Li Shu is twenty years old this year and does not speak Mandarin.

He was not in the camp before, and he took six young and strong youths to search around, and finally found a bag of flour.

When he entered the camp and saw Qin An and others, his face became gloomy.

"Hey, old ghost, who are they?"

When Wang John saw Li Shu return, his face also became unpleasant.

"Li Shu, respect the teacher, that is the virtue of Chinese people..."

"Shit Chinese, old stubborn, I am myself now! Stateless! You are out of date! Look? What is this? The food I found in the waste, I don’t intend to share it with you, I think we It’s also time to separate families. What a fool, are you still taking in refugees who are in trouble at this time?"

While talking, Li Shu's gaze swept across several women in the group, Xie Xie smiled and said: "Think about it for yourself, whether you want to follow the old ghost or follow me. These foods are not enough for a few days, but they are enough for you. Persevere to live to see others starve to death! And after they starve to death, we can still eat their meat, this is the best way, only in this way can we persevere! Women, you only have one chance, choose me, or Choose the old guy!"

When Li Shu was in distress, he chose a way to live longer. Although his thoughts were a bit evil, even the Virgin Qin An didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he did. In the face of Death, he could survive. The talented person is the hero of mankind, this is the truth of the end times.

Among the dozen women, eight really chose to stand beside Li Shu in the past.

The old lion has no teeth. The young lion is not only strong, but also has a piece of meat under its feet, which is naturally enough to attract the lioness.

When the eight women walked past, Li Shu stopped one of them and pushed her back.

"Li Manna, don't come here. You are fifty years old. I have no interest in you! And your body of fat looks delicious. I expect you to starve to death sooner. I don't want to kill. After all, that is immoral. I'm a good person."

"Li Shu, are you really crazy? I'm your aunt!"

"I'm not crazy, but in order to survive, I can only cut off the affection between you and me. After all, this is the best choice, a quality that people should have in the last days."

"What about them? Why are you willing to take in those women?"

"Because their bodies are still young, if they can't escape, they can let me have a happy moment before I die! If they escape, I can use them to exchange some food at the exchange market inside the city wall! And you, It's really useless!"

When Qin An heard what Li Shu said, he not only nodded, don't tell me, this kid is really a talent, and he is really thoughtful!

"Lucy! What are you doing? Come back!"

Next to John Wang, a man about thirty years old flushed and stared angrily. His name was Zhu Xiaohui, and Lucy was her wife.

Just as the so-called catastrophe was approaching, Zhu Xiaohui really didn't expect his own wife to be so unrelenting and snobbish, and he didn't hesitate to abandon him at the moment of crisis.

Li Shu smiled, walked over and held the plump mixed-race beauty in his arms, with big hands floating back and forth on her body.

Zhu Xiaohui's eyes fired, and he picked up a stone from the ground and rushed towards Li Shu.

"Daddy fights with you!"

Because of his obesity, Zhu Xiaohui's movements looked awkward, and he ran up to Li Shu and was kicked on his stomach and fell directly, and then began to cry bitterly, very spineless.Lucy's body trembled, and watching Zhu Xiaohui, who was sitting on the ground crying, was in a complicated mood. She just wanted to live, and currently following Li Shu, obviously has a higher chance of survival than following Wang John or Zhu Xiaohui.

This is just a choice for her to live.

Because of the quarrel of several people, there was a little chaos in the camp, which attracted everyone's attention, including Qin An, Caitlin and Liu Aimo.


Caitlin suddenly let out a painful cry.

Qin An subconsciously turned his head to look, only to see a zombie biting Caitlin's arm, biting off a large piece of meat in an instant, and the other two zombies were also rushing towards the one standing on the edge. Caitlin.

Oh shit! Where did this zombie come from?

Qin An's face was pale, he stepped forward and kicked the zombie who had bit Caitlin, and then picked up a fist-sized stone from the ground and smashed the heads of the other two zombies.

