Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1379 One Punch Superman

Qin An had ordered Wushen three times to warn Qin Potian that he could not hit the ground, and Qin Potian had always followed it.

But today he broke the precept, mainly because he was more excited to face his brothers and wanted to be stunned.

Qin An completely ignored the fact that his son was still a child under nine, so he overestimated his control ability, and had no time to stop him when he hit the ground with a punch.

Qin Potian’s small fist only experienced a distance of 30 cm from the burst of force to the ground. Because the force was too strong, the air was directly ignited, and the friction caused the temperature to exceed 1000 degrees. The nearby air atomized, and the space became distorted and burst. , The laws of physics collapsed, the magnetic field suddenly became messy, the shock wave drove the quadruplets and Ada Suli all ten meters away, the wall was shattered by the strong wind, and the sound finally came out, like thunder, like a thunderbolt. ...

These are things that happen in an instant. When the violent energy breaks the space and the power that breaks the law comes into contact with the ground, the soil becomes the carrier of power, and they transmit the parameters of the power.

Because the density of the soil is unevenly distributed, because there are stones of different materials in the soil, the way in which the force parameters are transmitted is not the same. Some vertically downward, some spread out, and some break the soil and return to the ground to squeeze the air. This triggers atomization and gas explosion, making them a carrier of power transmission.

The power parameters are eventually transmitted in countless lines to a 360-degree angular range. Because the direction of the propagation speed is different, some forces will eventually collide together under the propagation of the carrier.

One of Qin Potian’s fist powers directly extended to a hundred meters underground after entering the ground, and then collided with another curve-propagating force, and then scattered countless forces, one of which surged toward the ground, 400 meters below ground. The oblique line at a distance of meters spread and reached the ground. It collided with the previous horizontal force and exploded. The powerful energy attribute pushed the surface of the soil layer apart, where the white lion and Pandan Sharjah were in a daze.

Both the father and the daughter were attracted by the sudden sound from Qin An's yard. Only a few seconds later, the ground under their feet burst open, and the whole ground collapsed after it vacated.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

The lion slave shouted, jumped up with Pandan Sharjah, and then looked down.

A large pit with a depth of 5 meters and a circular surface diameter of 20 meters appeared on the entire ground, and there were gravels of different sizes in the pit. The so-called gravel is a high-density soil condensed matter formed after the soil is wrapped and pressed by force.

Qin Potian's power is really terrifying, it is an energy attribute completely different from the concept of geophysics.

It is like an entity, erupting due to Qin Potian’s body muscle power. The contact point between his fist and the ground instantly seems to have become the original point of the Universe Big Bang. Power or energy began to gush out continuously at the original point. Everything fell apart.

It was still happening within a second, the land within a hundred meters from Qin Potian's center began to tremble, and the wooden house Qin An was in collapsed as a result.

The soil within 500 meters from one hundred meters away exploded fiercely, and large pits were formed, and the gravel inside would pulsate back and forth with the shaking of the earth, making a rumbling sound.

Five hundred meters away and one thousand meters away, the trees in the woods all fell to the ground. Perhaps the trees are the medium with better power parameters. Therefore, they not only fell to the ground, but were also broken by the force, turning into many irregular-thickness-shaped wooden boards cut like blades. .

People within five kilometers from one kilometer away felt the shaking of the earth. They thought it was an earthquake, so they ran around in chaos. It took Li Shu 20 minutes to calm the people and restore peace to everything. .

Qin Potian’s punch also produced some other effects. There were power parameters gushing out of 500 meters around him and spreading into the air. The air was atomized and turned into wind, and the wind flew like a gas explosion bomb, and some flew over. The birds tore their eardrums by the violent audio, and fell to Death one after another.

This punch was really a shocking punch, which scared everyone in the know, and also scared Qin Potian himself.

Three years ago, he played a game of hitting the ground in Tiancuri, but the destructive power produced at that time was far worse than today.

That is to say, in the past three years, his strength has been increasing, and it has been increasing exponentially, which has reached a very exaggerated height!


The three moons rise at the same time in the east, and the Scarlet Moon is at the rear end, but it is moving the fastest, trying to surpass the height of the Earth Moon and Fragrant Moon.

The revolution speeds of the three moons are not the same, which means that they may not appear in the sky at the same time after a period of time. Some astronomers have already begun to calculate. They have to set new time parameters and then define them, maybe three The moon is a good reference.

Li Shu and Li Chenxian, who were dizzy, were re-resting in the camp. Almost all the wooden houses collapsed, and the wooden tents outside the forest were half damaged, and they had to be repaired. The most depressing thing is that the ground is full of big pits. It is estimated that it will take some time for f*ck to fill it up, right?

