Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1377 The First Person Who Eats Crabs

"Muguda, what do you think the lady of the Luye clan looks so beautiful? Look at how big her ass is, she will definitely give birth to a baby! The king asked you to take care of their diet and daily life, did your kid take the opportunity to take a peek at her figure? what?"

"What's the use of taking a peek? She is a young girl from the green field, and she won't be with foreign men."

"That's not necessarily, what is this place? The earth in the last days! Look at this sky, there are three moons, the world has changed, what's impossible?"

"Hehe, that's true. Wait for daddy to research and study and see if you can get this chick!"

"That's right! We were trapped here after the catastrophe. Today, I don't know what will happen. If you can get the green-field noble girl, you will be an unprecedented bull, buddy. We will give you wine for three days and three nights!"

"Haha, then it's a deal."

Muguda looked like a strong man in his thirties. At this time, he only wore a pair of boxer shorts. His hardcover muscles were covered with sweat and his skin was bronzed. He was very sexy and full of masculine charm.

Carrying a large bucket of water and walking through the crowd, Muguda entered the camp of the Luye tribe, and quickly found the location of the most beautiful woman.

The camp here is much looser than the Earth camp. A dozen people gather to rest, and there are large gaps nearby for people to walk.

Mu Guda walked more than ten meters to the woman's side, and saw that she was kneeling there and looking down, there was a huge black hole in front of her.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Mu Guda felt a little blood spurting.

Gulistan, the Great Sword Saint of the Green Savage Race... butt really looks good!

Round and mellow, when kneeling on the ground, the hip muscles propped up the tight white trousers. In fact, those trousers are not white anymore, because they are covered with dirt all the way to escape. Wipe off the dirt, so as not to affect the beauty of the ass.

"Why, let me dig a well? I think the Great Swordmaster should not waste any effort. We have tried many times, but in the end we just dug a barren well. This is a bucket of water, and the king asked me to send it to you. Yes, save a little bit, or you won’t be able to hold on to the end."

Hearing the man's voice, Gu Li stood up hurriedly, her face turned reddish, and at the same time she slapped Own's ass with her hand, realizing that it must have been seen by the man in front of her.

"Hey, I have been trapped for more than two days. My people only drank a little water. The Lvye people can not eat for a few days, but they really must not lack water, otherwise the energy in the body will flow away quickly... Muguda , Help me thank you king, thank him for taking care of him."

"Well, I accept your gratitude on behalf of the king."

"Thank you also for receiving and taking care of us. Mu Guda, has your king figured out a way to deal with the current crisis?"

"Naturally not yet. We are surrounded by a triangle of death. There are alien races nearby. I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape. There is only one plan, which is to launch a war against alien races and seize their resources for ourselves. Use, but now there is nothing weaker than us to grab, and we can't beat those who are stronger than us. It's really difficult."

When Muguda was speaking, he sat directly on the edge of the pit and looked down at the bottom of the hole. I don't know how deep the people inside digged.

Guli was a little uncomfortable because Muguda sat next to Own, because her eyes always saw the tent raised between the man's legs, intentionally or unintentionally.

The Lvye people are more traditional. It is a very unreasonable thing to show off their chests and backs. Whether for men or women, the Oriental people should be more open. At least it is nothing for men to wear this way. This is also their relationship with the earth. More like a place.

Uncomfortable, Gu Li got up and stepped aside.


With a shout, a red-haired woman approached.

"Muguda, thank you again for the water you sent, and I will share it with my people."

While talking, D Lu turned into the form of a celestial beast wolf. Gu Li lifted the bucket of water and jumped onto the wolf’s back. After that, D Lu stepped on all fours and walked away. A member of the tribe drank a little water.

"I don't like this man, he seems to eat me when he looks at me!" Gu Li said solemnly.

"You can't blame him, who makes you look so beautiful?"

D Lu and Gu Li have been friends for many years, and this time they both came to United States from the Gnar Empire to perform the task of finding clansmen.

Knowing the whole story of Gu Li, and knowing that she doesn't catch a cold to men, D Lu can only say something unnutritious to make her amused.

Gulistan hasn't rested much these days, so she really doesn't feel happy.

It is not difficult to get out of here by relying on the abilities of oneself and D Lu. The difficult part is how to bring out the hundreds of ordinary Lvye tribesmen who have not yet reached the physical state.