Today, Qin An still has the upgraded physique. Although he is much weaker, it is still very easy to kill a few ordinary zombies.

Looking at Caitlin with a cold sweat on her face, and checking her bite wound, Qin An was extremely depressed.

In the thirty-three years of the last days, the zombie virus is still the most terrifying existence. Even if Qin An does not lose his power, using the healing power of Purdue Sword God can resurrect a half-dead person, but it still cannot heal a corpse bitten by an ordinary zombie. .

Could it be said that this girl named Caitlin would become a zombie like this?

Qin An didn't expect her to become a supernatural person. Although the probability of human beings becoming a supernatural person after being bitten by a zombie has increased, it still does not reach a probability of one in five thousand.

Caitlin slowly limped to the ground with the help of Qin An, sweat began to burst out all over her body, and her body temperature rose, which seemed to be a sign of the corpse.

Qin An looked at her carefully with a stone in his hand, and once she was about to be corpse, Qin An would mercilessly kill her.

All the people nearby are quiet, there are still many zombies in this world, and they are still the most terrifying existence for any race.

Seeing someone bitten by a zombie, then everyone is also in danger of being infected, how could they not be afraid.

"Hey! You will kill her soon!"

Li Chengqi yelled a little excitedly, Qin An did not move, still waiting, waiting for the arrival of Caitlin's last moment.

At this moment, suddenly there was another shout from a distance of more than ten meters.

"Ah! God, you...what are you doing? Are you killing?"

This voice is actually a bit hoarse and weak, but because she is shouting, it can still attract people's attention.

When everyone turned their gazes over there, they were all dumbfounded! It's petrified! Frightened silly!

Because it was not someone else who was talking, but the zombie who had just been kicked by Qin An! ! !

How could this not make people stunned. It has been thirty-three years since the end of the world. This world is weird. It is not strange for a horse, a camel, or a lion to speak, but no one has seen ordinary zombies speak!

That is to say, it is impossible for zombies to speak at all, and how could it be that zombies can speak?

The scientific research institutions of the world's major forces have been working hard to study the T virus over the years, trying to create an antidote that can turn zombies back into humans, but they have all failed.

It was only after the arrival of the Sword Spirit Star race that the humans on earth realized that there are many zombies on the Sword Spirit Star. Even the higher creatures on the Sword Spirit Star cannot return them to their normal minds, but just treat them as unconscious. The ferocious beasts, or undead creatures.

So now why is this zombie who just took a bite of Caitlin even able to speak? This...what the hell is this?

"Who are you?"

Qin An brought Caitlin, who had passed out of a coma, quickly to the "zombie" and asked questions while studying and observing her.

When Qin An kicked her into the air just now, he caught a glimpse of her condition.

The eyes were full of blood red, the eyes were dull, and there was a big hole on the left side of the face. It should have been bitten by other zombies when he became a zombie. You can already see the black iron-like teeth inside. It is definitely a zombie.

At this moment, the eyes of this "zombie" have returned to the state of a human being, able to move flexibly. The edge of the wound on the left face unexpectedly began to rot, and blood balls rolled out. Her hands and feet were not as stiff as zombies, but she was very weak at this time, and her body swayed as if she was unable to stand up, and she could only sit on the ground.

How could this be a zombie, it is clearly a human being!

"My name is Demi, who are you? Where is this place? I am hurt, my whole body hurts! Is there anything to eat? I feel a little hungry!"

As soon as the voice fell, Demi suddenly vomited, and then spit out some minced meat and blood from her mouth. This was the meat of Caitlin that she had just eaten.

Oh my God, Qin An only felt his brain humming.

Could it be that he had lived for thirty-three years in the last days, and today he saw the process of transforming a zombie into a human with his own eyes!

what does this mean?

Zombies can be reversed and become humans! ?

"Demi, please answer my question, do you know what you are now?" Qin An tried to soften own tone.

