Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1370 Princess Linghua

"No... the camp guard found that there had been a disturbance in the dryad’s camp for more than ten minutes, then calmness was restored, and then

"Then what's going on? Don't hesitate, just say it."

"Then the Earthlings actually entered the territory of the Treants. Now the Treant Camp has been connected to the Earthlings camp. What is even more bizarre is that the Treants are actually on the edge of the camp.

"How is this possible? The tree spirits didn't eat the people of the earth because the number of people was too big. How could they merge with the people of the earth?" Nan Guang was surprised.

"Our guards didn’t see it clearly. It just seemed that some tree spirits died during the turmoil, and then the earthlings merged with the tree spirits. Although they merged, they were also distinct. The tree spirits shrank and occupied space and gave it to humans. ."

"There is such a thing?"

"Yes, and there have been some changes on the earth people. A supernatural power named Xuantian appeared. It is said that he took out 138 sword soul stones and created 138 strong physical supernatural powers. Today's earth People merged into a group called the Great Sword Alliance. Xuantian is very mysterious. No one can tell what he looks like. This is a bit strange. At present, the man in charge in the Great Sword Alliance is called Li Shu. He is very young, but he seems to have some talents. The food problem of the people has also been solved. They collected many corpses to the orcs in exchange for some edible things."

Nan Guang frowned when he heard this, and then said after a long time:

"Xuantian? Ah...is the lowest ranked among the forty-nine sword gods called Xuantian? Impossible, how could the Xuantian sword god appear in the ranks of the people on earth, and this one ranked last? The Sword God seems to have nothing to do. He has only become a god for tens of thousands of years. Many continents don’t even know of his existence, and there are very few believers... OK, no matter how many, send people to go with him. The earthlings said that our Qingjian clan has a search team to the south, if we want to pass through their camp, don’t block it. Humph, although they have hundreds of thousands, we only have five thousand, but if we really dare to offend our Qingjian clan, then I won't be polite!"


The guard retreated, Nan Guang continued to pace the room, his face was very bad, and his brows were frowning.

"My lord, why are you so sad? Is it because of that Xuantian?"

A beautiful woman with a hot and sexy body wearing a red gown walked out of another room and then knelt beside Nan Guang.

This woman is Nan Guang's current wife, named Hongyueniang.

"What kind of moths can earth people make? I'm just worried about Shenyuan Festival!"

Hongyueniang's body trembled slightly, but her face was still very calm, she said with a smile on her face:

"The Shuangyue Disaster destroyed Qingjian City, and the tribesmen retreated to the temporary main base a hundred kilometers away from the Black Blood Defense Line. Only our Nan family was separated from the tribe because they were not stationed in the city before. In Shuangyuezhi Before the disaster, I heard that there were already more than 10,000 aliens from Qingjian City. Do they really think they can marry Princess Linghua? There has never been a precedent for an alien to be a king in the history of the Qingjian clan. ! Adults don't need to worry about anything, right? Does the old king really pass on the throne to Linghua's future husband?"

"Hey, there are some things you don't understand. The absence of precedent does not mean that this time will not work! In any case, I must rush to the main base before the Shenyuan Festival to participate in Princess Linghua's husband selection meeting."

"Will I reduce points for adults? Princess Linghua is so arrogant, she should be unhappy because you have a wife?"

"It's okay! After all, she is still from the Blue Sword tribe. It is normal for our men from the Green Sword tribe to have a few wives. She has already made concessions with the old king. As long as she passes various tests in the selection meeting, she becomes the top spot. , Can become her husband, no matter whether he is married or not, no matter whether he is a foreigner or not!"

"Ah, it's really hard to understand how the old king should dote on Princess Linghua like this!"

"I said, there are some things you don't understand."

Perhaps it was too sad and wanted to find someone to confide in. Nan Guang sat on the wooden chair and took a sip, looked up at Hongyue Niang who was kneeling on the ground, and then said:

"Do you know the strength of Princess Linghua?"

