Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1369 I'm Unknown

As the saying goes, good steel needs to be used on the blade, Qin An knew it was time to brighten up his family.

The white lion, the ancestor of the sword spirit, is good at ice attack abilities.

Red snake, sword spirit ancestor beast, good at fire attack ability.

Disana, a spirit-level magician, can use many kinds of magic, and is best at wind.

Pandan Sharjah, if he unlocks his patrilineal gene, he is likely to be promoted to a spirit-level magician.

Xiao Beiyu, the Three Soul Sword Sect, may not be as strong as the previous four, but he is also a very powerful fighter. At least have the power to fight a third, fourth-level swordsman.

Once Mulan chooses herself as the tree owner, then when the two fight together, Qin An's ability can be increased several times!

Now that it is the time when people are employed, Qin An must get these people down, so he must show that own is different!

What makes Qin An unique? Naturally, he had collected those spell cards for eight years, the first skill of the God Sword of Heaven's Punishment, and the spell of Heaven's Punishment.

Raising his hand all the time, a smile hung over Qin An's mouth. After that, a total of sixty-four spell cards stacked on top of each other like pillars appeared in his hand!

All the people present were blinded!

Damn it!

64 spell cards?

A Four Soul Sword Repairer who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years may not be able to collect 64 spell cards!

What the hell is the earth man named Qin An?

"Hurry up, let the skills go, kill him!"

Muzi's voice trembled, there was no blood on her face, and all the cells in her body trembled! The attack and defense of the spell card cannot be easily cracked by the sword god skills! This battle has completely undergone a qualitative change, as if a group of unarmed children met cavalry in armor! In front of the Heaven's Punishment spell card, even the sword god-level creature was helpless, let alone the small four soul sword repair?

Just after Muzi's voice fell, the moment everyone was preparing to activate their attack abilities to deal with Qin An together, Qin An squeezed the first spell card.

Four Divinities back to empty! This is a time-space reversal spell card that can rewind time-space within a kilometer diameter for up to three minutes!

And three minutes ago, Muzi's people had not yet formed an encirclement to Qin An.

This time-space retreat is only effective for physical space, but does not affect the Mental Energy of people in the space. That is to say, everyone remembers what happened in the past three minutes, but their body and space have returned to three minutes. The state before!

"This is the Four Divinities Curse! Back then, the Time Sword God led forty thousand followers to the Hopeless Sea between the six continents in the southern corner of the South Cape, the spell card that could not be captured... How could this be possible! How could he have! Be careful of defense! "Muzi's shout was a little hoarse, like a mad woman who has just been ruined by dozens of big men.

Qin An's body disappeared to Mu Yi's side.

The 10 spell cards in the left hand flew out and teleported to the top, bottom, left, and right in front of Muyi's body, transforming into a circular cage, trapping her body in it.

"What is this? What is this? Let me out! Where are my powers? Why can't my powers be used anymore?" The wooden hand held the cage and howled loudly.The red snake in the ruins of the wooden house licked his chapped lips.

"Is that the Three Spirits Sleepy Sky Curse?"

"The three spirits are sleepy!"

Disana, Pandan Sharjah, Xiao Beiyu, and Lacey exclaimed at the same time, and their eyes turned straight at Red Snake!

"Well, it must be the curse of the Three Spirits, my God, grandma Niang, what's the situation?" The white lion's eyes stared as big as two small bowls.

No one can confirm the legend of the Three Spirits Sleeping Sky Curse, and the story itself is too terrifying.

According to legend, in the history of Sword Spirit Star, there was a sword god who was killed, named Heaven Ghost! If he hadn't died, he would be the 30th sword god on the list of sword gods, and the one who killed him was only a four soul sword repairman!

The sword repairer’s fighting ability is not strong, and all the magic sword skills he possesses are related to the spell cards. He can find the positions of some spell cards, and then collect them through some relatively simple tests. The skill of Yijianshen is similar.

The sky ghost is naturally strong against the sword repairer. When he almost killed him, he became a star of abuse. So the two bet that the sky ghost stood still. If the sword repairer could hurt him, the sky ghost You can spare the life of the sword repairer.

After that, the sword repairer used ten three-spirit trapping curses to form a circular cage to trap the heavenly ghost in it.

