"You kill a thousand swords! Fortunately, I am a mother and a daughter-in-law who waits on you, so you are doing a woman behind my back? You are two? Wang Qiandao! My mother now wants to kill you thousands of times!"

The honeysuckle finally reacted, and then began to growl.

No matter what the old Wang next door was called before, his name will always be called Wang Qiandao by Honeysuckle in the future. After many years, even he himself can't remember what he originally called.

At this time, seeing the honeysuckle rushing madly, Lao Wang pulled Tian Furong and Li Xianglan with a guilty conscience and turned and ran downstairs.

When Wang Suo saw that his mother was chasing his father, he hurriedly recovered from the silly state and quickly chased him up.

At the same time, Wang Suo was still wondering that the old man was too awkward. He usually looked like a sloppy uncle and didn't have much money on him. How could he soak up two young women who are considered top-quality women in a silly way? Is it alive and well?

On the floor, the men, including Qin An, couldn't understand either.

It seems that the old Wang looks like an average person, and his middle-aged person has a bloated body. Why did the two beauties follow him? This mud horse can't understand no matter what he thinks, it's really unreasonable!


After shouting, the few people who had rushed downstairs returned again.


Lao Wang had already smashed, and he didn't say a word of corpse for a long time.

Qin An narrowed his eyes slightly, and rushed down quickly.

"Leave it!"

Just shouting a word, Qin An's voice has disappeared from the corner of the corridor.

There is no need to communicate too much, Qin Potian understands Qin An's meaning, isn't it just to let him stay to protect the three women? By the way, he can protect other people.

It's just... I obviously ate a lot in the morning, why do I feel that my stomach is empty at this time as if I haven't eaten anything? Qin Potian was a little strange, he still couldn't understand the difference between this space and the real space.

The policewoman was really responsible. Seeing Qin An rush down, she immediately rushed down with a golf club in her hand.

Weng Lan, Tang Yu originally wanted to catch up, but Qin Potian grabbed their hands.

"Weng Lan mother, Yu Aunt, and Xiaoyan mother who doesn't like my father now, let's just walk down slowly. Don't worry, father is very powerful. When we go down, it is estimated that the zombies will be too. It's been cleaned up!"

Qin Potian doesn’t think he’s bragging about this. He is proud of his father. Qin An’s strength has also been verified in countless battles. Although today’s father looks a little fat and a little old. , But it must also work!

Qin Potian also didn't realize that, in fact, Qin An's combat effectiveness today is not as good as his, because everyone has lost his abilities, so Qin Potian, as an inherently genetically upgraded variety, is naturally better than his parents.

Behind the team, Chen Tianyu looked at Qin Potian coldly, the boss in his heart was unhappy.

Could it be said that what Qin An said before is true? He died in another parallel time and space, and his own wife became Qin An's wife?

Otherwise, why would this child appear strangely? And even call Qin Xiaoyan his mother?

Chen Tianyu cannot accept such a thing! He was actually given a green hat in another time and space? This is really hard for a dumb to eat Coptis chinensis!

No, you can't follow Qin An!

This is Chen Tianyu's mind at this time.

Look for opportunities, if there is a chance to leave this team, he will run with Qin Xiaoyan.

He can't control whether there is a different time and space, anyway, in his own time and space, he can't let Qin Xiaoyan be stolen by Qin An.

At this time, Qin Xiaoyan's mood was also a little complicated.

Last night she thought about what Qin An said for a long time. After Qin Potian appeared this morning, she suddenly realized that what Qin An said might be true.

This is so strange, how could she fall in love with Qin An? What happened in different time and space?

When traveling now, Qin Xiaoyan really didn't expect Qin An to be the first to rush down when he was in danger.

This man was obviously different from the cowardly male neighbor she was familiar with.

Although they look the same, the soul in the body has undergone an essential change.

Tang Yu's steps were a bit fast. Although Qin Potian suggested that she go slowly, she still wanted to see for herself how Qin An killed those monsters.

As a woman with some abilities, Tang Yu felt that hearsay is not desirable. It is better to see what is believable.

If Qin An really has some special changes, she still has to think about her own future path.

According to Qin An, his space is the main space, and the people here only appeared because Qin An entered this dream space.

So if Qin An leaves here, will the space still exist? Will the people in the space survive?

Tang Yu's crisis consciousness is very strong, and he has already thought of farther places.

The honeysuckle is no longer angry, and I have to say that Lao Wang still has the advantages, which is kind and righteous.

