Qin An didn't know that Yin Yao had already arrived in this space, and at this time she was still living in a two-person world with Linghua. In fact, he didn't think too much, Qin An really believes that there is such a thing as fate in the dark, so it is better to think more than to enjoy it in time.

"How about Miss, ten dishes, all in large sizes, we two must not be able to eat, do you want those three girls to come and eat together?"

"No need, Ben Miss is hungry, I can eat!"

Linghua has tasted every dish, so she knows that the food in front of her is delicious that she has never tasted before. It can only be said that the chef at the palace is much worse than Qin An!

There is no need to say more, because Linghua has already eaten, and is not polite to Qin An at all.

And after she started the chopsticks, a plate of candied sweet potatoes was directly wiped out by her, and Qin An was speechless.

"What's this called? It's so delicious!"

"Candied sweet potatoes, deep-fried sweet potatoes, and then hung in syrup. Although this thing does not taste like when it is hot, but you are like this, I didn't eat a piece of it and you ate it all."

"You can do it yourself, do you want to eat it before you do it?"

"Oh, okay...I have cooked it many times, and my daughters-in-law like it."

Linghua paused slightly, raising her head and frowning to look at Qin An.

"Daughters in your hometown? Do you have many daughters-in-law?"

"Um...not too many, there are so few."

"Are they good-looking? Are they all from Earth?"

"Well, so far it seems that they are all people from the earth. There is a mixed blood named Yin Yao."

"Mixed blood?"

"Yes, half of her body is from the earth, and half is from the star of your sword spirit."


Linghua was stunned for a while and then relieved.

If Qin An is lucky enough to be his own husband, then he is the king of the Qingjian clan. A king always has some women in his harem, or else there are more losing faces?

I have to say that although Linghua has a strong sense of feminism, she is still a native of the Qingjian tribe after all, and she doesn't think it is a big deal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Therefore, Linghua continued to eat, and this time her goal was Mapo Tofu.

"Wow! What is the taste? My tongue and lips are numb, I have never experienced it before, but it's so refreshing!"

"Chili and pepper powder, so the ingredients are authentic, so the taste should be very strong, haven't you eaten spicy? You should still be able to eat chili by the way you look, which is very similar to my taste."

While Qin An was talking, he also started to eat, and took out wine to drink with Linghua.

"This is the fruit wine produced on our planet. See how it tastes. It can be compared to the fruit wine of your palace."

Linghua was also not welcome, and the two of them changed their cups, and they turned out to have a very happy conversation in the end.

Mainly, Qin An gave Linghua a special feeling.

He was always so calm and composed, he didn't respect her as a princess, he didn't fear her as a sword god, and he didn't compliment her as a beautiful woman.

Qin An was just doing himself, showing Linghua the most real and simple side.

Of course, this was not Qin An's deliberate behavior, because he didn't want to please the woman in front of him in the past, but just hoped that everything would go with the flow.

Qin An came to participate in the selection meeting in order to gain the support of the Qingjian clan. The goal was not Linghua at all, but the throne.

Princess Linghua felt very useful to such Qin An. She liked the feeling of getting along with Qin An, as if he was just a little brother next door, as if there was never a distance between them.

This feeling is actually very scary. Linghua has been alone for many years. Only the maid Zeng Huan accompanied her. She originally thought she didn't know how to get along with other people, and that was the fact. She did not expect to be with Qin An. What does it mean to adapt and be comfortable? Linghua didn't want to think too much, she just wanted to feel the moment.

When dusk finally arrived, Qingjian City was immersed in the joy of the festival, and the other three forces were actually celebrating the festival.

Shenyuan Festival is a festival of many races, including orcs, male monsters, elves, Migu races and so on.

The Earthlings of the Federation have also been infected. They have been trapped for 18 years. They always find some reason to celebrate, so that Life becomes less monotonous, but a little happy.

After Qin An and Linghua had dinner, they began to clean the table and wash the dishes.

In Qin An's words, exercise after eating is good for digestion.

This is of course the old thinking of the people on earth, very outdated.

However, Linghua was willing to believe in Qin An. She experienced housework for the first time, and she was ashamed of her own clumsiness, and she was secretly refreshed by Qin An's careful guidance.

Love is wonderful, because all the moods are intertwined, allowing the hormones in the body to be secreted vigorously, thereby stimulating the brain nerves, and then producing a sense of happiness.

All the feelings are actually just nerve beating, but because of this, it means that people are still alive.

After finishing everything, Huan'er pouted and asked people to get a lot of food, and Qin An saved them all in his own space.

Seeing a lot of things disappearing in front of them, Linghua and Huan'er both opened their mouths in surprise. It seems that Qin An's storage space is really a bit big.

