"Well, and our soul connection disappears after we are in a space, but the body has a certain resonance, such as..."

Weng Xiaodie pinched the back of own hand hard, Wengdie frowned, and found that the back of own hand was also painful, and there was some redness and swelling.

"Strong stimulation will make our bodies show the same reaction, Weng Die...do you understand?"

Weng Xiaodie's tone was full of deep meaning.

Weng Die was stunned and his whole body started to get hot again, and then he put his hands between his legs intentionally or unintentionally.

"Some things are accidents, you... don't care too much."

What Weng Die said was stumbling, but Weng Xiaodie nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Hey...what are you two talking about?"

"Don't worry about it!" The two women spoke to Qin An at the same time, Weng Die's tone was a little bit furious, and Weng Xiaodie's tone was a bit angry, only Qin An didn't understand what was going on.

"Hey, it's really amazing. You are even talking the same now... Anyway, get along well in the future, as if you are twins. This is actually very easy. Isn't Yin Yao having so many real clones? Isn't she still unaffected? What impact?"

The two women were not relieved by Qin An’s words and were still very uncomfortable, but Weng Die’s mood was not bad. She was really tired all these years. Now with Qin An, there is finally someone who can take notice. people.

A natural king does not need to have a smart brain. Qin An is definitely not smart, but he is good at choosing to do the right thing. This is a quality that a king must have.

So what is the right thing? For a king, everything he wants to do and can do is correct!

Some people always follow the traditional way of thinking and follow in the footsteps of others to do the so-called right things. Such a person may become a good employee in a company, but it is difficult for him to have the opportunity to become a real boss because he has no decisive power. ! And Qin An has this ability.

At this time, Li Suoqiu had already brought Yabei to see Annie.

"Oh my god! How did you naughty guy come back with your mother Suo Qiu? Did you really go to the front line? It's not good, see if I don't ask your father to spank you!"

When Annie saw Qin Yabei, she naturally finally let go of her hanging heart, and her face was full of joy.

"Anne, it's not only Beibei who is back, but we also brought a few people back this time. Let's go and ask Shang Sanchuan to go to Auntie's place. You must see these guests!"

Annie saw a hint of excitement in Li Suoqiu's expression.

Who are you going to see? Why is Li Suoqiu like this?

"Well, then you go to Li Xianchen to call the third child. Just now Mulan sent a letter saying that he was going there. Xiao Nizi, if you let me see people not arousing my interest, then it will be up to me how to deal with you."

"Hey, Annie Big sis, I advise you to bring a large pile of tissues to avoid tears and nothing to wipe."

"Go, go, can the paper made by our alliance be used to wipe your face? It's almost catching up with the gauze! Those pieces of my clothes were still carried with me when I came in. Hey, they are all washed out. I heard that Qingjian The clansman base camp has been sent, and I also want to let the youngest. Go and see if there are any beautiful clothes over there, and then buy some for your sisters! Now we are savages, look at the people on the street , Which is not the animal skin to wear, so we nobles can wear clothes made of cloth."

"Alright Annie Big sis, these are not important, because your soul chicken soup is ready and waiting for you to enjoy it."

The two sisters talked and laughed. Li Suoqiu left first. She knew that Annie was a little taboo and didn't want people to see her walking close to her family.

This is completely an ostrich mentality. Who in the city does not know that the distinguished Qin Sanye jumps over the wall every night to have private meetings with unmarried young ladies?

It's just Annie comforting herself.

Leaving Annie's house, Li Suoqiu called Mulan, holding Qin Yabao with wings, and then went to Li Chenxian's house to find Qin Sanchuan.

Qin Sanchuan frowned slightly when he saw his little wife.

Speaking of Qin Sanchuan's love, it was actually a bit bumpy.

The woman he wanted most was of course Annie. The reason why he married Mulan was because of a Space Beast raid a few years ago.

At that time Qin Sanchuan was seriously injured and almost died. In order to save Qin Sanchuan, Mulan chose him as the tree owner, and then increased his ability several times, which did not cause tragedy.

Since the two people have a contractual relationship, Mulan will not be able to leave Qin Sanchuan for the rest of her life. There is no alternative, Qin Sanchuan can only marry her, which is regarded as repaying her favor.

The reason why Mu Xiaoci entered the door was entirely due to Gu Li's high pressure.

Gu Li likes Qin Sanchuan very much, and she has seen her from childhood, so she is willing to marry her daughter, and Mu Xiaoci was also accompanied by Qin Sanchuan after she was born. The two have some emotional foundation, so Got married.

This Li Suoqiu was forced to Qin Sanchuan by Li Shu, and they played together when they were young. Qin Sanchuan was nine years older than her. Li Suoqiu was just sixteen when he married her and entered the door last year.

