Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1446 Twin Sword God

Inside the castle of Union Tucheng, Weng Die woke up from her sleep and found that the woman she knew from her memory was sitting next to her.


Is this a dream? Weng Die felt that this must be a dream. She clearly remembered that Own's mother was already dead.

"Good boy, this is not a dream, mom... Mom came to see you, but she should have come to see you a long time ago. For eighteen years, she wanted to see you... Trapped in a labyrinth world, do you know how complicated my mother's mood is? Before, I could only let my soul consciousness float to your side to accompany you. Now you are close to my mother, but my mother doesn't know how to meet you , Just because my mother lied to all four of your siblings

"Mom! You... you are so real, can you tell me? All this is not a dream? Little Brother is dead. He died in Shanlan City. I failed to protect him and turned him into a killer. ! Mom, I'm so stupid, am I?"

Weng Die threw herself into her mother's arms, crying like a tearful person.

The woman hugged Weng Die tightly in her arms and gently stroked her hair. Instead of crying, she had a sweet smile on her face.

"It's not a dream, it's not a dream! If you want to know all the specific stories, just ask Qin An, my mother has already told him. My mother will return to the real state and become the ancestor of Magical Beasts, and then enter Qin An's body to do it. Parasitic beast. Don’t blame your mother for being partial, because his genetic energy is more powerful and primitive, so mother should choose him instead of you, I am afraid that you will not be able to carry more of my power.

Now my mother is leaving, because my mother's consciousness cannot continue, and the life form of consciousness has exhausted all its energy and is about to end.

Mom will make you a twin sword god, and combine you and Weng Xiaodie into one! From then on, you will become a powerful person with five skills.

Two-body resonance allows you to have a rotating immortal body, as well as instant physical enhancement capabilities. It means that you can be divided into two. If one of the bodies is seriously injured, then as long as the other body is still alive, you can heal yourself at any time, and the demobilized body can continuously Ascension ability, the Ascension ability of this ability There is no upper limit, only time limit. The more times you resurrect, the shorter the duration of Ascension.

Super brain is stiff, your three sisters, including your dead Little Brother, actually have some brains upgraded because of me. After you become the sword god, your brain control ability will become stronger. You are the individual intelligent creature under the sword god Realm. You can control them, let them work for you, or even let them commit suicide, they can't resist! Of course, the effect of this trick is not so obvious when facing sword blades and low-intelligence beasts, but it can limit the opponent's ability and mobility.

Gemini pulse, a kind of spatial limitation magic, this is a very powerful ability that my mother has realized over the years. You can make a strong energy pulse appear between the two clones. This pulse has infinitely powerful energy attributes. Almost none of the opponents in the pulse is immune to damage, which means that if you want to kill an enemy, you only need to make him and your two bodies in a straight line at three points, as long as the enemy enters the straight line between you and the other clone. Space, the pulse can burst out instantly, and then ignore the defense, most of the opponents of the Sword God Realm are also unable to defend, unless it is the nine main gods.The body of Magical Beasts, this is the inherent attribute of the mother. The mother's body is Magical Beasts, so it originally has a very terrifying and powerful defense ability. Then this skill is combined with the ability of double resonance, plus the sword spirit protection, even if your defense one day faces the nine main gods, it should not be easily broken.

Because you have my blood, and because Qin An brought your comrades into this space, it is not easy for your mother to make you a god in one step, so you must make good use of it.

This world is undergoing tremendous changes. The earth has become the gate of space, connecting thousands of worlds. One day you will find that no matter how powerful you are, in such a world it is just a dust, and we still cannot escape. The bondage of nature.

So cherish the people in front of you, and act directly if you want to be with anyone. You don’t need to have any taboos, and you should not be restricted by any traditional thinking. The only thing your mother can help you is this, and then it’s up to you to own it. !

Now there is such a good opportunity. Didn’t your brother-in-law go to the election meeting? You go too, don't let Linghua and Yin Yao take advantage of your Big sis for nothing.

After that, you have to cooperate sincerely. This space was created by me. I finally created this space after I don’t know how many years. It is very powerful because I trapped a lot of people from the mysterious tree tribe with it. The space and the quagmire are the two major Magical Beasts are also trapped in the cracks of this space, and they will eventually show up.

