"Who are you?" Qin Xiaoyan said subconsciously.

"Oh... Dad said this was thirty-three years ago in the illusory world, so Mom Xiaoyan still doesn't know me! Hey, my name is Qin Potian, because my mother has been locked up in Dad’s necrosphere since I was a child. So I can be regarded as being brought up by Xiaoyan's mother! So whether you know me or not, you are Xiaotian's best-tempered mother Xiaoyan who loves me the most!"

Ah? !

Do you have a good temper? Where does this start? And who is the child in front of you? Why do you call yourself mother?

"Thirty-three years ago, your mother Xiaoyan hated me. Breaking the sky, come over for dinner, don't disturb Yu Aunt and Xiaoyan's mother, let's just leave with something to eat."

As the saying goes, Wangmei quenches thirst, Qin An is really hungry, so he knows that those foods can't replenish energy, he has to eat more.

Weng Lan has been very quiet since getting up in the morning.

In the room, she had already agreed with Qin An that she would accompany him to the end, that is to say, she would go wherever Qin An went, until Qin An escaped from this space or eventually starved to death.

The three of them walked out of the bedroom and Weng Lan immediately began to prepare food, some for breakfast and some for Qin An to eat with his back on the road.

Qin Potian saw Tang Yu and Qin Xiaoyan sitting on the sofa sleeping, and immediately jumped over to wake up Qin Xiaoyan in surprise, and at the same time alarmed Tang Yu.

"You want to go?"

Tang Yu quickly understood something after waking up.

"Well, I must go."

Qin An answered briefly.

No matter what this space is, it must have an exit, otherwise Qin Potian could not have come here from another illusory space. This is like a huge maze, as long as you find the right exit, you can definitely leave.

Qin An tried to check where Qin Potian came from, and there was no abnormality there, which meant that the exit was irreversible. Even if it could be reversed, Qin An didn't want to enter the grid world Qin Potian described.

"Take me! I want to go too! Wherever you go!"

Tang Yu stood up to Qin An's side.

Qin An prepared some water belts on his body, looked at Weng Lan on one side, but didn't respond. He seemed to be thinking about what else to bring with him, and didn't notice himself here.

"Well, as long as you follow, I can take you wherever I go."

"If what you say is true, then what is our relationship in the future?" Tang Yu said in a very small voice.

"We have been together for the past eight years, no special relationship, confidant? Hongyan? Dude?"

"Why didn't you marry me? Don't you say you married many women?"

"you are so brilliant……"

Speaking of this, Qin An missed Tang Yu and continued to busy with the things at hand.

Don't know what to say. Would a true queen endure sharing a man with others? Maybe it was Qin An who was afraid of Tang Yu before, but after that it was Tang Yu who refused to accept Qin An, right? Yes, this should be the real reason why their relationship has not changed much in the past eight years.

Too smart? Tang Yu was stunned, thinking about it for a moment and realizing that he was afraid that he would ruin his harem with a smile on his face? Damn it! Then why did he treat her like that during the day!

In the room, other people also woke up at this time.Xia Ke rubbed own eyes and looked at Qin An's movements.

It's like a family going to a picnic.

Looking at the little boy next to Qin Xiaoyan, Xia Ke said, "Who is this kid? What are you going to do?"

Qin An didn't pay attention to the stranger. Although he felt that Xia Ke's face was very familiar, when he couldn't remember who it was, he should be a stranger, right?

After Qin Potian was summoned by his father, he obediently went to the table to eat, and of course he also drew Tang Yu and Qin Xiaoyan.

"Mother Xiaoyan! This is your favorite fish head. Only Dad can make it so delicious! Yu Aunt, why are you in a daze? This is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, your favorite, you said Dad fried them It tastes better than any chef in any restaurant before the end of the world. It is a stunt to be able to make simple dishes so impressive!...Oh, right! You don’t know these things now, but it’s okay. , Since you will like to eat in thirty-three years, it should be the same now, try it!"

Qin Potian took the initiative to pick up vegetables for the two women.

The two women couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the little boy, and symbolically took a bite with their chopsticks...Oh my God! It's delicious, it's my favorite flavor.

The so-called breakfast is very simple, that is, Qin An made a table of dishes for Weng Lan’s birthday last night.

Weng Lan trembled after hearing Qin Potian's words over there.

Thirty-three years!

