Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1441 Yin Yao's Decision

"Okay, let's talk about it. What are these girls for? Do you want to try our kung fu in bed? The demon boys are going to leave the stage, haha!"

A contestant laughed, his tone full of mockery of the demons. Because he knows that demons men are different from most human races, they can only continue their offspring through Mental Energy.

And as soon as his voice fell, a figure had quickly reached his side, and then the talker was thrown away directly, flying up to a height of more than six hundred meters and then falling again.

When it landed, a thin and light man steadily caught it and dropped it on the ground.

"I am the Five Demon General Xiaotian, my friend, please pay attention to the way you speak, otherwise I won't take your life back in my heart next time I shoot!"


The crowd nearby immediately became agitated.

This name is also very famous on many continents of Sword Spirit Star.

The five demon generals are equivalent to the five soul sword sects, and the four soul sword repairers are all Realm one step away from the sword god.

Xiaotian is famous because people have only heard of his fame, but have never seen a real person. Those who have seen Xiaotian eventually turned into corpses. Xiaotian claims to have changed the sword spirit star so far and many invincibles on the mainland. I heard that even the sword god is not willing to provoke him easily. Although he is not a god, he is absolutely powerful. Tough.

Just when everyone was shocked when they found Xiaotian's trail, a spell card suddenly appeared behind Xiaotian and burst. Xiaotian was caught off guard and was attacked. He actually knelt to the ground, and then clutched his head and gasped, as if Headache is splitting.

Next to the man who was attacked by Xiaotian before, a man in black appeared. His skin was a little pale and his eyes were godless, as if he were an undead creature.

"I am Haitian, the god of the five spirits. The person next to me who was bullied by you is called Haijing, my compatriot Little Brother! Xiaotian, I know you have some reputation on the mainland, but it's better not to be too arrogant, you Do you think you are the strongest here? Really arrogant! Don't worry, you are just a colic spell card. After a few minutes, this pain disappears. If you want to challenge me, I'm always waiting!"

The five spirit god Haitian?

This should be a master in the Lingyu family, but most of the people present have never heard of his name.

It can only be said that the people who came to the meeting this time were really Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers!

Just as everyone was speculating about Haitian's identity, a middle-aged man who looked sick and very weak, seemed to be about to die, walked tremblingly.

"Haitian, the old man has been looking for you for many years, but he didn't expect to meet you here! This is a great fortune!"

Haitian turned his head in doubt, looked at the weak man, frowned slightly, and didn't recognize him.

"Oh, you don't know who I am, then you should remember the heavenly ghost?"


Everyone was shocked, and many people knew the name of Heavenly Ghost.

The 30th Sword God on the Sword God list is Xianggu, but before Xianggu, there are actually two Sword Gods who have died.

The first one is the wonderful sound, and the second one is the heavenly ghost!

The wonderful sound was killed by Xianggu, while the sky ghost was trapped alive by a mysterious person with ten three-spirit trapping spell cards!

No one knows who the mysterious person is, but his deeds have been circulating on all continents.

There was a smile on the face of the weak man who appeared suddenly. He looked at the people around him, and then said softly: "The old man is the old man of the five ghosts, Ling Xuan, and the sky ghost was the old man's brother. We are all It’s the Ghost Whisperer. The murderer who killed Big Brother in the first place is the Lord Haitian! Haha, I’m looking forward to it, Haitian! The old man is looking forward to meeting you in the next stage of the election of husbands, and there is no need to say anything else. , Then we will fight life and death!"what!

The black man Haitian turned out to be the first person to gather and use ten three-spirit spell cards!

This is also too shocking. Some of the experts who participated in the competition began to regret it. Maybe they should abandon the selection yesterday and retire directly?

Who are these f*ck players?

The Eastern Long Qin of the Song Clan, Xiaotian the killer of the Demon Clan, Haitian the spell controller of the Spirit Clan, and the blood heir of the Sword God of the Ghost Clan Gui Lingxuan!

This plastic surgery is indeed a bit too powerful!

Although these people are not yet sword gods, they all have the ability to fight sword gods!