This space is also very special, because it is the only world with space beasts. These space beasts are actually my imagination. The fans of the orcs can use their consciousness to manipulate them to do something. As their creator, I treat them. Unable to intervene. But I know that the energy source of these space beasts is actually the majestic power of energy contained in each world. As long as you can kill the final space beast, then maybe the maze world will collapse and the maze channel will spread to A corner beyond the earth. A huge space-time estimate that takes your time and space as the midpoint and connects all new worlds will be formed. At that time, the space-time position of the earth will become the center of the universe, and all life forms in this space-time of Life will enter a brand new one. Epoch, that is the new era after the end of the world, I can be called the creation!

Daughter, go find such a broad road. Together with Qin An, a new era is bound to come. You will become legends where the world is created, and will be remembered and admired by later generations. Just like the stories that your mother often told you when you were young. "

"Pangu opens the world? Did Nuwa make people say?"

Weng Die was a little confused, and whispered with tears in her eyes:

"Yes, in the next century, you will also become these legendary god-tiers. After ten thousand years, you will be legends!"

"Are we still alive then?"

"Yes, your life span will be very long. You can feel Life with your heart. Mom is telling you at the end, no matter how long your life is, you must find the meaning of your life and a reference to prove that you are alive. Otherwise, there will be no value in life."

"Reference object?"

"Yes, mother's living reference is your sisters. Because of your existence, I feel that I am meaningful. What about you? My lovely daughter? What is your living reference?"

"I...I have no reference, Mom! My daughter has been living alone all these years."

"Yes, mother knows your loneliness, so...open your heart, get what you want, whatever you want, as long as you can prove that you still have a warm body, then everything is not a problem Now! Weng Die, do you like your brother-in-law?"

"Once...not annoying."

"Then what?"

"Often...I think of it."

"What about now?"

"Now...I have a dream

"Why do you want a man who is already by your side to meet you in a dream?"

"Because he is a little different in the dream

Weng Die was lying in her mother's arms. In fact, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. Her face was flushed and her consciousness was cloudy.

The woman hugged Weng Die tighter, her body exuding a faint light.

"In his dream, how is he different?"

"He... is a bit bad. It is a deep dense forest. I lost my way in it, walking constantly, and my heart was full of fear. Suddenly, I saw him, he was... . He is holding the little brother for convenience, mother, I shouldn’t have watched it at the beginning, but I still watched it. Later... afterwards he was very rascal and spanked me. That night, I was resentful. Endless. That night, I have never forgotten. Mom, why on earth is this?"

"Mom used to be an earthling, so I know how you feel.

Do you know why I fell in love with Weng Lan and Li Ying's father?

It’s just because he was dumbfounded at my appearance when he was grabbing a taxi with me, and then actively, obediently gave me the taxi, and hurriedly stuffed it into the window when the taxi drove away. A business card. I fell in love with him because of how amazing he was for me.

Then, I married your father and gave birth to you and your Little Brother. Do you know why I fell in love with your father?

Just because when I was walking with Weng Lan in the rain, he ran down from the car and held up an umbrella for me.

I love him because of his kindness and sensitivity.

Since my mother realized that she is a woman, she has always felt that a woman is actually a very simple creature.

With one thought, a woman can fall in love with anyone, and with one thought, a woman can also create a world for this man!

Weng Die, believe in your own feelings, and go forward courageously according to your feelings. This is your duty and right as a woman!

That's all mom can tell you

After these words, the woman's figure finally disappeared, turned into a stream of light and flew away. Her life of consciousness ended, and she would transform into the real body of Magical Beasts and merge into Qin An's body, becoming the first parasitic beast in Qin An's body now.

Her life was very sad. She was trapped in the world born by herself, but was controlled by the force of nature and could not control her own Life.

The so-called nature includes all things including the sky, earth, man, sun, moon, and stars, and all emotions and wills including thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, recollections, and forgetfulness. Super energy aggregates, the so-called thousands of worlds are just a point in nature, and even the entire universe is also a kind of existence in nature.

On the bed, Weng Die, who was sitting on the bed silly, was left alone in a daze. For a long time, she couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality.

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