Algura is a complete space, with sunrise, sunset, wind, thunder, rain and snow, as well as spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It is summer now, the center of Algura is full of long-leaf grasses, and the surrounding yellow ground is full of four-leaf flowers.

When the wind blows, there is always the fragrance of fragrant grass.

Weng Die likes the smell. What she loves most is to stand with her eyes closed on the balcony on the top of the tower and feel the breeze of the fragrant grass.

This tower is called Nian, and it was built in six years in the space. It is the tallest building in the main alliance city today. It is seventy-three meters high and is one of the few full-brick buildings.

It is the closest to the south gate of the main city. On weekdays, it is Wengdie’s private house. During wartime, it will become a command tower. Wengdie standing on the tower can see the fluctuations of the wind and clouds outside the south gate, and then give orders to all armies.

The north of the main city is connected to the sea of ​​nothingness, so if the forces of the empire and tribes invade, they will all come from the south.

War is inevitable. It is impossible to have enough food to make a living every year. Then when the hungry is unbearable, the war will break out naturally.

Alliance forces will occasionally take the initiative to invade the other two forces, with only one purpose, and that is to grab resources and food.

The alliance’s harvest this year is good, so Weng Die has been in a state of mental stress after the spring. She thinks that perhaps the empire and the tribe will form a temporary camp to attack the alliance this year, because the two forces’ harvest this year is not good, in the second half of the year. It is about to enter a period of scarcity of resources and food.

Trapped in space for eighteen years, Weng Die is now more than sixty years old. Even though she still has skin that can be broken by a bomb and a young face, her heart is already old.

Occasionally, she would think of the past. She used interpretation on the set to interpret the life of the protagonist. All the stories seemed to have happened yesterday.

Occasionally, she would dream of the night beside Shanlan City. She and Qin An met for the first time. This bad guy hit her ass severely with his hands. This became her only spring dream in these years.

Ah, sad old maiden, how could she be reduced to this look?

Weng Die sometimes wondered why she was alone. Maybe she is too smart. Anyone has shortcomings in her eyes. When she looks into the eyes of men, she can even immediately see that the other person feels about owning breasts. Be more interested, but more interested in buttocks and thighs.

She often feels disgusted because of this, and eventually she stays away from all men and becomes who she is now.

She is sexual. Is she cold?

After Weng Die did some experiments on herself, it proved not!

She will be happy because of some touch, and even reach the peak of happiness. She is just a little too cautious, and the older people are, the more complicated they become. When she herself does not believe in the true heart of own, she finds that she has already Can't fall in love with anyone.

This is a tragedy. If there is no love, if she wants to follow the trend, then she can choose anyone to marry.

When a choice becomes very random, it is not easy to choose, because she does not know the meaning of choice for a life where two people work together!So, she was single and became what she is now.

Few people here will bother. Li Shu has treated her respectfully over the years, even if he has become the head of the alliance, he still prefers to have someone on him.

Tang Yu knew that Li Shu was like this not because he was smart enough, but because Li Shu was very smart, he even believed that Qin An could break into this space after all, and then bring everyone back to the real world.

This is not smart, it is Li Shu's blind worship of Qin An and Li Shu's belief.

When he was young, perhaps his beliefs were not strong enough, but as he grew older and his status improved, his beliefs became stronger and stronger, perhaps even he himself didn't understand why it was so.

Ah...Qin An! Could he come to this space?

Tang Yu thinks it shouldn't!

In recent years, some people have entered the space, but they are all dizzy, and they have been trapped in other maze spaces for a long time.

I don't know if Qin An is in another space now.

Weng Die has some understanding of space matters, which is mainly learned from Qin Sanchuan's two wives.

The two children, Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci, disappeared for a while when they were three years old. They returned after half a year. They told me that they were taken to another space. In that closed space, the mysterious people began. Teach them some ways to exhale and inhale, and use their own abilities to help them transform their bodies.

