Seeing Xiao Beilan's embarrassment and anger, Li Chenxian laughed immediately, thinking that this woman was really cuter than all the women he had seen before.

"Bei Lan, don't you think there is a problem with the relationship between men and women of your race?"

"I know what you want to say! But this kind of tradition is the continuation of a race, Mental Energy. Our generations are men who are inferior to women. It will be terrible if we change."

Xiao Beilan angrily stayed away from Li Chenxian, didn't like him joking with herself, felt that his jokes were too hooligan, and wanted to take her off the street to show the public. That was really shameful.

Through the gap of the wooden fence, Xiao Beilan suddenly saw a man kneeling in front of a woman.

Some curiously walked forward a few steps, Xian Beilan put his eyes on the gap of the fence and looked out, and then said coldly: "Look at you people on earth, can men kneel down for women? It's useless and shameful. !"

Li Chenxian put down his work and walked over to take a look.

"What do you know, that's a marriage proposal!"


Xiao Beilan really didn't understand.

Outside, the man spoke. "

"The sea is the reverse of the sky, love is the dream of waking up! You are the greatest luck of my life!

Nitaki, I am willing to love you my whole life! Share everything about me with you, let you own everything about me...

In fact, I am a poor boy. The bimonthly disaster left me with nothing. The only thing I am grateful for is that I can survive.

Therefore, all I have is myself, and I am willing to let you own this man too!

I know that maybe you don't have a deep impression of me, because we haven't dated a few times before, and we haven't even held hands!

But I still want to propose to you.

The world is too dangerous. I'm afraid that if I don't do anything, I will die in the next second.

I am not a coward, I am not afraid of death, but if I want to die, I want more meaning! At least to die to protect you, and eventually become eternal in your arms.

Sorry, I was a little nervous, so I said some strange things.

If you marry me, how can I be willing to die? I will work hard and live strong! Because I must accompany you to grow old together! I must be the guardian of your life!

So, my most beautiful princess, will you marry me? "

Xiao Beilan, who was spying and eavesdropping in the Guards camp, was completely blinded. She felt that what the man said was so beautiful. After so many years, she never even knew that a man could say such a beautiful thing to a woman!

People on earth are really weird!

"That man is not kneeling. In the past, people often had to fight for the beloved woman. In a duel, after killing the opponent, the winner touched the tip of the sword with his right hand, kneeled on one leg with his right knee, and pressed his left hand. On the left knee, said to the beloved woman: I win, you will belong to me. This is an oath and determination of possession. This action has been passed down slowly, and now it represents the respect of men to women , Which symbolizes love and promise! Will you men of the Qingjian clan confess to a woman to propose marriage like this?"


Xiao Beilan was speechless. The men of the Qingjian clan didn't have the function of kneeling at all. Male commoners didn't need to kneel when they saw the king, let alone with women.

It turns out that marriage between men and women on earth requires a man to kneel down and beg... Then...

"Faced with a man's marriage proposal, can a woman still refuse?"

"When a woman chooses a man, she has chosen her future life. Destiny will be tied to her own husband. Naturally, she must choose well, and she can also refuse."

"This... how could this be?"

Xiao Beilan felt that she couldn't understand it. It sounded so happy for a woman on the earth, so she could choose her own life. This... this seems pretty good too! Then why are the women of the Qingjian tribe so humble?

In fact, there is no reason, because the women of the Qingjian tribe have always lived like that. They have been isolated from the world and have been trapped at home since they were young. After they are married, they can only go out with their husbands. I don't know what the world looks like at all, and I don't know how women of other races live.

This time she was killed in the territories of the terrestrial human race. In fact, Xiao Beilan was not restricted too much. She had a chance to escape, and she had always wanted to escape, but in the end she was still here, and some inexplicable emotions in her body controlled her and made her. Did not go, and began to experience this life landscape that is different from her perception.

"Little Sister!"

Suddenly, a male voice came from behind him.

Xiao Beilan was stunned, then quickly turned around and saw Xiao Beichen, the Big Brother who hadn't seen her for several years.

It is always joy to meet again after a long absence. When the hot wind blows, the two brothers and sisters shed tears and mixed feelings.


The hot wind is really hot, and the ground temperature at noon breaks through 70! People on Earth who are a little weaker will almost die from the heat.

Qin An wandered around in the Earthen camp alone, which was regarded as an investigation of Li Shu's work.

Everything is in order, so the camp is really not that crowded now. Managers at all levels have been selected. Li Shu has formulated many rules for the military-style nationwide management, and the managers are preaching.

The previous forces were disrupted, they changed their resting place, and then they learned the rules during the announcement of the new managers.

Li Shu's request was not to use all of them as soldiers who charged into the battle, but only hoped that when the decree was issued, people could react quickly and linkedly, and then strictly enforce it without confusion.

Of course, the weapons in the hands of these people have also been collected and re-issued. Finally, it is counted that there is a fully armed army of fifty thousand.

The so-called fully armed is just complete ammunition, in fact, the firepower is not enough. It takes less than half an hour to participate in a battle. It is estimated that the bullets here will be exhausted. Everyone fled from all directions, so naturally they couldn't bring many things with them when they left.

It also means that the vulnerable people on earth in the last days know the importance of weapons to own, so many people will do everything possible to carry them, and finally have 50,000 equipped troops.

Today's battlefield is very diverse, high-tech weapons actually far surpass the pre-apocalyptic era, and these technologies are brought by the sword spirit race.

In addition, the large-scale and large-scale existence of superpowers is also an important parameter of a war.

In fact, the more advanced the weapons, the more cruel the war.

In the early years of China's war of resistance, most of the double-fired rifles were single-shot, and probably not too many people would die if the encounter lasted for more than ten minutes. Now, after a real battle, it doesn't take too long, and the number of deaths on both sides of the battle may reach ten tenths.

Qin An walked a long way in the camp, seeing the pitiful heat of the people, and in the end he could only activate the ability of collecting ice and rain.

After the hot wind, a cold wind hits, and the sky is full of dark clouds. After the heavy rain falls, the ground temperature begins to cool down. When it drops below 30 degrees, people can no longer restrain their joy. They revel in the wind and rain, as if celebrating a Grand festivals are average.

People in the last days did not have too strong pleading heart, a heavy cold rain, enough to make them cry with joy, fortunate that they have escaped another catastrophe, not to be killed by the heat of life!

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