"Dark ghost sword god and Pudu sword god are both in the second main god camp. I did kill their host back then, but the bodies of the two women disappeared after death. I don't know why."

"Forget it, thanks to you killing two, otherwise we will have to face seven sword gods, they have all had a relationship with Qin An, I really didn't know before."

Poseidon pushed Siliya's body away as he spoke, then turned and continued to ask Johnson:

"So because of the protection of Qin Qicai, didn't the gangster catch the woman named Weng Lan?"

"No, I got it, and I was sent to New York at the time, the city of black blood now."

"Oh, then why didn't you bring her to my side?"

Johnson glanced at Silia who was playing with her hair, paused before speaking:

"Because Weng Lan fell into Mary's hands. She is the daughter of the city lord of the Black Blood City and the wife of Shirakawa Wulong, the first host of the Singularity Sword God. Mary doesn't know where to find out that the murderer of her husband is probably Sli Ya, so he refused to hand over Weng Lan

"Huh, that woman is very annoying. There is no evidence behind the other. So she has been very polite to me over the past few years, but in private, I don’t know how many so-called powerful supernaturalists have been sent to kill me. As a result, I killed them all." Siliya said indifferently.

"This is also a helpless move. The Singularity Sword God is our own person. If his host is always a man and cannot obtain the Sword God's original blood gene, how can he be resurrected? In short, this matter must be kept secret. The blood city has a good relationship. As the saying goes, the strong dragon does not crush the earth snake. Our base is on the moon, so many things on the earth still have to rely on the black blood city to cooperate. Moreover, the thorn mang operation is about to start, and we have to cooperate with the black blood. City cooperation, in the future, can we dominate America to obtain more sword soul fragment resources, so as to help the main god to quickly restore energy, so that we have more supernatural powers, and the role of the city of black blood on us is not negligible." Poseidon These words are very serious.

"Don't worry, as long as that woman doesn't tear her face with me, I will naturally not admit to killing her husband."

Poseidon said nothing, Johnson said:

"It is for this reason that I did not continue to attack Weng Lan. Later, your lord, you seem to have forgotten the woman, so this matter

Poseidon waved his hand and interrupted Johnson.

"Forget it, I have been helping with official duties in New Moon City these years. I really forgot this person. Haha, I still remember the moment I saw her on the computer screen. She was really a beautiful woman. I didn't know her. Are you still with Mary now? It would be nice if you can continue the front line!"

"My lord, don't worry, after arriving in the administrative province of Karamanda, the city of black blood, I will go and look for her."

Poseidon nodded in satisfaction and began to close his eyes to rest.

Flying The Heavenly Demon dragon has re-flyed and flew quickly to the north.

At a young age, the Ionian Plain appeared.

Everyone looked down on the Flying Heavenly Demon Dragon, and then they were all shocked.

There is a large rift formed during the earthquake on the southeast side of the so-called plain. It is inclined from the northeast to the southwest. The two sides do not know how far it extends, and the sides cannot be seen at a glance. The width of the rift valley is 50 kilometers, and the depth is not bottomed.On the southeastern side of the Great Rift Valley, there is no idea how many tribes have gathered. This looks more than 100 million. It is estimated that the number has reached several hundred million, densely crowded together.

To the south of the gathering place, the former Huasheng Dun area was also the former location of Qingjian City. Now it has become a magma jetting area. The ground here is full of cave openings. From the cave openings, magma will be ejected from time to time, and the surface temperature It is estimated to reach a few hundred, it is impossible to live at all, and it is difficult to connect.

To the east of Ionia, the gathering place is connected to the city of black blood. Now the City of Black Blood has established a 600-kilometer cordon, and aliens are not allowed to enter the territory casually. The area of ​​the Black Blood City is very large, and its east side is connected to the sea.

That is to say, this is also a closed dead place, and large forces cannot cross the Great Rift Valley to the north or west, nor can they cross the magma ejection area to the south, let alone enter the black blood city's sphere of influence.

Ionia was surrounded by a triangle, so many races all ran to this relatively safe place when the earthquake broke out. The biggest problem they face today is the food crisis!

Poseidon let Zeng Hao control the Soaring Dragon hovering in the sky for a while, then his eyes lit up and laughed.

