"let's go!"

Very simply, Li Shu didn't hesitate to take the people from his side. Since he didn't dare to provoke Qin An, the best choice was to keep his distance and avoid conflict.

Qin An looked at Li Shu's back and sighed slightly.

This kid is really talented, he can send and receive freely, calmly and cruelly.

If the character is a little better, you should be able to do things.

Qin An decided to observe him, if there is value to use, stay by his side, if not... then he can only be killed in the end!

People here today will lose their freedom, and they will have to be tied up with Qin An in the future, or they will die.

If Caitlin can really turn the zombie back into adulthood, then Qin An will definitely keep this secret, because this secret can make a sensation in the world and can drive countless forces crazy.

As the so-called guilty of jade, Qin An did not want to make himself a target of public criticism.

At this time, there were still more than a dozen old, weak, sick and disabled people in the camp, and a dozen people including Li Shu went to rest a few hundred meters away.

This is the Jedi, and he couldn't escape originally. Qin An didn't worry about doing anything, just waiting for his ability to recover.

This is a bit annoying. Sword repairers are actually like this. If they use their abilities excessively, they will fall into a period of weakness, even the Sword God.

However, a powerful master duel will usually be divided into a few rounds, and will not be exhausted unless it is a group battle.

Put Caitlin back to Benita to lie down, Qin An didn't mind everyone's gaze, went back to Demi again, and asked her in detail.

Because Demi had been watching around, and because of the surrounding soil and rocks, she could not see farther. She could only smell the pungent smell in the air, which made her cough occasionally.

"Doomsday? This gentleman, please don't be kidding me? I'm injured now. I'm really weak and unable to interact with you! Do you want to tell me that Resident Evil has become a reality? There are stiff zombies everywhere? Oh. …No! I can’t believe every word you say! Would you please call the police for me? If you don’t, I will suspect that you are a kidnapper! You said it’s 2048? The end of the world has lasted for 33 years? Haha …My face hurts, there seems to be a piece of meat missing here, so I can’t speak clearly, let alone laugh at your jokes! 33 years? It’s so speechless! Why don’t you say that the earth has been occupied by aliens Is it? Or you tell me there are already three moons in the sky! Doomsday crisis? Huh, damn it, my body smells so bad!"

The earth’s climate has changed. When Demi was talking with Qin An, there was a strong atmosphere in the sky. The dark clouds in the sky dissipated after just a short while, and the surface temperature increased a lot. The appearance of Star makes the night extremely bright. The so-called brightness is different from the daytime. There are some magical colors in that bright color. When the red and blue soft lights merge, a faint fragrance rises in the air. This is caused by the five toxic substances radiated from the blue moon, which has a fragrance, nothing more.

"Mom, look at the sky!"

Martin opened his mouth wide and exclaimed in exclamation.

Everyone, including Qin An and Demi, looked towards the sky.

I saw on both sides of the moon, two disks four times larger than the moon seemed to be hanging in the sky!

One of them is blue and the other is red, echoing the pale and yellowishness of the moon. The scene in March is amazing and unspeakable. This may be the most beautiful sci-fi night sky that humans have ever seen, but at this time all of them It is not an illusion, because the three moons actually exist.

I don't know how long it took, Demi cried and said tremblingly:

"God! How come there are three moons in the sky?"

Qin An did not speak. He understood something in his heart. It seems that the previous major earthquake should have been caused by the two planets that suddenly appeared! What earth-shaking changes are going to happen in this world!

Xiang Fei Shuangyue? Qin An suddenly found their names in his memory, and his face became gloomy. It is said that it is the hometown of the demons! Is the demons, one of the nine god-tier tribes, about to visit the earth?

In the morning, there is not a trace of coolness, some are just hot.

This night was a bit long, Qin An calculated that it would be 20 hours long.

It seems that the speed of the earth's autobiography has changed, and the time of each day has also changed, which is simply shocking!

It should be a lucky thing that the earth can survive this huge change!

Perhaps it is because the laws of the Milky Way have changed. Otherwise, according to the scientific parameters of pre-apocalyptic humans, the earth will never be spared. No wonder the curse of the Sword God warning will last for so many days. This is truly an unprecedented doomsday crisis.

"Dad, don't we really need to go to class today?"

After a night of rest, all the unconscious people woke up, but Caitlin was still in a coma, which made Qin An worried.

"Well, Xiangming, you can rest today and go play a game with Martin."

"But Dad, I don't want to play because it's too hot! I'm so hungry too!"

