Time and space seemed to be still, Qin An and Fake Yana looked at each other for a full minute before the little girl stepped back and smiled:

"Grandpa, you are so amazing, you can see that I am a fake?"

Qin An took a deep breath, his heart beating wildly.

Really or not! ? This is too much for him to accept!

When was Yana transferred? And why is this stand-in exactly the same as the real Yana?

Qin An's super vision is not imaginary, even if there is a slight difference, it is impossible for Qin An to fail to see it!

And Yana in front of her was indeed exactly the same as Zhen Yana, even her eyes were almost indistinguishable.

If it weren’t for her behavior that is slightly different from the past, if it’s not for Qin An’s thinking for an hour and then remembering that Yana did not hold her precious metal spoon today, if it were not for Qin An’s look in Yana’s eyes that were almost the same as before. After such a little deliberate disguise, he might not really find that she is a fake!

"Tell me, where is Yana? Or...you just occupy her soul?" After the shock, Qin An's face was completely gloomy, and his body was full of courage to kill.

False Yana was not nervous, and smiled sweetly: "No, no, the real Yana is no longer here! Don't worry, she is safe. Now in a still space, when she returns to the real world, she will be like It’s like a night’s sleep, without any damage. My master will definitely return her to you intact, after all, the master has no malice towards you.”


"Yeah! I'm just a little puppet, a life created by the master. In a sense, I am actually Yana, but as a little puppet, I must obey the master's orders."

"Then the master behind you...isn't it a certain sword god host?"

Qin An's brain was running extremely fast, thinking of this possibility.

"Haha, grandpa, you are so smart! Yes, she is a host of the sword god. Her strength is much weaker than yours, but her abilities are very powerful. That's why she can see Spiritual in you Under the surveillance of Sense's sword god skills, Xiao Yana was captured."

Qin An's brows became tighter.

In other words, Yana should have been captured by a certain sword god skill, and let this puppet stand in front of her, that would be weird! If the opponent uses a certain spatial sword god ability around him, he won't react at all, right?

Suddenly, Qin An's body trembled, and said angrily: "Your so-called master, is it Elizabeth Hidal Haili?"

"Oh my God! Grandpa, you are so smart that you think of the fake Yana with a small mouth slightly opened, and your face is shocked.

Qin An quickly recalled the scene of meeting Haili that day. She pretended to be a poor and innocent woman and urinated on Qin An's shoes.

On that day, nothing special happened, but she disappeared later.

Before she disappeared, the only special thing was Zhu Xiaohui and Lucy's evaluation of her, thinking that she was a very attractive woman.

Qin An has been very cautious since yesterday. He was always waiting for the disappearing Hai Li to appear again, but in the end this kind of thing did not happen. He also observed whether Zhu Xiaohui and Lucy were abnormal, but he didn't see any clues.

What exactly is going on? And if Haili is the host of the Sword God, who is the Sword God in her body?

According to Benita’s account, a woman who looked exactly like Weng Lan once appeared at Katrina’s house in Williamsburg. She was later killed by Benita and frozen the body into the cold storage room. She should be Qin An. The Hong Yuxi encountered at Gaizhou Airport, and the sword god in her is the 37th evil spirit. Hong Yuxi turned the body of true love into the image of Qin An's favorite person, and teleported to Weng Lan, but in the end he was killed without finding the frozen Weng Lan. So when Catalina and the others rescued Weng Lan, they also saw the body of Hong Yuxi that was still frozen, which meant that the Soul Sword God should still be there.

The 45th Sword God Apocalypse is now in space with Guo Shuai as a dead spirit.

The 40th sword god time has disappeared, and the sword god energy is inherited in Qin Wenxin's body.

The 35th Sword God Empress Death, the Sword God energy should have been inherited in Qin Xiangming's body, but her Sword God bloodline gene has not yet awakened.

25 seven kills, 24 ancient formations, 23 stepping into the sky, 21 spirit mirror and the four sword gods are in the bodies of four confidantes in Li Ziyuan.

19 Evil Monarch, 14 Singularity should now fall into the hands of New Moon City. Qin An suspects that he killed the city lord of Jusen City, Shirakawa Five Dragons, Jess, and Liu Tian’s so-called silver-haired witch Silia, which is probably the first Host of the Thirteen Swords Dead. Because Yin Yao once talked to Qin An about the sword god, including the dead sword god, the four major skills of the dead sword god are the body of the dead, the cage of silence, the shadow of weakening, and the servant of the dead. Then the silent cage can make the enemy unable to use the skills for a moment, so Siliya can be so good when he starts to kill, and the other party has no resistance at all.

