Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1365 Sturdy Qin An

It's a pity that the sound is loud, but it's useless for birds.

Losing his power and being tied up by ropes, the Ice King can hardly protect himself, let alone protect others.

"Hahaha, Baixue! You are the legendary snow king Baixue, right? You were still in the shape of a lion when you got it back, so this red-haired beauty is blue blood? The red-haired snake is good at manipulating blue The ancestor of the sword spirit of the lustful flame? I did not expect that Muzi fell on this small earth, and I have the opportunity to eat two of them. It is a great honor! This is a great honor! So don’t worry, I will eat you last When I eat you, I will hold a grand party for my people to share with me! You will become the highest level of life in the hunting history of the tree elves! A few years later, I The offspring of "will proudly say to others: Tell you, my emerald queen has eaten two sword spirit ancestors, hahaha!"

Mu Yi laughed and got up, then left directly, closing the door of the wooden house, leaving behind a few people who were about to be slaughtered in need, facing each other bitterly. Everyone here is lonely and their emotions are complex, but there is nowhere to vent their emotions.

At the time of the crisis, in the corner of the room, the wretched man who had been peeping for a long time finally appeared.

"Hi, you guys, separate for a few days, don't come here unharmed!"


Several people were taken aback, and in the end Disana was the first to react.

"Qin An! It's you, you're not dead?"

Disana's voice trembled a little. At this moment, facing Qin An who was not too familiar, she was also a relative.

Now that this man appeared, Disana felt that their crisis might be resolved, and they should be saved.

"It's me, Disana, it's really good. You finally saved Lacey's life. Although the pregnant women are dead, as long as he is there, you still have the possibility of rejuvenation. Congratulations!"

"Yes, Qin An! Great, you...are you here to save us?" Di Shana's tone was a little bit of doubt, because she found that Qin An was too calm, and then realized they were too calm. The relationship was originally just a cooperative relationship, not a friend.

"I'm here to take advantage of the fire!" Qin An smiled badly.

"Hey, kid! What do you want? You have the terms, I swear as the king of ice and snow, any conditions will promise you!"

The Snow King’s tone is a bit anxious. His emotions are the most complicated among all. He was mocked by Mu Yi just now. He just wanted to immediately restore his abilities and go out to kill the tree spirits to vent their hatred. Deception, this feeling is so sad.

Seeing the lion so directly, Qin An didn't go around the corner, and said directly:

"I didn't come here to save you specifically, but I discovered you are here accidentally. Now, it is not difficult for me to help you, because I do have a condition."

"Qin An, tell me, as long as we can do it, we will promise you! I swear in the name of the Great Demon Master Real Fire!" Di Shana said sincerely.

It turns out that the Gul'dan people believe in true fire, the second main god.

Qin An nodded secretly, and said in his heart:

"For some reason, I want to fight the Black Blood City, Crescent City, and even the Demon Race! So now I need some helpers. Disana, Pandan Sharjah, White Lion, Red Snake, Xiao Beiyu, Lacey! If you promise to be loyal to me in the future and become my subordinates, then I will naturally save you from leaving. If you don't want to... then I can't think of a reason to save you!"

"Go to war with the demons?"In the room, including Lacey, who had been speechless, all spoke at the same time, and everyone looked shocked.

After a long time, the woman named Red Snake by Qin An's willfully said: "Earth people, you are too naive! I know that Xiangfei Shuangyue has been teleported out of the earth through the time and space gate, which means that the entire demons are here. No one can fight against a main god race on their own. The foundation of the nine god-tier tribe is beyond your imagination! Not to mention you, not even the first main god emperor!"

"Yes, although the demons are not the strongest among the nine god-tier tribes, there are as many strong and exotic animals as weeds!" The white lion followed the red snake, but the red snake licked his lips recklessly, not at all. Go see him.

"Whether to deal with it is my problem. Now I want to save your lives, and I need you to repay me by loyalty to me, nothing more!"

The people in the room became quiet, and the white lion, who was very handsome in human appearance, lost his hot temper. Finally, he broke the silence and said, "Boy, I don't know where you came from, but your thoughts really scared me. No. Speaking of the demons, let’s talk about the dryads in front of us! They are not a gregarious race, so it is estimated that there will not be many people in a tribe..."

"More than two thousand." Qin An said the number of tree elves.

