"Not much interest..."

Qin An frowned and replied. He really felt that this game was a bit naive. A group of supernaturalists were climbing bamboo poles? Not a monkey!

"Perhaps you think you are not good enough?"

Behind Qin An and Linghua, a voice suddenly sounded.

When the two looked back, Linghua smiled immediately.

"Nan Muchen, are you following me?"

The peerless beautiful man shook the fan in his hand very elegantly, and then gently nodded to Linghua.

"Mu Chen has seen Miss..."

Perhaps she knew that Linghua had concealed her identity, so Nan Muchen was only called Miss, but not the princess. After greeting Linghua, Nan Muchen looked at Qin An and frowned:

"You should be the Qin An who mentioned four thousand poems and one song shocked thousands of people? I met your husband! It's just that I saw you at the venue today. You don't seem to look like this. Could it be that you know how to transform art?"

Qin An curled his lips, saying that the dog that could bite was not barking. It seemed that this Nan Muchen had some city government, and he was so polite that he wanted to make trouble.

"Well, Mu Chen is really smart, and Qin An really knows transformation art. Qin An, just to introduce you, this is one of my few male friends, the Young Master of the Southern Family of the Four Great Clan, Nan Mu, the strongest of the Five Soul Sword Sect dust!"

It's from Nan's again?

Qin An felt tired and crooked in his heart, no matter where he could meet people from this family.

The few people here still don't know that Nan Xing, Nan Lie and the two male Mu Chen's brothers have been killed by the sword god Yin Yao, because the incident happened far away from here. Therefore, at this time, the male Muchen looked relatively chic and elegant.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mu Chen Young Master, hello."

Qin An said hello without answering.

The coldness in Nan Muchen's eyes swept away, and Princess Linghua was a little dissatisfied with Qin An's attitude.

After all, she got along with Nan Muchen as a friend.

Princess Linghua has lived for so many years, it is impossible to have no friends.

For her, Nan Muchen is just a friend. If you don’t call, otherwise there is no need to hold such a meeting of husbands selection. Princess Linghua is not that great yet. If she meets someone she likes in advance, she may not have it. With such big ideals and ambitions, pioneers are always lonely, because loneliness can be determined and succeed in the end.

"Mr. Qin, since we met, why don't we make a bet? It can be seen that although Mr. Qin is a human being, he should have some abilities. The record of the tree-stacking movement is maintained. I don't know if Mr. Qin is Willing to challenge my record? Three hundred meters in height!"

When he said these words, Nan Muchen was a little proud.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Qin An directly refused without even thinking about it, which made Nan Muchen stunned on the spot, causing Princess Linghua and maid Zeng Huan to stare at Qin An in a daze.

The man in their eyes is arrogant and indispensable. Now that people come to challenge him, he actually refused?

Refusal to challenge is a very cowardly behavior in the eyes of the Qingjian tribe. This kind of thing usually does not happen, so Nan Muchen, Linghua, and Zeng Huan didn't know what to say.

Qin An saw the eyes of several people, shook his head helplessly, and then said with a smile on his face:

"Brother Mu Chen is the holder of this record?"

"Yes, it's a niche."

Fuck, it's a mud horse niche, thinking this is an ancient romance drama?

Qin An was very disgusted with the pretending Nan Muchen.

"Then I would like to ask if Linghua has played this game?"

Nan Muchen was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said in indignation: "Mr.'s words are very bad, Miss is a golden body, how can you play such a vulgar game?

"Oh! That's right, I won't play, my body is also precious!"

Qin An smiled implicitly, while Linghua and Zeng Huan couldn't help laughing.

This damn villain!

It turned out to be trying to run Nan Muchen with words.

Ah, maybe this is because I can walk very close to Qin An, but I can only be friends with Nan Muchen.

Since Qin An first dated herself, she has never said flattery because of her identity, background and status. Linghua feels that she and him are on the same level.

And the young talents of the Qingjian clan such as Nan Muchen were arrogant like gods in front of other women, but they were respectful and respectful by their side, but in this way they were a grade inferior to Qin An.

Linghua straightened her form and smiled at Nan Muchen: "Mu Chen, since Qin An doesn't want to play, then forget it. After all, it's a game, and it can't be regarded as an invitation to a duel, so you don't have to be serious. Okay, let's continue. When shopping, I won’t go chatting with you. See your Patriarch Nan, and help me take it for him."

After that, Princess Linghua took Qin An and the maid and left.

Nan Muchen stood in place and clenched his fists, his teeth rattled and he was so angry that he was so angry, damn it! You really deserve to play with your own mouth, how can you call the game vulgar? Isn't this slap your own face?

On the other side, the three masters and servants had already entered the crowd. After a while, they saw another group of people in a circle. I guess there must be some other performance inside.

"Qin An, you are telling me, are you really afraid of him?"

Qin An nodded slightly, and then said, "Yes, they are the record holders. If I break him, will he hate me for the rest of my life?"

"Huan'er, he won't be afraid. He is just really not interested in this game. Otherwise, do you think he won't face it?"

After Linghua got through her own knot, she began to help Qin An find a reason, which made Qin An very useful.

The three squeezed through the crowd and finally reached the innermost part of the circle.

Qin An's eyes swept across the venue at will, then his face changed drastically, and his eyes became gloomy!

"Dear folks and elders, old Young Masters, don’t worry, everyone, our praise is about to begin! My name is Skylark, and I am a Three Soul Sword Sect. Today, I will give you all the praise. , Is the living person of Daxun!"

"Hey, Skylark, this is God's Day. Women don't need to kneel. Is this really good for you?"

In the crowd, a man shouted with a smiling face of hippie.

"Haha, thank you brother for reminding me, but you can rest assured that the person we are going to train today is not a woman from the Qingjian tribe, but a woman from the earth! Everyone is optimistic, these undressed women are very obedient. They will do what they do, not afraid of pain, nor yelling! Absolutely obedient!"

"Don't brag, if you let them climb the wall of fire, won't they scream? Even if they are supernatural beings, they will cry and howl in pain when they climb the dark blue wall of fire, unless they are all dumb!"

"No, no, they are not dumb!"

While Hibari was talking, she turned around and kicked the naked girl who was kneeling on the ground beside her, and said, "Speaking, what is your name?"

The girl was kicked to the ground and rolled, and then she knelt again, shaking her body and said, "My name is...4!"

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