Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1442 Prize Doubled

"Is it really Xiangying Sword God?"

"Absolutely yes, I have seen Xiangying Sword Spirit, like this! And also released so many colorful lightsabers Spiritual Qi, absolutely can't be wrong!"

"This is the Xiangying Sword God? He has such a peerless appearance?"

"Of course, Xiangying's face is not a joke, but I heard that Princess Linghua seems to be more beautiful than Xiangying?"

"Really? When Linghua appeared, most of them were covered with a veil. I have never seen it before."

"Ah, why did Xiangying Sword God appear here?"

There was a lot of discussion, all of them couldn't understand.

After showing his own identity, Yin Yao put away the sword spirit and looked at all the people in the square with a smile.

"Haha! Everyone, welcome to the earth, the deity has lived on the earth for a long time, it has been a full 33 years.

And these years, the deity has a sense of Life, and feels that being alone is a bit boring.

I have had a good relationship with Linghua Little Sister for a long time, and I came here admiringly this time.

Just now, I had a conversation with Green Sword King Mo Yu Dongchen, and then I had a good discussion about some things, then the deity announced here.

Princess Linghua will add some bargaining chips to her husband selection. Once the final candidate is selected, I will marry him together as a gift.

That is to say, as long as you win the meeting of choosing husbands, you can marry two sword gods together. I don't know how you feel about it?

Well, now that I am also a woman to be married, I will not appear in the public at will in the future. I have to cultivate my character for the future husband of Little Sister and me, so that he can like me in the future and avoid being me. Linghua Little Sister is a favorite! Hahaha

After Yin Yao laughed, she stepped out and talked to Qin An with her soul power while walking.

"Qin An, I think you are bound to win. Not only did you compose 4123 poems for Linghua, but also fight Changqin to fight songs. I heard these when I came yesterday! If you plan to marry, then you will also Let’s marry together. I’ve been by your side for eight years, don’t you think it’s just because of the child? The deity could have traveled all over the world, bowed down by thousands of people, admired by the world, but willing to stay by your side, you don’t marry me, How can I explain it to me? I actually don’t care about a status, but I find that status is really important. Only by becoming your wife can we go further. So Qin An, you have to come on! Of course. , I will help you secretly, if the winner is not you, then no matter who it is, the deity will not let him continue to live in this world! Hmph, there are indeed a lot of strong people here, but they really think they are Can you fight against the true sword god? Hahaha!"

Qin An’s head is big. The reason why he came to the selection meeting was actually mainly because of Linghua’s arrogance and wanting to do damage. Now he really wants to be the king of the Qingjian clan. The Qingjian clan is all The clan are all supernatural beings, and Qin An wants to take away this part of the power in preparation for many battles in the future.

Now that he gets along well with Linghua, Qin An actually didn't think too much, because he was very open-minded and knew that some things didn't need to be planned, avoided, or forced.

But he really never thought that Yin Yao would actually get in. This is a bit speechless.

"are you OK?"

"Not so good. I was trapped in another space by the Lost Tree people before and just escaped. That feeling is disgusting. Damn Magical Beasts and the Lost Tree people, I won't give up with them."

"Have you seen the children?"

"No, but don't worry, I will find a way to break through the space barrier these days to find children in other spaces..."

"Do you have a way to break through the space barrier?"

"You can try, this is a maze world, encompassing countless spaces, trapped not only by us, but also many creatures on the Sword Spirit Star. I feel the loopholes in the laws of the maze. It seems that the Sword God level can be in this maze. It’s just that the channel is a bit difficult to find. I will communicate with Linghua when I look back. If only the Sword God level is able to shuttle around, then I and she should have the opportunity to cooperate... Then you don’t have to worry about it, I You won’t tell Linghua that I’m your child’s mother, we’ll get along with ourselves and become good friends... You should understand my ability to get along with women, so don’t worry."

Qin An curled his lips. He did know Yin Yao's ability to get along with women. At least his own wives were very good to Yin Yao and were very close.

The dialogue is over, what else can Qin An do?

Over there, Princess Linghua is dead...

She wondered what the intention of Xiangying Sword God was doing this?

If there is an extra sword god in the own family system, this is naturally a good thing. As a woman of the Qingjian tribe, Linghua will naturally not be jealous.

But... doesn't make sense? Why did Xiangying Sword God do this?

Linghua really thought about it, but she couldn't think that Xiangying's purpose would be Qin An.

All the contestants in the square are crazy!

They originally wanted to marry one sword god, but now they can marry two at once?

Fuck me, are you kidding me? This time it was really a bit of fun!