"More than two thousand? This is considered to be a very large number of dryads! The primitive dryads from the Sword Spirit Star are completely different from the tree elves that have been upgraded on Earth! As a race that can be repaired by swords, I It is estimated that among this group of tree spirits there should be at least a dozen four soul sword repairers, and three souls are estimated to be over a hundred! How many four soul sword repairers are there in your influence?"

"No, so I plan to bring you in."

"...Haha, Earth boy, I think you should take us out. I am willing to give you 1,000 Sword Soul Stones as a reward!"

The White Lion obviously looked down on Qin An.

Qin An hesitated slightly, and already had a decision in his heart.

With a thought, the wooden house trembled suddenly, then broke apart, a nearby tornado blew, and then dispersed.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you use magic abilities?"

White Lion and Disana spoke at the same time.

"I am not a magician, but an earth sword repairer. I feel that since I want you to be loyal to me, I must show my strength. After all, you are all capable people, so naturally you won't be willing to follow the weak! "

When the voice fell, a dozen tree spirits nearby had already rushed over, shouting warnings in their mouths.

Qin An's face remained calm, quietly opening the ground seal space, and at the same time summoning a spell card to crush it.

"Three Spirits Reinforcement Spell Card? Have you opened the space barrier? Boy, what are you doing?"

The white lion recognized the attributes of the spell card.

The Three Spirits Reinforcement is a kind of spell card that charges the enchantment space. Qin An didn't have enough confidence to trap the four soul sword repairers in the space, so he released a reinforcement spell card to cooperate.

"Of course I want to save you guys out."

As he spoke, a dozen tree spirits had already rushed to this side. Qin An turned on the time deceleration magnetic field, and the ten-meter space nearby immediately solidified. Qin An moved quickly. The Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword had already been taken out, and the tree spirits were killed by the sword. Turn off time to decelerate the magnetic field.

"What did you do just now? Is this a time-controlling spell?"

Disana's face was full of shock.

Even she was not good at time magic, almost not, so she couldn't believe that Qin An could use such an ability.

Qin An did not answer her, because a sturdy male tree spirit had already flown over, holding a six-meter-long gun-shaped weapon in his hand. This thing is still called the Divine Sword on the Sword Spirit Star. .

Then this is a master, the tree spirit family of four soul sword repairers, Luye, the six-meter-long sword is called the thorn wind, and the four sword gods are the thorns of the breaking wind, the wind curling hourglass, the wind chasing the shadow, and the forest of thorns. !

There were still sixty or seventy meters away from Qin An, and Lu Ye used his first skill to attack Qin An.

Sword repairers who really come from the star of the sword spirit are much stronger than ordinary sword god hosts when they use the sword god skills, even if they are not the sword god themselves.

Wind-breaking thorn is a kind of Hidden Weapons space manipulation ability, Qin An suddenly appeared countless flashes, and then sharp metal needles gushed out of the space, stab Qin An 360 degrees in all directions without dead angles. This kind of attack with long thorns is extremely powerful, as long as it can break through the opponent's defense, then the opponent is almost unavoidable.

It's a pity that this trick is of no use to Qin An.

Qin An summoned a phantom to stand on the spot, and the body had been teleported to Lu Ye's side. In the invisibility state, Qin An activated the Shadowless Sword God's ability to slash through the air, and the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword stuck to the top of Lu Ye's head in the invisibility state.

Lu Ye flew in the sky, staring at the phantom Qin An standing on the ground, and saw all the spikes pierced into his body, and his heart relaxed a lot.

Only in the next second, he was puzzled again, why no blood came out?

Among the sparks, Qin An's body had already appeared, and the long-handled sword that resembled Guan Gong's sword turned into a streamer and quickly slid, and Lu Ye's body was split into two directly!


The white lion and others on the ground were shocked and couldn't believe their own eyes!

Lu Ye's forehead has the mark of forty-color rune, which shows that he is a forty-level upgraded, and he should have at least three souls with sword repair ability. Of course, there is the same probability that he may be four souls.

Whether it is the Three Soul Sword Repair or the Four Soul Sword Repair, since he has been able to reach Level 40 Upgrade, it proves that his physical skills and the ability to sense crises should be very powerful.

