"Isn't this the power cooling potion?" Muguda took the potion bottle and looked up at Cakino, only to see a colored smile on his face.

"You mean... let me use it for Gulistan?"

"Yeah, aren't you interested in that lady? This thing is the best thing that can make you no longer suffer from lovesickness."

"But Guli is a young girl from the green field nobles, their great sword saint! Even if I get her body, will she kill me when she regains her abilities?"

Caccino glanced at Muguda meaningfully, and then said faintly: "So, after playing it, you just kill her directly. Do you really want to marry her?"

"Kill it?"

"Yeah, but he's just an alien, what if he is dead?"

"But I feel that the king seems to be a little bit interesting to her."

"So what? I can only sigh in the face of the noble girl king of the green field. If you can play a woman that the king can't play, would you still care about a life?"


Evil thoughts are actually Devil, which will allow people's malice to accumulate and eventually explode.

When Muguda broke up with Caccino and came to the Gulistan camp alone drunk to see Gulistan and was rejected, he became a little angry, put his hand in his pocket, and clenched the small bottle Caccino gave him.

Inside the tent, Gu Li was lying in a daze on a bed made of straw.

The beast clan D Lu turned into a human form and walked in.

D Lu is a very beautiful woman, with red hair that makes her look more gorgeous.

As a member of the Celestial Beast tribe, she doesn't need to wear any clothes after she incarnates in a human form, so when Gu Li sees D Lu, her face is a bit rosy.

"You didn't go to see Muguda like this, did you?"

"Of course not. Although I don't care, I don't plan to let some insignificant people see my naked body."

Gu Li finally let out a relaxed breath.

"Is the drunkard gone?"

"Well, actually he looks pretty good."

"Dlu, what are you talking about? Do you think I should get closer to him because he looks good?"

"Hey, Gu Li, you know what I didn't mean... I mean, you should let go. Now the Sword Spirit Star has become a cloud of smoke for a long time, and the temple of your Luye tribe has disappeared. The noble girls even after they reach adulthood I can’t find a place like a temple to pray, and naturally I can’t know the looks of their destined people... Gulistan, we are already on the earth, maybe it’s a good thing to make some changes, you remember two years ago You? Did you sigh about life back then? Did you ever feel lonely and desolate?"

Two years ago!

Gu Li's body couldn't help trembling. She raised her hand and looked at her smooth and delicate skin. Tears couldn't help but began to spin on the circles of her eyes, and the memories in her mind flashed again and again.


"Old woman, your old teeth are gone, so pitiful!"

On the Golden Square of Xuanjian City, 10-year-old Li Watermelon was holding a large watermelon in his hand and was eating while talking to Gu Li.

Gulistan looked like a withered old tree, and was no longer angry.

When she first came to Earth, her fiancé was trampled to death by Qin An's transforming giant, and her life span was cut off by Qin An for many years, and of course she is extremely old now...

Coughing gently, Gu Li raised her head and looked at Li Watermelon in the sun, and smiled: "Yes, kid, I might really be dying...what's your name?"

"Li Watermelon."

Li Watermelon? What a strange name... Wait! Gu Li remembered some information she had obtained from her previous investigation. Qin An's little daughter Qin Wenxin's playmate seemed to be Li Watermelon, right? Is it the little boy in front of you?

"You... kid, where do you live? Why are you here alone?"

"Oh, I live not far from here, I sneaked out to play."

Isn't it far from here? Gu Li raised her head and looked at the golden fortress over there, maybe... the intelligence is not wrong, the entrance to Tianju should be in the castle!

"Cough cough... boy, go back early, don't accidentally run into a bad guy... cough cough, boy, look at my cough so badly, can you go to your house to ask for a glass of water?"

"Old lady, wait a minute, I'll buy you a bottle of mineral water!"

"Mineral water? Young man, the old woman is too old. She dare not drink it cold. It must be warm. Do you dislike me? So you refuse to take me to your home? You didn't mean that your home is very far from here. Is it near?"

Li Watermelon, who Gu Li said in a few words, was entangled. In order to prove that he did not look down on the old woman, the silly boy took Gu Li into the entrance of the sky house on the top of the Golden Castle.

It is conceivable that Gu Li, the four soul sword repairer, immediately took control of Li Watermelon, and finally met Qin An and the six-year-old Qin Wenxin in Tianju in the threat of his fate.

"You put that idiot away soon, or my dad will kill you!"

Qin Wenxin shouted fiercely.

"I am not a fool!"

