How to do? Escape the room?

A few girls were pulling the door vigorously over there, but they obviously couldn't open it.

This is a trap in a maze. I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful. Not only could the body of the trapped person be teleported arbitrarily, it could also close a local space to create an illusion!

No, something must be done, otherwise he might be killed.

Thinking of this, Qin An was not polite, and started to attack, knocking down the girl who was approaching with his fists.

Qin An is actually very hard, the purpose is to make them faint directly.

At this moment, these girls are abnormal. Maybe Mental Energy is in a state of excitement. Qin An will knock them down. As a result, they will stand up again, and then their eyes will become blood-red. They seem to have stronger hallucinations, and even regard their own companions as their own companions. After killing the monsters, they started to fight indiscriminately!

Damn it! It seems that they can't hit them on the head yet.

Those who were beaten all appeared frenzied, which meant that the own practice had become a catalyst for them to lose their sanity.

In an instant, several crazy girls killed six timid companions who were not crazy.

Qin An was naturally anxious when he saw this situation. In order to survive the remaining few girls who couldn't move, Qin An could only kill the frenzied girls!

The small bedroom space was filled with the breath of blood, blood donated everywhere, and the corpses had fallen all over the floor. In the end, when the small room was finally restored to its original appearance because of the illusion, only one girl had survived.

The situation in the dormitory was horrible. The door of the dormitory that could not be opened before was finally knocked open from the outside. Bai Qi and Gu Cheng broke into the door with their guns held high, and the eyes looking at Qin An were already extremely cold!

"Don't move!" Bai Qi looked at the surrounding corpses as he spoke, and his brows straightened up.

"Captain, kill him! He... he killed so many innocent students!" Gu Cheng shouted angrily.

Now they have learned about Qin An in detail from Xia Ke, and they also know his story.

Then after some analysis, they felt that perhaps Qin An was telling the truth, which meant that the own world probably only existed temporarily, and they were just shadow-like beings. If this is the case, Qin An would not be a virus antibody, and became a catastrophe! Because of his presence, perhaps the space will continue to change and more dangers will appear. That's why Gu Cheng wanted to kill Qin An so excited.

Bai raised his eyebrows and frowned, and then whispered softly after thinking for a while:

"He can't die're called Qin An? Why did you kill?"

Qin An narrated the process of the incident blankly.

Bai Qi and Gu Cheng only felt bizarre and weird in their ears.

But to them now, the more it sounds like Heavenly Horse's line is unreasonable, the more likely it is to be true. Now everything has been messed up.

Bai Qi calmed down, but Gu Cheng was still a little excited. Seeing the only survivor who was shivering in a pool of blood at this time, Gu Cheng put down his gun and hugged her body.

Qin An recognized that it was the girl named Liu Na, but she did not expect to survive alone.

Has anyone made a mistake in this?

No, because Qin An already has some clues now, maybe this was originally a killing space, the enemy's goal should be to make all these people die, right? In the space, except for themselves, all the space summons life forms, and the space has stronger control over them. In the final analysis, the space is just trying to kill itself!

So once I die, will everything here disappear? Qin An saw the hesitation in Bai Qi's eyes, so he felt that Bai Qi should have thought of this, so he didn't dare to act on him. Of course, he was the source of the crisis, and when it was possible, it was also the basis for the existence of this space. The factors that allow everyone in the neighborhood to survive.

"Come out. I want everyone to manage together. You must also be supervised to prevent accidents. Gu Cheng, go and tell everyone to leave the dormitory, bring clothes and food to the lobby on the first floor to gather. Everyone will be there if they want to sleep. While hitting the floor, I don’t want to see this happen again. Since it is an illusion, that is to say, this kind of thing should be avoided, as long as the will is strong enough not to believe it, so I must warn everyone. Do training to prevent accidents."

Bai Qi was a leader at this time. Qin An didn't hate this kid, on the contrary, he liked him very much.

Because of understanding the nature of space, and because of Qin Potian and Weng Lan's departure, Qin An has now seen through life and death.

Although he had just killed so many female students with his own hands, he didn't feel anything unnatural at all.

When he walked out of the room in blood and walked in the corridor under the escort of Bai Qi, only some doors opened and some female students stretched out their heads to look at him, all with panic on their faces.

The screams of the girls who killed people in the bedroom should be gone, so although these female students don't know what happened, they must know that someone was killed and they are the murderer.

Seeing a pair of cautious and complicated eyes, Qin An's mood finally became depressed.

