Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1344 The Snow King and the Blue Fire Demon Girl

"Well, it's possible, I'm not so sure. If I can learn more about the world in front of me, I will be able to list more formulas and create more disciplinary theories, based on theories and formulas as props. Calculation! For example, the radioactivity of matter, the true meaning of mechanics, the existence of matter trinos and the verification theory, etc., in that case I can find traces of history, see the reality that you will never be able to verify, and understand the past ."

"Haha, so you are a genius?"

"Yes, compared with you, I think I am a super genius, a god-like existence."

Qin An frowned, looked at Caitlin for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and pushed Caitlin to the ground.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

Caitlin was taken aback for a moment, and shouted angrily.

"This is a god-like existence? Why was it pushed by me at once?"

"Huh, you are really boring! Does God have to go to heaven and earth? Magic power is boundless? God can also be a prophet, a great sage, or a leader! Please don't use your ordinary human thinking to misinterpret God I’ve only been trapped for too long, and most of the things I understand are said by the soul who wants to rob my body! If I give me some time, I can be admired by thousands of people, and my body will be full of Mysterious halo, in that case I am a god!"

I fuck!

Qin An was speechless, but couldn't refute this little girl's words, but his self-state was too good, right?

No matter what, let her take her first, Qin An didn't want to kill innocent people, let alone cast this little girl to a curse.

That guy will definitely not let her go. If she is taken over by the spell, then the resurrection of the spell will be a super powerful enemy.

Is it a city on the moon? Qin An raised his head to look at the sky, and said in his heart: When I find Weng Lan, maybe I have to find a way to go to New Moon City first. Their weapons are too terrifying, and I will inevitably kill them. This is also a guardian. The safety of Kowloon Link City.

Looking around, most of the people who followed were women, mainly because Dishana protected all women, and now this team has become an army of women.

Ah, they should find a place for them to live in. It is really not far from the city of black blood. For a thousand kilometers, he can quickly reach the wind wings by turning on the rapid state. The only thing that makes Qin An hesitate is the terrible Sword God warning. Before encountering a crisis, Qin An did not dare to act rashly.

Qin An felt a little guilty, but in fact, if he tried his best, he should be able to rescue more people in the black top building.

But because of the distraction on the child, so that he dare not use his best, people are selfish after all.

That’s good. Most of those people are mentally abnormal. They have been modeled and raised since childhood. Even if they are out, it is estimated that it will be difficult to survive in these last days. It is impossible for them to protect them for the rest of their lives, nor do they have the confidence to take them across oceans. Return to the site of Lianchengown in Kowloon.

So let's do it, as Caitlin said, if people really have souls that still exist between heaven and earth after death, Qin An hopes that they can be happy.

This kind of blessing has nothing to do with the pre-apocalyptic doctrine of gods and ghosts. Qin An still believes in science, but the world has changed, and the diversity of life transcends the cognition of humans in the pre-apocalyptic era. The gods and ghosts are just a kind of The life form is nothing.

"Hey, get me something to eat, the old man is hungry!"

Lacey shouted loudly from a few tens of meters.

This old man is the best now, because he is the treasure in the eyes of Pandan Sharjah and Disana.

Pandan Sharjah heard Lacey's shout, sighed helplessly, took out the food from the backpack and sent it to Lacey.

Lacey took a few bites with a gloomy face and stopped talking.

Disana walked to Lacey's side, looked at the women around, and then whispered: "Most of these people are simple-minded, because they don't understand the world at all, and they don't feel ashamed of having relationships with men, so they can Be a mother. Lacey, we are going to rest here for a day, you see

"Hi, my respected Magister, can you close your noble mouth? I don't want to have any contact with any woman now. My girlfriend is dead and I am very sad! So I will not touch any woman, at least I have to wait My heart becomes more comfortable!"

"Girlfriend?" Disana frowned and asked.

"Yes! Carl is my girlfriend!"

"Huh, I know her identity, but she is an earth human prostitute. Girl, why do you care so much?" Pandan Sharjah's tone was bad.

"Prostitute. Girl? Haha! You women of the Gul'dan ethnic group, what right do you have to say about her! She is gentle like water, and she is willing to treat me like a god! I have lived for many years and I have never met Lacey. I've been to such a Gul'dan woman! Why do you talk about her! Tell you, don't mess with me, I'm just helping you with my own blood, do you think I really like the Gul'dan people? Really? Do you want your arrogant women to be resurrected? No!...Also, Pandan Sharjah, please pay attention to your attitude, you are now my slave, don’t forget your identity !"

Lacey's mood was really bad, and this sentence was almost yelled out.

Pandan Sharjah wanted to refute, but Disana lightly patted her ass behind her.