Since that year, every year Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci will be taken away by the mysterious person, and then cultivated under his guidance.

This mysterious person is very strong. No one has seen him except two girls, and what the two girls saw was only a black shadow. He always wore a long piece of skin and covered his head. The entire head hat, and the inside of the hat is pitch black, and the line of sight cannot penetrate.

The two girls just called him master, but they didn't know his origin and identity. Weng Die called him a mysterious person because he was really mysterious.

But in any case, this mysterious person seems to have no malice towards the people in this space, because he has never done anything to hurt others. From the mouth of the mysterious person, after two girls' retellings, Weng Die knew that this place is Magical Beasts. The realm is called the Labyrinth World. It is the Mystic Tree Clan that controls this world, and the intermediate BOSS behind the Mystic Tree Clan is the Magical Beasts.

The mysterious person is not a member of the mysterious tree tribe, he himself denied it, he said that he is also a trapped person, and has been trapped for a long, long time!

Weng Die evaluated the strength of this mysterious person, and conservatively estimated that he should have reached the Sword God level! In other words, he might be the sword god who thought he was cultivating into a god in the maze! His ranking may not be among the forty-nine sword gods, because he failed to escape the maze after becoming a god, so the sword spirit star race has never heard of his name!

In other words, he is probably the fiftieth sword god!

Of course, Weng Die didn't know that Princess Linghua was also the sword god, and the undead queen of the Russian Black Gold Empire was also dead the sword god!

Rubbing her head, Weng Die felt a little dizzy.

In the past few days, the spirit has become bad, because she is dreaming yesterday, continuous very strange dreams!

He dreamed that Qin An had returned 33 years ago and then met himself. They had gone through a series of hardships and finally escaped from a sea.

To be precise, she was in a coma in the sea. At this time, the content of her dream the night before, but yesterday she didn't have the previous dream. I don't know what happened next.

Hey, it's really strange, the dream is so real, it's the story of Qin An in the labyrinth world.

What made Weng Die entangled was that there was still herself and Weng Lan in this dream, and she saw Weng Lan's death with her own eyes.

Why is it like this? Weng Die couldn't figure it out!

"Auntie grandma!"

Qin Yabei suddenly rushed to the balcony and ran to the side of Weng Die, shocking Weng Die.

Turning around and seeing the villain, Weng Die was surprised to say:

"Ah! Isn't this my good granddaughter? Haha! I heard that you ran away from home? What's the matter? Was it captured by your father?"

"Hee hee, no! I came back by myself. After coming in from the south gate, I felt like I missed my aunt and grandma, so I ran up to tell my aunt and grandma to be safe!"

"Ah, your little mouth, I don't know who it looks like. Your parents, grandparents and grandparents can't say that... Maybe you look like a grandfather? Jace is a broken mouth."

Weng Die spent some time with Jace when he was in the Dark Light City in Russia, so she has a certain understanding of Jace.

"Auntie and grandma! I have something good to tell you! My grandpa and grandpa and grandma are here!"

"Ah? Who are you talking about? No nonsense, are you hell in this broad day?" Weng Die didn't think the little girl was talking about business.

"Really! Another aunt and grandma are here too! I was shocked when I met her, but I didn't go to talk to her cleverly because I knew it must not be the aunt's grandmother, it just looked exactly the same. "

Weng Die was speechless, not knowing what the little girl was talking about.

At this moment, a man appeared at the door connecting the balcony to the bedroom.

"Weng Die...have been absent for eighteen years, how are you doing? Brother-in-law came to see you!"

Qin An's tone was a bit agitated, mainly due to the different track of time.

He felt sorry for Weng Die, wasting a great eighteen years in this space.

When Weng Die heard Qin An's voice, her body trembled suddenly.

She slowly put Qin Yabei in her arms on the ground, raised her head and looked at the door, and saw the man...

"you you……"

After saying two words for you, Weng Die choked up, unable to continue speaking.