Hey, everything is actually passive. Qin Sanchuan does have a cheerful personality and likes to joke with girls, but he is also a kind of love, and his personality in terms of women is similar to that of Qin An in the early days. But I have a soft spot in my heart.

"Qiu, why did you run back from the front line? Have you eaten yet? Mulan, why did you take the child out?"

"It's alright, don't eat! Uncle Li and Auntie are also there, so come with me. Auntie, please, I want to introduce some guests to you!"

"Guest? Who? Are there any outsiders here?"

"I don't know, this dead girl doesn't talk about it. What makes me mysterious is that she let me hold the baby, saying that the guests also want to see our baby." Mulan said with a dazed expression.

Qin Sanchuan frowned, looked at Li Suoqiu's excited look, and said softly:

"The teleporter is here again?"

Li Suoqiu nodded.

"Know the auntie?"

Li Suoqiu nodded again.

Qin Sanchuan got up from the chair suddenly, and then ran out!

I just came from outside of space and I know Weng Die!

Could it be the own brothers? Or...or Qin An?

Qin Sanchuan didn't dare to think about it, but he already had hope in his heart.

Qin An was ashamed, crying in front of Qin Sanchuan was as pitiful as Galen who was forcibly killed by ADC in LOL.

The key point was that the stimulation he received was too great. In the blink of an eye, his son, who only met him a few days ago, was a centimeter taller than himself, and he already had four wives and two daughters.

At this time, nothing could tell the emotions in his heart, only a big cry could make Qin An feel at ease.

In the circular living room on the top floor of the Tower of Nian Zhi, it doesn't matter if Qin An cries, can the others cry along.

Qin Sanchuan first shed sad tears with Qin An. When the child grew up, he was already mature in nature. He longed for the kindness of his parents and was also troubled by the twists and turns of his family's destiny.

At this moment, he knelt on the ground and kept kowtow to Qin An, saying that he was not filial, and he had never done his filial piety to Qin An for so many years.

Qin An tried hard to support Qin Sanchuan, feeling that he was guilty. The child became his father, but he did not take responsibility at all.

On one side, Weng Xiaodie looked dumbfounded. Qin An looked younger than Qin Sanchuan, but now he is a grandfather?

And Qin Sanchuan is his own Big sis in another world, the child born to Qin An? Look at the eyebrows and facial features, they are indeed somewhat similar to Big sis.

Then the father and son cried at each other, and Qin An was obviously compared to him by his son.

Qin Sanchuan's four wives were all present, so naturally they gave Qin Sanchuan all kinds of comfort, all kinds of encouragement, all kinds of persuasion, so that he should not be too emotional and unrestrained.

Although the four women would occasionally persuade Qin An politely, they were really completely polite.

In fact, Mulan and Annie were a little embarrassed to see Qin An. They were really old cows eating tender grass. How old they were when Qin Sanchuan was a kid! Especially Mulan, she never thought that she would marry an earthling. Although the tree spirits are not as arrogant as the Qingjian clan, and they don’t think the earthlings are inferior, but after all, the age gap is here. Even if she is young, Mulan is already alive. Thousands of earth years have passed, but Qin Sanchuan has only lived for more than 20 years. He is a real little meat!

The adults are crying, and the children are naturally not much better. Yabei, the two guys Yabao started to talk loudly.

Yabei is okay, already sensible, so the crying is still well-known, Yabao is over, and the child who has just been full moon crying is simply conscience, once the syllable is high, the other is wide, and the other is crying out of the pelvic cavity. Resonance, several women panicked and could only comfort their husbands and their parents while comforting their children.

In addition, other people also come to the fun.

Li Shu, who came after hearing the news, and his current wife Lucy turned into professional crying as soon as they entered the house, the crying one was hot.

There was no way, everyone in the room was crying, and Li Shu had already regarded Qin An as a belief, so naturally he wanted to come to cheer.

Lucy was the woman Li Shu snatched from Fatty, who was surnamed Zhu. In these years, Li Shu has been working hard to manage the alliance. He is definitely a man with a strong career and does not value female sex, so Lucy can be regarded as living. Good Life, guarding a husband, even if her husband is colder towards her, she recognizes it.

And as the years get older, Lucy and Li Shu still have a real relationship and are actively working hard to prepare for a second child.

Lucy had waited for many years and wanted to have a baby, so she called Li Shuna a baby.

Now that she sees the baby crying with her, how can she not be sad, so she has become the winner of the most fake award crying in this room.

Li Chenxian and Xiao Beilan were also in tears, Li Chenxian tried to rush to Qin An's side to call the boss, but ultimately failed.

After crying for more than half an hour, the people in the room calmed down, and at this moment, Annie and Jace finally walked over from the room where they were placed.

Everyone here was crying too loudly, and they had just come over to see the excitement.

When Annie found the two, a new round of emotional outburst arrived.

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