She chased down the stairs just now, but Pharaoh had dragged the two women and ran back, shouting.

Honeysuckle didn't react, and she was in a daze, and the two zombies had already rushed in front of her.

The honeysuckle was frightened, turned around and tried to escape, but fell down on the stairs.

Lao Wang looked back and saw that the honeysuckle fell. He rushed back without hesitation and pulled her up by his arm. At this time, Wang Suo also arrived. The father and son worked together to drag the frightened honeysuckle up. Escaped a disaster.

Sad things are often the case. In fact, if a single person is taken out, no one can judge his right and wrong.

But in society and in incidents, some good people will be labeled as bad people because of some of their actions, and some bad people will look like good people again.

People are desperate in society. Some people who are not Ruyi Scepter want to flee, and some Ruyi Scepter want to stay. However, they will eventually be cut into pieces by time and become an insignificant dust in the history of time and space. A few years later , No one may remember that such a life once existed in the world. Then if the soul of the dead has not dissipated by then, he may ask himself in the drifting, what is the point of living a lifetime by himself?

A group of people have different minds and have begun to move slowly downwards.

When they walked out of the two floors, they began to see the shocking scene.

The two human corpses fell on the ground, their heads split apart, and their brains flowed out all over the ground, very scary.

Weng Lan subconsciously covered Qin Potian's eyes, and her whole body was shaking.

Qin Potian raised his small hand and held Weng Lan's big hand, pulled it away and smiled:

"Mother Weng Lan, you are really gentle and kind! No wonder Dad and you haven't seen you for thirty-three years and still miss it. Don't worry, you are brave and you will not be afraid of blood and flesh, corpses and bones! Because the last days are originally Like this, you are afraid or not afraid that they are all there. This is what my father said to me. Does my mother think it makes sense?"

Weng Lan lowered her head and glanced at Qin Potian, and was immediately moved by his pure eyes without a trace of Impurities.

This child is so well-behaved, his eyes really look like Qin Anke!

Are quadruplets also such children? If Weng Lan in different time and space really gave birth to four children as cute as the boy in front of her, she would really like to see it with her own eyes, but she doesn't know if there is such an opportunity?

Everything was like a dream. The day before, she and Qin An were just ordinary couples, but everything has changed since yesterday morning. She is still her, and her Qin An has been unfamiliar and unrecognizable.

As they continued to walk down, people's faces became pale, because there were more and more corpses, and their appearance became more and more terrifying. In one place, there were more than a dozen corpses! They have been dismembered, their internal organs spread out and scattered all over the place, and the bloody smell is mixed with the whole corner of the stairs, and there is no place to stay when walking forward!

God, were these all killed by Qin An? They are clearly real people.

Weng Lan was even more shocked. She also wanted to speed up her pace to catch up with Qin An to see what happened, but found that the owner's hand was being pulled tightly by Qin Potian. In the end, she could only suppress her curiosity and continue to work slowly with the team. Go down.

In front of him, Qin An had already surpassed the people behind him by six floors, and Xia Ke, who was ahead, and Tang Yu, who had caught up, were always three to four meters away from him.

Both women were shocked, and in their eyes the man named Qin An could no longer be regarded as human! But a god of death!

All the undead monsters will be chopped down by him with an axe.

His movements are so skillful, as if he was born to hack people.

Just now, a person who had been bitten on his arm appeared. He was not a monster without a soul, but a real human. Tang Yu and Xia Ke could confirm this.

Because he was talking when he ran over.

"Help! Help me! They are going to eat me, they are crazy!"

Xia Ke saw that there were survivors, and wanted to run over to take the lead, but just as she stepped forward a little faster, Qin An actually raised her arm and chopped off the living human being able to talk!

The chop was a little crooked, but it hit his shoulder.

Qin An didn't hesitate to pull out the axe from the wound, then hacked it down again, and hacked into his front door.

Xia Ke is too close, and the light in the corridor here is too good, so this beautiful policewoman clearly saw that the axe blade was cut from one of the man’s eyes, and the other’s eyes burst open. , The eyes showed a distorted angle and then became bloodshot, looking like the blood demon crawling out of The Underworld.

Xia Ke was so frightened that her legs became weak and almost sat on the ground, but fortunately, Tang Yu, who came from behind, supported her.

I really don't understand! That's a living person, why can the man in front take his life without hesitation? Doesn't he have any sense of law in his mind?

Or... Has the legendary end times really come to this world? Will all order be broken?

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