Such a long period of time should be able to change a lot. In that world, Qin An will not have an owner for the next 33 years. This makes Weng Lan unacceptable, but there is nothing to do. She can only continue to bow her head to pack things, and the five-flavored bottle shatters in her heart. , Emotions are extremely complex.

Qin An naturally noticed Weng Lan's reaction, but he has always paid attention to her.

Therefore, Qin An angrily said: "Eat quickly, can't you stop your mouth even when you eat? Didn't I tell you that you can't talk while eating? It's not good for digestion."

Qin Potian stretched out his tongue. I don’t know why the old man is beating him, but the little guy has his own thinking logic, that is, the old man never talks back to him when he turns his face, so he regrets facing the two next to him. The woman smiled, then lowered her head to eat.

"Qin An, do you want to go? If you want to go, we must follow! You must be with me!"

Xia Ke said that, of course, was not conquered by Qin An’s domineering spirit. She was thinking about treating Qin An as a guinea pig, taking it to the army and handing it over to the country’s scientists to study why he could be bitten by a zombie quickly. Recovery, instead of becoming a zombie like everyone else.

The people in the room came around silently at this time, and began to sit or stand to eat.

Chen Tianyu's eyes have been on Qin An, Weng Lan, and Qin Xiaoyan's movement back and forth, and there is a lot of discomfort in his heart, but now he can't beat Qin An and doesn't want to cause trouble. After all, the situation is unknown, it is better to keep a low profile.

Qin An ignored everyone from start to finish, and it was not until after eating that Qin An talked about his own intentions to Xia Ke.

"I'm going to leave. I have no purpose. It may be dangerous along the way. I suggest you stay here because after all, it is safer here and you can be less frightened. If you have to follow me, I won't stop it, because you The life and death of "actually doesn't make any sense to me."

Qin An's words were a bit heavy, and Xia Ke was very angry. She really hated the man in front of her, but the sense of mission in her heart finally made her endure it.

"Needless to say, if you want to go out, Dong Zhian and I must follow! I don't care about the others!"

Dong Zhian opened his mouth, seeing Xia Ke's resolute attitude, and finally did not speak.

He actually didn't want to go out. Now he couldn't contact his superiors or his family. Qin An and Weng Lan looked strange, and the little boy who appeared suddenly, the situation can be said to be extremely complicated.

So hiding here is currently a good choice.

But is it possible to hide forever? This is not a solution!

That is to say, it is extremely dangerous whether it can't go out, so as the big army gets better, Dong Zhian also wants to see the attitude of other people.

"Let's follow wherever the police comrades go!"

Lao Wang lit a cigarette and spoke calmly, as if he were a wise man, his wife and son were naturally speechless.

"Okay! Then let's follow along!"

Chen Tianyu saw that everyone had expressed their views, so he couldn't get rid of vulgarity either.

People are like this, with blind obedience, but also a little root of selfish jealousy.

In fact, if Chen Tianyu and Qin Xiaoyan are at home, they can keep their food reserves at Qin An's and Lao Wang's for several months. This is the best choice.

But Chen Tianyu felt that everyone was gone. If they were rescued by the government's army outside, wouldn't he have lost the opportunity? At that time, I will suffer a big loss.

Therefore, he also chooses to follow what others are doing.

Then the last person left is that KFC manager Jiang Wei.

How can he choose to be able to, in the end, he can only follow the team blindly.

In this way, a group of people began a new round of preparations. All the things that could be carried in the three houses were brought together, and each of them had chosen a handy weapon.

Qin An is an axe, Weng Lan is a rolling pin, Lao Wang is a kettle, honeysuckle is a machete, Wang Suo is an iron chain, Chen Tianyu is a kitchen knife, Qin Xiaoyan is an umbrella, Tang Yu is an ashtray, Xia Ke is a golf club, and Zhian is an electric Stick, Qin Potian is a pair of boxing gloves!

The apocalyptic expedition team was about to set off, and everyone was nervous and afraid, only Qin An and Qin Potian didn't care.

Qin An was even a little excited.

This is like a game. Qin An has been hiding at home for three months since the end of the crisis, missing the most chaotic days.

Is this compensation now?

Of course, Qin An also has his own worries. He is worried about the other children, wondering where they are now? Is it this illusory world? It's Qin Potian's labyrinth, or they are trapped in their own different illusory worlds, that's a bit bad!