Then the host of the Asian Demon Sword God Oran was killed by Qin An in the Dark Beast Jungle a few days ago, and the Asian Demon Sword is still in the Interspatial Ring.

There are other divine swords besides the nine main gods, all in Qin An's women.

That is to say, only the host of the Canghai Sword God has not appeared yet, could it be this Elizabeth Hidal Haili.

Over there, False Yana saw that Qin An should be thinking and did not speak. She put away the smile on her face and said, "Grandpa, since you are so smart, you should also be able to think of why my master Haili did everything possible. Did Yana take it? Don’t worry, she will give you some time to think about it. You can also think about various ways during the consideration period to see if you can find my master and rescue Yana! If in the end you find that you have nothing to do, I The owner of will come out to gamble with you with your life, either you give her the original blood gene of the sword god, or you kill her directly! This is a bet on Death. The ending is obvious. The former Yana can return to you. The latter Yana died with the death of my master! How will you choose then?"

Qin An heard the false Yana's words, and his whole body bones rustled.

"Oh right! You can kill me now to vent your anger. Anyway, I can't exist forever, because I'm just a summoned life form of the master's sword god skills, a puppet stand-in!"

"Your master, is the host of the Canghai Sword God?"

"No, the host of the Sword God of the Sea is in the Empire of the Sword God. It has a good relationship with the women you left behind in the United States. Because the host of the Sword God of the Sea is there, they can build a huge city on the sea. Attacked! If you have the opportunity to go to Seven Sword City, you can stop by their Sea City to visit, then you can see the host of the Azure Sea Sword God, maybe she is also waiting for you to pamper you."

After a pause, False Yana changed into a more intimate tone and said, "Grandpa, don't be under pressure. Although my master belongs to the demons, she doesn't like to participate in messy things. , Tell you the truth, my master Haili has already fallen in love with the sword god in her body. The reason she wants to get your genes is to let the sword god resurrect and merge with him, and then they will become one person and wander away. Tianya, no longer care about the chaos in this world. Therefore, I hope Grandpa can help."

Qin An clenched his fists and didn't speak.

Very passive, he has no clue about Yana being transferred, and he doesn't know where Haili is.

If it is true that Yana said that she is just a puppet and can disappear at any time, the only meaning of existence may be to say something to herself before, and it is only a tool for Haili to issue an ultimatum to herself, then Qin An is really There is no other way but to wait for Haili to appear.

And he didn't dare to kill False Yana, after all, she was too similar to the body, and Qin An couldn't be sure whether she was lying.

It can only be said that the defense system is still not strong enough, if Yin Yao is by his side at this time.

Even though Qin An now has the strength to fight Yin Yao, as a Second Soul Sword repairer, his perception is still not as good as the sword god Yin Yao.

If Yin Yao was there, she would definitely be able to feel some strange abilities when they were activated nearby.

A Longyan fighter plane is flying at high altitude at this time.

This is a soul-class aircraft designed and manufactured by Linger himself.

It is 26 meters long, and its shape is different from traditional aircraft on the earth. Some are like water droplets flying in the sky, with large heads and small tails. The anti-gravity system and multi-energy propulsion system can make it fly at every speed in the sky. 2000 kilometers per hour, which means that it only takes less than ten hours from China Flying Daggers.

For ordinary people, it is naturally difficult to fly such a long distance in the air passage, but it is too easy for the Xiangying Sword God, she can instantly kill the flying beasts that are close to escort the plane.

When the Bimonthly Disaster broke out, Wuma Siqi had taken Tianju to the Uzbeli Pass and was about to leave China and enter Tajikistan.

The big earthquake broke out in the XJ area more severely. The earth split and orogeny was like mushrooms after the rain. A huge mountain range with a height of more than 10,000 meters formed on the border. Eighteen hours later, it was named Yuefeng Mountain by the Jiulong Mountain Alliance.

When the earthquake broke out, Wu Ma Siqi naturally hid in Tianju. Everyone opened the energy video interface in Tianju and witnessed the formation of the Yuefeng Mountain.

After the disaster ended, the women began to worry. They were naturally unaffected by hiding in Tianju, but how about Qin'an in United States? Will he be in danger?

When Yin Yao said that the two moons that appeared in the sky were the hometown of the demons, the women were even more worried.

So after some discussion, the women decided to entrust Yin Yao to lead the team to leave Tianju, first go to the south to find Rongrong and Qin Potian, and then go to United States to help Qin An.

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