"Qin An! Qin An! Yana disappeared! She suddenly disappeared during class!"

When Qin An led Yin Yao into the room, Catalina just rushed out and crashed into Qin An's arms.

Hey, maybe the little puppet chose to leave after completing his mission?

"Katrina, don’t be afraid. All the circumstances are under my control. Yana has a reason for her to disappear. I can’t tell you for the time being, but I promise you that she will come back intact in a few days. around you!"

Qin An spoke softly in Catalina's ear, and now he can only say so. This is a white lie. Otherwise, everyone will be worried about Yana, so there is no need.

Catalina looked at Qin An suspiciously for a long time, then calmed down because of the calm and smile on his face.

"Can she really come back safely?"

"Well, explain it to the children and treat it as a game."

"You are Katerina, right? Don't worry, I, Yin Yao, also promise you that your little baby will definitely come back! Intact!"

Yin Yao's voice was flat and sounding cold, but it distracted Katerina's attention and made her less worried.

Qin An called out Yana alone just now. Perhaps this has something to do with Yana's sudden disappearance. After all, Katerina is still not sure about the supernatural person. Since Qin An said it was okay, then it might be really okay.

And who are these people following Yin Yao?

"Dad! Is Yana really not in danger? It's so weird, she's gone after a while on the desk!"

Qin Xiangming also walked out of the study with the triplets at this time, full of worry. At the same time, they also found the little boy following Qin An.


who is this? The triplets looked at each other, and then looked at the child again. It turned out to look almost like own, but this one was a bit taller than them.

No way, Qin Potian was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He has been delicious since he was a child. Although he was born a few months later, he developed faster than triplets.

"Well, Xiangming, don't worry. No one needs to mention this. You should prepare some small gifts for Yana. You know, she likes getting gifts the most. Come on. Here, let me introduce to you, this kid is your Little Brother, and his father's child in China, called Qin Potian."

When he just left the Longyan fighter plane, Qin An had already briefly talked about the children he came here, so now Yin Yao, Weng Die, and Qin Potian all know that Weng Lan gave birth to quadruplets after being frozen.

Qin An originally wanted to let the children get to know them first, after all, they would play together in the future.

But as soon as his voice fell, Weng Die hurried over behind him, squatting on the ground and pulling all four children into his arms.

"Oh my God! This turned out to be true! It must be true! You look so much like Big sis! This is simply a miracle, Big sis has been frozen for so many years and yet can give birth to you, you are given to us by God. The miracle of Weng’s family! Come on, let me take a look, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid, I am your little sister! I am your mother’s little sister! I’m so happy, my aunt is so happy... Woo woo woo.

Weng Die cried suddenly, and cried a little bit earth-shattering. The four children were completely dazed. She didn't know who was the woman who suddenly popped out and made them all cry.

Qin An is also a little depressed. This Weng Die is also a few dozen years old, and he claims to be the smartest in Tianju, so how can he be so emotional?

Besides, the four children look more like themselves, they are the children of the old Qin family.

The character is a bit biased towards Weng Lan, who looks honest but is actually quite naughty.

Weng Die's eyes must be a bit bad, otherwise she wouldn't make such a big mistake.

Annie, Benita, Caitlin, Yin Yao avatar, and Brada also walked out of other rooms.

When Yin Yao's avatar saw Yin Yao, he was slightly stunned, then smiled and nodded lightly.

Now the appearance of Yin Yao avatar is Yan Liuxiang, so everyone did not see the relationship between the two from their looks.

After Yin Yao's avatar was rude, he took his own lover Brada and left. This can be regarded as Yin Yao's agreement with all the avatars in the past, and those who saw it would retreat without disturbing each other. The avatar of Yin Yao and the body of Yin Yao used to be the same person. Now that the Lord Lord has come, Yin Yao's avatar will naturally abide by the regulations, mix into the common people, and never come back again, have been to own Life, and try not to meet the body as much as possible.