What kind of power is so powerful that it can absorb so many people? When Qin An wanted to come, it might be the Sword God.

At least so far, the Sword God is the strongest intelligent organism Qin An can come into contact with.

Although he has also heard of Magical Beasts, he doesn't know what Magical Beasts are! I don't even know how terrifying these two guys, the quagmire and the space, who dare not even approach the Sword God!

Open the door, there is nothing unusual outside the door, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But when I wanted to use the elevator, I found that the elevator was broken and unusable.

So the group could only go downstairs under the leadership of Qin An.

There was also no abnormality here. There was no figure in the corridor. Just when Qin An was about to go down, the old king next door suddenly grabbed Qin An's arm.

"Wait! Old Qin, wait a moment."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Qin An tried to make own tone more polite.

After all, he was a neighbor before the end of the world. The relationship between Qin An and Lao Wang was pretty good, and there was no grudge or grudge.


Next door, the old Wang flushed, looked at his own son Wang Suo, and looked at Huang Lian Po honeysuckle, and finally made up his mind to point to the two families on this floor.

"Tian Furong and Li Xianglan...Aren't their husbands all out of town? The two women don't go out much on weekdays. Would you like to see if they are at home? If they are at home, let them follow us. Otherwise, I’m trapped upstairs and I don’t know the year of the monkey to be rescued."

Qin An was stunned for a moment, and then unfolded his memories.I am really not too familiar with the two neighbors downstairs.

Hmm... Tian Furong seems to be in her early thirties, and she is a beautiful long-length beauty.

Qin An impressed her the most with black leather pants. This woman has long legs and big buttocks, so she always wears leather pants when traveling, which is called a sexy coquettish.

Qin An was a dick back then, and once met Tian Furong in the community, so she followed her to peek at someone's buttocks, and the mud horse accidentally ran into a telephone pole in the community.

This is enough to show how attractive this woman's legs and ass are.

Of course, Qin An had a big belly and short-sightedness. He didn't see any women in his eyes except his wife. Naturally, he would be seduced by different strange scenery sometimes.

This is not a derailment, it's just a man's appreciation of beautiful things.

And that Li Xianglan, also very distinctive, about thirty-five years old, not tall enough, very petite, the reason for the distinctive feature is her big breasts of the D cup!

Qin An once discussed this issue with Weng Lan.

This Li Xianglan is in good shape. The thirty-five-year-old woman has no belly at all, and she is estimated to weigh just over ninety catties.

Why do people have such big breasts? The standard childish giant wave!

Naturally, Weng Lan would not give Qin An a good face, and kicked him off the bed.

Both of these women got married late, and their husbands were on business trips all year round, so they had no children, and they hadn't worked yet, so they were authentic housewives.

what! Seeing Lao Wang's cowering look, Qin An always felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, the silly lady honeysuckle reacted and said:

"Yeah! Why did I forget my two good sisters, Lao Wang, you still think so much! I'm going to knock on the door!"

They are indeed good sisters to each other, because they often fight together.

The honeysuckle is very strong, rushing up regardless of the knock on the door, the doorbell does not ring, nor is it afraid of hooking up the zombies downstairs, it is really endless.

After a while, the door of Tian Furong's house opened, and a tall beauty showed her head and scanned it carefully.

"Furong! Run away with me, we have the police here who will protect us!"

Na Tian's beautiful Danfeng glanced at the old Wang in the crowd, then suddenly opened the door, flashed past the honeysuckle standing in front of the door, and plunged into the arms of the old Wang at a speed of 100 meters.

"Brother Wang! I'm scared to death! Why did you come? People went to look for you upstairs last night, but your door was open and there was no one. I thought you didn't care if I ran away! Dead! Brother Wang!"

Fuck, a group of people are dumbfounded, the voice of this girl is really numb.

Just when the honeysuckle was dumbfounded and a group of people were dumbfounded, the door of another house in the corridor opened, and only a petite figure rushed out, and the target was also Lao Wang!

"Brother Wang! You are here to save me, Little Sister is almost scared of peeing. The downstairs are full of cannibals!"

This voice was even more charming than Tian Furong.

Qin An raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

There are stories hidden everywhere in f*ck Life!

An unjust case thirty-three years ago finally reappeared.

The old king next door is a good man at all, and the evil-doer turned out to be a mud horse upstairs old king.

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