So Gulistan has been racking his brains and thinking, but never came up with a way.

For the present plan, I can only hope that the large forces of the Eastern tribe will move. If he really wants to rob other races' supplies, Gulistan will certainly not be polite. As the Great Sword Saint of the Luye Clan, this is her duty and obligation, even if it is immoral.

After sending out a circle of water, D Lu took Gu Li back to the place where he dug the well, only to see Mu Guda still sitting at the huge hole.

Gu Li frowned slightly, her mood worsened.

There are many different tribes in the Eastern tribe. For example, Ada Suli belongs to the Shulu clan, but the one in the camp now belongs to the Wandan clan, and their great king is Dahab.

At this time, in Dahab's camp, Qin An had already come to visit.

The king was really young and handsome, he looked like a twenty-year-old man on earth, he was very burly, his features were profound and three-dimensional, and his eyes were bright as a beacon at night.

"Why? Why do I want to form an alliance with Earthlings in the Banten Department? Is it because you are different from those foreign devils? You speak the same language as us?"

Dahab's eyes were round and he stared at Qin An as if he was about to fight.

Qin An smiled slightly and said calmly:

"There are many benefits. For example, we can go and snatch other people’s supplies together.

"Humph! Then I might as well cooperate with the Qingjian tribe, their strength is much stronger than you, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, we have hundreds of thousands of people, and now we also have many abilities."

"Are you talking about the mysterious person named Xuantian? I think it's just that you are fooling around with mystery. Haha, even the name Xuantian was named. You people on earth may not understand that Xuantian is forty in our world. One of the Nine Sword Gods, although he was the last to become a god, there are some believers. If you let their believers know that you have stolen the name of Xuantian, believe me, they will come to the door in a short time. Kill all of you! Xuantian used to kill into the Tao, and his followers naturally like to kill too!"

Qin An was stunned slightly, does Xuantian still have any believers? I really didn't realize this.

Now that the Sword God Xuantian has completely disappeared, and the real fire fusion has helped him develop a jumping advanced physique, Qin An occasionally thinks of the days when Xuantian was in his body, so this time he called himself Xuantian.

If a believer is really looking for it, it would be a good thing. Now he is actually Xuantian's spokesperson! When the believer sees that he can't handle it, he can directly accept it as his subordinates.

"Haha, King Dahab, whether you think I'm bragging or not, it doesn't really matter. Because even if I don't have any capital now, you might still cooperate with me."

"Oh? You are so sure? Then I have to take a good look. Tell me, what is there on your body that attracts me?"

"Some ideas?"


"Well, I have hearing ability, so I can know some secret things. I heard that King Dahab does not have a confidante so far, and you seem to be very interested in the Great Sword Saint of the Luye Clan. Kind of the taste of love at first sight, otherwise you should not put hundreds of their clan in your own camp to entertain them when resources are so scarce. It seems that a messenger has just been sent there to send water to Guli. Right? If King Dahab is willing to cooperate with me, I can help you with some ideas, maybe you can finally embrace the beauty."

Dahab was a little surprised. After Qin An's voice fell, his brows furrowed, and finally he sighed long.

"Unexpectedly, you are a hearing ability person. Yes, I do have a good impression of Gu Li, but she is a noble girl of the Greens, and she is still the position of the Great Swordmaster. It is impossible to marry a foreigner."

"Why is it impossible? Could it be said that she and other human men cannot have children and continue offspring?"

"That actually is not, the so-called human races actually have similar body structures, whether they are on the earth or on the Sword Spirit Star."

"That's right. As far as I know, many civilians in the wild will also intermarry with foreign races. In that case, of course the nobles can do it. The key is to see who is the first to do this. King Dahab should have been here for a few years. Right? I don’t know if you have heard the story, that you were the first person to eat crabs?"

"Well, it means trailblazer."

"Yes, when he first ate crabs, everyone thought he was abnormal and was a lunatic mental illness, but the following facts proved that everyone can actually eat crabs, and they can still eat crabs. So, no You can't dig a corner, just look at the kung fu of the person wielding the hoe! Break a belief, save a lonely woman, get a good love, and form a happy family. King Dahab, don't you want to do this? ? If you want, I am really willing to help you, and all you have to do is to cooperate with our race, and then advance and retreat together to seek development. Believe me, you will never regret making such a choice, because the earth human race is definitely worth it Trust, we should be friends in the first place!"

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