Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1356 Li Shu's Wisdom

Li Shu groaned slightly, then adjusted his tone and said calmly:

"My lord, in fact, if you really want to go to the city of black blood without knowing it, I believe you can do it easily.

You should be worried about the children, right?

And you have a heart of compassion, maybe seeing such a scene of wasteland on earth at this time, you still have a bit of compassion in your heart.

The answer you want should not be as simple as just going to the city of black blood, but how to safely achieve your goals and change the current status quo.

Then I think the best defense should be offense.

In this land, only by becoming a true king can you overturn the clouds and let things develop in the direction you want!

There are several major events that will happen recently,

First, the most important Shenyuan Festival of the Qingjian people is coming. Although they should be very difficult at the moment, I think they will not give up celebrating this very traditional and ancient festival for them. Then if the festival is The celebration activities went on smoothly, and the selection of the son-in-law of Princess Linghua, the daughter of the current king of the Qingjian clan, should also begin to be on the agenda. The Azure Sword King is old, he has two sons and a daughter, and only Princess Linghua has reached the strength of the Five Soul Sword Sect! Moreover, this woman is clever and witty, and she is a figure of great power in ruling the country! It stands to reason that she should be the most suitable heir to be the next king, but the Cyan Sword people feel that women are not on the table, so there is no precedent for the queen to become the throne. Therefore, the ambitious princess Linghua intends to face a foreigner to choose a husband-in-law, so that she can let her own husband inherit the throne, so as to listen to politics! Then the battle for the throne of the Qingjian clan is about to break out!

Second, whether it is the city of black blood or the new moon city of the moon, they are very keen on collecting sword soul fragments. After the disaster of this bi-monthly, the various races gathered in the Ionian Plain are in trouble. Everyone needs supplies to survive, otherwise they will have to wait for death. Ionia and the Black Blood City are connected together. It seems that this place has not been affected by the earthquake, which means that the city of black blood should not have suffered much damage! As the most powerful collection of indigenous peoples on the east coast of United States, they will become suppliers of all ethnic materials here! No way, they will definitely provide supplies, otherwise many people here who are about to starve to death will riot and wage war with the city of black blood, no matter how powerful they are! Therefore, the materials of the Black Blood City will be continuously transported to the Ionian Plain. Of course, they will never dedicate these things in vain, and they will obtain the greatest benefit! Soul sword fragments are the only super currency that can be circulated today. I can already foresee that within a month, the city of black blood will drain all the sword soul fragments in the hands of various races here! Eventually, the battle between the Black Blood City and the Ionian race will still break out! But it was too late at that time. The City of Black Blood was fully prepared, while the many races of Ionians were without a leader. The long-term conflicts would make them unable to organize an effective battle against the City of Black Blood. Moreover, the supply of materials After the break, the various races have become an exhausted army. If they can't defeat the city of black blood, then fighting against each other and feeding on humans will be the only way out.

Third, Xiang Fei double moons are coming. In the past, there were demons who came to the earth from the gate of time and space in advance, and they spread the story of the demons. Xiang Fei Shuangyue is the hometown of the demon clan, in Feiyue lives a witch, and Xiangyue lives in a man of the demon clan! In fact, there are two completely different creatures between men and women of the demons. Those witches are more like humans on earth. Many witches who came from the portal before are willing to marry men on the earth because they can obtain physical satisfaction. Demon men can't do it! Therefore, although the witches still believe in their main gods, they are actually not as religious as the demon men! This is an exploitable point!Fourth, it has long been rumored that there is the soul of the main god of the demons in New Moon City! Therefore, the demons who came to the earth before took Crescent City as their holy city. Every night when the moon rises, they kneel and pray to the sky! Now that the two moons are coming, the strength of the demons will rank Ascension, and Crescent City has become a super power in one fell swoop, shocking all races on the earth! Before the Gul'dan was annihilated by a super weapon, I think this was what Crescent City did. They showed their own muscles and shocked the world at the same time as sending a signal. The battle of the moon will eventually break out. As for the specific battlefield, it depends on the choice of Crescent City! Because they have more advantages, they can cover any corner of the entire earth with their weapon power!

In other words, the era of chaos has arrived. Even if people don't want to, even if most races love peace, no one can choose and no race can escape after the bimonthly disaster. This is the path that hundreds of millions of creatures on the earth must take now, without any conspiracy and tricks, everything is just to survive.

So in fact, now is a very good opportunity.

