Then who is going with Yin Yao has become a question again.

Lanyue Liu Xia actually wanted to go, but finally gave up.

Qin An is going to reunite with Weng Lan and his wife. They have already thought about letting the couple spend so many years in the life of a two-person world, so it's natural not to bother them.

Therefore, based on this thinking, the United States dispatched a small team list, only Yin Yao, Qin Potian, and Weng Die.

Naturally, Yin Yao went to assist Qin An. Her identity happened to be close enough to have a common child with Qin An, but now she has no formal relationship. The women are full of expectations for Yin Yao. Her mission is not only to help women protect Qin An, but also to supervise Qin An and prevent the United States and his party from being brought back by him. Qin An is not really bothersome. He is just soft-hearted. Know how to refuse, but also a little indecisive emotionally. So Yin Yao has been in a good relationship with all women during the years in Tianju Life, and everyone has long regarded her as his own. After all, Qin Jiusi is there, and Yin Yao has not shown to other men in these years. Any interest in it is estimated that sooner or later, he will enter the Qin's harem.

Qin Potian is the spokesperson for the women here. In any case, we must make Weng Lan realize that Qin An has had an own life these years, and the children are so old. This is a small idea of ​​the women. To put it bluntly, it is to add to Weng Lan. of. Moreover, Qin Potian's skills can also come in handy. As the third person with the strongest strength in Tian Juzhong, he can fight Qin An and Yin Yao, which is considered a super abnormal genetic upgraded. Qin Potian's power can break the enchantment magnetic field, make the earth tremble, condense and burst invisible air, and stir up huge waves of kilometers in the sea. That is no joke.

Weng Die went to be a sisterly affection. She actually wanted to go to United States alone a long time ago, but everyone was worried about her safety and disagreed. Now Yin Yao escorts it naturally and it is not a big problem. Moreover, Weng Die actually has some abilities. After becoming a sword repairer, her brain began to be upgraded, and now she is a very rare brain abnormality. Although she has not yet grasped the ability of the Excalibur, it is still difficult for ordinary people with strong physical abilities to deal with her. Weng Die has the ability of brain group control, and she can control more than a thousand ordinary strong physical abilities at most. By.

When Yin Yao found Rongrong, Qin Potian, and Ada Suli in the airship, they had already arrived in Guangnan Province, helping a group of alien races to resist the invading sea beasts.

Qin Potian is so reluctant to think about it, it is obviously an interesting game to break through Rivers and Lakes.

Yin Yao didn't want to worry about so much meddling, so she asked Rong Rong to help deal with the sea beasts on the alien side, and took Qin Potian and Ada Suli away and flew to United States.

The little girl Ada Suli was crying and begging Yin Yao to get on the plane. Yin Yao has been with Qin An for many years, and now she has a very human touch, so she finally compromised.

The plane flew in the air for 8 hours, and now it reached the height of 10,000 meters in the city of black blood, and the suspension stealth mode was turned on. With the air defense method of Kowloon City, the accurate position of the plane could not be found. Yin Yao estimated the city of black blood. The air defense capability should not work either. So even if they knew they had invaded the airspace, they might not find the plane.

Lying in the white bathtub, Yin Yao drank red wine while listening to Ada Suli's nagging.

"Aunt Yao, are you really the Sword God? My brother-in-law said you are amazing. Did you hold me when I was young? That is to follow you out, or else my Big sis must let the guards catch me back, she I don’t worry about running around. She is now more and more like an earthling. I heard my grandfather say that we Orientals were not used to children, and a girl like me can already join the Ronin Guild with her friends. Wandering around! Anyway, I don’t like Big sis, I don’t like it at all."

Yin Yao may be absent-minded, the red wine glass tilted, a drop of wine fell on the contour of her chest, and then quickly slipped into the bathtub water, dyed a piece of water, covering the two soft and beautiful balls in her water.

"Yin Yao Aunt, are you listening to me? How do I feel that you are thinking about something?"

"No, it's just that I met a lot of old people, so I also know a lot of things."

"Ah? What old man? Yin Yao Aunt still has friends in United States?"

"Of course they are. They are my clones. There are so many. They used to be too far away from here to feel their existence, but now I can contact them through Mental Energy and know their situation. So I have I found Qin An and Weng Lan!""Really? That's great. I'll tell the kid in a while, he'll be happy."