Is he about to become a target? This is not a good thing, if someone secretly provokes, he is likely to become everyone's target.

Who on earth is against him?

Suddenly, Qin An remembered a piece of news he had received outside, saying that there seemed to be the Magical Beasts territory in the north of the mixed camp, and the Magical Beasts territory was associated with the Mystic Tree tribe.

Thinking about the memories of the Sword Spirit Star that I knew before, the Mishu people seem to be good at change and use some space illusion abilities.

Could it be said that...this crisis is actually related to the Magical Beasts territory and the mysterious tree tribe?

If this is the case, Qin An can finally explain something!

The power of Magical Beasts ran away, and many people were sucked into it. After that, the Magical Beasts began to use the power of Magical Beasts to open a powerful illusion. The only purpose of the Magical Beasts was to trap or kill everyone! This is their mission and lifelong pursuit!

Everyone has different preferences, so each race naturally has different ways of thinking and behavioral rules for each race.

For the Lost Tree tribe, trapping the intruders in the Magical Beasts territory is their mission. If they are unable to trap, they may find Magical Beasts to take the lead. Once Magical Beasts appear, the trapped ones are absolutely impossible. Escape, even the sword god dare not try such a legend!

Oh my God, if you really entered the territory of Magical Beasts, if the rumors of the maze world of Magical Beasts, the star of the sword spirit, are true, then it is really bad!

Qin An thought all the way, and was taken by Bai Qi to the lobby on the first floor.

The students were instructed by Gu Cheng, bringing their own large bags of luggage and bedding and walking out of each dormitory, and slowly gathered to the first floor.

It took a lot of time for people to gather. A group of people on the third floor came down to the lobby at Gu Cheng’s request. Qin An saw Liu Tian and Jies, saw the five of Lao Wang’s family, and saw Weng Die and Tang Yu. I saw Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Tianyu, and I saw Xia Ke, Dong Zhian, Xu Wenqiang, Chen Sixu and others. In short, everyone came, all gathered together.

Qin An didn't think it was wise to do this, because who can guarantee that the hidden enemy will not let everyone here see the illusion and go crazy?

It's just that Qin An doesn't have any good solutions now, and he himself has encountered a crisis of trust, and he can't direct other people, so he can only let him go.

There are hundreds of students, which immediately makes the lobby on the first floor seem a bit crowded. If everyone wants to sleep here, it will be a bit lively.

All the girls were silent and looked anxious.

They are not very old, and they have experienced the biggest change in their lives in these two days before they leave school. It is pitiful enough.

Seeing so many people, Qin An has other worries, and that is food!

How much food should so many people eat? It is estimated that by tomorrow, even if the hidden enemy does not show up, these people will encounter a food crisis, right?

It's not right. If everyone can starve to death directly, then the enemy won't need to bother to arrange a riot like the one just now.

In other words, the enemy has a reason to have to do it, maybe this closed space can't be maintained forever? In other words, within a day or two, the enemy will definitely try to make the chaos escalate, and then attack everyone!

"What's the situation? Why did you suddenly disappear under my nose? You can teleport the magic of space?"

Weng Die appeared beside Qin An and interrupted his thoughts by talking.

"He ran upstairs to kill someone!"

Bai Qi looked at Weng Die with some surprise in her eyes. He hadn't discovered the existence of Weng Die until now. Weng Die was a superstar.

After listening to Weng Die's words, Bai Qi finally felt relieved, which showed that Qin An didn't lie. He really experienced the incident of being teleported.

While reassuring, I became worried again in vain. The enemy is too powerful, and I really don't know how to deal with it.

At this time, the girls began to line up at Liu Tian's request, and then laid the bedding in their hands directly on the ground, which would open up the space.

In addition to these female students, there are actually a dozen male students and two male dormitory administrators trapped here.

Naturally, the floor of these people must be separated from the girl by a few meters, and they are all with Qin An. According to Bai Qi's request, they will take on the task of monitoring Qin An.

The main purpose is to prevent Qin An from teleporting away again, or to prevent other people from seeing illusions in his eyes. Once there is any abnormality, the men's task is to control Qin An.

Bai Qi didn't intend to tie Qin An now, because he saw that Qin An would not be willing, and knew that if the enemy could use the ability to control human teleportation, it would not have any effect to tie Qin An in time.

Just when people were busy and nervous, the accident happened again. It was a demonstration and declaration of war by the hidden enemy against everyone!

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