Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1354 The witches are all grieving wives

A huge black iron armored dragon descended from the sky, and an iron frame was tied on its back. There were three rows of seats in it, and a group of eight people sat on it. They were Yamena, Poseidon, and Johnson of Crescent City. Silia, Wayne, Pearl, and Zeng Hao from the Scarlet Moon Demon Star and Qi Lang from the Xiangyue Demon Star.

Poseidon and Yamena are the sons and daughters of the Lord of Crescent City, they look alike, they are both blond and blue-eyed beauties.

Johnson is Poseidon's personal servant, and also his daddy, who has been taking care of Poseidon since he was a child.

Siliya is the terrifying existence called the silver-haired demon by the city of black blood, the host of the thirteenth sword god dead.

Wei En and Pearl are the hosts of the nineteenth sword god Xiejun and the fourteenth sword magic point respectively.

Zeng Hao and Qilang are the two four soul sword repairers of the Mozu.

The reason why they came to Earth this time was because of the Lord God's order to help Siliya, Wei En, and Pearl get the bloodline genes of the sword god. Only in this way can the dead, the evil monarch, and the singularity three sword gods be resurrected.

The two sword gods of the dead and the singularity were originally members of the first main god camp, but by the time the earth sword god camp was in chaos, a new alliance was formed. The ninth main god communicated with them through Mental Energy and reached a cooperation agreement, so Silia back then Only then will he kill the Evil Monarch’s first host, Jusen City, and the Singularity’s first host, Shirakawa Five Dragons, and then bring back the Excalibur in their bodies.

"This time Qin An came to United States, and he was finally alone. With our strength, he should be able to accomplish his goal, huh! What a lucky kid."

Poseidon had an evil smile on his face, and his tone was very calm. He is now a mature man who is about to forty years old and will be the successor of New Moon City in the future.

The reason why he felt that Qin An was lucky was mainly because the way to obtain the Sword God's bloodline gene was to ask the women to throw in their arms.

Silia, Wayne, and Pearl are all true beauties.

Of course, he was not interested in Siliya, because this woman is a super bus, with a bad reputation and too dirty body.

But Wei En and Zhuer are both pure and clean. They were only eighteen years old this year. They were born on the moon. Eight years ago, Siliya brought back the two divine swords of Evil Monarch and Starting Point, and they became hosts.

For eight years, the belief they were instilled was to make an appointment with Qin An to obtain the sword god gene.

"Is this the earth the Lord God said? It's a bad environment, and the air is full of hot steam!" Qi Lang frowned and expressed his own thoughts.

"Haha, the earth was a good place originally, but because your Xiangfei traveled through time and space in two months, it has undergone tremendous changes! If it weren't for the Lord God to exhaust his divine power to balance the forces between the planets, the changes on the moon might be even greater. It's big."

"The main god has exhausted his divine power, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up." Johnson answered.

"It doesn't take long, as long as there are enough sword soul stones! Before the Lord God gave me the will, there are actually three missions this time.

First, help the three sword god hosts to obtain the original genes of the sword god bloodline; second, collect enough sword soul fragments; third, find the woman named Caitlin and bring it back! The main god said that he was careless. He originally thought that the underground building was safe, but was eventually destroyed by Qin An. If Caitlin was brought back to your moon base first, so many things would not happen! "Shichiro was very upset.

The Flying Heavenly Demon Dragon looks like the Soaring Dragon in Western legends. It belongs to the Demon creature on the Star of Sword Spirit. It comes with the bimonthly transmission, ten second-level upgrades, two soul sword repair beasts, and a pair of swords. Iron wings, with two excalibur abilities, wind shield and strong body, it is not offensive. It is a defensive mount. When the wind shield is turned on, the Heavenly Demon dragon can take the knight through the earth’s atmosphere, and it can also fly in the vacuum of the universe. Able to enter the sea.

It is called Zeng Hao Witch in the owner.

Demon men and women are separated for life, even if they are husband and wife, they will not live together except when they continue offspring.

Moreover, the demons reproduce asexually, and the male reproductive organs have degraded over a long period of time. They communicated with Mental Energy to make the witches pregnant.

There are interesting things in this.

Demon women’s birth, reproduction, organs, and officials are not degraded, which means that they can have sex, reproduction, and reproduction, but the demon men do not have this function.

In order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, the Demon women are not allowed to conceive with any foreign race, either physically or on Mental Energy.

Therefore, the women of the demons are very contradictory. They want to protect their own traditions, but they are troubled by having a birth, reproduction, and system similar to that of the women on the earth!

To be more specific, the demon women also have a menstrual period every month. When they come to the aunt, they will also have a physiological reaction when they ovulate.

Although the demons are similar to humans on earth in appearance, their men and women are actually completely different creatures.

It can be said that the women of the Demon Race are actually grudges, because their men can make them pregnant as long as they use their brains, so their bodies are lonely, which is a kind of helplessness that cannot be spoken.