"Isn't that an idiot who has been used as a gunman? You have been a hostage? Have you forgotten the rules of Tianju? You can't bring people in!"

"I didn't want to bring her in, I just took her to the tenth floor of the Golden Fort, thinking that this would be considered home, and it would not be considered dishonest. Just when I was about to pour her a cup of hot water, she suddenly caught her Lived me, and injected me with a cooling potion... Qin Uncle, she had known the existence of Tianju a long time ago!"

In Tao Huayuan, two small talks were separated, one was angry and concerned, and the other was helpless. Qin An looked at Gu Li calmly, and naturally recognized her at a glance.

"Hey, you have been looking for me all these years, investigating me, I actually know it. Put the watermelon, I learned about your character from Guo Sihai, you are not a bad person, so you should not bear to kill one Innocent child, now that I have seen me, the hostages shouldn’t be needed anymore. For our affairs, let us take care of it ourselves?”

Gu Li looked at Qin An with trembling body, the hatred in her eyes seemed to be able to burn everything in this time.

Letting go of Li Watermelon, who had temporarily lost his power, Gu Li stepped forward and laughed. The old and sharp laughter was like a ghost.

Li Watermelon got out of control and immediately ran back to Qin An. Qin Wenxin was not worried that his father would be in danger. On the contrary, he was afraid that the fish would be harmed in the fight, so he took Li Watermelon by the hand and ran away. Only Qin An and Gu Li were left to look at each other ten meters apart.

"Haha, Qin An, old lady, I finally saw you! Today is the day when you and my grievances are summed up. Since I can't kill you for revenge, let me fight one last time and be killed by you!"

"Guli, why bother? I have asked Guo Sihai to explain to you many times. At that time, everything happened unintentionally. I had no hatred with your fiancé. He was badly injured, but I was nothing but It was the natural kick of the giant state that caused the tragedy... Gulistan, are you really going to accompany you for this kind of misunderstanding?"

"Of course! You ruined my life, I must live with you endlessly! Qin An, you really don’t know how much I hate you! Look at me, I’m dying of old age! Haha, if you don’t look for it again If you take revenge, I will be old and unable to act! Is this what you want? Dream! I must let you kill me with your own hands, and then make you, the legendary bad person, feel guilty for a lifetime!"

"Zhanyang Pass makes you old... In fact, I still have a way to restore your youth. If you can turn from this ugly old woman into a young girl, would you... still hate me? Do you want to kill me?"

"what……"At that time, Gu Li was completely stupid, until Qin An showed her the ability of selfless symbiosis.

Immediately, she changed from an old dying old woman to an old woman who had regrown a tooth.

After that, Qin An got her out of Tianju, and she has undergone earth-shaking changes in the span of two years from then to today.

She...is so beautiful and young again, her cells are jumping alive in the body, her skin is so smooth and tender, even if she touches it, it will make her sleepless.

Two years ago, she felt the loneliness of life, and she realized the lonely knot of unaccompanied in old age.

But now thinking of the emotions at that time, Gu Li did not expect that she would cry, and she could not forget the desolate state of mind at that time!

In eight years, she has changed from a girl to an old woman, and then back to a girl. How can such ups and downs be forgotten?

And all of this was given by Qin An. So she can't forget Qin An, nor her hatred. Even deep down, she doesn't have that much hatred anymore.

"Okay, do you think of the past again? My dear, we are now far away in United States, and your enemy is on the other side of the ocean. How can you be happy and cry and be ashamed?"

D Lu sat next to Gu Li and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Who is crying, it's a little sleepy. That Mu Guda really hates him. If he comes again, you will still help me block it. The night is long. I don't want to lose his dream because of him."

"Cut, can you sleep for 20 hours? Hey, this damn earth, it's been eight years since I have passed through it, and I managed to adapt the biological clock in my body to the day and night of the earth. As a result, the two moons appear now, and the time on the earth is completely messed up. , I really don’t know how many sleepless nights I have to spend, maybe I should find a man too!"

"Why? It's your annual estrus period? Isn't it going to be August?"

"Didn't I tell you? Biological clock disorder, endocrine disorder!"

"Haha! Didn't you say that Muguda is handsome? Why don't you go and post it?"

"I don't want it, he is after you!"

Gu Li suddenly became emotional because of the change of topic, and started to joking with D Lu.

At this moment, a girl from the Luye tribe came in with two bowls of porridge.

"Two adults, you haven't eaten anything for a day. The long night is long. Just drink some porridge. This is our only food at the moment. It is very likely that after two days, neither of the porridge will be served!"

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