"A group of refugees! I seem to have seen such a scene. I can exchange a small bottle of pure water for hundreds of sword soul fragments! Haha, go, first go to the city of black blood in Karamanda province, and then contact the new Moon City lets cargo ships arrive sooner. By the way, when is that Shenyuan Festival?"

"Is there a Shenyuan Festival here too?" Zeng Hao asked strangely.

Shenyuan Festival is the most important festival on the Star of Sword Spirit. It is celebrated by many races on many continents, just like the New Year on Earth.

"Yes, Qingjian City first set the Shenyuan Festival on July 1st of each year, and now the Orcs and Earth Humans will also celebrate it, and also regard this day as a holiday." Qiang Sen explained.

"It's a pity that the earth's orbit has changed now. A year will become three hundred and sixty days, and every day will be thirty hours. The calendar date that mankind will continue to use for many years will probably be revised." Yami Na whispered.

"I think the races on the earth should not have time to pay attention to this kind of thing. The war is about to come. Within ten years, this chaotic earth will flow into a river! There is no way, no one wants to war, but in order to grab resources, it is inevitable. "No matter how lustful, Poseidon now has some kingly aura, so what he said naturally made sense.

Flying The Heavenly Demon dragon was not hovering, and began to speed up to fly in the direction of the city of black blood, and finally turned into a small black spot over Ionia.

The southern part of the Ionian Plain is a gathering place for people on earth.

Almost all the people on Earth within hundreds of kilometers have gathered in this place, with an estimated number of more than 700,000.

The earthquake is like a huge torrent, driving people to this fairly safe place, and they have nowhere to go.

After killing thousands of Land Rovers, Qin An caught up with a group of people running in front, and then led them across the ditch landform, through the 80-kilometer magma jetting area, and finally found this place.

Looking around, Qin An couldn't help feeling a little dizzy when he saw the black and crushing person.

This f*ck is all human, and there is no way to go. If you want to go to the city of black blood, you can only spread your wings and fly over.

But if so many people fly in the sky, wouldn’t it be too conspicuous? It is estimated that it will be discovered only when it reaches the periphery.

The huge black Soaring Dragon in the sky just hovered for a few times and Qin An could see clearly. He could even see the eight people above, but didn't know their identities.

But Qin An heard some of what they said.

Do you want to use this catastrophe to collect the sword soul stone?

Qin An is also very short of Sword Soul Stones, and the purple in the Necro Space has become a dead soul. It is estimated that it will cost about 50,000 Sword Soul Stones to resurrect, but now he has less than 7,000 Sword Soul Stones. A quantity that was only available after killing a lot of Land Rover.

Maybe he can also take advantage of this opportunity to make a good plan.

Qin An actually wants to do business very easily, because he only needs 5 Soul Sword Fragments to synthesize a Soul Sword Stone. But ordinary people need 300, and the synthesis probability is only 50%.

Qin An has a 10% chance of synthesizing the sword Spirit Stones with 500 Soul Sword Stones, but ordinary people need 5,000, and the chance of success may be only 10%.

In the legend, 50,000 Sword Spirit Stones can be used to synthesize the Sword God Stone, and the chance of success is almost zero. A sword god stone can make a four soul sword repairer breakthrough Realm, condense the sword spirit to become the sword god. Most of the sword gods in the third camp on the sword spirit star became the sword god because of the successful refining of the sword god stone. .

From ancient times to the present, the sword spirit star has not known how many years have passed on its time axis, so there are only a few sword spirit stones that have appeared, so it is a legend for most people.

Qin An has not tried to refine the Sword God Stone in the past, because the sword Spirit Stones have been hard-won, not to mention the accumulation of fifty thousand. When refining the Sword God Stone, there is still a possibility of failure. The chance of success is almost zero, so even if someone can accumulate fifty thousand swords Spirit Stones, I am afraid I would not even think about refining them into sword god stones, no one can bear the end of 50,000 sword Spirit Stones in a moment.

There is also a difference between the Sword Soul Stone and the Sword Spirit Stones.

Ordinary people who devour the Soul Stone of Sword and become a sword repairer, the probability of comprehending the powerful attacking sword god skills in the future may be low, and the difficulty and period of comprehension are much worse than those of the Spirit Stones.