Pandan Sharjah's body trembled in anger, but in the end she didn't say a word. She didn't have Lacey's hard temper, so she could only choose to shut up.

Qin An shook his head slightly and moved his eyes to look at Katerina, Benita, and Annie.

The three women are communicating feelings around several sleeping children, telling their lives over the years. When it comes to sadness, they cry together for a while. The mood is so sad that Qin An can't bear to look directly at them.

Of course, Qin An's name was also mentioned in their discussion, and they all felt that he was an extremely infatuated man.

Qin An blushed and became guilty. He has become a stallion now. How can I explain it if I see Weng Lan?

In fact, after so many years of separation, and the two are still divorced, Qin An does not need to explain to Weng Lan.

But the problem is that the women around him are so spicy...Ah, melancholy!

What will she become in thirty-three years?

No, it should be eight years to be precise. For Weng Lan, she was separated from herself for eight years. Poor woman, she was frozen before.

Qin An feels that this is unfair to him and Weng Lan. The timeline of the two people is not on the same track. Perhaps Weng Lan still can't remember what she was like before the end of life, right? A tall middle-aged Fatty, but now he is a strong little meat.

Has his appearance changed much? When Weng Lan saw him, she should be able to recognize him, right?

Thinking of this, Qin An became a little tangled.

"Help! Help me!"

A female voice sounded from a distance, sounding full of charm.


Does Sword Spirit Star use orc language?

Qin An now speaks many ethnic languages ​​of the Sword Spirit Star, and the Orc Common Language is also a widely used language on the Sword Spirit Star, and many of them are similar to the pronunciation of English words.

Turning his head to the side, he opened his perspective eyes and saw that behind a pile of towering earth and rocks, about a thousand meters away, a naked woman with red hair, blue eyes and blue eyes was running desperately.

Her body is already ripe, this mud horse is too unsuitable for children, right? She doesn't even wear clothes? The murder weapon jumps when you run, how can this work?

Qin An was speechless.

Behind her is a snow-white, double-winged lion-shaped monster chasing!

"Hey, my Little Princess, where can you go? I'm tired of chasing, this game is not fun at all, just leave me, haha!"

"Dreaming, you ugly monster, even if I marry an earthling, I won't marry you again!"

"Earth people? Huh, a group of weak chickens, how can I be..."

The woman and the lion quickly ran across the pile of earth and rocks one after another.

The woman didn't react much when she saw the group of people like Qin An, so she ran over, and the lion was stunned when she saw the group of women, and then a very evil expression appeared on the lion's face.

"Wow, so many earth women! Haha, they are all so young and beautiful, and have made a fortune! This is enough for me to play for a year!"

Qin An looked at the lion, who was already less than a hundred meters away from here, with contempt in his heart.

It seems that this is an orc, it's really lust, and I don't know where it came from. Now not long after the earthquake, he still has this kind of lust. Qin An had a plan in his heart and would teach him a lesson later.

"This is the King of Ice and Snow!"

Desana and Pandan Sharjah made a sound over there at the same time, with a look of surprise on their faces.

King of Ice and Snow!

The ancestor of the sword spirit! Sword Spiritual Qi receptor, born as a four-soul sword repair, good at ice and snow magic, strength far surpasses the realm sword repairer!

Qin An had heard Yin Yao mention its name a long time ago, but he didn't expect to encounter it in this place.

Then the woman he was chasing should be the Blue Fire Demon Girl who was also the ancestor of the sword spirit.

It is said that she is a demon with a snake body, and has been with the King of Ice and Snow all her life, but they are actually husband and wife. But they have been playing the game of chasing you after me. In fact, they both love each other deeply, but they can't get along well. They were also the Ronin of the Star of Sword Spirit, and they have traveled all over many continents, and they don’t know how many famous sword repairers there are. They died in their hands, so although they are not the strongest sword spirit ancestors in the legend, they are definitely very famous!

Ah, Qin An feels that his own way of thinking can't keep up with the development of the times.

When facing aliens, he always felt that they should be mysterious and tall.

But in fact, aliens are also civilized species, and the translations of what they say in communication are not much different from those on earth.

There are many types of sword spirit ancestors, and they are all born in heaven and earth and have survived for a long time.

Some have no wisdom when they are born, but after many years of life, wisdom will gradually appear. They will undergo self-upgrading and gradually adapt to the development of the natural environment.

Qin An stood up and waited for the arrival of the Snow King and the Blue Fire Demon Girl.

This is how the world is today. It is already normal to encounter alien beasts just walking around. Qin An has long been used to it. He has killed tens of thousands of undead alien creatures! Otherwise, he wouldn't have so much accumulation of sword soul stones.

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