Participants who originally wanted to give up were all red-eyed with excitement!

This is a meeting of the selection of husbands, the remaining is the king, dangling in front of the two female sword gods, if it is valued, it may be possible to advance without the competition.

And even if the game is going to the end, the rules of the game are specified by the two sword gods. Once they get into the eyes of the sword god, don't the rules change as you want?

As for those who gave up yesterday, they all regretted it and their intestines were blue.

This prize is so rich, a sword god, a throne, and now he has added a damn sword god!

This...this is too tempting.

The life forms on the Sword Spirit Star only have supernatural powers, but they are not true gods. There are seven emotions and six desires, so naturally there is no shortage of greed.

In short, everyone in the audience had forgotten the powerhouse around them, and their eyes revealed a wolf-like light.

"Ah...well, then I'm also here to announce that the winner of this selection of husbands can marry both the Ling foil god, the Xiangying sword god, and the throne of the Green Sword Clan! Hmm... ...Master Xiangying Sword God came by accident, and this king is also a little dizzy. Let’s continue the selection meeting. After all, time is tight. Today we are going to eliminate until only a thousand people are left. Our task is still very heavy!"

Mo Yudongchen was indeed dizzy, Yin Yao had already left at this time, even if he wanted to find someone to find out the situation, he had no goal.

Ah, this thing is too bizarre, and Mo Yudongchen, who has a fairly good IQ, can't understand the situation at all.

Gao Hao, who was already dumbfounded, was pushed by Yin Yao and fell down. He was sitting on the ground and hurriedly got up when he heard Mo Yudongchen's words. He tidyed up his clothes and said to the people in embarrassment:

"Haha, I'm overjoyed! This, this, this is definitely a surprise, it scares me to death! Then follow my king's will, let's continue the election meeting, which item should we proceed?"

Gao Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally focused his eyes, and saw the five hundred ladies who had been standing for a long time.

"Ah, yes, yes, the situation is a bit sudden, and the excitement brought by the Lord Xiangying Sword God is too great. Then I will announce the rules of today's first knockout match. Have you seen these five hundred palace ladies? They are actually me. The female swordsmen of the Sword Prison Legion of the Blue Sword Clan, everyone knows that the sword prison of my Clan Sword Clan is invincible. Even the Sword God cannot easily crack it. The small sword prison formed by these five hundred palace ladies is also very powerful! The topic of this time is very simple, they will set up a small sword prison between you, and you only need to be able to do it within an hour without hurting them. If you are not forced out of the circular square, then you can be promoted. If you can’t resist their attacks and finally leave the circular square, then you will be eliminated. Our female swordsman will not immediately kill her. But if you are forced to the side of the venue, but you still choose not to leave, then we are not responsible for the manslaughter! If you are afraid of death, everyone present can withdraw immediately. We will never stay. This is your wish. It’s a matter of course, so I’ll give you five minutes to choose a time!"

When Gao Yu spoke, five hundred female swordsmen had already filed into the crowd, and then chose their respective ranges to arrange the so-called sword prison small formation.

This formation is a bit awesome. It was created by a Master Green Sword many years ago. After the formation was completed, it defeated many experts without a single defeat.

The twenty-fourth Sword God heard about some legends about this formation, and specially came to challenge it once.

As a result, the ancient sword god was trapped in three universes and failed to break the formation day and night, and finally chose to withdraw from the big formation.

Since then, the Sword Prison Array has become famous all over the world.

So now when people hear that the formation of these five hundred female swordsmen is a small formation of sword prison, they all dare not take lightly and become nervous.

After five minutes, within an hour, 500 ladies launched a challenge to many contestants.

The blue sword flew to the sky, suspended 100 meters above everyone's heads, and the released blue sword light instantly covered the sky, as if it were the essence, as if the blue sword had become more than ten times larger, and its momentum was a bit like the heavenly killing sword in Fantasy novels. Array, the released energy brings a sense of oppression to everyone.

Suddenly, the 500 ladies have all started, and a group of five opened fist attacks on the people around them. They are no longer those cute and harmless women. Each of them has reached a demigod state. The sword repairers of the Four Souls Realm and the abilities of the same level have nothing but escape, and they have no power to fight back against the attacks of the ladies!

People were shocked, wondering why so many ordinary court ladies could reach the demigod. Could this be the terrifying true strength of the Blue Sword Clan?

Qin An has part of the memory of the true fire sword god, so he still has some understanding of this sword prison formation, he dare not care.

But five minutes later, Qin An's nervousness disappeared, looking at Linghua, she also looked at herself slyly.

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