced the two magisters of Tisana and Pandan Sharjah blocking the way, the explosion of the new moon city super weapon, the encirclement of black poisonous gas, the encounter with the curse in the black top of the underground building, and the big earthquake that has always been the way to escape. With such crises, why the curse power of the Sword God’s bloodline warning has not disappeared, and it has become more serious?

Hasn't the real crisis come yet?

How can this be explained?

Before the end of the world, Columbia belonged to a special zone in Washington, DC. It was once a relatively large city in United States, but it is now in ruins.

In the city, there are many scavengers from the earth human races, and there are also many scavengers from other races of sword spirits.

Today it is called the Abandoned Capital.

Qin An and their camp are just a few kilometers south of the abandoned capital.

Nearby, the surface of the earth has been cracked, and there are upturned earth and rocks everywhere, and the large earthquake has a wide range.

And this earthquake is actually a global scale, enough to be recorded in the history of the earth, but Qin An didn't know, and he didn't even know that this earthquake was actually just a precursor of disaster.

After coaxing all the tired children to sleep, Qin An broke his mind and called Catlin aside by himself, sitting on the ground with him and watching each other.

"What are you looking at?" Caitlin was still calm and calm.

"I'm wondering where exactly is your magical part that would make the Ninth Sword God interested in you?"

"What is the Sword God?"


Qin An was stunned. This girl didn't even know the Sword God?

Yes, she had been detained for so many years, she should have never known anything.

"Your biological parents should be called Carmen and Carey. They left in a hurry. They were already dead in the black spinning top."

"Oh, death is just a form. Their souls will always be there!" Caitlin was still calm, not a bit surprised because Qin An changed the subject, and did not feel sad because of the death of her own biological parents. I understand, after all, Caitlin should have no feelings for her parents.

"I saw some video materials about you before. You became a beast and killed all the other people in the ninth underground. This is understandable. Perhaps at that time, the curse was trying to take your soul, and you had your body to resist him. out of control."

"No, you said the opposite. I wanted to escape the cage, and he didn't want me to go out, so he released his Mental Energy and made my body lose control."

"Well, this matter can make sense no matter what, what I don’t understand is how can you know so many things after being locked up for so many years? I watched the video recording of the conversation between you and that called Sudick, and you said you I want to understand the earth and see through the Universe? It is also said that the earliest soul creatures on the earth live underground? They also said that the moon was made by them to avoid the impact of meteors. There are also mantle life bodies? These are all true. ?"

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