With a smile on her face, Yin Yao glanced sideways at Ada Suli.

The height of the little girl is not short anymore, and her breasts have some bulges. Putting on a thicker bra and jacket, she should look like a breasted girl too.

She is 14 years old this year, and Qin Potian is less than 9 years old. The reason why she cried and wiped her tears would definitely follow. I am afraid it is not just because of fun? Perhaps inadvertently, the girl's thoughts have moved?

Yin Yao's guess is not unfounded, because just now, Ada Suli saw the red and experienced her first aunt in her life, so she is about to change from a minor to a little girl, the first outbreak of germ cells. , Will make her a young woman who can give birth to offspring.

It can only be said that Adana Ren’s Big sis failed. Adana Suri almost fainted after bleeding. Yin Yao could only take her into the bathroom and wash it well. By the way, she said that many girls became women. Only then did Ada Suri feel relieved, and there were some surprises and excitement afterwards.


The observation hall of the aircraft is almost 80 square meters in size. The interior is uniquely decorated with tables, chairs and sofas. The most distinctive feature is that the ground is made of transparent materials like glass, so you can see the sea of ​​clouds as long as you lower your head.

Qin Potian is also very excited now, he has never been quiet on this journey.

"Auntie, can we fly down a little bit? I can't see the view!"

"Have you not seen enough after watching all the way? You have seen the sea, you have also seen the mountains and plains, now let's look at the white clouds!"

Weng Die is also as young and beautiful as ever, but it is several grades worse than Yin Yao who is taking a bath in the bathroom.

Putting down the novel in his hand, Weng Die was a little unhappy.

"This guy named Panda Run is really annoying!"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Qin Potian hopped to the side of the coffee table and sat down, first took out a candy from the tray above and threw it into the mouth, then looked at the book in Weng Die's hand, and saw the title of the book. "Dangerous City in the Last Days".

"Hmph, he's writing your dad's story! With Qin An as the protagonist in writing the last days, many of the story lines are similar to what your dad has experienced."

"Ah? Really? Then I want to see, is there me in there?"

"No, this book is just about the first time I met your dad in Shanlancheng... Forget it! Don't mention him! Hmph, when I have time to go back to Jiulongliancheng, I must deal with this guy! He is here! Infringement, even use our real names to write stories!"

Weng Die's face was very blush, and the book actually described the first time she and Qin An met, when she was spanked by Qin An!

Oh my God, that language is too wretched!

What's the psychological feeling after being beaten? What hate and shame, and a hint of inexplicable pleasure...

Oh shit! She was obviously just tense at the time, okay? Have the thrill of a bird!

Weng Die sulked for a while and began to analyze, this guy called Panda Run must know Cheng Gang, Liu Yuanchao, Vajra, Ba Tian, ​​Gu Changqing and other Qin An's drinking buddies!

In recent years, Qin An would talk to his friends and friends about his own story when he was drinking. If the author didn't know a group of them, how could he understand Qin An's affairs so clearly? Do you even know you got spanked?

In short, don't be caught by her, this kid will definitely make him look good at that time!

The electronic door opened, and Ada Suli rushed over quickly and seized the position in Weng Die's arms.

"Aunt Die, Aunt Yao said that he knows where Uncle Qin is, because there is a clone of Aunt Yao next to Uncle Qin!"

"Really! I found my dad, then let's go quickly!" Qin Potian jumped up excitedly.

"Hey, silly boy, I didn't talk to you, what are you talking about."

Qin Potian was startled by Ada Suli's roar, and stepped aside depressed.

"Cut, fierce, good men don't fight women! I don't bother to care about you!"

Qin Potian was actually a little afraid of Ada Suli, mainly because the other party's lips were too strong. Qin Potian couldn't say that she didn't dare to fight, so he could only retreat.

Weng Die touched Ada Suli's head with a smile, and said softly:

"Okay, let's find a place to land in a while... Aunt Yao has explained it to you clearly? Are you not afraid this time? Is there any physical discomfort? Almost."

"Auntie Die, are you talking about."

Ada Suli's face flushed, obviously because Qin Potian was on the side and she was shy.