Before this, this kind of spell card has never been used by ten people together, and using it alone has no attack and defense effect. Therefore, the sky ghost did not realize that there was any crisis.

The sword repairer ran away after using ten sleepy spells.

When the sky ghost saw that the other party was about to run, he was very annoyed, so he wanted to break the cage and chase after him.

But he couldn't use abilities in that sleepy jail.

After being trapped for many days, the believers of the sky ghost found the trail of the lord god and tried their best to break the cage to rescue the sky ghost.

However, no matter what kind of abilities it is, it can't destroy the cage, nor can it send the sky ghost out of the cage.

In the end, a true sword god was trapped and died in the jail. The news became more and more weird, shocking the entire sword spirit planet, and even witnesses could not believe this fact many years later.

From then on, the legend of the Three Spirits Sleeping Sky Curse began to circulate, and many people tried to collect them in every possible way. However, no one can collect ten more Sleeping Skys, and there is no news about the sword repairman who killed the Sky Ghost. No one knows where he came from and where he went.

Most of the races on the Sword Spirit Star had heard of this story, so when a popular snake saw that the spell card used by Qin An was Three Spirits, he was immediately shocked.

After she said her own judgment, how could other people not be scared and dumbfounded.

The Prison of Three Spirits, which can trap the sword god to death, can be seen again on the earth, and it is only used to deal with the four souls sword repair! !

This Qin An... makes people unable to evaluate! No one can see him through.

The reason why Qin An was so wasteful was actually because he had the most three-spirit sleepy heaven curse in his hands, and now he used a set of one hundred.

The legend is a legend after all, in fact, the Three Spirits Sleepy Sky Curse is not as terrible as the legend.

When Qin An was killing alien beasts on the physical plateau before, he used ten sleepy sky curses to summon the sleepy sky prison, but before the cage was formed, the strange beast ran away, with no attack effect at all.

Therefore, this kind of spell card is actually not very useful for real masters, and only when the target of the attack is trapped can it work.

Qin Anxian used the empty-returning spell card to rewind time, and everyone's bodies were teleported back to their positions three minutes ago. This was a terrible assault that distracted Mental Energy and couldn't react quickly.

Qin An took advantage of Mu Yi to accidentally trap him. If he did it directly, using this trick might not work.

The reason why Qin An chose to use the Prison of Three Spirits in the Sky was actually because he had heard of its legend and knew that it was given to a myth by someone on the Star of Sword Spirit.

Sure enough, Qin An's effect was so good that everyone was already frightened.

Even when Qin An turned on the teleportation ability again and reached Lin Mao's side, Lin Mao still stared at the trapped sky cage, regardless of believing that he was in the real world.

Twenty-three spell cards flew out of Qin An's palm again, turned into streamers and surrounded Lin Mao. After that, the smoke was misty and quickly disappeared with Lin Mao.

A magic spell!

This spell is also a combination of spell cards, the more spell cards used at the same time, the greater the power the formation can achieve.

Qin An only had 23 of them, so he used them all to form a teleportation formation and transferred Lin Mao directly away from the earth's time and space and went to other worlds!

This kind of attack is not powerful. Twenty-three pieces combined can be effective against four soul sword repairers, but it must be ineffective for sword god level strong people. Sword God level powerhouses pose a threat, so they are not too important to Qin An.

Now that Qin An has encountered a strong enemy, he naturally used it.

The White Lion, Red Snake and others have been dull and speechless.

They hadn't even seen the effect of using this kind of combination of spiritual formation cards.

At this time, Qin An had already solved Muyi and Lin Mao's two tree spirits in an instant.

All the tree spirits now have no intention to fight anymore, either staying in the same place, or running back quickly, wanting to escape for their lives.

"Don't kill me! I give up! I am willing to be your servant! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The ability person named Mu Chen unexpectedly chose to kneel down and beg for mercy after a daze. He just knelt on the ground like that, his body trembled.

Mu Chen is actually very clever. Seeing Mu Yi and Lin Mao's experience, and seeing that Qin An still has a thick stack of spell cards in his hand, Mu Chen didn't even have the courage to escape, so he directly surrendered and prayed for forgiveness.