"Haha! It's really lively. I didn't expect you to meet seniors who only heard their fame and didn't see their real people on the earth. It's not bad. I am a worthy visit! This earth is indeed a little smaller, with the Sword Spirit Star. Sure enough, it’s unparalleled."

The people around immediately looked at the speaker. In this atmosphere, there are still people who can talk in words. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people.

"The emperor Shangguan, you don't need to say these compliments. As the saying goes, there are talents from generation to generation. Although these people have some reputation, you may not be regarded by them. To put in one’s eyes?"

At this moment, another person was speaking in the crowd opposite the handsome boy.

"Ah, Wuji, you are here too! There are too many people here and I haven't found you yet. Haha! It's so lively, so lively!"

People watched two very handsome teenagers appear, but most of them didn't know each other, and almost no one had heard of the two names of Shangguan Tianzi and Wuji.

Everyone talked about it for a long time, and finally, an old man in a long gown walked out of the crowd and laughed softly:

"Haha! You may not have heard of the emperor Shangguan, but perhaps you should know about his parents. The tiger Shangguan of the god language clan, once fought with the Sword God Xuantian for eighteen universes, sun and moon, and was finally defeated by one move. But although he is already defeated, he is a master with the strength to contend with the true sword god. Tianyue mother Lan Kaifeng of the Wuyu clan once went to Mount Mang alone and killed the seven ancient sword spirit ancestors of Mount Mang, known as Wu Under the puppet, the first person of the Wu clan! Then Shangguanhan and Lan Kaifeng later had a connection, and the life together, the child born was called the emperor Shangguan! This son was a thousand years old and undefeated in the battle with Lan Kaifeng, a thousand years old At the age of five hundred years, Lan Kaifeng and Shangguanhan could not beat him together! Haha, of course, this does not mean that he can be more powerful than the sword god, we all know that as a sword god, there is a sword spirit protector and defense. It is super powerful. Even if a normal attack can defeat the sword god, it cannot destroy their sword spirit's defense, but the Shangguan emperor's ability can definitely make Xuantian choke his wrist and fight the Xuantian sword god undefeated. He is actually very close to the Sword God! Now, he is just two thousand years old, but he has never done anything with anyone other than his parents. It is really difficult for anyone to know how strong he is! Sword God The powerhouses below each have different abilities and different combat powers. I think among the many young people of the Sword Spirit Star, the only one who can fight the emperor Shangguan is Yao Wuji, right?"

What? Such a powerful emperor Shangguan still has an opponent? Who is Yao Wuji?

The old man did not disappoint, and continued to tell: "Yao Wuji is the last son of the main god of the Sky Demon clan. In addition to having the blood of the Sword God, he also has the blood of the ancient Demonic Beasts! What is the real Demonic Beasts? That is with Magical. Beasts is an ancient beast of the same level, that is to say, Yao Wuji's mother is a Demonic Beasts. I think everyone has heard her name, it is the flower bone demon!"

what! ! !

The people around couldn't help but step back a few steps.

The name of Panhua Bone Demon is too loud in the Star of Sword Spirit. It is said that when he fought with the eighth main god, the Sky Demon, and the result was captured by Panhua Bone Demon, no one knows whether this matter is true. There is no follow-up legend and story.

Unexpectedly, the sky demon would have a child with the Panhua Bone Demon, which is too exaggerated! The child of the Lord God and Demonic Beasts, how strong will your mother be? Everyone began to swallow their saliva, only to feel that they were too irritated today. This Yao Wuji and Shangguan Emperor are even more powerful than Dongfang Changqin, Xiaotian, Haitian, and Gui Lingxuan! Who can accept this mud horse?

At this time, the two of Shangguan Tianzi and Yao Wuji frowned deeply. They looked at the old man. After a long time, Shangguan Tianzi said:

"This old man, who are you? You know our affairs so clearly? Why don't I know you?"

"Yes, I haven't seen you either!" Yao Wuji seemed to be very upset because of his identity being revealed.

"Me? Haha, I'm just an old man attracted by the beauty of Princess Linghua, and my name is not mentioned!"

The old man's smile was so false that it made people boring to look at it.