"Everyone in the Blue Sword Clan knows that she is the only female powerhouse in the clan who has cultivated to become the Five Soul Sword Sect.""Haha, that's just before. I have received accurate information. Today Linghua has broken through the Realm of the Five Soul Sword Sect!"

"What? Breakthrough Five Soul Sword Sect? What kind of strength is that? Our Five Soul Sword Sect can fight against some demi-god powerhouses! Isn't this the highest Realm of the Blue Sword Clan?"

"Yes, it is true in history. But this princess Linghua has surpassed history and created a legend. She has reached the god level! With Blood Qi refining the blood of the body as the divine sword, she became the fiftieth sword of the sword spirit star. God, is also the only one among all the sword gods who has not cultivated the sword Spiritual Qi!"

Nan Guang didn't know that, in fact, the fiftieth sword god appeared in the undead, and is now the true queen of the Black Gold Empire, so Princess Linghua is actually the fifty-first sword god.

Hongyue Niang was completely shocked by Nan Guang's words, her sexy little mouth was slightly opened, and her confused expression was alluring.

"That's why the king will compromise with Princess Linghua. His other two sons will no longer have the chance to ascend to the throne. The future king of the Qingjian clan is destined to be Princess Linghua's husband! This woman wants to change the belief of our Qingjian people. Let women be equal to men and learn from the people of the earth! Huh, I must stop her. The other big families in the Qingjian clan will definitely send young talents to participate in the election meeting! Only let Princess Linghua’s husband be a member of the Qingjian clan, We have the opportunity to stop Linghua!"

Hongyueniang's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a hint of unnoticeable joy in her eyes.

After that, she immediately regained her original look, and said quietly:

"Hey, it's a pity, how can a woman of the Blue Sword Clan become such a powerful existence! Oh my God, the strength of the Sword God level, if she touches real fire, wouldn't it be the nightmare of our Green Sword Clan."

"I said, after all, she is still a woman of the Qingjian clan, so she has reached an agreement with the old king. In the future, if she has a husband, she will govern the country with her. Everything is discussed. Therefore, if it is Qingjian If a man of the clan is selected, then it’s not so convenient for her to do what she wants, unless she abandons the agreement with the old king. You don’t know this woman well, she is very credible! So the most critical problem now is that she can’t Let her marry a foreign man, and those who enter the family will naturally be better controlled. By then, the Qingjian clan will really be her with one hand! Can you imagine? Women don't have to kneel when they see a man. This is in harmony? Huh!"

Hongyueniang lowered her head, her chin had already touched her plump chest.

"What the lord said is that if this is the case, it will break the rules of our race for thousands of years! It is a treason!"

"Well, you can understand! Okay, go and prepare a supper for me, I'm a little hungry."


Hongyueniang stood up, then retired respectfully to the outside of the house.

There was no one everywhere, and the smile on her face that had been suppressed for a long time finally turned bright.

"Doesn't women need to kneel for men? That seems to be good."

At the headquarters of the Great Sword Alliance Guards, Li Shu also built a temporary living room for Qin An.

At this time, Qin An was sitting at the top of the rough conference table. The people present were White Lion, Red Snake, Disana, Pandan Sharjah, Xiao Beiyu, Mulan, Mu Chen, and Li Shu.

It can be said that Qin An was very successful tonight, and the use of powerful abilities really frightened everyone, at least the White Lion, Dishana decided to follow Qin An. ,

Mulan didn't immediately conclude a contract with Qin An for the tree owner. After all, this is related to her life. She still needs to investigate Qin An for a period of time. This is also the previous agreement.

The great sword that Ling'er built for the Tianjuzhong guard has many kinds of colors, so the color is different, the material is also different, and the weight is naturally different.

The blue sword weighs eighty catties, the red sword weighs 100 catties, and the black sword weighs two hundred catties, which incorporates some metal materials transmitted from the star of the sword spirit.