"Wait, Dad's power should not be long before you can use it, and then you will be able to eat a lot of delicious food!"

Qin An's stomach was actually hungry. He didn't know why he felt so hungry. He didn't expect it to be caused by the change of the earth's orbital position.

Benita and Catalina walked to Qin An hand in hand.

"Qin An, thank you!" Benita looked at Qin An very sincerely.

"You are welcome." Qin An felt that he was not familiar with Benita after all, so if someone said something kind, he should respond politely.

Benita and Katerina looked at each other and smiled, and then said:

"I'm not grateful because you saved my life twice."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Look here, they are all sagging, but now they are strong again! I learned from Katerina that this is your special ability! This is simply wonderful, thank you for making me ten years younger again! For a woman, being young and beautiful is always more important than owning life."

As he spoke, Benita squeezed his chest.

Qin An was stunned and laughed.

It seems that Benita has walked out of the shadow in her heart, at least she has started to heal herself!

After being trapped for so many years, Qin An felt very fortunate to finally see the sun again.

"Qin An, what should we do now? My stomach is a little hungry."

Annie walked over with Yana in her arms, and began to speak a little depressed.

"Do nothing and wait for me to recover. I don't think there will be any more earthquakes, so this Jedi is actually a good place to recuperate."


Xiao Menghuo reached out to Qin An in Annie's arms for a hug.

Qin An took Yana, then hugged her and Qin Xiangming together, and kissed each other.

It's great that everyone is safe and sound.

The two little girls raised their hands and wiped their faces in disgust, but their hearts were blooming because of Qin An's Guan Aile.

Especially Qin Xiangming, Qin An takes more care of Yana these days. The little girl is actually a little jealous. She woke up from a coma today and her father has been holding her, making her feel that she should be in the eyes of her father. Very status. It's just that Yana is the youngest so her father behaves better to her.

Then she still needs to keep her attitude, after all, she is a little aunt, so she must be modest to Yana.

At this time, John Wang and his group all lay on the ground to sleep.

Last night, they gathered in a circle and studied all night, but they didn't figure out a way to deal with the situation in front of them. After the sun came out, they lost their energy, so they all fell asleep by appointment.

Martin slept for a while last night, so he was in good spirits at this time, and he was mixing up with the triplets to introduce himself, obviously suspected of showing goodwill to make friends.

Liu Aimo didn't sleep, she was taking care of the groggy woman Demi, who was the first human being reversed by a zombie in the world.

Li Chenxian and Li Chenfei's sister and brother are not in the camp now. They left the camp after waking up from a coma in the morning and were searching nearby, one to check the landforms and the other to find food.

After the sun was born, the fog began to fill, the air was wet and extremely hot, and the temperature was soaring, it is estimated that it has reached 50 degrees.

As a super body Realm's supernatural powers are naturally not afraid of heat, but it is not that they do not feel the heat.

While walking, Li Chenxian took off his own shirt, and his pants are now worn on Qin An, so only shorts are left.

Concubine Li Chen glared at Little Brother, and said dissatisfied: "Hey, don't you know there is a lady by your side?"

"Chen concubine, you haven't seen a man, I'm you, Little Brother, what are you afraid of? Damn, the weather is too hot!"

Concubine Li Chen curled her mouth, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and finally couldn't help but take off the thin little shirt on her body, leaving only the narrow underwear inside, making her somewhat proud upper body almost Are all exposed to the air.

"What to do? Nothing to eat."

"Then go grab it, you can't let the children go hungry."

"Who is it for?"

"The boss told me just now that there is still a group of people around here, the leader is Li Shu, if we can't find food, we come to him to snatch it! The boss also ordered that only robbery, not murder."

"Oh, let's go, let's go find him."

While they were talking, the two began to circle around the camp, because the fog covered their sight, it was not easy to find someone.

After wandering for a full twenty minutes, the two siblings finally found Li Shu and others.

At this time, Li Shu was sleeping with Zhu Xiaohui's wife Lucy, and the two were lying naked on the ground. There were traces on Lucy's body. Obviously, he died last night and experienced a hard fight with Li Shu.

Li Chenxian and Li Chenfei used to work as security guards in the ballroom. They were not surprised about the affairs of men and women, so they didn't care.

They looked at each other, smiled on their faces, and then walked forward together.

Li Chenxian arrogantly kicked Li Shu in the ass.

Li Shu jumped up and yelled:

"Damn, who kicked me?"

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