It's a pity that Qin Potian is still a kid. Although the children in the last days are a bit more mature than their peers in the pre-apocalyptic era, he didn't realize what Weng Die and Ada Suli were talking about.

At this time, the electronic door opened again, and Yin Yao, who was wearing a red short dress, walked in. At the same time, her appearance began to change, from Yan Liuxiang's form to Yin Yao's appearance, the peerless beauty disappeared, and the room Zhong Wengdie, Ada Suli, and even Qin Potian sighed secretly, feeling that the warmth in the room seemed a bit less.

"Fortunately, Qin An has indeed arrived near the city of black blood, and is now establishing a base area. It should be to help his wife take revenge."

"Vengeance?" Weng Die frowned and asked.

"Oh, by the way, Weng Lan is also your Big sis. I learned from the clone that Weng Lan has had some hardships over the years. It can be said that it was all caused by the United States gang of the year and the forces of the city of black blood. Qin An Obviously he already knew this information, so he planned to go to war on the city of black blood and war on the demons at the same time. Part of the reason for this is definitely from Weng Lan. Of course, your brother-in-law’s angelic heart has flooded again, looking at the vast number of sentient beings. It seems to want to help them."After hearing this, Weng Die smiled and shook his head, and said: "He is not Qin An many years ago, so what you said is wrong. If it was Qin An back then, he would only rush into the city of black blood and kill him for a while, but not He wants to organize some forces and guide a large-scale battle. He should have three purposes for doing this, first, to avenge Big sis, second, to establish his own prestige in front of Big sis, and third... he It may be that he made up his mind to finally attack the sword gods. After he learned of his own life, he always felt a sense of sullenness in his heart, and always thought that one day he would end this perilous world with his own hands! This was what he had done many years ago. He wants to make a wish, otherwise he would not want to build an immortal city in the last days, otherwise he would not accumulate spell cards and sword soul fragments all these years, Ascension possesses own ability. Look at it, blood rain The era of the fishy wind is finally coming! And the Demon Race is the first sword god race he challenged!"

Yin Yao curled her lips.

"Well, you are smart and think a lot."

Yin Yao lowered his head while speaking, and saw five planes and two flying abilities dangling nearby.

Following Yin Yao's gaze, Weng Die looked down, and under the transparent glass ground, it was only a hundred meters away from the nearest flying ability person.

Yin Yao walked to the travel passage on one side of the wall. After entering, the glass door was closed and the exit opened. Yin Yao freely fell down and left the Longyan fighter plane.

The eighteenth-ranked Xiangying Sword God, Yin Yao's four skills are Shadow of Fragrant, Extreme Duel, Shadow of the Sky, and Samsara.

Among them, the shadow of lingering fragrance is the super true clone ability, the ultimate duel is the space invitation duel ability, the sky-dwelling shadow method is the Movement Technique ability that allows Yin Yao to stay in the void for a long time, and the double shadow Samsara is considered an infinite resurrection ability, as long as the sword god Yin Yao will not die if the clone is not dead.

After leaving the Longyan fighter, Yin Yao's seven true clones immediately appeared in the void, staying near the two flying abilities and the five fighters respectively.

After that, Yin Yao stepped on the void, and the colored light sword Spiritual Qi gushing from the soles of her feet provided Yin Yao with a counterforce, allowing her to return to the passage back to the Longyan fighter plane.

The seven Sword God clones had already taken action at the same time, and disappeared without a trace after the enemy was resolved.

"Mother Yao is amazing!"

Qin Potian rushed to Yin Yao lively and hugged his thighs for fear of horses.

Yin Yao rolled her eyes and said arrogantly: "A few little scouts, it is not easy to kill them. Breaking the sky, remember what your father taught you?"

"Well, I know! Either you don't do it, or you do it without mercy!"

"Yes, now your dad is looking for someone to fight, and your kid has to show his skills, do you want to kill?"

Qin Potian is not too cold for Yin Yao's temptation.

"Mother Yao, I don't like killing people, but if anyone wants to bully Mother Lan, then I must beat them so hard that I don't even know my own father!"

"Haha, yes, I forgot to tell you something! Here you have three brothers, a sister, and a niece."


Qin Potian, who had many brothers, was dumbfounded...

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