Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1400 A Conversation Between Two Women

The girl named Liu Na has been far away from Qin An, her roommate and good sisters are all dead, she still can't accept this fact.

When everyone was busy, Liu Na's body suddenly disappeared in place and was teleported to a height of almost 20 meters, which was close to the height of a seven-story building.


There were only two girls around who noticed what happened. They yelled and alarmed everyone. At the same time, Liu Na, who was suspended in the air, had fallen rapidly. Eventually, her head collided with another girl standing on the ground, and their skulls collapsed at the same time. Blood and brain plasma flew across, directly to Death!

"Damn! How could this happen?" Gu Cheng's glass heart was completely broken, and tears burst into his eyes after being excited.


Qin An was the first to spot the one-meter-long lizard-like monster that appeared on the circular corridor on the second floor. While speaking, he grabbed the gun in Baiqi's hand and pulled the trigger to shoot it!

Qin An bet that it should be the Mishu tribe hiding in the dark!

The so-called Mystic Tree tribe actually have no fixed form. They can change arbitrarily within the territory of Magical Beasts. This group is said to have no language, they do not need to speak, and exchange information through mutual perception.

Although the Mystic Tree tribe is a grouped race, there is little contact between their individuals. Basically, they dormant as a big tree when there are no intruders. When there are intruders, they transform their forms and use Magical Beasts to kill people.

Qin An shot in a row and did not hit the lizard beast, but the opponent did not become invisible, but quickly dodged and entered the corridor to climb upstairs.

"Gu Cheng chased me, Liu Tian stayed behind!"

Bai Qi finally reacted, and immediately moved upstairs quickly.

Qin An didn't need Bai Qi to give orders either, and immediately followed Bai Qi with Gu Cheng.

Qin An's heartbeat was fast, and his head was running fast while his super hearing was turned on.

Why does this monster suddenly show up?

This answer is almost ready to come out, because it killed people before, so it is likely to break the rules of space, resulting in a decrease in energy, so it cannot continue to remain invisible.

How could such a mistake occur?

It seemed that its original goal was to kill Liu Na, and then to create panic. After Liu Na fell from the air, she killed another girl. The monsters could not bear two deaths.

It must be so, this is the most reasonable explanation.

Qin An’s earliest judgment was that the Mishu tribe could not kill the creatures in the space casually, otherwise it would have done it a long time ago, and it would not be so troublesome. It just trapped the people on his side, and then used the law to create some creatures and illusions to kill. Dead intruder.

In any case, since the transformed monster of the Mishu tribe has appeared, it must be killed! Otherwise, waiting for its energy to recover and lose its shape, it won't be able to catch it.

Downstairs, a group of people formed a circle in shock, looking at Liu Na and the body of another girl.

Xia Ke, Liu Tian, ​​and Dong Zhian, as public officials, naturally have to come out to maintain order and deal with the corpses at this time.

In the crowd, Tang Yu and Weng Die stood together. The two women were not familiar with each other, but they would always walk together inadvertently. They seemed to be able to feel the wisdom that was inadvertently revealed in each other’s eyes, saying that they were sympathetic to each other. Well, it doesn't matter if they are similar, the two women believe that each other should be the same type of person as themselves, smart and bright.

"Aren't you sad?" Tang Yu said first, leaning on the edge of the wall.

"People are dead, what's the point of being sad? What are you thinking?"

"Maybe the same as you think?"

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" Weng Die glanced sideways at Tang Yu.

"Well, almost. Now it has been confirmed that what Qin An said is true. In other words, we are only people appearing in the gap of space, and no one cares if we can disappear, even if there is another in the so-called real space. You and me, but they are different from us. They have their own lives and have nothing to do with us. So I think you should be thinking about how to live, right?"

"Haha! Tang Yu? You are such an interesting woman. It's a pity that I didn't know you early, otherwise we would definitely become friends."

"Weng Die, you are also a very interesting person. Although I have seen you on TV a long time ago, I regret not knowing you earlier."

"Well, how do you think we can survive?"

"You already know the answer, why ask me?"

"Hey, you are really smart, you seem to be able to get into my heart."

"To each other, I don't actually like you very much, because in front of you, I don't seem to have any secrets."

At this point, the two women looked at each other and then smiled together.

After a short while, Tang Yu spoke again first:

"The first dimension is a world. Because of Qin Potian's disappearance and destruction, we are enclosed in this second dimension. Then where did you say the people in the previous world went?"

"Disappeared. They only appeared to confuse Qin An. Since Qin An has fled, the first dimension has no meaning, so the monster that just appeared took over and opened the second dimension, trapping everyone."

"Why didn't we disappear? Is it because of Qin An?"

"It should not be. The reason why we didn't disappear is because the people who made us still exist!"

"Weng Die, what you said is the same as I thought. I think this kind of virtual space should have two weaknesses. One is the bug that does not conform to the laws of space, just like Qin Potian. The second is the space maker! Then The creators of the second dimension have already appeared, and perhaps as long as Qin An and the others kill it, the second dimension won't exist anymore."

"Yes, but we will still be here, because the maker of the first dimension has never appeared, and the first dimension is destroyed because of flaws, but the maker has always been there. I think it is hidden among our group of people! ...Who do you think this maker will be?"

"If it's not you and me, then it could be anyone who came from the first dimension, and of course it could have been hidden in the vicinity like that lizard! And this person, as the creator of the first dimension, should be with Qin An In the same real world, that is to say, as long as he does not die, we may not disappear! It is even possible to enter Qin An's real world."

"Yes, so if you want to survive, you have to find out the maker of the first dimension and try to keep it alive!"

Tang Yu nodded, then smiled sweeter:

"Weng Die, then do you think this maker can hear you and me talking at this time?"

"It's a so-called superpower, maybe you can hear it!"

The two women kept turning their eyes around when they were talking, and eventually they looked at one person at the same time. She was standing a few meters away from Tang Yuwengdie and was also looking at them.

When the eyes of the three women collided, the faces of Tang Yu and Weng Die became a little nervous, but a strange smile appeared on the woman's face, which seemed to be a kind of approval and a kind of admiration. , It doesn’t seem to mean anything. Weng Die and Tang Yu looked at each other and raised a sentence in their hearts at the same time: Could it be that the creator of the first space is actually her?

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