Qin An gave the white lion, red snake, Disana, Pandan Sharjah, Xiao Beiyu, Mulan, and Muchen each a black sword as a symbol of their future status.

The blue sword is the Xuantian sword ambassador, the red sword is the Xuantian sword tyrant, so the black sword Qin An also has a very disgusting name, called Xuantian Jianshou, which means own close guardian.

"Li Shu, that's what happened. Tell the Xuantian Swordsman the existence of the Xuantian Swordsman. These seven people are not responsible for administration, but only for fighting. They all brag about their origins. I want to The effect that caused them to cause a sensation in the group can be regarded as a reassurance for the people on earth. We also have super masters, and we are still alien friends. This indicates a kind of integration!"


Li Shu replied respectfully, sighing in his heart.

Do you still need to blow? Two sword spirit ancestors, two Gul'dan spirit level magicians, two tree elves four soul sword repairers, and a green sword three soul sword sect powerhouse!

This is already a super strong team, I really don't know how Qin An managed to subdue them!

On one side, the lion, who had always appeared in human form, had never left Qin An since he left the camp of the tree spirit and came here.

Seeing that no one was speaking in the room, he opened his mouth and said:

"Haha, can you tell me the truth? Are you the Phantom Sword God? I think your Movement Technique is very similar to him!"

"White Lion, I have said many times, I am not a sword god, but an earth sword cultivator."

"Impossible! Then how can you release the Spiritual Qi of the Light Sword? And how did you get those spell cards? I think no one except the Sword God has such a reserve of spell cards! Spell cards are used like throwing trash. There should be many spell cards hidden in your body? Are there two hundred?"

"This is my secret. If you want to know it, check it yourself."

"Qin An, can you not call me a white lion, I am the king of ice and snow!"

"Do you want to call you Shirayuki?"


"Okay, since you have promised to follow me, naturally you should have a new identity. From now on, you will be called a white lion, and the blue moon demon girl will be called a red snake. I heard that your beastification state is a big red snake?"

"Well, I don't care, I can call it anything. Master Qin An, if there is nothing wrong with me, I want to go back and rest. Now my abilities have not recovered, and I am a little tired. My heart is also very tired, and I don't want to look at the three people frowning." Red Snake's face was gloomy, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Hey, baby! I didn't have eyebrows with anyone!" The white lion's voice was intermittent when he spoke. It was obviously a nervous guilty conscience. He did peep at Pandan Sharjah for a few times before, because people have been watching him. .

Red Snake ignored the white lion. Seeing Qin An nodded, he immediately stood up and left. Li Shu hurriedly asked someone to arrange a place for Red Snake.

"Then I'm leaving too, to meet my Little Sister." Xiao Beiyu has heard Qin An say that Little Sister is also in the camp. There are some surprises and some worries.

"I killed Nanhe several of your clan members, Bei Yu, will you not be angry?" Qin An said to Xiao Beiyu fairly politely.

"No, our Xiao family used to be a big family, but then it fell. The Nan family has always bullied us. My Little Sister and Nan He were married, but I was actually forced. As a man from the Xiao family, I saw Little Sister want to marry The guy I didn’t like was unable to stop it, so I left the tribe six years ago and continued to be my Ronin, just like I was on the Sword Spirit Star many years ago. Don’t worry, Lord Qin An, since you saved my life, I also promised. If you want to follow you to the death, you will definitely know what to say! From then on, Xiao Beiyu, I am not a member of the Green Sword Clan, but just a close guard for you."

Qin An nodded happily, and Li Shu ordered someone to leave with Xiao Beiyu.

Mulan also stood up, Mu Chen was originally standing behind Mulan.

"Then I will go to rest too, don't worry, since I have become the new queen of the tree spirits here, I will definitely restrain them."

