Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1366-Auxiliary Sword Repairer

Seven years ago, the physical plateau still existed, and some forces of undead creatures were stationed there, feeding on the rotten flesh and bones, and had not withdrawn into the northern black gold empire.

Qin An would leave Tianju out to fight every night, often rushing into an undead camp and killing him until the Mandate of Heaven would leave.

In his killing career for many years, Qin An already has a very professional ability to kill. For him, facing a tough opponent is killing, facing a hundred tough opponents is also killing, his murderous aura and fierceness , Very few people can match.

Once Qin An turns on the killing mode, it will be a cold-blooded beast that can make any evil person feel trembling.

In the past eight years, he has almost come here like this, without the love of his wives, and without the warmth of the children, he might really become a beast!

After killing Mu Tie with the Zhanyang Pass skill, Qin An, facing Lu Ya's transformation skill, did not hesitate to activate the soul-leading ability.

Lu Ya, who had just turned into a big tree, felt that his soul trembled. When he opened his eyes, he saw a huge desert, and he himself was just a servant leading a camel.

Sitting on the camel is a fifth-level upgrader, his identity is an apocalyptic businessman.

what happened? Luya couldn't believe the world he saw in his eyes. Is he dreaming? It was clear that he was going to fight with the enemy just now. Why is it too late to think too much? The fifth-level upgrader suddenly jumped off the camel, grabbed his head with both hands, and finally squeezed it forcefully.

The little boy died, Qin An's soul left the fifth-level upgraded and returned to his body, his eyes became blood red!

He killed Lu Ya and at the same time an innocent boy.

Qin An feels a bit heartbroken, and feels ashamed of his own depravity. Isn't he a good person? Isn't he named the Virgin of the Angel Heart?

But he didn't hesitate to kill the innocent boy!

He is already strong enough to face the weak, he can also become a ghost who doesn't care at all when he tramples on an ant!

Kill it! At this moment, only the blood of the enemy can cover up his own sins!

Let everyone die! When he hates own, only the enemy's Death can make him feel at ease!

Qin An once again landed on the ground from the sky. The tentacles around him had already withered, and the towering trees that changed from the sky were also turned to ashes, drifting away in the wind. White lion, Desana, red snake, Pandan Sharjah , Xiao Beiyu, Lacey fell into petrochemical again!

It was not the instantaneous Death of the two tree elites that made them truly feel terrified, but they didn't understand how Qin An killed them at all.

He just spread his wings and flew up in the sky, swinging a sword at one of them, and then that person fell to the ground and died.

What kind of power is this? What kind of killer move is this?

Everyone believed that even the two killed tree spirits were afraid that they died at the moment they didn't understand how they lost their lives!

Oh my god, there is no trace at all, this is really terrible!

When everyone was puzzled, Qin An had already moved again, and his body ran around the collapsed wooden house, killing all the tree spirits who wanted to approach and were about to escape with one sword!

There are also some strong two souls among these tree spirits, but they are vulnerable in front of Qin An, and it is useless to be cautious.

Qin An now has the purple nightmare, Li Na’s iron courage, Qiu Jinse’s Nanshan, Yin Yao’s fragrant shadow, Lu Ya’s wind, Ling’er’s magic, one of the seven female sword spirit Xianggu, Gong Xue’s tour Soul, Wang Yunzhi’s land seal, one of the seven sword spirits broke the army, Wang Hui’s shadowless, one of the seven sword spirits Miechen, one of the seven sword spirits, Dharma, the phantom of the blue moon, the all souls of Luna, Tang Yu’s Blood Lord, Wuma Danxin’s Yang Slash, Wuma Tienan’s God Guard, Wuma Siqi’s Heavenly Residence, Rongrong’s Wannian, One of the Seven Sword Spirits, the Ghost Ghost, one of the Seven Sword Spirits, Pudu, and Qin Xiaoyan’s Hongye, Liu Ru's super body, one of the nine sons of the seven sword spirit women, Liu Xia Yanhuo and own Xuantian.

There are a total of 27 sword gods' abilities. Except for the ability of summoning creatures to disappear due to the synthesis of super evolution physique, various types of attack and defense can be achieved after the combination of Movement Technique abilities. There are more than a hundred ways of attack type effects.

Therefore, for Qin An, ordinary ability players are really not much different from squeezing an ant to death!

In just one minute, the number of tree spirits killed by Qin An has exceeded a hundred people, and the others with weak strength never dared to approach anymore and fled one after another!

It's a pity that even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape from the own camp, because this side was sealed by Qin An with an enchantment.

The camp occupied by more than 2,000 people was not that big, and Qin An could run back in ten seconds. When Muzi finally showed up with a few Four Soul Sword repairmen, Qin An had killed almost 800 tree spirits and returned to the collapse. Hut! At this time, it was not more than five minutes before he killed the first tree spirit.