At this time, Zeng Hao looked very quiet and in a good mood.

Two days ago, the bimonthly was swallowed by winds. Zeng Hao originally thought that he would die, but he did not expect that he would eventually come to the outer planet of the galaxy. Does this mean that a new life is about to begin?

The earth time counts for eight thousand years, and the demons and the gods have been at war. Zeng Hao's mother died in the battle between the gods and demons. She didn't know who own father was. Since she was born, she has lived with her mother on the Scarlet Moon Demon Star, and naturally she has never seen a father who lives on the Fragrant Moon Demon Star.

The bloody smell in the air became stronger, and the Heavenly Demon dragon was still more than 300 meters away from the ground.

Zeng Hao stood up and looked down at the iron bar, then exclaimed.

"Look at it! There are so many Land Rover over there! Really so many. Who killed them?"

After hearing Zeng Hao's words, the people flying on the Dragon Flying Heavenly Demon looked down together, and saw that there were four or five thousand Land Rover corpses on an irregular ground.

This kind of creature is also from the Star of Sword Spirit. Although they are just a soul sword repair beast, they are really very difficult to deal with.

Once the world is opened by its body, it is difficult for even the Four Soul Sword repairmen to escape, so these guys are very difficult to provoke, especially when they are acting in groups.

So who actually killed so many Land Rover?

Flying Heavenly Demon dragon landed, and a group of people jumped off the dragon's back.

Johnson checked around, then walked back to report to Poseidon.

"My lord, the sword soul fragments in their bodies have been taken away! The forces nearby are the Blue Sword Clan or the Black Blood City team of supernatural powers."

"This is done by one person, not a team!" Zeng Hao said affirmatively.

"Yes, it's a person, because there are no other people's corpses here except Land Rover's corpse. Could it be possible to have a powerful Four Soul Sword to repair the road? With my strength, it would be difficult to kill so many Land Rover. Done! Maybe it was the Five Soul Sword Sect of the Azure Sword Clan that made the move?" Qi Lang expressed his own opinion after thinking.

The true warrior of the Green Sword Clan is called the Sword Sect, just like Xiao Beilan is just an ordinary clan member, and has not reached the strength of the Sword Sect, and Xiao Beiyu should have reached the Three Soul Sword Sect.

"Well, no matter who got it, these sword soul fragments will eventually return to our hands. I have contacted several big brothers in the city of black blood in advance, and the supply ship of Silvermoon City will arrive later. At that time, we will hold a large-scale exchange meeting on the Azure Sword Clan’s Spiritual Festival, and use materials to exchange all the sword soul fragments in the hands of the Azure Sword Clan.

The earthlings call your arrival the bi-lunar disaster.

After the disaster broke out, the continent collapsed and the southeastern coast of United States has fallen. The big city inhabited by the more powerful Qingjian clan was destroyed. The orc territories in the northwest of the city of black blood disintegrated, and a 10,000-meter deep rift valley formed. The gushing of magma gave way to People have to leave their homes.

The Orcs, the Green Swords, the Earth Humans, and other small populations of alien races are all piled up on the Ionian Plain to the west of the Black Blood City, the number is over 100 million!

The city of Black Blood is very lucky and has hardly been affected by the disaster. Therefore, people in Ionia wanting to obtain supplies when they are super scarce, can only exchange them from the City of Black Blood.

We have a good relationship with the City of Black Blood, so now is a good time!

As long as we control the exchange market, that means that many foreign sword soul fragments will eventually flow into our hands, and with enough sword soul fragments, we can synthesize sword soul stones, sword Spirit Stones! At that time, it will not be difficult for the Lord God to restore his strength and wake up. "

After the words fell, Poseidon returned to fly the Heavenly Demon dragon mount, with a relaxed expression on his face, he hadn't come to Earth for a long time.

He likes the earth, because there are no rules here, because here The Weak are Prey to the Strong, because here he can put any beautiful woman in bed! For many years, Poseidon's lust has not been corrected.

"Yamina, I suddenly remembered something. Do you remember when we saw a woman on earth many years ago?"

"You have so many women, how do I remember?"

"Johnson, do you remember? I saw it at a garbage dump."

"My lord, the woman you are talking about may be called Weng Lan."

"Oh, I remember it seemed to ask you to get her to Silvermoon City?"

"Yes, my lord, but at the time we had a tense and delicate relationship with the predecessor of the black blood city gang, so we didn't have the permission to land, so I asked a friend for help."

"What happened later?"

"Hey, a bodyguard appeared next to that woman, Qin Qicai."

"Qin Qicai? The prince of the Sword God Empire?"

"Hey, yes..."

"Hmph, the five resurrected sword gods of the Sword God Empire all chose to retain human memory. Although they are not true gods, they are also difficult to deal with! Damn it, Siliya should have killed them all back then!"

On the one hand, Siliya leaned against Poseidon, smiling coquettishly.

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