Qin An looked at Mu Chen behind Mulan, and then said:

"It's best to do this, don't forget, I have super hearing ability, I will also monitor every move of the tree spirit! Looking back, I will let Li Shu organize the five of you tree spirits into a small team. I will not care about you. As long as you can listen to my dispatch, the only taboo for tree spirits is that they are not allowed to eat living creatures. Once I find out, five people will not even be able to live if they sit down!"

Mulan nodded solemnly.

"Well, I know your strength... Since these people are my protection, I will be responsible to them! The tree elves, the Mulan family, will go vegetarian in the future and never touch the meat. We It was originally an omnivorous species. It can be absorbed and digested very well when eating grass. This clan rule will come into effect from this moment. The punishment is equal to death! I believe they should not violate this new family rule, because they now regard you as a ghost, and they are already afraid of you. Just half an hour ago, you killed the Big Four in seconds The three of the blood elves!"

"No, one didn't kill it.""Yes, the prison of trapped sky will always exist at that point of time and space, even if the earth destroys it, it will not disappear. And the woodwork trapped in the prison will eventually turn into decay, and no one can save him!"

When the voice fell, Mulan took Mu Chen away. There were only five people left in the room: White Lion, Pandan Sharjah, Disana, Qin An and Li Shu.

Qin An felt that he didn't want to be a light bulb, so he took Li Shu to leave, and let the lion go to play a game of beasts and beauty with Disana.

Today's harvest is good, and there are seven masters.

With a smile on Qin An's face, he was thinking of the news he had just heard from more than ten kilometers away.

Princess Linghua, a super powerhouse who did not become a sword god through sword repair?

It seems that this election meeting is really going to be that time! It's just who will be allowed to participate? alone? This is absolutely impossible.

But if you don't participate, who else has the strength to pass the selection?

Maybe you can participate in a cooperative way? Doesn't Princess Linghua want equality between men and women? If he becomes his fake husband, he should be able to cooperate! And it is actually very simple to make the Qingjian tribe equal men and women, as long as they marry the humans, is that enough?

This is indeed a way!

July 1st, there is still some time before today, so let's first integrate the forces here, and then go back to Weng Lan to talk about it.

Disana and Pandan Sharjah have pure personalities. Now that they are there, and if they leave the camp, the children can be regarded as guardians.

As for the other people, Qin An felt that he still needed to investigate. The two sword spirit ancestors also seemed to have straightforward personalities, and whether they were trustworthy, it took time to adjust.

At the headquarters of the Guards, which is on the edge of a small forest, Li Chenxian was shirtless cutting the tree, then cut the tree into a flat plate with a big sword, and then patched the hole in the wall.

He has officially assumed the responsibility of guarding the headquarters of the Imperial Guard.

Xiao Beilan was standing next to Li Chenxian. Now she is regarded as a prisoner and must follow Li Chenxian's ass every day. This is a form of surveillance.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead and looking at Li Chenxian's strong muscles, Xiao Beilan will deliberately look away. The woman of the Qingjian clan is very restrained in front of a man, not to mention a strange alien man.

"Hey, don't you want to talk to me? How old are you? How old are you?"

"Well, be it, for you people on earth, I have indeed lived for a long time."

"Haha, then you haven't married anyone, and rarely go out of the house? You are usually described as an old lady in this situation by the people on earth."

Xiao Beilan's face was reddened, and she whispered, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Huh?" Li Chenxian was taken aback for a moment. It really was a racial difference. Is this word a compliment? It's obviously a mockery.

Xiao Beilan has been with Li Chenxian for a long time. In fact, she is a little familiar now, so she mustered up the courage to ask:

"When are you going to take me to the camp of the Green Sword Clan? It's only a few kilometers away from here."

"Don't worry about this. Let my boss arrange it. Anyway, you don't want to run. If you dare to run and be caught by the boss, I will strip your clothes off and show the crowd!"

"Oh my God!" Xiao Beilan only felt that Own's face was already red and hot, staring at Li Chenxian with anger.

Take off your clothes and parade? I feel shy just thinking about it!

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