This is indeed the only chance! After Mu Chen knelt down and said the previous words, he suddenly realized that asking Qin An seemed to be useless, so he shouted again: "Queen Mulan! Please forgive me, I will follow my life in the future and respect your faith. Help you complete the mission of building a tree elves! I am not a villain who is afraid of death, but I don't want to die so meaningless! Please let me live, don't let this Master Qin An kill me!"

Qin An's movements were already slow, he could have done it immediately, but when Mu Chen suddenly turned to Mulan to plead, Qin An stopped.

Yes, the reaction is so fast, it is really witty.


Qin An counted silently in his heart, ready to give 10 seconds, when he counted to 6, Mulan finally spoke, her voice was a little trembling, she was also frightened by Qin An's methods.

"Okay... Then Qin An, the conditions are changed, Mu Chen can live, you... you only need to kill Muzi, she is an evil person in the depths of her soul, unforgivable!"

"Hahaha, want to kill me? It's not that easy, you all go to die!"

Muzi's eyes were blood red, and her face became paler. Although she yelled loudly, all fools could hear how scared she was.Various thoughts flashed in his mind, and Mu Zi remembered a curse he had participated in before.

Tens of thousands of sword repairmen are besieging a three-spirit spell card. The curse guards are sword repairers with three skills, but he can absorb the powerful energy of the spell card, so his strength has reached the demigod level. !

In the end, more than three thousand sword repairmen died, the curse guards were killed, and the three spirit spell cards were accepted by the organizers. Muzi obtained 300 Sword Soul Fragments...

Ah, it is so hard to conquer a three-soul spell card, Mu Zi is really unimaginable, how could a man named Qin An throw so many casually? Is he a man or a ghost? Is it a god or a demon?

Qin An took back the remaining sword soul stone and took out the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword.

He knew that the purpose of own had been achieved, and the use of 34 spell cards had shocked everyone. He didn't need to waste own reserves. After all, he had only accumulated less than two thousand spell cards in eight years.

So Qin An took out his divine sword and stepped forward to fight Muzi.

Eight years ago, Qin An already had the strength to fight the Four Spirits Swordsman. Now his upgraded level has reached level 55, and his Sword God skills have reached nearly 100. Moreover, these skills are all from Sword God's!

Therefore, in the 1v1 battle with the Four Souls Swordsman, Qin An has difficulty meeting opponents. This is not to say that he is invincible at this level. After all, the strength of the Four Souls Swordsman is very different.

The battle with Muzi lasted less than a minute, and Qin An shocked everyone once again.

The dazzling skill of the sword god is dazzling.

Mu Chen, who was kneeling on the ground, kept wiping his forehead with cold sweat, and his thoughts couldn't calm down.

In the end, when Qin An released Spiritual Qi with the Sword God skill, everyone's cognition was subverted, and Qin An completely became a monster in their eyes.

Muzi failed to hold on to one minute and one second, carrying the light sword Spiritual Qi's strongest sword and slicing it in half. The four blood tree spirits fell, leaving only Mu Chen alone.

Years later, when Mu Chen held his grandson to tell a story at the sugar Calabash stall in the outer city of Tianju, he would always say something like this at the end of the story:

"Grandson, this story tells us a truth, a man must be able to bend and stretch!"

"Little grandson, this story illustrates a truth. The old saying of the people on earth that having gold under the knees of men is completely fart!"

"Little grandson, the meaning of this story is to leave the green hills without worrying about not having firewood!"

There are now five thousand people in the temporary camp of the Green Sword Clan, and the leader is the Four Soul Sword Sect named Nan Guang.

Nan Guang is the brother of Nan He who was killed by Qin An before.

At this time, Nan Guang was pacing back and forth in the own temporary living cabin alone, feeling very depressed.

The negotiation with the male monster clan failed again. He originally wanted to take the people here to return to the main base of the Qingjian clan, but the male monster clan couldn't communicate at all, so he directly rejected the envoy he sent.

At this moment, a guard rushed into the room.

"grown ups!"

"Why are you so flustered? Did my Little Brother Nanhak come back?"

"Master Nanhe hasn't returned yet, but the tree elves camp next to us has changed!"

"Huh, what do these nasty tree spirits do they want? Do they want to eat me from the Azure Sword Clan?"

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