Because of Weng Die's disruptive situation, the attention of the children and Catalina were further distracted. Although Yana was still thinking of in their hearts, they could not mention it for the time being. .

Qin An introduced Qin Potian to the quadruplets again, and then introduced them to Annie, Benita, Catalina, Weng Die, and Yin Yao. Everyone was polite and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After the meeting here, Qin An gathered Li Shu, White Lion, Red Snake, Disana, Pandan Sharjah, Mulan, Mu Chen, Xiao Beiyu, Li Chenxian, Yin Yao, and Weng Die together for a meeting.

Li Shu and the others looked at the two women who suddenly appeared, without knowing their identities, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Qin An spoke directly.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, these two are Yin Yao and Weng Die.

Li Shu, Li Chenxian will report to Weng Die and follow her command if there is anything going on in the military and administration of the camp in the future. Her orders are no different from mine.

The white lion, Disana, this Yin Yao has good strength, and will become the leader of Xuantian Jianshou in the future. "


Everyone was dumbfounded.

What does Qin An mean? Have a civil and military foreman? But why are there two women who look ordinary?

To be precise, Yin Yao looked ordinary at this time, and Weng Die was an out-and-out big beauty.

Li Shumozhe looked at Weng Die's face. Weng Die's magma was still red and swollen. She was too excited to cry just now, but she was still very keen.

Feeling Li Shu's gaze, Weng Die seemed to glance at him inadvertently.

When the two of them looked at each other, Li Shu's body shuddered, then quickly moved his own eyes away and sat down.

What a deep pair of eyes!

Li Shu's sweat slowly leaked out, and she only felt that she was seen through by others. Her eyes were sharper than Qin An's, which made Li Shu unnaturally aroused an urgent sense of crisis.

At this time Disana, Bai Shi and others were also looking at Yin Yao.

At any rate, they are all some famous people in some areas of Sword Spirit Star, and their strength is naturally not weak. Qin An arranged a seemingly ordinary woman to be their foreman? Why is this?

Dishana has been in contact with Qin An for a long time, she doesn't think this man is an idiot, and will let an ordinary person be the boss of their masters.

It can be seen that Yin Yao should also be a human being on the earth. Could it be said that there are really a lot of talents among the people on the earth? Qin An transferred the two people from there, what kind of background and identity does Qin An have? Everything is mysterious and hard to guess.

The meeting ended simply and quickly. Qin An only announced the appointment and removal of Weng Die and Yin Yao.

After that, Qin An announced the adjournment of the meeting, opened the ground-print space to isolate the meeting room, and communicated to Yin Yao and Weng Die for further communication.

"Yin Yao, the safety of the children here will trouble you in the future, oh yes, you have to pay special attention to that Caitlin! She is very important to us humans, because she has zombie virus antibodies in her body, which can be The zombie that had been bitten for more than 30 years turned into a human being."

"What!" Yin Yao and Weng Die were all shocked.

"How is this possible? Zombies are also considered undead, there are many on the Sword Spirit Star, and there is no substance that can make the zombies sober and have complete intelligence! Who is Caitlin? How could there be such a thing? thing?"

"Yes, is she from the star of the sword spirit?"

"No, an out-and-out earth person, a brain-upgraded person. Weng Die, if you have time to communicate with her, her brain-upgraded may be much more terrifying than you. There is another thing that makes people entangled. She is not a sword. The soul stone receptor, I tried to use the sword soul stone to turn her into a strong body, but failed. Her body is like a bottomless pit. After the sword soul stone is integrated, it will disappear without a trace, so she is now She is still an ordinary body and very weak. In any case, to ensure her safety, I think the answer to the end of the apocalypse may lie in her. I will go to the alien camp these days to talk about cooperation, and then wait until I find Yana. People go to see Weng Lan and take her back. Therefore, the security and development of the camp here may depend on the two of you. After July 1st, the situation will change. The City of Black Blood Close to us, war will definitely break out, otherwise regional resources cannot be matched. What we have to do now is to fully prepare, and then deal with everything."