"Huh, there is a saying among the people of the earth that every kind of bird can be called when the forest is big. A lecherous old tortoise also wants to marry Princess Linghua? You may not know who he is, so I will tell you that he is the immortal turtle. He is the best sex person, and he is always willing to come. He is interested in any female creatures. His harem is said to have one hundred thousand female creatures, of which only one tenth is human, and many alien races are needed, like dogs. Something! Humph!"

Turtle fairy!

As soon as these four words were uttered, the people around were shocked again.

The title of the orc turtle fairy is a bit scary. Legend has it that his life span is almost as long as the sword spirit star. It is a life form born at the same time as the first, second, and third sword gods. He is also the oldest of the orcs. The elders are known to be aware of the affairs of the world and understand the love of all people! Even more terrifying is that in the legend, he once cultivated to become a sword god, but because of encountering a god-level curse card slaughter god, he was broken by the sword spirit and fell back to a semi-god state. Then such a strong man who once became a sword god suddenly appeared here, it would naturally be shocking.

So who is the middle-aged man who tells the story of the immortal turtle? Why is his tone so arrogant that he dared to insult Immortal Turtle?

The crowd gathered their gazes on the middle-aged man again as if looking at the flowers.

The immortal turtle narrowed his eyes and said softly as he looked at the visitor:

"Haha, old ghost, don't talk about me, don't you also show up? Why, also want to marry a sword god? I'm afraid you don't have that strength!"

The middle-aged man didn't answer the conversation. He smiled coldly and walked back, as if he didn't intend to say anything.

Guixian's face was gloomy, and he seemed to care about the middle-aged man, so he also stopped talking and retreated into the crowd.

The appearance of Oriental Changqin, Xiaotian, Haitian, Ghost Lingxuan, Shangguan Emperor, Yao Wuji, Turtle Immortal, and mysterious middle-aged man made it difficult for most of the contestants here to feel at ease.

However, there are actually many people who don’t care. The first is because they don’t understand Chinese, and the second is because they are also powerful in own Realm. Therefore, even if these people are really good, they don’t care. fear.

The sword spirit star is big, the master is like a cloud, and the reputation outsiders is calculated by the number of billions. Just these few people, at least Qin An, Princess Linghua, and even the genius of the Nan family, Nan Muchen, did not see it.

Such things as masters are nothing more than eulogized things, no matter how godly they are passed down by people, they are likely to change rapidly when they fight against each other.

Qin An has absolute self-confidence, even if he faces these people, he is very good.

Linghua was a little worried about Qin An at this time. It could be seen that Qin An's strength exceeded Own's imagination, but with these great powers, can he really stand undefeated?

Ah, forget it before, but now Linghua has a good impression of Qin An, which is naturally anxious.

On the rostrum, Mo Yudongchen nodded and chuckled. Behind him are many concubines, and a woman with a veil covering her face among the concubines is the sword god Yin Yao.

Yin Yao's eyes were a bit sharp, she saw Qin An's figure in the crowd at a glance.

In a daze, Yin Yao was a little excited, some couldn't believe it, and then began to ponder.

After a long time, she spoke softly behind Mo Yudongchen.

"Dong Chen, thank you for allowing me to watch your daughter's husband selection meeting. It's really lively!"

"Ah, Master Yin Yao, you are being polite. You were my savior back then. I didn't expect to be able to meet you again on Earth. It's such a joy."

"Dong Chen, you really are a nostalgic person. By the way, I heard that this meeting of husband selection is also the meeting for you to choose your successor?"

"Yes, if you can become Linghua's husband, you can naturally become the king of my Qingjian clan."

"Then if you become the king of the Azure Sword Clan, won't you be able to have many concubines to accompany you? What a good job!"

"Hahaha, Lord Yin Yao, you are joking again. By the way, I originally wanted to take Linghua over to get to know you this morning. Now she has also become the sword god, and you are the senior of the sword god level powerhouse. , I also hope you can help her more. If you can let her worship you as a teacher, that would be even better!"

"Don't dare to be! I heard that Linghua's Little Sister is so beautiful that she is a bit more beautiful than me, so I don't want to be her master. If I can be a sister, I will be satisfied."