So even if Qin An is invisible, he will definitely have an offensive force when he shows up, so it's impossible for this tree spirit to escape the attack with the forty-level upgraded physique?

Unless Qin An didn't carry a little attack force when he appeared, he would suddenly reach the effect of exposing damage.

And the follow-up extended attack power and speed are not reduced at all, so it is possible to kill a sword without taking care of the opponent!

The enemy underestimates the enemy and does not carry the original attack force or hostility at the time of the attack. The subsequent extended attack power and speed can still explode rapidly, and one of the three aspects is indispensable.

Qin An used the phantom to deceive the enemy, causing the opponent to underestimate the enemy, so how did the following two factors be achieved? This is really incredible!

Naturally, everyone would not know that Qin An has the blasting and slashing ability of the Shadowless Sword God, and needless to say his physical skills, now he has reached fifty fifth-level upgraded.

He may be the only sword repairer who has reached fifty fifth-level upgraded only in his second soul sword repair state. Therefore, the sword god ability he currently uses is also fifty fifth-level, and his lethality is extremely fierce, with one move. Killing the Four Soul Sword Repair shocked everyone at that time.

"Boy! Do you dare to kill my brother!"A shout came from a distance, and the two figures had spread their wings and soared into the sky!

Four soul sword repairers Lu Ya and Mu Tie hurried over.

After Qin An killed Luye and landed, the ground suddenly vibrated, and dozens of tentacles emerged from the ground.

This is one of Luya's sword god skills to destroy the forest!

Qin An's heart was moved, and the ground suddenly flashed with golden light. The alchemy technique made all the nearby land a thousand meters in diameter alchemy, and the underground tentacles could not be born.

"Lvya, don't get excited, this kid is very strong, be careful of defense, work together, don't ask for merit, but ask for nothing!"

Mu Tie looked a little old, he was a veteran sword repairer, looking for a way to condense the sword spirit to become a god.

Qin An avoided the dozen or so tentacles that had grown out of the attack, turned on and teleported to Mu Tie's side, a seemingly weak sword pierced out, Mu Tie directly dodges.

The White Lion and others who were still sitting in the collapsed wooden house were also slightly calm at this time.

Just now, the tree spirit was in a bad mood and the enemy was killed by Qin An. Now the two newcomers also seem to be very mighty. This time they should not be defeated so easily. Even if Qin An is very strong, he will never be that way. Easily kill two very cautious sword repair experts again.

Dozens of rounds are needed. When the time comes, all the masters in the Treant Camp will be alarmed, and they will come all together. Hundreds of sword god skills will be applied to Qin An, and Qin An will also be defeated.

Hey, the people on earth are still too young, and the city is not deep enough.

If Qin An had secretly led everyone away before, there might still be a glimmer of life, wouldn't he be asking for trouble at this time?

The White Lion, Dishana and others all had such thoughts in their hearts, but they were stunned by The next moment!

Qin An Zhankong's sword clearly looked so fragile, and the other party had obviously avoided it. Why did it suddenly fall from the sky and fell to the ground with no breath?

Green Asia is also a little dazed.

"Mu Tie! What's wrong with you?"

He was only a few meters away from the wooden iron, and saw that he waved his wings to avoid the enemy's sword, and then fell to the ground, vomiting blood and motionless!

"Oh shit!"

Lu Ya's heartbeat speeded up and his body quivered. I don't know how Mu Tie was attacked. His strength was already ranked in the top five among his tribe, much stronger than himself. Why did he fall like this?

No one knows that this is the fourth sword of the sword god Yang Zhanyang. Although it can only be used once in a battle, it is definitely a super killer move. It just so happens that Wood Iron is already very old, Qin An's sword He directly cut off his remaining 60,000 years of life!

Lvya, who dared not to be careless, immediately landed, and then activated the second sword god skill, his body turned into a big tree, his legs pierced the surface of the alchemy ground and penetrated into the soil, turning into thousands of root systems.

This skill is a powerful offensive and defensive ability, the body has become a tree, no weakness, even if it is cut into tens of millions of segments, it can grow again.

The roots of the tree are intricate and grow quickly after entering the bottom. The farthest distance has grown to a depth of 500 meters underground! As long as the roots of these trees survive, they can provide infinite life energy for the tree, no matter what kind of damage it receives, it can regain its vitality!

"Boy, let me see what else you can do to me!"

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