Qin An strode forward and hugged the weeping Weng Die into his arms, making her body close to Own.After a long time, Weng Die finally cried out, her hands were wrapped around Qin An's waist, and then she used her hands to pinch the meat on Qin An's waist.

"Do you hurt? Does it hurt? Tell me all this is not a dream!"

Qin An actually didn't expect Weng Die to be so excited, but he understood in a flash that this was the fault of eighteen years!

"Sister-in-law, are you going to strangle brother-in-law? It hurts, it must not be a dream for me, you hurt?"


Weng Die groaned because Qin An's hand slapped her ass hard.

This is nothing for Qin An. He has been with Weng Die for eight years in Tianju, and the relationship has long been relatives, and he often makes jokes on weekdays. For Qin An, she and Weng Die were separated for only three days.

How can Weng Die adapt? She has been separated from Qin An for eighteen years. In the eighteen years, Weng Die has lived a pure life, except for Qin Sanchuan's nephew, she has not had much contact with other men. How can she stand Qin An's reality? It's a tease with no special meaning... Suddenly, Weng Die's face turned blushing, and she felt that a certain part of her body... It seemed that a natural disaster had happened... The flood was coming.

Behind Qin An naturally followed other people, Li Suoqiu, Mu Xiaoci, Jace, Annie, and another Weng Die all came up.

When Xiao Wengdie saw Weng Die herself, she was completely stupid... What made her even more unacceptable was that when Weng Die and Qin An hugged each other, and when Weng Die was spanked by Qin An, a certain chemical reaction occurred in her body. At that time, she actually had a fucking reaction...!

Damn it! Is it because you were originally a fan, so your body resonates in a certain dimension? So everything that Daowangdie can feel will feel it myself? This is actually not the point, the point is, should Daoengdie be so useless? Qin An is her brother-in-law... How can she respond to him physically? Haven't you seen a man?

Xiao Wengdie never thought that Dao Wengdie has never seen a man. She is an old virgin who has lived for more than sixty years, and her physiological function is completely normal. She sometimes ovulates regularly every month. A young and old virgin with dysmenorrhea due to aunt.

At this moment, Da Wengdie also suddenly saw Xiao Wengdie standing at the door, so she pushed Qin An abruptly and exclaimed... "This...this is still a dream! Am I dreaming again?"


Ten minutes later, after the first throbbing, Weng Die finally calmed down completely, but her face was still blushing, and she felt hot all over.

"In order to show respect for you, I can change a name. After all, you live a lot longer than me. My name is Weng Xiaodie! We are here to draw a line. You are Wengdie and I am Weng. Fluttershy, I can be worthy of your sister, but we better be different people and have a different life."

Qin An had explained everything in ten minutes, which shocked Weng Die. When Weng Xiaodie saw that no one in the room was talking, she spoke to Weng Die and expressed her own position.

"Okay, okay! Little aunt,... Little aunt... Dad! You just live in this living room, and Dad will live in Nianzhibao tonight. There are many vacant rooms here. You can give it to Xiaoci later. Liu Tian and Jess arranged a place to live. I went to find Sanchuan, Sister Anne and Sister Mulan, and then sent someone to notify Master Li Shu! This is a big event, I believe it will shock everyone!"

"Mother Suoqiu, I went to find mom and dad with you. Grandpa was found by me. He finally made up for it. I don't think anyone will punish me for sneaking out this time? Hey!"

After a while, everyone in the room retired, leaving only Qin An, Weng Die, and Weng Xiaodie sitting opposite each other, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Weng Die and Weng Xiaodie looked at each other for a long time, and in the end they both exhaled deeply, meeting people in different spaces, which is more sci-fi than sci-fi movies!

"It seems that everything is not a dream, that is to say, when we are not in the same space, because Qin An, a fellow who knows us, we have some soul connections, so I will dream of what happened to you these days. thing!"

Weng Lan was analyzing with a somewhat uncertain tone.

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