"Okay, I'm full of food and drink, even if I lost a lot of money today, it's worth it. Oh, by the way, why doesn't Huan'er look upset?"

Zeng Huan pouted, glanced at Linghua, and said nothing.

"Her mouth is greedy, and she is naturally unhappy if she didn't eat the delicious food you made today. Huan'er, isn't it?"

"Huh! I'm not rare. I will go to Lao Wang and ask him to make more drops for me."

"Pharaoh?" Qin An repeated loudly and sensitively.

"Master Wang from the back kitchen of the palace, they have good craftsmanship, and they are definitely not inferior to you."

Mud horse, except for a cold sweat, this is really the outer building of Qingshanlou outside the mountain, and the world is full of old kings!

"Compared with Qin An, his craftsmanship may still be inferior, Qin An, let's have supper for dinner, I think the girl in Huan'er seems to be a bit greedy."

"Miss, I don't have one...but it's okay to have some supper, you should be hungry when you come back from shopping."

Seeing the two foodies, Qin An shook his head helplessly, and then said:

"Okay, you can have two simple bites. I will ask you to have a small hot pot, commonly known as Mala Tang, or mutton hot pot, anyway, they are all the same thing."

Mala Tang? This name is so earthy!

However, the master and servant were still looking forward to it, so they nodded fiercely at Qin An.

The streets are really lively.

In fact, the sense of crisis of the Qingjian tribe is not obvious, because they are sent in from the entire camp, so as long as they don't leave everything around the camp, they are still familiar.

Linghua and Huan'er are dressed in men's clothing. They wear black trench coats and face each other with black gauze, making people look like ninjas.

Qin An despised the Sword God, it seemed that she was weak except for the ability to kill.

Feel free to make Own's face rougher, Qin An has another face, and no one can recognize who he is.

After Linghua watched it, she was a little envious. Although she is a sword god, she doesn't have such a disguise ability.

Because they had dinner together, the atmosphere between the two of them was very harmonious. Without mentioning the previous conflicts and misunderstandings, they walked out of the palace side by side and began to shuttle around the lively streets.

"Look over there, it's a tree stacking performance!"

Stacking trees?

Qin An looked around, shocked.

The so-called stacking of trees means that one person stands on the shoulders of another person and then keeps standing up.

Today, there are more than fifty people standing here, and the height of the stack is almost 100 meters.

Ah...Also the extraterrestrial sturdy physique can be played to such an extent. If it is an earthling, the person at the bottom will be crushed to death, and the person at the top will also worry about falling and being killed. .

"Everyone can participate in this game. Nan Muchen of the Nan family holds the record of the game. He has lifted 163 people and the height of the stacked trees has reached 300 meters! No one can surpass it so far! "

"Oh? Can you hold up so much? I am afraid that strength is still secondary, right? The key is whether people can stand firm.",

"No, you are wrong. In fact, strength is the key."

"how do I say this?"

"Look at it, it's time to get on the wooden pole! If you don't get on the wooden pole at a height of 100 meters, the person on it will be unstable and eventually fall down. After getting on the wooden pole, the person on it can hold the wooden pole with both hands. As long as the person on the base can control the wooden pole to stand upright, the person on the upper side will not easily fall down. This kind of wooden pole is called the Big Tiger’s section. It is ten meters in length and is extremely hard. Will be picked up section by section, and then support the entire height of the person."

Under Linghua's narration, the people over there have already started to move.

They passed the ten-meter-long wooden pole upwards, and then welded and fixed the middle interface with magic items. Finally, a wooden pole with a length of 100 meters appeared. He is holding the wooden pole, but what he has to do is to make the wooden pole stable and not to move around. Once the person above it shakes, he can't take advantage of the support.

Those with flying abilities walked upwards and began to continue to pick up and extend Mu Gang's height.

There are other flying abilities who will take some ordinary people to fly up, and then let them stand at the top.

Of course, these ordinary people are also supernatural beings, otherwise, wouldn't they fall to death?

After watching for a while, Qin An understood that the person at the bottom was indeed the key. Not only did he support everyone's weight, he also had to control the wooden pole to stand upright. However, all the people above have a strong effect on the wooden pole. The strength is different and the direction of action is also slightly different. This creates a resultant force that makes the bottom person more difficult to control.

When the height of the tree stack reached one hundred and fifty meters, the performer finally couldn't control it, and the tree stackers collapsed and fell down one after another.

The surrounding audience laughed and dodged quickly, afraid of being hit.

The people who fell were all supernatural beings, and they couldn't die if they jumped from a height of 100 meters, but they just created a panic and made the scene more lively.

"How? Do you want to try?"

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