In an open area that was fairly level, all the heavy people around Qin An gathered together, looking at Qin An's godson, and then dumbfounded by the conversation between father and son.

"Let's talk, what do you think? Didn't you swear to me before? If you don't really fight with people, you can't show your own strength under any circumstances! How to say it doesn't count?"

"I... I didn't expect it to be like this. I just used a little and a half of my strength to tremble the earth so that Da Feng could see my skills and revenge for them! They used to be bullied, I They want to beat their bullies who don’t even know their parents..."

Including Yin Yao, Weng Die, Quadruplets, Martin, Ada Suri, White Lion, Red Snake, Catalina, Pandan Sharjah, Xiao Brothers and Sisters, Mulan, Muchen, Annie, Catalina, Benita Almost everyone including Demi, Wang John, and Li Aimo paled!

This mud horse has only used a little and a half of his strength? If he has the right to make a punch, the five-kilometer land cannot collapse? Creatures without abilities within five kilometers are estimated to be shaken to death, right?

who is he? Qin An's son? The source of the supernatural gene and Qin An? So how strong does Qin An really need to be?

In fact, everyone is really wrong. Qin Potian's genetic gene may have been upgraded, because even Qin An is not as good as Qin Potian in terms of strength.

Therefore, when Qin An heard that his son had only used a little and a half of his strength to cause such destructive power, he was also in a daze.

Among all the people, the only person who could remain calm is Caitlin, but her eyes are also looking straight at Qin Potian.

The complex parameters in my mind quickly established a model, and various formulas that only Caitlin could understand appeared in the ice cup. After ten seconds, Caitlin took a deep breath and secretly said: "If you are in this world The strongest brain in the world, then the little boy in front of you may be the strongest body in this world!"

Being aware of this kind of thing, Caitlin narrowed her eyes slightly, and became very interested in Qin Potian.

In the field, no one spoke a few minutes later, everyone held their breath and looked at Qin Potian, waiting for Qin An to break the silence.

"Qin Uncle, you don't want to teach the sky, he didn't mean it. Little Brother, your clothes are torn, go, Big sis will take you back to the Longyan fighter plane to change your clothes. Quadruplets, you too. , Haven’t you seen our super fighter? There are many fun and delicious ones in it. I’ll take you to visit."

Everyone did not expect that in the end, Ada Suri would be the first to speak.

Qin Potian glanced at Ada Suli bitterly, wondering how she had a good attitude towards herself, and then turned into a violent woman again.

Without moving, Qin Potian looked at Qin An again, with a little pity in his eyes.

Qin An exhaled a long breath.

"Forget it, go and play with Big sis and Big Brothers, do you know what to do in the future?"

"Know, never show your own strength when you don't fight."

Qin An nodded helplessly. This was really not a big deal. After calming down, he felt that there was no need to anger with his son. So he waved his hand and watched a few little ones run away.

"Oh my God! Po Tian, ​​you are really amazing!" Da Feng became a fan of Po Tian.

"Shh! Don't talk about it, my father's ears are clever, be careful when he hears it and regret not teaching me well! Let's run, the Longyan fighter is invisible and suspended over there, let's live on it tonight, turn around and talk to Dad Say, we will stay in it forever, and the rooms there are more comfortable. Although there are only three rooms, the beds inside are still big!"

"Yeah, by the way, we still have to ask you about Yana, do you know where she was hidden by her father?"

"This is confidential. Dad won’t let me say... But don’t worry! Dad and Yin Yao’s mother said they will let her come back safely, then they will definitely be able to! In Tianju City, they are both super powerful, better than me. I don’t know how powerful it is yet!"

Qin An sighed helplessly when he heard this. He and Yin Yao hadn't discussed with Qin Potian for more than a year, and the growth rate of this kid was really terrifying! Now that he still has a sword magic skill and hasn't realized it, will his future achievements surpass himself? It's terrible, it's terrible.

Stunned and turned around, Qin An Mobile looked at the group of people who were still dumbfounded, and smiled apologetically:

"You guys, the kids are a bit naughty, you should go back and build a house quickly, or else you may have to eat and sleep again tonight."

The three moons climbed higher as if they were going to a fair. In a tent in the camp of the Eastern human race, Muguda was drinking with Cacchino, another guard next to King Dahab.

Now, the faces of both of them were a little red, and Cacchino mysteriously took out a small medicine bottle from his arms and sent it to Muguda's eyes.

"Brother, guess what this is?"

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