"Who are you? Why do you want to slaughter my people?"

Muzi's face was pale and nervous.

She has learned about the killing process of Luye, Luya, and Mutie.

There is simply no information, because they were all killed by spikes. Luya and Mutie have strong defensive abilities, but they are still bizarre Death, it sounds a little scary!

At this time, among the tree spirits floating with wings beside Mu Yi, there was a very beautiful woman. She was wearing a corset and short skirt made of leaves, revealing her slender waist and slender thighs.

Among all the dryads, she was the only one who looked the most calm, even with a faint smile on her face.

After these masters appeared, Qin An did not continue to do it, but also ignored the green queen who was talking to him.

He stood on the ground looking at the beautiful tree spirit suspended at a height of fifty meters, and suddenly raised his finger to her and said, "Mulan, I want you! Would you like it?"

Both Baishi and Muzi were dizzy. I don't know why Qin An said this.

There was some understanding in her heart, she just didn't know why the man in front of her met Mulan. Could it be that his goal was Mulan? .

The eyes of the tree spirit named Mulan suddenly became bright, but the smile on his face disappeared, and some doubts appeared.

She waved her wings and landed in front of Qin An, and said softly: "Do you know me?"

"I didn’t know him before, don’t you know now? Mulan, the legendary sword repair of the four souls of the tree elves! You are a legend, but you were not famous when you were the star of the sword spirit, because the tree elves gave you to Xue Zang I think you are their wealth and their shame. Mulan, we people on earth have a saying, "Dao is different and inconsistent! You are the only vegetarian among the dryads, and you don’t agree or even hate the dryads." The act of eating intelligent creatures, just now you were still praying to the Lord God, hoping to get you out of this sinful land! In fact, you don’t need the Lord God’s protection, just a thought transition, you can be yourself and have a brand new life! The spirit star is about to disappear completely. Now that you are on the earth, don’t you want to change your way of living? Get rid of the doom of your Blood Essence vein? I need you for the Four Soul Swordsman who holds the Excalibur Sword. , You also need me! I am the man you need to cross time and space and wait for hundreds of thousands of years. Is it good to be my shadow from now on? I will take you to the top, so that one day you can condense the sword spirit into a god , Are you willing?"

Qin An's bragging blow is bragging.

But he is not actually bragging. In this world, in addition to those sword gods who have the colorful lightsaber Spiritual Qi that have not been resurrected, only Qin An among the host of the sword god can synthesize the sword god stone, and once the sword god stone is available, Mulan who has reached level 64 upgraded will surely become a god!

Mulan, the master of the Tree Shadow Excalibur, has four god-tier sword skills.

Mu Ying is casual, you can choose a supernatural player as the tree owner, and then instantly copy and use any of his abilities at once! This kind of copying is only one-time, and Mulan can copy and use it only when the target uses the ability. The so-called shadow of the tree, then the shadow naturally follows the tree. Mulan has not selected anyone to be the owner of the tree, because once selected A master-servant contract will be formed, and Mulan will become a slave, and must follow it all his life and cannot leave.

Incarnation of Wanying, Mulan can be transformed into Wanying, and the supernatural person as the tree owner can transfer the body at will in these shadows, and the so-called transmission has no time difference, and the number of transmissions is unlimited!

There is no shadow under the moon, Mulan can use stealth skills when the moon appears, and at the same time provide the host with the moon shadow aura ability, so that the tree owner has the ability to surpass the tree owner's own ability several times ascension at night.

The tree owner community, Mulan is immortal, the tree owner lives forever! The tree owner is immortal, Mulan is evergreen!

It can be said that Mulan itself is not very powerful, but she is a super-assisted four-soul sword repairer. Once she chooses the tree owner, then she can have the same combat power as the tree owner, and can also fight with the tree owner. Ascension does not know how many times its strength!

If Qin An can get her, then there is a super assistant.

After entering the camp, Qin An has been monitoring the information of the camp, so she quickly learned many things about Mulan, because she is always the topic of the tree spirits, everyone wants her, but no one succeeds.

Therefore, Qin An made this request after seeing Mulan appearing with Muzi.

Mulan stared at Qin An for a while, and finally said: "I am indeed trapped in the tree elves. Muzi has always wanted me to choose her as the tree owner, but I didn't agree. . First, I don’t think she is strong enough, and second, I don’t want to be her servant! Earthling, you seem to know about me... Are you here for me? Then why do you think you have it? Qualified to talk to me? Just because you killed Luye, Luya, and Mu Tie the three four soul sword repairers? Tell you, the strength of the same four soul sword repairers can also be different by a thousand miles, and Muzi can also kill in seconds. They! Then you, why should I choose you? Tell me?"

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