New Moon City will definitely send people to Black Blood City to discuss future strategic cooperation issues. Xiang Fei Shuangyue will also send special envoys to follow, because they have just arrived on Earth and they need to know more about this new world to better serve them. The Lord God serves.

If someone can obtain the title of King of the Blue Sword Clan, surrender Princess Linghua to obtain her full support, rely on the entire Cyan Sword clan, and then persuade the Scarlet Witch to join the Alliance, they will have no weaker than the Black Blood City and the New Moon City. Strength! The races on the entire Ionian Plain are now in crisis. If a big power comes forward to rescue them at this time, even though this part of the power is huge and complex, it will definitely be able to choose to merge in order to survive!

After several steps are completed, a multi-ethnic combination appears, and war is still inevitable.

Only when the forces of the Black Blood City and the Crescent City are strangled, and the people who have obtained the material wealth can survive, and the combined body can steadily seek continuous development, it is the so-called war with war! When we are extremely hungry, we are willing to fight the wolves, because we can get enough food by killing them.

We can temporarily call this force the North American Empire, and after the emergence of the North American Empire, the Sword God Empire will become two major forces that echo the East and West. We can talk about cooperation with Yi, because we will have the same after all this is over. Values ​​are aimed at zombies.

The zombie clusters gathered in the north of United States face the attack of the two major forces, and their status will be instantly weakened.

Many alien race swords on the North America continent had to face two choices, either belonging to the North American Empire or belonging to the Sword God Empire.

In this way, North America will be stabilized, and the apocalyptic situation will come to an end.

Then all these ideas need a premise, as the so-called situation makes heroes! People need the birth of a true king. "

Speaking of this, Li Shu exhaled deeply, glanced at Qin An who was slightly frowning, and summoned his courage to continue.

"If there is no such person, if there are no such things! Then what an adult has to do now is to take the child you care about the most, reduce the target of attention, and then sneak in the crowds. I believe you will be able to do so in less than half a month Cross the sea of ​​people and reach the border of the Black Blood City! This must not be difficult for you. What you need to do... Just discard the burden."

Qin An finally raised his head, and there was a hint of surprise in Li Shu's eyes.

"How do you know so many things about aliens?"

"My lord, this is because of the natural law of natural selection, a theory of weak animals."

"how to say?"

"Non-toxic caterpillars will evolve eye-catching colors to defend against natural enemies, and weak animals can master various strange skills in order to survive. Therefore, weak beasts have a higher evolutionary art, which is more complicated than those at the top of the food chain. Many.

Li Shu is incompetent, like an ant in this world full of supernatural beings, in order to be able to live better, I have been looking for a way.

When the hardware cannot be upgraded, the only weapons I can use are my brain and mouth. Therefore, I will deliberately collect all kinds of information to arm myself, so I know some things. "

It turned out that Qin An knew it, and felt somewhat interesting about Li Shu's theory of weak beasts.

But Qin An did not agree with his views.

There is a saying in China that wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit.

Even if a dog may be smarter than a wolf, know how to please people, but also know how to beg for mercy, and dominate others.

But they are dogs after all, even if they evolve apart from the ability of some wolves to be unconscious, they can't escape the essence of being a dog.

However, the plan Li Shu described was actually quite shocking. It was a big plan to seek a country. It sounds very reasonable, but really wanting to do it can't be done with a single word and deed.

Does Li Shu want to ask for the so-called princess Linghua?

Not to mention that the purpose of coming to United States this time is to find Weng Lan. Even if Weng Lan is dead, he will not accept other women lightly.

Over the years, Qin Jiusi, her mother Yin Yao, and Queen Tang Yu have been with her.

Their feelings for each other are actually very deep, but Qin An hasn't made them become husband and wife with him. How could he even provoke other women.

Qin An is already over sixty years old. As an old man, if he was lonely and lonely, he might go to a tavern and find a plump and curvy woman to go for a romantic night, but he would never find another one. Bingqingyujie's little girl played an emotional game.

His heart is not so easily affected, he has long passed the age of love and love.

In other words, he has never really loved him for so many years.

Ever since he left Weng Lan, he has gone through the sea and eliminated Wushan!

Since there are so many women he likes, Qin An can't concentrate on loving him, how can he become someone's son-in-law for his so-called rights?

Squinting his eyes and looking at Li Shu for a while, Qin An whispered:

"Okay, I understand what you think, do you think about Shenyuan Festival? Let's go over and have a look at that time, if that Princess Linghua is like you, you can grab a horseman!"

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