Mo Yudongchen is a little dizzy, sisters match? Is this Yin Yao really that Xiangying Sword God he knows? Why is there no shelf at all?Just when Mo Yu Dongchen was puzzled, Yin Yao suddenly said: "Dongchen, I have never found a man. My age is old enough. It is better to use Linghua Little Sister’s folks’ association and choose for myself. How about a husband-in-law?"

"What? This, this... of course it's good, but how do you do it?"

Mo Yu Dongchen was completely shocked and turned back to talk to Yin Yao who was wearing the veil.

At this time, Qin An, who was shifting his eyes around the venue, quickly turned his head to the rostrum, and then spotted Yin Yao.

Qin An was naturally overjoyed, but he didn't expect Yin Yao to finally reach this space too! This means that I have come to a very powerful helper! Although Yin Yao is only in the state of a demigod now, she can summon the sword spirit to return to the state of the true god, that is to say, she can still be a true sword god, but there are some time constraints.

While happy, Qin An also heard Yin Yao's voice, not knowing what she meant.

Just when Qin An and Mo Yudongchen were both puzzled, Yin Yao's eyes crossed a distance of several hundred meters, and she smiled slightly after facing each other with Qin An.

She used a very soft voice and said very hot words.

"I think that the husband chosen by Linghua Little Sister must be the dragon among the people, the best talent. Then I don't need to bother, let me be a gift for Linghua, if a man is selected and is marrying At the same time as Linghua, it would be nice to marry me. King Dongchen, what do you think?"


Mo Yudongchen was blinded, and was frightened by Yin Yao's words.

"This... of course this is fine, but, isn't Master Yin Yao wronged you? What kind of status are you, and how can you treat it as a gift?"

"Well, just be direct, Dong Chen, just say you can agree? And will Linghua object?"

"Naturally I am very happy, and of course I will agree! Linghua will not object, because as the king of the Qingjian clan, she naturally needs some women in the harem. If you can be a sister with her, it is naturally her blessing and also her. In the future, her husband’s blessings, she will definitely be happy for her husband. At this time, the virtues of our Qingjian women will sacrifice their own interests for the husband’s sake."

"Haha! That's good, then I will announce it. I believe this news will make these contestants even more excited? Marrying two sword gods at once, this kind of thing has never happened in the history of Sword Spirit Star. Bar?"

While speaking, Yin Yao stood up suddenly, stepped forward quickly, arrived at the center of the rostrum, pushed away Gao Yu who was about to continue telling the rules of the game, and then summoned the sword spirit!

On top of Yin Yao's head, there was a floating giantess.

The giantess did not wear any clothes, and of course her appearance was different from that of ordinary human beings.

She has a beautiful female face, no hair on her head, and a red "hot" print on her bald head, exuding a faint red light, looking very dazzling.

The giantess has a long neck and a normal woman-like body, which means that she has breasts and a pair of raised peaks.

There are twelve arms on her five-meter-long body, and her hands are dragging twelve colored balls of red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, white, black, sauce, brown, pink, and gray at this time!

On the back of the giantess, there are a hundred and twenty-eight upgraded rune seals floating to form the Feng Shui compass, on which there is a light sword Spiritual Qi that is constantly released.

The woman's lower body is not human, like a dragon, with four sharp claws, more than 30 meters in length, covered with turquoise scales, shimmering with metal-like luster!

After the appearance of the spirit of the sword god, the nearby space of 100 meters began to slowly show a colorful mist, they slowly gathered, and finally formed Rosy clouds floating around, drawing a fantasy for Yin Yao and the spirit of the sword god. A background like a dream!

This is exactly the fifth Sword God skill that Yin Yao activated after he recovered his true body, summoning the spirit of Xiangying Sword God!

At this moment, tens of thousands of people on and off the court were all dizzy. They didn't speak, their eyes were straight. It is estimated that a needle dropped within ten kilometers can be heard.

In the end, someone in the crowd yelled.

"Oh my God! That is the Xiangying Sword God! The Xiangying Sword God ranked 18th on the Sword God list! Am I not dreaming, am I? God! I am not dreaming, am I?...Ah!"

After a cry of pain, the dragon set completed his flattering task, and Guan Rong fainted with excitement!

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