In fact, what Qin An swallowed was not the Sword Soul Stone. At that time, the True Fire Sword God did not explain to Qin An that the Sword God Stone in her own body was originally the Sword God Stone. Naturally, his abilities are stronger than ordinary sword repairmen, and the ability of the sword god he comprehends is also very abnormal. The Curse of Heaven's Punishment and the Realm of Necromancy are very unique skills.

Therefore, Qin An was so powerful that the Second Soul Sword Repair could fight with the Fourth Soul Sword Repair.

"What to do?" Annie pulled La Qin'an's arm and stared at the situation in a daze.

Ten meters behind him was the magma spray community, where the black smoke and white water vapor filled it, and ordinary people couldn't get close at all. Qin An turned on the ability to form a protective shield and led everyone to fly over quickly.

But there is no way forward, and all you can see is people!

There is no house, no furniture, and many people don’t even wear clothes.

There is blood and smell everywhere. When human beings lose the basic conditions of social life, they are no different from beasts.

Eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, and sex X, all behaviors are carried out in broad daylight.

The hot and humid air numbs people's nerves, causing some people to lose control of their emotions, arguing, beating, and shouting from time to time in the crowd.

Such a similar scene Qin An had seen in the first few years of the outbreak of the end times.

No, to be precise, this scene is more like the end times than the beginning of the end times.

Ionia, this plain named in the thirteen years of the last days, has become a purgatory among people!This is the situation on the least people on Earth. Most of the hundreds of thousands of people on Earth are wanderers and scavengers. They used to be scattered among the various forces in the southeastern United States, but now they are all brought here by the waves of the earthquake. So many throws are divided into books and ten thousand bones, if it is not chaotic, it would be strange.

Qin An stood at the front of the crowd, and the people nearby all looked to his side, their eyes full of surprise and caution.

It is not difficult to imagine that they will naturally feel shocked when they see a group of themselves running out of the smoke from the magma jetting area.

Because it is close to the magma ejection area, the temperature here is very high. It is estimated that it has reached 65 degrees above zero, which exceeds the highest temperature since the Earth has a meteorological record.

In history, only the Republic of Tunisia, the northernmost part of Africa, experienced a high temperature of 61 degrees.

This kind of temperature is uncomfortable even for the pure black Africans, let alone the whites of Life in the United States.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Qin An to imagine that these people who are marginalized from the crowd must be disadvantaged.

They were in groups of three or five, and they had no own power, and in the end they could only choose to be here.

People are mostly sitting on the ground and cuddling with each other, almost all of them are separated.

Hunger and heat robbed them of their rise, leaving only a survivor.

Looking around for a while, Qin An smiled at Annie, then looked at Li Shu beside him and said:

"Li Shu, I now want to enter the territory of the Black Blood City unconsciously, what do you think should be done?"

In fact, Qin An didn't pay much attention, he wanted to fly to the city of black blood to find Weng Lan immediately.

It’s just that the roads on the ground are blocked, and people are blocked. If you fly into the sky, it’s too conspicuous, and you have to bring a group of people. It is estimated that you will be discovered before entering the airspace like the city of black blood. Although I am not afraid of trouble , But I really don’t want to take the kids to get into trouble.

He is very strong, but there are also many strong people in this world.

Although Qin An has never been to the City of Black Blood, although he was far away in China before, the intelligence system of the Kowloon City Link is spread all over the world.

According to intelligence, there are definitely more than ten sword repairmen in the city of black blood that can fight against him, and there are many Sword Spirit Star aliens living there, and there are not a few strong ones among them.

So if you want to enter the city of black blood and find Weng Lan, the best way is to act low-key.

Without thinking, Qin An felt that it would be a test to leave the problem to Li Shu.

Like everyone else, Li Shu was already full of sweat, but he still maintained a rigorous and polite posture, and immediately answered after hearing Qin An's question:

"My lord, it's a bit eye-catching that you become a giant flying in the sky. If you fly very high, ordinary people can't see it, but in this land, you can see tens of thousands of meters high in the sky. It will not be less than a thousand! So if you want to enter the territory of the Black Blood City without knowing it, there is only one way!"

"Oh? Come and listen!" Qin An didn't expect Li Shu to really pay attention.

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