"Would you like to go back and call some reinforcements?""No need, the distance is too far, the cost of war is too great, Guo Sihai and the others have to do a lot. Now the Black Gold Empire and the Tianyin Dynasty are eyeing the Alliance. I don’t think the war there will be too far away. During the chaos, my ambition was to kill the heads of foreign races, to make the killed races tremble with bloody killings, and to give the world a peaceful world. Qin An is not talented, and those who follow me will perish those who rebel against me! I am now.... .. Is there the strength to blow such a cowhide?"

Weng Die and Yin Yao looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course you have, in fact, you have the strength to do more things! Don't worry, Big sis will be proud of you, but I think she may hope to have a quiet Life after her return. Big sis is too bitter. Brother-in-law, I originally thought you would run to Big sis right away. Was it delayed because of the encounter with your nephews and the double-moon disaster?"

Qin An sighed leisurely and whispered softly:

"Well, this is the main reason... and I'm a bit timid! To tell the truth, I've been unforgettable after so many years, and after so many years of separation, I actually don't know how to face Weng Lan. .Are we all the same people we used to know? At least I don’t think I’m anymore

Yin Yao opened her mouth slightly, and stopped talking.

She originally wanted to tell Qin An about Weng Lan, but now she has learned a lot through the clone.

After seeing Qin An's entanglement, Yin Yao decided not to say it, let him go to reunite with Weng Lan, this is their story, and all the feelings should be shared by two people at the same time.

Weng Die curled her mouth and glared at Qin An.

"You are really inked, girly, why didn't the women who knocked you down did not see you hesitate? I don't care. After picking up Yana, you will immediately find Big sis for me!"

Qin An was said to have a reddened face, and nodded, "Well, I must go!"

When the voice fell, Qin An said to Weng Die:

"By the way, I still have a problem now, Gulistan is here."

"Guli? The female general next to Beichenxing of Tangdu, former Tang Yu's guard?"

"No, it's the Great God of War Gulistan of the Gnar Empire."

Weng Die asked in surprise: "Why is she in United States?"

"Racial rescue operations, because now the gates of time and space are still being opened, new foreign races will come from the Sword Spirit Star every day, and then cause regional chaos, so even if there is no major war, the world is now bloody. The Nal Empire Kieran formulated a race rescue plan and sent masters to all over the world to find the own savage people. Guli has been to United States for half a year. She has found more than three hundred savage people who are wandering around. She was wandering around when the bimonthly disaster broke out. They took the tribe to escape, and finally formed a temporary team with the Eastern tribe, and they are now in the camp over there."

"Ah, I just thought it would be easy to unite with the Eastern tribes here, but if Gu Li was there, it would be troublesome. Over the years, Sihai and Kieran would meet each other once a year. The empire has established a relatively good bilateral relationship. Gu Li also accompanied Kiran to Jiulong Mountain. I had a relationship with her. She is very polite to everyone, but every time she comes, she must look around for what you want. A duel in order to avenge her fiance. The Lvye women only choose a destined family man to marry in her life. You accidentally trampled her man to death on the plateau of the body, which is tantamount to ruining her life, she Naturally I hate you penetrates the bone. Or, I will come in contact with the Orientals? You won't come forward?"

Qin An shook his head and said, "Forget it, let me go. It's not a way to avoid her. Our business should be broken. With her strength, I can't help it. No matter what kind of person is already dead, it is impossible. The fact of change. Since the creatures of the Sword Spirit Star have been transferred to the earth, some traditions must also be changed. Why can Gu Li only marry a man? This is just like the feudal ethics of the old age of the earth. It's not a physical function problem. In this case, I am willing to help her get rid of this stinking problem."

"What are you going to do?" Weng Die asked curiously.

"Being a matchmaker, you can kill two birds with one stone if you don't know it!"

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