"What am I? I'm sorry this gentleman, I don't quite understand what you mean! Excuse me, where is the police? My husband is crazy and he wants to kill me! So I ran to the police station, and then there were many people in the police station. Everyone was crazy, everyone bit each other crazily, and I was also bitten. After that, I lost my consciousness and fainted!"

Qin An was keenly aware of the information revealed in Demi's words, so he hurriedly asked:

"What year is this year?"


"I ask you how many years is this year in your 20s?"

"In 2015... My husband and I just got married."


Qin An took two steps backwards and almost sat on the ground.

Could the woman in front of me become a zombie at the beginning of the last days? She wandered as a zombie for 33 years in the last days, and now she wakes up and becomes a human again? And she has no memory in the last few years. For her, the memory stopped at the moment of becoming a zombie?

This is terrible, what is the reason?Qin An sank his heart and looked at Caitlin in his arms naturally. Her wounds were already fusing and eventually recovered as before, but she was still in a coma.

This matter is actually somewhat simple.

The zombie bit Caitlin and then turned into a human.

The only reason that can be explained is that Caitlin's body contains super genes that can make zombies reverse.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this particularity that the Ninth Lord God Curse has taken a fancy to Caitlin's body.

But... this is really hard to believe and accept!

Looking at the girl lying quietly in his arms and frowning in a coma, Qin An swallowed a bit of saliva. If this girl can really turn a zombie creature into an adult, then...that really bought a watch last year...Qin An ran in his heart Ten thousand grass, mud, horses, and finally a word flashed colorful light flashing in my mind

She will become a treasure for countless intelligent races in this world, and her value will be...priceless!

"Ohhhhh! What's the matter? Isn't she a zombie? My eyes are blurred? What's the matter?" Li Shu vigorously rubbed his own eyes.

"That... that girl! That girl!" Wang John pointed at Caitlin, his eyes almost staring out.

Others also talked about it, and finally, the woman named Lucy finally trembled and said the correct answer.

"The zombie bit the girl, and then she reversed her adulthood! God, could it be said that this girl has zombie virus antibodies?"...

In a word, awakening everyone, and frightening everyone again, this is even more terrifying than the end of the world!

Qin An has already begun to check Caitlin's condition, her body is not so hot anymore, and the signs that she was about to be corpse have disappeared completely, as if she was a woman who had experienced the ups and downs of several men in bed, but she was tired and fell asleep. , Nothing happened at all!

Damn, if Caitlin is really the antidote to the zombie virus, that would be interesting! It's just that her defense power doesn't seem to be strong, she just fell into a coma after being bitten by a zombie, which means that she should not be able to reverse many zombies by herself.

But you can study her body! If a large number of antidote to the zombie virus can be produced in batches, it will be a boon!

Qin An instantly felt that the burden on her shoulders was a lot heavier. It seems that we must protect this guy in the future, and then finally bring her back to Jiulong Liancheng safely!

Perhaps Li Shu came to his senses because of Lucy's words, and approached Qin An at this time.

"Hi, friend! Who are you? What the hell is this woman? Does she have the antidote to the zombie virus?"

The woman mentioned in Li Shuhua is naturally Caitlin, but his eyes have been fixed on Demi.

This should really be a zombie, look at her filthy body, the smell from her body is also the same as other zombies, an incomparable stench.

Li Shu's originally shocked heart became even more excited, he moved towards Qin An, wanting to see what happened.

"Listen, don't come over, otherwise I will kill you mercilessly!"

Qin An looked at Li Shu with cold eyes, actually already thinking about whether to kill him directly to eliminate safety hazards.

Although Li Shu has the bullishness of a young man, he is really a very smart guy.

After looking at Qin An for three seconds, he immediately understood that this person is not easy to provoke!

Qin An's kingly demeanor is definitely there. No matter how he is, after all, he is a powerful and powerful person who has used his abilities to dominate in the end times for many years. Therefore, Li Shu was really scared, and he was scared back. .

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